
Home > Nonfiction > Run > Page 29
Run Page 29

by Anna White

  “This was never a good time of year for me.” He whispered against my ear and I nodded. “Will you meet me in my room once your ready?” I smiled and ran my hands either side of his face.

  “Sure, where are we going?” His breathing slowed and I felt his hands rest on my back.

  “The Fountain.” I ran my nose across his and heard Jay clear his throat.

  “Alright you two calm down.” I instantly dropped my hands from his face. I’d forgotten how close I was to him. I forgot we were surrounded by people. He kept me close to him and ran his lips against my jaw, my eyes fluttered closed and I smiled. “Oh fucking hell.” Jay moaned. My eyes opened as I glanced towards him. He was giving us the evil eye and I bit down on my lip. It felt strange being open about what we really were. I felt Harry’s mouth press against my jaw and he released me.

  “See you shortly.” I smiled at him and nodded as I watched him walk away.

  “I don’t know how you’ve both kept this in for so long.” Chlo muttered and as I turned to look at her the faces of my friends were all shocked. I could feel myself flushing under their stares and cleared my throat. Her eyes were twinkling and I shook my head.

  “No idea what you’re talking about.” I pulled on Chloe’s arm softly and made her exit the room with me, she giggled softly and followed me out of dumbfounded crowded room and I instantly relaxed.

  “Will that be everyone’s reaction?” I questioned and she shrugged.

  “I don’t know,” her tone was quiet “I’ve never seen him like that with anybody.” The butterflies in my tummy suddenly became apparent. “He was so warm and gooey… it was pretty sickening to be honest.” She gave me a wink and I spluttered a laugh. I adored her honesty.

  “I don’t know where the fountain is? How do I dress?” She leant against the wall a little and ran her fingers through her hair examining her split ends.

  “I’ve brought a few dresses from your wardrobe and there’s a couple in mine if you want to choose from them?” She landed back in the conversation when she released her hair. “You’ll be fine you look lovely in a bin bag I’ve told you this before.” She patted my shoulder softly and turned on her heel. Well her fluffy slipper and returned to the living room. I on the other hand needed to relax. A bath would fix it.

  I ran my hands over the clothes in the wardrobe. Chloe’s were a little too daring for me. I didn’t want black so the long one she’d chosen from my wardrobe was no use. I sat on the floor in her walk in, my legs were crossed and so were my arms. Footsteps echoed on the wood flooring behind me and I looked up. Nance was dressed to kill, her tall and athletic shape could be seen through the emerald dress and I whistled. Her eyes rolled as she held her hand out for me to take. I shook my head.

  “I can’t find anything to wear.” She choked back her laughter and hauled me to my feet.

  “Are you fucking kidding?” Her perfect eyebrow raised as she questioned me “You’re sat in Chloe Conways walk in wardrobe and you’re telling me you can’t find one dress?” As a matter of fact that was exactly what I was saying. She looked fucking stunning. I could never dream of pulling off something like that. I wasn’t the right shape. I examined the dress. It was the most wonderful shade of green, velvet in material and wrapped around her waist in the most perfect way. I sighed and watched her glance at a few dresses before she pulled slightly on a familiar blush pink. My eyes widened as I recognised the dress. It was the very same one I’d worn for Grace and Harvey’s wedding. I loved that dress. “This is the dress Av.” I wanted to hug her. She’d always managed to save me when I was in need. I simply grinned.

  “I have to give it to your mum, she knows how to dress.” She chuckled and shrugged as I hugged her. She leant to kiss my cheek.

  “You’re a beautiful lady, I’ve never understood the way your mind works.” I watched her run her hand through her almost shoulder length red bob and frowned. “Just because you’re not straight up and down doesn’t mean you are fat,” she poked my stomach hard and I reached to slap her hand “your tummy is a washboard now get dressed.” She ordered, the sound of her heels exiting the walk in was apparent and I smirked slightly. I took one final look in the mirror. My wild dark hair surrounded my face. I’d left it in it’s natural wave and added a little more make up than usual. It was a special occasion. I was 21!

