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Traded to the Alien Regent

Page 6

by Wells, Juno

  Something about how he said, little Earth female, struck a nerve with Grace. His voice had a disrespectful, flippant tone she didn’t appreciate. It was clear he expected her to fall into his bed, even though they had done nothing but argue all night. The man was infuriating.

  “You are an arrogant, presumptuous ass. This isn’t your favorite shade of blue, it’s mine. My hair has been exactly this shade of blue since I was three years old. My father got me and my sisters a follicular dye. We all chose our favorite colors. My choice certainly had nothing to do with you. God, you are so broken, I don’t have words in my vocabulary to describe you.”

  Bradon almost became angry, but something distracted him. His nostrils flared. Great, maybe it was time for cake or something. Several males stepped forward. One leaned over and inhaled deeply.

  “I scent it as well. It is something I’ve never encountered before, a new and particularly alluring scent.”

  Another male murmured, “It’s definitely a subtle pheromone wash wafting off the pretty human. It began just after she was informed of his selection.”

  Looking from one man to the other, she realized her body had betrayed her interest in the ancient asshat.

  Bradon’s eyes sparkled. “I agree it’s an intoxicating scent that leads me to think that, regardless of the words coming out of your mouth, you’re all kinds of interested in sharing my bed.”

  God, the man was beyond handsome when his eyes shone with real happiness. She stepped back. “No, you’re wrong. Human women wear different scents. It’s artificial. I’m not interested in you at all, and that’s final.”

  He smiled slightly and murmured. “I was given to understand, you found my nude body attractive. I was even told you had naughty thoughts when you saw my manhood.”

  Grace flipped her long blue hair over her shoulders and folded her arms across her chest. “That was before I knew you were a total asshat.”

  Bradon’s nostrils flared again. “The scent coming off you is becoming more potent.” His He stepped closer and whispered discretely. “Are you sure you don’t want to share my bed? Spend the night wrapped in my arms? Feel my hands roaming over your warm lithe body? You don’t want to feel my lips on your pale pink skin?”

  Grace could feel her face heating. A part of her wanted all that he was offering. Unfortunately, the stubborn part of her personality wasn’t having it. Grace shifted her stance to force her legs together. Looking away, she replied breathlessly, “Of course not.”

  Bradon stepped into her personal space. His voice was like a whispering serpent in her ear. “I will not accept no for an answer, Earthling. I will have your naked body underneath mine tonight. I’ll strip you of clothing, kneel before you, and worship your lovely feminine form with my tongue, then bury myself in your warmth. Don’t pretend you don’t want that as well. Your beautiful body tells me what your mouth refuses to say.”

  Bradon’s expression morphed into one of horror when she took a shocked step back, then another, and yet another. She spun, leaving the poor man staring at her back, as she hurried over to her own table. Dakota, Mia and Nayla quickly huddled around her.


  Belanna shook her head in disbelief. Bradon sighed. He had done it again. What had possessed him to speak to her that way? He was in wonder at himself, and honestly had no explanation for his own behavior. Perhaps the human was right. Maybe he was broken. His long-neglected needs were getting the better of him tonight, turning him into an arrogant fool. He reluctantly admitted that the only thing keeping him from his heart’s desire was his inability to play nice. He immediately found an alcove and began to pray. It was the only thing that helped him get his head straight.


  Grace quickly went over what had happened from the beginning. Nayla was Davarian. She would know what to do. Unfortunately, the woman appeared too shocked to process the whole story.

  Grace scrunched her face into a pensive expression. “Perhaps, we can go about this in a logical manner. I’ll just talk to him about what he likes about me, and assist him in selecting a female with similar attributes. What do you think? Would that work?”

  Nayla shook her head. “I’m afraid not. Things don’t work like that around here. You have a big problem. Though he may like many things about you, the quality he is cueing on right now is your scent.”

  Grace insisted, “Well help me find someone who smells like me. Gosh, that is a weird thing to say.”

  Nayla ran her fingers through her hair, in an exasperated fashion. “Bradon the Wise knows that you want him. He can smell your arousal. He wants you as well. That is all it takes for a one-night stand on our world. Only, I don’t think he will stop at that. Did you see him elbow Tracor? Bradon the Wise told him, if he ever so much as looked at you again, he would be exiled from our tri-world cluster. I think Bradon the Wise really likes you. Bradon the Wise will be reluctant to let you go, after your night is over. Bradon the Wise tends to get what he wants.”

  Grace responded sarcastically. “I know he does. It probably has something to do with being Bradon the Wise. You are irritating me to flipping death, saying his whole title, every time you mention him. Just say Bradon from now on.”

  Nayla responded with wide eyes, “I’m sorry, but I cannot do that. He is my Regent.”

  Grace scrubbed her hands over her face and moaned quietly. “This cannot be happening to me.”

  Nayla seemed to have an idea. “Maybe there is a chance. Can you refrain from getting aroused when you are close to him?”

  “Of course not. What kind of question is that? He is hotter than sin, and I’m just a woman. There are some things a girl can’t control. Good God, no woman could resist him. He’s gorgeous, and he has that deep, sexy voice. Did you see his abs?”

