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Traded to the Alien Regent

Page 8

by Wells, Juno

  Bradon startled in his seat and immediately reassured her. “You didn’t embarrass me.” His face darkened, “I have been embarrassed every time a female responded more to my priests than to me. Tonight was like a fantasy come true for me. If you walked out right now, that moment alone would be enough to brighten my soul for the rest of my life.”

  Grace teased him gently, “You’re easy to please.”

  He retorted, “Are you?”

  She didn’t miss a beat in the erotic verbal exchange. “I’m unbelievably excited right now. I could probably climax just by watching you stroke yourself.”

  “By the gods, woman, you don’t play around. No female has ever said anything like that to me before. I’m trying to control myself, but you are definitely pushing me to my limit.”

  A mischievous grin slipped onto her face. “I’ll make you a deal. If you stroke yourself for me right now, I’ll keep talking sexy to you.”

  There was a brief pause in which Bradon sat staring at her. His thong was fit to burst, and his chest was heaving.

  Grace teased gently. “This is a limited time offer, so you better decide soon.”

  She could tell he was trying to figure out if she was just having fun, or if she was serious. She slowly shifted until her legs were slightly spread. “You know everyone around here is so preoccupied with your status, they are missing the pleasure of getting to know you as a person…as a man. I knew you were going to be special, the first time I ever saw you. Seeing you naked in that hibernation chamber was a real treat. Do you know your manhood is absolutely gorgeous? I am dying to see it again.”

  Bradon’s hand slowly moved down to the side of his thong. There was a small clicking sound, and the side dropped away. He pulled himself free, and his hand closed around his rod. His gaze turned sultry and intense, as he stroked himself.

  Grace shifted in her seat again, apparently trying to find a comfortable position.

  “God, you’re sexy. Seeing you touch yourself, makes me want to do such naughty things to you.”

  He whispered, “Tell me.”

  “Do the people of your world use their tongues on each other? You mentioned worshiping me with your mouth, so I think the answer is yes. I would love to touch you and taste you right now. I’ll bet you would enjoy my lips on your sexy rod. Come closer, I want to see you better.”

  Almost before she got the words out Bradon was moving towards her. He kneeled in front of her and whispered. “Will you allow me to look upon your womanly treasures, while I stroke myself? Grant me this request, and it will be I who speaks of erotic pleasure for your ears to enjoy.”

  “You do know how to negotiate, handsome.” Bradon knew that was true. They were a species of traders. Whether it was merchandise, property, gemstone, or sexy favors, it was all just trading to their mind.

  Grace looked up and seemed pinioned in his dark sensual gaze. She swallowed thickly and nodded her head. She was just as aroused as he was. Bradon knew that to be true because he could scent her arousal double, then triple.

  One of his large hands came to each hip. A click later, her thong was hanging lifeless from the seat underneath her. With a gentle tug, it was cast aside.

  He placed a large hand on each knee and pulled her legs open, as he tilted her up for his viewing pleasure. His eyes landed on her and he intently studied everything the gods had given her. His hands reverently skimmed her thighs, and went straight for her heated core, finding her wet and ready for him.

  He groaned, “You’re perfect, and you smell divine.”

  Grace whispered, “For you, only for you.”

  His voice came out slightly strained. “I honestly never knew such perfection existed in the universe.”

  His eyes found hers. She knew the moment she looked into his eyes that their prior arrangement was history. He was a male edging into a rutting heat and as such he would take what he wanted from her. They both knew she was helpless to stop him and also that she didn’t want to stop him. Whether she was helpless because of not wanting anything more than his touch, or by virtue of his superior strength and size, he knew not.


  His gaze was nothing short of adoring. However, there was also an element of heat in his eye when he glanced back down at what the Davarians called her sacred place. It was something akin to raw burning need warped around intense sexual desire. It was the look she always wished to see on a man’s face when they made love. His eyes flickered up to look her in the face once more. She gave an almost imperceptible nod yes. There was something about the questionable consent that added an extra element of eroticism to the encounter.

  While he was still looking her in the eye, she could feel his fingers running over her womanly flesh. Her body trembled beneath his touch. She reached down, placed her hand over his, and taught him what she liked. He was ever the studious pupil and paid intense attention to every detail. When her hand moved away, his touch continued. His ministering was perfect. It felt like he could anticipate her needs, and the pleasure was intense.

  Her hands went out to touch him, but he grasped them both in one large fist, and brought them up over her head. Her words somehow deserted her, as he held her in place with one hand, and continued pleasuring her with the other.

  She wanted to shout at him that sex with supposed to involve rods and it was supposed to be reciprocal. Firstly, she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Second of all, her brain couldn’t seem to make her mouth work. Lastly, the man seemed intent on dishing out some major league erotic pleasure.

  He was merciless. Each time he brought her to the brink, he backed off. Then like an elastic band he would yank her back to the edge again. All she could do was writhe beneath his touch. It was more pleasure than she had ever known in her life. Several times, he even leaned over to use his mouth on her.