  I had borrowed a pair of Chloe’s shoes. They matched the dress and I’d grown tired of making choices. My feet sank into the carpet of the hallway as I wandered to Haz’s room. Soon my feet would be throbbing. I exhaled as I knocked on his door. There were a few voices coming from inside and I opened the door slightly. I poked my head around the door to see Jay, and Alfie and Buddy all stood in suites and smiled softly at them all. Buddy looked so sweet. I watched him blush and offered him a warm smile.

  “Bloody hell Av,” Alfie’s voice was high and as I looked towards him I noticed both Jay and Haz shoot him a disapproving look. I bit down on my lip and looked towards the shoes in my hand. “You look,” This was awkward. He stumbled on his words

  “Fucking stunning.” Buddy finished and I glanced back in Haz’s direction. His navy suit fitted him well. His shoulders looked wider (if that was even possible) and his muscular shape was noticeable underneath. “You lucky bastard.” A hand flew towards his chest and he blocked it with efficiency. A chuckle escaped my lips and they all looked towards me. An army of grey, black and blue suited men.

  “You all look lovely too.” I beamed at them. Buddy adjusted the collar of his sky blue shirt before he hit Alfie on the back. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit before Alf?” He ran his fingers through the front of his messy blonde hair and shrugged softly.

  “I used to wear them all the time but not so much anymore.” I grinned at his confession. I was yet to find out how Alfie had acquired all this money. Part of me hoped he wasn’t involved in the drugs or dirty money. I cleared my throat and watched as they slowly descended from the bedroom. Leaving us alone. His eyes wandered over me for a split second before he offered me a smile. His eyes grew darker with need and I blushed again.

  “I love this dress.” He almost floated towards me, his hand wrapped my hair up in the sexiest way and I placed my hand on his shoulder softly. “I think I fell in love with you that night.” He confessed and I smiled softly against his lips. I will never tire of him saying that. I shook my head softly.

  “Was it the way I played the piano for you Mr Vens?” I spoke softly, not recognising my own voice and felt the corners of his mouth tilt upwards.

  “Not quite.” I smiled softly and ran my hand over his neck. “Probably the way when I twirled you around your dress made you look like a fairy?” His tone was teasing and I smirked.

  “Oh yeah that was it.” I rolled my eyes and heard his gruff laugh escape his lips. I instantly melted.

  “I have a gift for you.” He released me, to my dismay and walked into his office carrying a large bag. Though curious I wasn’t looking forward to finding what was inside. I placed my shoes down on the bedroom floor and held my hands out. He grinned as he gave me the bag. It was a huge bag. I placed it on his bed and realised it didn’t make the bed dip as I’d expected.

  “Haz what’s in here?” I glanced up at his blue eyes, they were excited.

  “My main gift.” He paused as he met my gaze “don’t freak out and your other gift I’ll give you at dinner.”

  “One gift was enough?” He shrugged.

  “You have 3. I enjoyed spoiling you.” I frowned.

  “Do I want to ask you how much they cost?” His smile grew wider, his mouth opened and I placed my hand over his mouth. “I don’t want to know.” He laughed and pointed towards the bag.

  “Please open it.” I rolled my eyes, placing my hand inside the bag and feeling around. There were tons of wriggly pink scraps of paper. I groaned as I dug deeper. My hand reached a hard medium sized cold object. I looked back towards him and he nodded. I pulled on it and hauled out a frame. It was m
irrored and to my delight from next. I exhaled loudly with relief and watched him blush.

  “Thank god.” I heard him laugh.

  “Open it up Av there’s two in one. I thought it would be nice on your bedside table?” I smiled at him.

  “You remembered I needed frames?” He shrugged. I did as he asked and opened the frame. Inside were two pictures, my mouth fell open as I realised there was one of us. The one was from the night I met his family, his head is next to mine, his hands are resting on my chair. I am smiling against his cheek, my head tilted towards him and he’s looking just over behind whoever took the picture. I chuckled and ran my hand over it. The other was from the night at the bonfire. His stupid beanie is lopsided and I am on his back. My arms are wrapped around his neck and we are laughing. I glanced up at him and he was smiling too. I dropped the frame on his bed and wrapped my arms around him. He squeezed me softly and I felt tears prick in my eyes.

  “I’m guessing you like them?” I nodded and kissed his cheek softly.

  “I love them!” I admitted. “Who took them?” I moved from within his grip and he chuckled.

  “Chlo.” I smirked and rolled my eyes.