  Nayla held up one hand. “Stop talking. The more you speak about him, the stronger the scent becomes. Females find the scent of other females offensive.”

  They both looked up to see one very angry ancient stalking towards them. He was wearing only his long flowing priest’s pants. The muscles running down his chest rippled as he moved. His teal eyes were blazing. He was absolutely magnificent. Grace realized, with no small amount of aggravation, she was wetter than ever.

  The ancient slid to a stop right in front of them and looked around, as his nostrils flared. The primal male looked like he was about to pounce on someone. Other males were easing their way back from him.

  Nayla spoke, her voice poised, respectful and soothing. “Bradon the Wise, Grace was just telling us all the things that attract her to you. I’m afraid speaking of such things was very arousing for her.”

  The big ancient twirled his ringer around in the air and asked. “So, this was all me?”

  Grace knew he was referring to the potent scent of pheromones hanging heavy in the air.

  Nayla responded immediately, “Of course my Regent. The Lady Grace has spoken of no other.”

  Grace shot Nayla an exasperated look as she whispered. “You might want to warn me, the next time you plan to stick a blade in my back. I can’t believe you call yourself a friend.”

  Nayla frowned at her, obviously confused by the analogy. “You are one strange little alien, human. You want him. He wants you. It’s just sex. I honestly don’t see the problem.”

  Bradon stepped forward and gently took Grace’s hand. “I don’t know what came over me earlier. It seemed the more sexualized my comments were, the more aroused you became. I got carried away, provoking your beautiful scent. I hope you can forgive me. Normally, the companion just services me with her hands, and leaves right away. Our ways must be very strange to you. If you are truly not interested in being with me, I will choose another. Please know, before the opportunity of being with you arose, this ritual was more duty than pleasure for me.”

  Grace spouted, “I’m not a virgin.” A look of horror crosses her face. “God, I don’t know why I said that.”

  Bradon smiled slightly. “You probably said it beca
use I was being open and honest. It led you to do the same.”

  Grace rolled her eyes. Wasn’t it so like Bradon to think every little thing anyone said or did was a direct result of him. She tried to concentrate on what he was saying.

  “Our people do not care about such things. You are young, healthy, and breathtakingly beautiful. It never once occurred to me to think you a virgin. You deserve to have an accommodating partner at your disposal, at all times. If you will have me, I offer myself for your pleasure. For this one night, let us be together, and let there be peace between us. You may decide how intimate we become. I would never presume to push myself onto you. It is important to me that you feel comfortable with me.”

  Grace stepped forward and wrapped her arm through his.

  “You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet. Next time, you might want to start with that breathtakingly beautiful bit. Honestly, I would have agreed to just about anything, after hearing a compliment like that.”


  Bradon let out a relieved breath, one he didn’t know he had been holding. The human was back to teasing him. That was good. It was her way of flirting. Grace’s acceptance meant more to him than it should.

  Suddenly, there was a correspondent asking questions. The news commentator had a small, round flying image recorder hovering around, trying to get the best angle. The man’s short black hair was slicked back and wore an emerald green silk suit. Bradon recognized him from the news stream as a prominent local news publicist.

  The publicist was professional, but his loud booming voice annoyed Bradon. He wrapped his arm around Grace in a gesture that was protective yet possessive. Bradon recognized it as inappropriate but could not help himself.

  “So, Earthling. Tell the Davarian people. How excited are you to be companioning our Regent tonight? It is a high honor for one of your kind to be selected.”

  Bradon stiffened and just as he moved to position himself between Grace and the unwanted attention that being with him brought, she brought out one arm to keep him in place.

  “Gee whiz, Mr. I-Don’t-Know-Your-Name. I am just so overwhelmed by the honor. I can’t believe your Regent chose me, an Earthling, to be his concubine for the night. This is all like some sort of magical fantasy come true. Bradon the Wise is absolutely the most gorgeous guy in the universe, and he’s all mine for the night. It’s what dreams and stardust are made of.”

  Bradon had a hard time concealing his amusement. “I think you mean to say, you are mine for the night.”

  Grace placed a hand dramatically on her chest and gushed. “Oh my gosh, I guess you’re right, Mr. Large-and-In-Charge. I’m just so excited, I got it all backwards.”

  Bradon was impressed. The human could manage to find the humor in his convoluted situation. It made the huge invasion of privacy so much easier to bear. He leaned over, tilted the human’s face up, and claimed her lips for all to see. A collective sigh of approval went around the room. When Grace was at his side, the absurdity of his situation crystalized like never before. Perhaps it was seeing his life through her eyes.

  Bradon scooted her along murmuring, “How do you do that?”

  “What, my sweet?” Grace was careful to keep her facial expression and voice innocent.

  He whispered, “How do you make fun of them, and seem sincere all at the same time.”

  “I’ve got natural talent, big guy. It’s called sarcasm. Your reporters are very intrusive.” She sighed. “Half-truths are the key. I do think you’re the hottest guy in the verse, and I am glad you chose me. I would like to spend time getting to know you better. The rest was just window dressing, as they say.”

