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Run Page 28

by Anna White

  “I’m gonna go and find something to wear from Chloe’s room? I’ll see you later? Or tomorrow?” She seemed tiny today. My hands ran over her arms and I watched her relax slightly. Why is she in such a weird mood?

  “Are you avoiding telling me something Miss Holt?” I raised my brow in her direction and felt her kiss my cheek. The sensation of her lips against my skin almost burned and I turned my head to kiss her. She pulled away softly and ran her finger over my nose.

  “Not at all.” She grinned and left me. Just like that. She’d disappeared. I rolled my eyes and turned on the shower. I looked down at my hand. Tom and his five friends would have to do this morning.

  Jay had decided on coming with me to Exeter. He’d cancelled his meetings to come shopping with me for Av.

  “What about a car?” I pointed toward the Mercedes garage and heard him laugh.

  “I think she’d make you take it back.” He chuckled and I joined him. It was true she would. “What about a pair of shoes? Don’t all women love shoes?” He suggested and I groaned.

  “She’d make me take them back too.” My breath was warm against the cold December air. I glanced at Jay who was wrapped up in a scarf and walked into the shopping complex. “I’m never gonna find her anything.” I’d never known a woman not like gifts. Most of the girls I’d dated loved it. Including Chlo, but not her.

  “Just think about it. What does she like?” I remembered her talking while we were away about needing more picture frames and I shrugged.

  “She said she needed more frames for pictures of her and the girls.” He nodded.

  “That’d be nice? I swear they do them in Next?” I laughed as he paced towards the huge next in the shopping complex. We walked through the isles and I passed a few. There were so many of the fucking things. Jay had completely lost interest and he was now picking up random shit and showing it to me. I placed my hand on some nice white ones and placed them in the basket. “What you got me?” Jay peaked around the pillow he was holding and I laughed.

  “Me?” He threw the pillow towards me and I ducked. It flew and hit some older lady in the back of the head. I was already bent down so began to look at the flowers that were in front of me as I heard her cursing. Jay was laughing quietly to himself and I shook my head. He’s gonna get us thrown out.

  “Are you done in here now?” He looked exhausted and I nodded.

  “I’m gonna get her a nice pair of shoes and some form of jewellery. She wears a nice ring maybe she’d like another one.” Jay scoffed as he stood next to me.

  “You gonna ask her to marry you?” I laughed and punched his arm.

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Maybe buy her a necklace then. If you pull out a little box she’s gonna have a heart attack.” He was grinning like a chipmunk as we hit the tills and paid for the frames. He pointed at them.

  “Chlo has a nice picture of you two actually!” My mouth almost fell open.

  “What?” My words were quiet.

  “The night from the meal with your family. Chlo has a lovely picture. You could put that in one?” I grimaced. I remembered how I felt that night. Like I wanted to rip her dress off. I caught my sigh and continued to walk from the store towards Jimmy Choo. Jay pulled on my coat away from the store. “Red bottoms not Jimmy Choo.” I rolled my eyes at him and followed him. He knew women better than anyone. The only problem was Av wasn’t just any woman.

  Jay left not long after I purchased her shoes. I’d been torn on what to get her after he’d admitted I might give her a heart attack giving her a little box. I found myself standing outside the jewellers and heard a small voice from beside me.

  “Can I help you sir?” There was a small redhead stood next to me dressed in smart attire. I shook my head softly.

  “I don’t know.” I struggled to speak. Why was I nervous!? I shook my head again in an attempt to calm myself down.

  “Is it a gift?” I nodded. She seemed to light up. “For your girlfriend?” She looked at my hand that was holding the bags and I chuckled slightly.

  “Sort of.” A humoured confused look spread across the red heads face. “It’s her birthday tomorrow.” She grimaced.

  “Oh dear I bet she hates that. Having a birthday so close to Christmas?” I didn’t know if she hated it. She hadn’t even told me that it was her birthday tomorrow.

  “She’s 21 so it’s a big birthday, I wanted to get her something nice.” I glanced down towards her, she smiled softly and looked at the bags I was holding.

  “And you thought she wouldn’t like the expensive red bottoms?” She raised her brow playfully and I laughed a little.