  “I could have guessed.” I looked back at the large bag and smiled to myself. “I love the effect of the big bag.” I placed the frame on his bedside table and admired the pictures of us. They were natural and not staged. “We really weren’t great at hiding us were we?” I smirked and looked at him.

  “I thought we did a great job until I saw those photo’s.” He nodded towards the frame before he made his way towards it and pointed at the one from the dinner. “That one’s a dead give away.” I laughed a little and shrugged before I leant down to place my shoes on.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I looked back towards the picture. He was right. I was practically kissing him. This was in front of his family.

  “I don’t remember smiling that night.” I looked at him admiring the picture. “Actually that may have been when you were telling me you had no knickers on.” He raised his brow at me and I flushed red.

  “It may have been.” My voice was quiet and I watched him hold out his hand.

  “C’mon they’ll be thinking we’re having a quickie.” I laughed and took his hand in mine. We exited his room and made our way down the stairs. Alfie was smiling at us and Jay’s eyes warmed. Nance was standing close to him. Closer than she had been in a long time. I winked at her and watched her smirk before she looked towards Soph. She was grinning at us and I cleared my throat.

  “We all ready?” I asked. There was a mumble throughout the house and I watched people making their way out of the door. I realised that Jamane, Marley and a few others like Connor had joined the usual clan.

  Chapter Nine


  The table was full. It was the largest one in the old english pub. The Oak beams reminded me of the place we’d arrived at for the meal with Harry’s family but somehow it was nicer? My mum had joined us not long after we’d arrived. She sat herself next to Nance and Jay. Right in the middle of them. I giggled to myself as I saw my mum and Jay bickering quietly. Buddy and Marley were chatting loudly and I found myself listening in to the conversation.

  “No Buddy,” Marley pushed his shoulder “Pansexual and Bisexual are different.” He sounded exasperated.

  “But how though?” His large blue eyes were glazed over and I laughed.

  “You’re honestly doing my fucking head in now.” Marley’s camp hand wave made me chuckle even more.

  “Isn’t Bi like you fancy both?” I question them. Buddy’s eyes shift towards me.

  “Yeah but Pans is like falling in love with somebody regardless of what they are?” He gestured towards me and I watched Marley place his head in his hands.

  “Oh fuck sake, somebody tell him to shut up?” Marley muttered.

  “Shut up Buddy.” Haz grinned and I rolled my eyes. “Why are you arguing over it?”

  “We aren’t arguing!” They protested in unison. I heard Nance laugh and place her head against Buddy’s shoulder. She’d had a little bit to drink. Buddy placed his arm around the back of her chair and I wriggled my brows at them. Nance laughed and shook her head.

  “He looks too much like him.” She pointed at Haz who frowned.

  “We look nothing alike.” A laugh escaped Soph’s lips.

  “Hm, not much hey?” She laughed as she bit her cherry from her cocktail. “He’s just a shorter, chubbier you with a little less whit and he’s much more fun.” I bit down on my lip and stirred my cocktail. That was Soph’s signature move. Shit sandwich. The good, the insult and the good. I’m pretty sure she’d just insulted them both.

  “He is not more fun than me.” He protested. His large arms folded in defense.

  “I am. I’m not as serious, wanna see what it’s like to be with somebody who’s a laugh Av?” He wriggled his brows and I pushed my lips together to stop a laugh escaping.

  “I bet he’s good in the sack.” Soph added and I cringed slightly.

  “He is.” Chlo must have overheard and I glanced up at her. “Hang on which one?” The innocence in her eyes made me smile.

  “Buddy.” Soph answered. Chlo winked at him and smirked.

  “Hmm, he was good for a first timer.” I watched Buddy flush and Haz laughed a real genuine laugh.

  “Wait you lost your v to Chlo?” Nance’s eyes widened and he shook his head.

  “No!” He exclaimed, he was clearly flustered and Chlo was thriving in it.

  “Nah not me but he hadn’t long started dabbling. I’m pretty sure we were drunk?” She finished the last bit of her wine and looked over her shoulder towards a very quiet Missy.

  “We were. I couldn’t even remember. I just remember waking up…” His voice trailed off into the distance and I heard laughter come from Soph’s lips.

  “Aww Buddy!” Nance squeezed his cheeks and I grinned up at Haz.