  At one point he grabbed a sash and tied her hands. When he went back to touching her, she felt trapped in ecstasy. His hands were everywhere, gently tugging her soft peaks, moving in and out of her body, and ever so gently stroking her tender bud. The man could get a lot done with one hand, while he used the other to stroke himself.

  Finally her words came, but not in the form of yelling about the reciprocal nature of sex. She found herself begging for the release only he could provide. He answered her pleas with more teasing to her overwrought body.

  The one time she begged for his manhood, his face darkened briefly. “Trust me, kitten, you don’t want something like that against your tender flesh.”

  She responded in a whisper. “By the gods, I do, I really do.”

  That seemed to push him right over the edge. He leaned over and used his tongue to push her into a hard climax. As her world broke apart into a million shards of bright light, she could hear herself whispering some kind of romantical nonsense.

  Whatever she said affected him. Something welled up in him that she couldn’t describe. The emotion was dark, primitive, and utterly possessive. It looked a lot like pure unadulterated lust. Suddenly, just making her come wasn’t enough for him. He touched her again and again. Against her better judgment, she found herself being strung tight again. His deep voice became demanding. “Come. You will come for me again.”

  As if his words controlled her body, rather than her own will, she shattered again. How could her body suffer such pleasure, and her heart still beat? She found herself continuing writhe under his touch. His voice was deep and dominate when spoke next, “Again, little human. Come for me. For this one moment, I am your mate, your king, and your whole world. My will is all that matters. Obey.” She bowed to his seduction even as her mouth begged for him to stop.

  Bradon had been stroking himself hard and fast. He came with her the last time, and fell over her, breathing heavy in her ear for a few minutes before untying her. Grace wrapped her arms and legs around him. Her hands wandered over his back and shoulders. She felt the round metal disks running down his spinal cord and remembered they connected him to the life support in h
is hibernation chamber. A worry about his safety using the antiquated device niggled at her, but she shoved it away in favor of enjoying the moment.

  His body felt like carved granite. She liked the weight of him. He made her feel warm, safe, and desirable.

  Bradon startled as though he never intended to fall on her. They both realized at the same time he had spilled his seed on her body. He immediately stated in a strained voice. “My apologies, kitten. I should not have marked, what I can never claim.”

  Grace ran her hands through the mess he had made, slowly rubbing it into her skin. She had a strong inclination to taste it, but the shocked look on his face made her think he might flip out. Perhaps that was simply not done by his kind.

  “No worries, this is my idea of the perfect gift. You can keep all your fancy jewels and other expensive gifts. I will be happy to enjoy your scent, when I can no longer share your company. Speaking of which, shouldn’t we move to the bed for round two? We do have the whole night, right?”

  “You want more?”

  Grace giggled, still breathless from his former ministering. “As much fun as that was, and trust me, it was mind-numbingly fantastic. I still want you inside me.”

  Bradon’s gut clenched and he looked at her warily. “I don’t think that is a very good idea. Your body is small and soft. I refuse to be the man who makes sex bad for you.”

  “Humans have very pliant bodies. We are made to adapt to fit many different sizes. In fact, I think my body was made to accommodate yours.”

  Bradon groaned, “You are killing me. It’s just these types of situations that turn honorable men into rutting beasts. You’re almost too tempting to resist.”

  “Guess I’ll have to try harder.”

  “Shut up, sweetling, before I give in to you.”



  “I promise it will be good for both of us.”

  “It’s too much to ask.”

  “I’m an accommodating gal.”

  The sweet keeling look on Grace’s face finally broke through the last shred of his self-control. Bradon picked her up and headed to his bed.

  “I hope we don’t regret this decision.”

  “We won’t.”

  “Always so sure of yourself, aren’t you, little Earthling?”

  “I know what I want, and I usually get it.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt. It leaves me questioning whether I have the capacity to refuse you anything.”

  A soft giggle was her only reply.

  Before he got halfway across the room, it began to fill up with priests. They pulled the female from his arms and began dressing them.

  Bradon barked, “Explain your intrusion, or risk my wrath.”

  8 Playing for Keeps


  His loyal assistant, Ralon, burst through the door. “The Queen is asking for you. You must come right away.”

  Grace quipped, “One woman at a time. Haven’t you heard the new rule?”

  Bradon’s brow creased in confusion. “It must be a matter of life or death, for her to interrupt my Awakening Night.”

  Suddenly, Queen Belanna was bursting through the doorway as well. She easily shoved both large doors open and stalked towards them. “It’s a matter of war. The Traj have attacked our outpost on Fraxion Four.”

  “I didn’t know your people were at war with the Traj.”

  The Queen glanced down at the human, and her nostrils flared in anger. “We’re not. The council is certain this is in retaliation for our warship responding to the Eden Twelve’s distress call. I am away, and your little love mate must come as well.”

  “Thanks for allowing me to tag along.”

  “I was told to bring you, because one of your crew was on the planet when it was attacked. You captain has not been able to raise her on the com. You are to rendezvous with a small extraction team tasked with retrieval of your missing crew member.”

  Grace perked up. “Oh hell yeah, I’m in. Did they mention which crew member was missing?”