  “They weren’t my idea. I’d have gone for Jimmy Choo’s.” I stated bluntly and watched her flush pink. She almost instantly paled in colour and I grinned before I looked back at the vast amount of rings. I pictured her thumb ring. It was silver and a leaf. It was dainty in design, just like her and I found myself staring into the window.

  “Well I’m sure she’ll love anything you pick, she’s very lucky.” Her soft voice faltered and I shook my head.

  “Can you show me that one?” I pointed towards a small diamond ring. It glimmered under the lights and she nodded.

  “If you follow me I’d be happy to?” Her face was covered in freckles beneath her foundation and I nodded and followed her in. Couples were hand in hand inside the shop. I couldn’t have been more out of my comfort zone if I’d tried. I waited at the glass counter for her to come back with the ring and gazed at a necklace. I’d rarely seen her wear any. I’d have to ask her why. I smiled to myself. “Here you go.” She showcased the ring. I took it in my hand and examined it. The teardrop shape was perfect. I found the humour in presenting it to her. I held in a slight laugh and nodded. “You have expensive taste.” The little redhead stated. I tilted my head and frowned slightly.

  “What do you mean?” She smiled to herself before she shrugged.

  “You’ve probably picked the most expensive ring in this place.” The fucked thing was most men would be having a heart attack right now and I didn’t care in the slightest. I had money, money wasn’t an issue. I’d throw money at anything. It was blood money.

  “Go on?” I smirked to myself and watched her pull on her colleagues arm. She was platinum blonde and taller. I knew the look in her eye and looked back at the ring I was holding.

  “It’s 20 grand.” She smirked to herself. I was half expecting her to laugh and I smirked back at her.

  “That’s fine?” Her mouth dropped and she too flushed. I probably didn’t look like the type of guy that would have that sort of money lying around in a bank and I shouldn’t but I did. “Where do I pay?” The blonde tucked her hair behind her ear and looked towards the redhead, the redhead smiled widely at me and she placed the ring back in the box.

  “What size?” She smiled my way as the blonde walked off.

  “Let me just find out?” I pulled my phone from my pocket and rang Chlo. It rang 4 times, 5 and then she picked up. “Av’s ring size?” I questioned. She didn’t reply.

  “Wait what?” There was silence again “which finger? Like engage,” she began and I chuckled.

  “No, her other hand, same finger though.” There was a moment of silence before I heard Nancy’s voice.

  “She’s got tiny hands, I’d probably go for a K?” I smiled.

  “You sure?” I questioned.

  “Yes I’m sure.” I smiled.

  “Thanks Nance.” I placed the phone down and glanced at the red head who was still smiling. “A K apparently.” She grinned at me and nodded.

  “You’ll have to sign a fair few documents. The diamond is like 2.0 carat the smaller ones around the outside at 0.25 each and it’s on a platinum band.” Nothing she said made any sense so I simply nodded at her. I signed the papers and watched as she boxed it up. “Do you want it gift wrapped?” I nodded at her and watched her do it. She seemed full of high spirits and I listened to the Christmas music playing through the shop.
“I hope she loves it.” She said beaming. The blonde was stood next to her with her arms folded and I smiled politely at them both.

  “Hopefully.” The blonde shifted on her heels and I reached out to shake the redheads hand. “Thanks for your help.” Her colour turned back to that pink shade and I smiled at her again she simply nodded and tucked her curly hair behind her ear.

  “Not a problem. If you have any issues you know where to find us.” She beamed. “Merry Christmas!” She called after me. I waved at her and made my exit. You’ve just spent nearly 30 grand on her… My subconscious couldn’t quite believe it. I laughed to myself as I made my way back to find my car in the car park. Jay was gonna throw a fit.

  Holt - December 20th - Saturday

  The sound of the girls giggling made my eyes open.

  “Happy Birthday to you!” Soph began to sing.