  “I bet you're an animal.” He gave her a cheeky wink and I chuckled as she shoved his shoulder. “Is Av?” His attention landed on me. Suddenly I was pretty sure my mum and Jay stopped arguing and I watched him smirk and unbutton his collar.

  “No? She’s a human?” Smooth. My mum smiled at us. It was a secret smile and I wanted nothing more than to thump Buddy in the balls. She must have known. The thought of my mum realising I was no longer her pure perfect little cherub made me slightly sick. I laughed a little and watched as Harry’s eyes wandered over mine. Conversation moved on swiftly and I was grateful for this. They were now arguing over something else.

  “I have your other gift?” I smiled softly at him. The expression on his face was one I’d never seen on him before. I glanced down towards where his leg was shaking and grinned. He leant down slightly and pulled on the large bag. I recognised it and frowned instantly.

  “Honestly you really shouldn’t have?” He nodded in the direction of the box and our friends started to smile. The box was Christian Laboutin. I had never owned a pair of shoes worth more than £80 in my life. A spark of excitement ignited inside me and as I ran my hand over the lid of the box he leant closer to me, his forearms rested against his thighs, his hands were clenched together, his eyes seemed playful but frightened and my heart rate spiked.

  “I hope you like them.” I pulled my eyes away from his and pulled the lid off the box. They were the most perfect thing I’d ever seen in my life. They were the tallest ones, in nude and the red bottoms on them were stunning. I grinned and noticed a smaller box. I noticed he’d now half stopped breathing. It was so slow. I suddenly became nervous. I took the smaller box out and felt Soph snatch the shoes from in front of me. My heart was thudding. I clutched the tiny box in my hand and looked down at him. He was half smiling, half smirking.

  “What is it?” I whispered. The whole time my heart thudded.

  “Just open it?” His blue eyes were so clear. For a moment I’d lost myself in them. He ran his hand over mine and I closed my eyes. Too soon if he�
�s proposing. Way too soon. My subconscious mocked me. I ran my hand over the small box and turned to face him a little. He told me not to freak out earlier on and now I was. I opened it slightly and saw the sparkle before anything else. It shon under the lights of the little country pub. I could feel my face filling with blood and glanced up at him underneath my eyelashes. He was examining my reaction. To my delight everyone else around the table seemed preoccupied and oblivious to the fact he’d just gifted me a ring. I pulled it from the box slowly and felt him catch the box. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. The perfect tear drop was just the right size. It wasn’t exactly small but it wasn’t huge either. I loved the shape and felt as though he was either subconsciously or not hinting at something. He hadn’t asked any questions yet. I smiled as I examined it but my eyes filled. Why are you crying? Suddenly the frame seemed like such a humble gesture and my earlier question of how much did he spend sprung to mind. “Av?” He whispered towards me. My gut twisted the second he said my name with a questioning tone. I shook my head. If he was gonna pop the question I was gonna have a heart attack. It was too much too soon. I wasn’t ready for any of that. Not yet. My heart began to pound and as I looked up at his big blue eyes I melted. Don’t ruin it. “Why do you look like a dear in headlights?” He smirked softly and a sigh of relief escaped my lips.

  “It’s stunning, but it must have cost you a fortune?” I muttered, running my hand over his and admiring the tiny ring.

  “Money doesn’t mean anything, you do,” his eyes warmed and as he ran his thumb over the back of my hand I closed my eyes slightly. “I picked it because I thought you would wear it more than a necklace. I’ve never seen you in a necklace maybe once but you always wear that one.” He pointed towards my feather thumb ring and I smiled. My mum had gifted it to me on my 18th. “Also it’s a big birthday so you deserved it.” I let out a small chuckle. I was relieved he hadn’t asked me to marry him. I internally battled with a laugh at the thought that this had even crossed his mind. “It doesn’t fit on your left hand, it should fit your right?” His eyes examined my hands and then the ring. He slipped it from my fingers and placed it on my right hand. It fit like a glove. It sparkled under the lights, almost winking at us and I smiled widely. I ran my hands up his neck, held his cheeks and kissed him softly. I loved this man. I was in love with this man. Not because of his money, his status but because of the way he always seemed to have the strength to overcome almost everything and he loved me.


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