  Bradon beamed down at the pretty lady. “I’m glad you agreed to spend time with me, Grace. Your compliments touch my soul, more so than I would have thought. I feel drawn to you like no other.”

  “I know you think you’re clever, but I am well aware of what kissing in public means for your kind. You are one possessive, controlling guy, aren’t you? Kissing in public is a way of marking me as yours to other Davarian males. You did it during a news feed, for every male on your planet to see.”

  He smiled smugly. “I suppose you won’t be getting many offers of courtship from my kind. I didn’t think you would know that custom. I am pleased you didn’t object. It makes me wonder what other small liberties I might chance taking with you.”

  She giggled, giddy with the enjoyment of his company. “You’re a Regent for crying out loud. Think big liberties, rather than small ones.”

  “Oh little Earthling, you have my mind working many different scenarios all at once. I sincerely hope you find my company as pleasing as I find yours.”

  “I find you much more pleasing than you could possibly find me.”

  “Don’t count on it, kitten.”

  She glanced up at him and wondered how he came to know that term. There wasn’t a kitten to be seen for a million light years in every direction.

  7 Something Dark and Primitive


  Bradon prepared himself meticulously to enjoy the company of the female. He assisted his priests in the cleansing ritual. As his hands slid over his body, he realized how different his body was from being in hibernation so many times. His skin was extremely thick. It felt a little like the tanned hide of an animal. Though it appeared almost normal, it was not soft, like a person’s skin should be.

  His hands still trembled slightly because he’d just come out of the hibernation. Then again, perhaps he was trembling in anticipation of being with the female. He knew the sweet anticipation of coupling with her was making his heart hammer wildly in his chest.

  He wondered how intimate she would choose to be with him tonight. It immediately occurred to him to wonder how intimate he should be with her tonight. His rough body would, no doubt, be off-putting to the female. He reconciled himself to sticking with his usual methodology. With her soft hands, it would be pleasure enough for someone like him.

  A slight smile slid onto his face, as he thought of all the things he would do to ensure her pleasure. By the gods, the human was so alluring. Her scent was more potent than any intoxicating drug or drink he had ever experienced.

  He liked her immensely. If only she would allow it, he would give her a galaxy of pleasure. Obsessing about her gave him pleasure, so why deny himself?

  Bradon’s mind drifted back to the female, and how her hands had felt on his skin. She touched him easily, like it bothered her not. Most people, especially females, avoided touching him. He felt it was partially because of his skin, and partially because they thought him unapproachable.

  It had probably been hundreds of years since anyone, except Belanna, had touched him spontaneously, just because it felt right to them. He was only now beginning to realize just how lonely he had been, though people constantly surrounded him.

  The human was small, soft, and so sweet to him. Well, she had been sweet to him, after she had been rude. Still he didn’t blame her for being rude to him. There was something about the pretty female that really pulled out his negativity and frustration. He thought it was because she represented the one thing he had always longed for, but knew was beyond his reach. She embodied the ideal of true love. He knew he tormented her because he wanted her, all the while knowing he could never keep her.

  The ancients were relics belonging to their people, just as surely as any other object of worth in the Great Hall of Awakening. His time belonged to his people. It was his honor, and his curse. Even if not for that, he was physically unfit to carry on a long-term relationship with a female. He could no longer sire children, and his body was monstrous. Plus, what kind of woman would want a bond mate for only twenty years? To bond, then leave the poor female to endure endless loneliness for the rest of her life, would be reprehensible. His mind drifted again to his one special night of pleasure. He hoped it would be enough to last him through an endless lifetime of loneliness.


  Meanwhile, Grace was slig
htly perturbed. Davarian priests were preparing her to spend time with their Regent. They called the preparation a cleansing ritual. Who knew priests could be such intrusive little snots? They had guided her into a large, luxurious, spa-style bath, with a huge sunken tub, and pulled all her clothing off. She was currently being subjected to multiple male hands, scrubbing every square inch of her body.

  A girl had to have limits. She drew the line at them trying to wash her girly bits. Grace noticed their amused expressions, when she smacked their hands away from her more private areas. Good thing she was no blushing virgin. This would really be embarrassing.

  The older priest who normally attended Bradon was holding open an ornate robe when she exited the bath. She tried to remember his name. Ralon sprang to mind. She was sure his name was Ralon. He sat her down, moved behind her, and began brushing her pale blue hair.

  He began to talk about what was expected of her as Bradon’s female companion for the night. This seemed like much ado about nothing to Grace. What was so complicated about two people getting together for a little intimacy? Sex was not exactly rocket science. It was more like an insert-tab-A-into-slot-B type of activity. She had always thought of it as easy to figure out.

  Apparently, the Davarian priest believed it required extensive directions. But then again, he looked like he was coming up on a hundred. He probably couldn’t find his way around a woman’s body, with two hands and a map. She stifled a giggle.

  Grace was stoked about spending the night with Bradon. He was drop-dead gorgeous, intelligent and went after what he wanted in life. She literally could not wait to get on top of him. He was hot in a way few men were, and promised to be the thrill ride of a lifetime. She had been so preoccupied with the errant thoughts running through her mind, she missed most of what the priest was saying. She tried to pick up the thread of the conversation.


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