  “Happy Birthday to you!!!” Chlo joined in,

  “Happy Birthday dear Avayyyyyyyy, Happy Birthday to you!” Nance finished. I groaned and laughed all at the same time before my eyes opened wider. They were all gathered on the end of my bed in my own home and I smiled at them all. Missy had taken a rain check last night after our shopping trip. She’d been pissy since the morning when she entered Haz’s room. I still hadn’t told him it was my Birthday. I’m 21! My mum burst through the doors holding two balloons, the numbers two and one. They were huge and I scrambled to my feet to hug her. I squeezed her tightly and felt her hands wrap around my back.

  “Happy birthday sweetheart.” She kissed my cheek softly and I held her a little tighter. The girls had stayed over last night. They didn’t want me on my own. 21 was a big birthday apparently. She smiled behind me at my friends before she released me.

  “Breakfast is ready when you are.” I could smell it from where I stood.

  “I love that smell.” Nance licked her lips and I grinned and walked down the stairs. Chlo threw my phone my way.

  “You have a birthday message.” I smirked and swiped my screen to unlock it.

  Haz: Happy Birthday Beautiful x

  I smiled to myself and shook my head.

  “You told him?” She grinned and floated down the stairs effortlessly. I envied her for always looking flawless. I walked down the stairs and found them all demolishing pancakes in the kitchen. My mum was singing as she washed up the dishes and I watched Soph demolish hers in one fowl swoop. I sat next to Nance and she pushed a little box my way. It was wrapped in pink and I smiled towards her. She wiped her mouth, the remainder of syrup from her chin and nodded towards the box.

  “I hope you like it.” I began to open the tiny box and inside was a small charm. It was a feather and I felt tears prick in my eyes.

  “It’s lovely thank you.” I ran my fingers over the tiny charm. Chlo handed me another box. I raised my brow in her direction and she smiled, she was sat next to me on the wooden table and was cupping her tea in her hands.

  “I hope you like it.” She gave me an almost coy look and I began to unwrap the box. The silver dainty chain hosted the most lovely charms. Nancy’s gift made more sense now. I smiled widely and caught the tear that fell from my cheek. It was the most thoughtful thing anybody other than my mum had brought me. She cuddled me softly and I smiled.

  “The tree is my favourite.” She muttered against my head. “It’s a symbol for family.” A wave of appreciation for a friend like her consumed me. I squeezed her slightly tighter and watched her smile and flush pink. “Jay thought you’d find it weird.” She scoffed a laugh and I shook my head.

  “No I love it.” I placed it around my arm and watched as she did the clasps up. I showed my mum and smiled to myself. It was beautiful. Soph’s hazel eyes glanced at it and she grinned widely. She was shit at buying gifts. She always had been. I watched as she wiped her fingers on the towel resting on the table.

  “I brought you a new dressing gown.” I chuckled and watched her smile. “Hey it’s a nice dressing gown!” She shoved my shoulder softly and I smiled to myself. I placed her head in my arm and ruffled the top of her hair so that it stood up.

  “Thanks ladies.” I beamed. My mum snuggled me from behind and I squeezed her hands softly. The radio continued to blare out Christmas songs and I frowned. “If I have to endure All I Want For Christmas, one more time today I think I might cry.” They all laughed and I smiled widely. Mum moved herself from off my shoulders and placed a pancake in her mouth.

  “We’re going out for a meal later on. To celebrate.” Chloe glanced towards my mum who nodded.

  “We thought you’d like a meal instead of a piss up.” Nance added. I scowled at her. I’d have liked a little bit of both.

  “Lover boy will be there.” Sophs eyes danced as she spoke and I shook my head.

  “No idea who you’re talking about.” A sound of giggles boomed from around me. I loved them all so very much but right now bringing this up in front of my mum was embarrassing to say the least. I ran my fingers over the charms that were dancing against my arm and flushed.

  “Oh give it up Av.” Teased Nance. She winked at my mum who shook her head and wandered away into the living room. Almost instantly I threw a spoon towards Nance. She ducked quickly and laughed. “Hey!” She squeaked and I frowned.

  “Stop it not around my mum! Fuck sake.” I straightened myself out and pushed my hair behind my ear. Soph sat up a little straighter. I knew that meerkat stance. A million questions were coming my way.