  Brandon responded quickly, “You are not leaving.”

  Anger flared in her pretty eyes. “We can continue this little interlude anytime, but when danger comes knocking, fighters respond.”

  “I mean to say Belanna and I will respond, and you will remain in my quarters.”

  “The Traj about took my ship out and didn’t care that there were two thousand innocent souls on board. I’m not leaving my fellow crew member to whatever in the hell they’ve got in mind for him.”

  Bradon murmured, “Sounds dangerous.”

  Grace quipped, “It’s because you are a lover, not a fighter, baby. Don’t worry. I’ll nail a few of the bastards on your behalf.”

  “I don’t like seeing you in danger.”

  Belanna stood with her hand to her ear, listening to the latest report.

  Clearly Grace was not willing to continue the verbal exchange. She righted her uniform before responding. “Let’s get the hell out of here. While your crew fights for territory, I’ll be rescuing my crew.”

  Belanna’s hand flew down from her ear and she growled, “You will do as you’re told. We make war, then we rescue. That is the natural order of things.”

  Grace stood staring at his magnificent Queen with her mouth hanging open. Their Queen had that effect on people, particularly aliens.

  Bradon spoke softly, “It is necessary to save the most lives.”

  “Fine.” Glancing between the two of them she muttered, “If there was one thing I’m good at, it’s understanding the rutting chain of command.”

  When they began moving towards the landing pad, Bradon remained at her side as they moved. When she shot him a questioning look, he responded lightly. “Obviously, I’m coming.” It hurt that she didn’t see him as battle worthy. “Though I might not be a warrior, I have my uses. Maybe I can pin down your missing crew member’s location, while the two of you enjoy your glorious battle.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I can’t concentrate on the fight, if I’m worrying about you. If you get yourself hurt, I’ll never speak to you again.” So, the little Earthling could be a bully when needs be. Bradon filed that handy bit of information away for future reference.

  By that time they were halfway to the shuttle crafts. His feelings bruised at her threat of never speaking to him again, Bradon asked casually as he glanced down his body, “We never got the chance to visit that place you wanted. You don’t want to miss out, do you?”

  Grace’s vision scanned down below his waist as she deadpanned back. “It’s hard to miss a place that I wasn’t allowed to visit, even briefly.”

  Bradon got that she was referring to the fact that he didn’t allow her to touch him the way she wanted. He smiled, clearly aware that she had some longing there.

  His teasing voice should have been a dead giveaway that he was teasing. Truth be told he just couldn’t seem to stop playing the verbal games with her that his people were so fond of. Intent on charming approval out of her, the same way she charmed an invitation to his bed out of him, he purred submissively. “Please let me accompany you, Grace. If you don’t, I will worry myself sick about the two of you. If I am with you, then you can protect me. What if more Traj land here, while you have most of the fleet fighting them at the outpost? I could be in danger.”

  Belanna growled her disapproval of his little mind games, more the timing than the fact that was playing them. “Stay serious, Bradon. We’re in some peril here.”

  Clearly preoccupied with the danger at hand, Grace caved. “Fine, you’re in. But don’t think I don’t know you’re manipulating me, big guy.”

  “You are correct of course, but I really can be helpful in tracking your missing crew member. I am good at things like that.”

  Grace smiled up at him. “You are good at a good many things that interest me. Thanks for the help. I owe you one.”

  He teased, “You’ve already given me one.” One orgasm that wasn’t nearly eno
ugh to satisfy his need, that was.

  Clearly catching his meaning, she raised one beautiful arched eyebrow. “If I have my way, it will be the first of dozens.”

  Oh, he liked this one, yes he did. However, he couldn’t allow her to think him weak. His voice became steely. “There’s something I think you should know, human. I don’t need your permission to board my own vessel, or fight alongside my warriors for the glory of Davaria. If the Queen were sleeping, it would be my duty. In fact, I’m quite good organizing my warriors for battle.”

  “After five thousand years of practice, I imagine you are. In any event, I suspected as much. Don’t forget I have already been the recipient of your more dominant attentions once already. Not much you do after that will surprise me. It was a fun argument though, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, my little love. It was. I find verbal discord with you quite enjoyable.”

  “I’m not your little love. If I am not mistaken, I’m your one-night stand.”

  Stung by her words, he pouted. “Don’t chastise me for my words of affection. You already told me you loved being with me, and from now on no other man would ever satisfy you.”

  “Yeah, I remember that as the romantical nonsense I was spewing, along about the second orgasm.”

  Her eyes flew open as if she just realized her thoughtless words provoked the sudden dark dominant shift in his personality while they were sexing. Rather than commenting on that, she teased him. “I can’t believe you brought that up. In my own defense, you actually sexed that compliment right out of me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You are my Awakening Night companion. Until the sun rises in the morning, you belong to me.”

  Grace complained, “I shouldn’t like the sound of that quite so much.”

  Bradon flashed her his most magnificent smile. He was pleased that the others were talking amongst themselves and no one seemed to be paying much attention to their conversation. Once they approached the shuttle that changed, as everyone gathered in the smaller space.


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