  “The only reason you’d be this embarrassed would be if,” her eyes softened as she looked at me. I was growing redder in colour I could feel it. My cheeks were burning under her glare. Nance already knew and I’d guessed Chlo knew but I’d never actually told Soph. “Oh my God!” She almost screamed and I shook my head. “Oh our little Av’s all grown up!” I wanted to hit her square in the face. Chlo held in a cackle from beside me and I frowned up at her.

  “Stop it! It was ages ago!” I threw an apple from the fruit bowl that was perched on the table in front of us at her and she caught it.

  “Was it with your brother!?” I growled at her and heard Chlo laugh.

  “He wishes.” I placed my head in my hands and wanted to crawl up my own arse. Soph was good at making already fucked up situations even worse.

  “Harry then?” She didn’t say another word. I think Nance had said something to shut her up. I pushed off from the table as my phone began to ring. It was Jay. I showed Chlo and she smiled. I placed the phone to my ear and heard a few lads singing.

  “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Avay!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!” I chuckled before I shook my head. My heart warmed as I heard them laughing from the other end of the phone. I’d never heard any of them so happy.

  “Thank you!” I leant against the door frame of the kitchen and messed with the string on my pj bottoms.

  “Are you getting ready at home or here tonight? We’ve got gifts!” Jay spouted. “Even Jamane has got you something.” I smirked a little and heard Jamane curse.

  “She’s getting ready here!” Chlo shouted towards me and I coughed.

  “Then we will have to bombard your house!” Alfie exclaimed and I watched the girls smile widely.

  “I don’t think my mum would appreciate that.” I grinned as they all fell silent. “I’ll get ready at yours Alfie.” I could imagine their faces and that made me smile. “See you later.” I muttered softly before I placed the phone down.

  We stayed at my little home for most of the day. It was great, mum seemed relaxed, Chlo had left to get something from Alfie’s and checkup on Missy and Nance and Soph had practically slept all day. The television was constantly playing Christmas film after film and it had only just got warm in my mums before we left. The short walk, went by quickly and my chattering lips stopped when we hit Alfie’s house. The underfloor heating was apparent and as I exhaled and rubbed my hands together I was hugged by Alfie in the hallway.

  “I’ll see you at your dinner later? Happy Birthday!
” He kissed my cheek as he swooped by me and exited the house, his blonde hair swished as he placed on a beanie and I watched the door close. I made my way towards the living room and heard an explosion of popping and I smiled widely. Jays face was lit up, he was grinning from ear to ear and he patted Haz’s shoulder. I felt Jamane pick me up and squeeze me.

  “21 hey!?” He ruffled my hair and I nudged him softly, I glanced towards Buddy who reached down to hug me slightly. He seemed awkward and I smiled as I squeezed him. I liked him, he was cheeky but I think really he was shy deep down.

  “Happy Birthday sweetie.” He took a breath as I released him and ran to cuddle both Jay and Haz. They wrapped their arms around me and I smiled to myself. I bloody loved them. I looked towards the corner of the living room to see a large Christmas tree in the corner. There were presents underneath and though beautiful it seemed oddly new. Too perfect. The one at mums was older than me. I smiled at the thought.

  “Happy Birthday Avay.” Haz kissed my cheek softly and I flushed a deep crimson colour. His lips lingered against the skin on my cheek and I pulled away slowly. I wasn’t used to him being this affectionate in front of people. The 21 balloons were also here only this time they weren’t pink in colour they were a rosey gold. I watched Jay’s face light up as he followed my line of site.

  “Chlo said your mum had brought you some too but I couldn’t help it.” His shoulders rose and fell and I shook my head.

  “No thank you they’re perfect.” I had never seen him so enthusiastic before over anything. He’d always been cold and unfriendly but now it was as if a switch had shifted inside him. Harry’s eyes were fixated on the tree and I nudged him softly with my arm. His eyes were heavy as he looked towards me and I found myself getting lost in them.

  “Hey?” He smiled softly at me and I smiled back.

  “Hey?” I answered him and watched him run his fingers over my cheek. I heard a whistle from next to us and watched Chlo give me a cheeky wink. I smiled at her and shook my head. “Why’d you look so sad?” I whispered and watched him shrug.


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