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Traded to the Alien Regent

Page 12

by Wells, Juno

  Nayla toyed with a strand of her hair as she chewed her bottom lip. “Well, if you must know…I’m not at all interested in that big sexy engineer you have trapped in your docking bay.”

  Dakota squealed with delight. “Oh my God, you like Lucon? He’s all long hair and sexy muscles. I’ve sexed him before. He isn’t trapped, by the way. He rules down there and gets paid twice what every other crewman does.”

  Nayla bounced excitedly in her seat. “Tell me, is he as delicious as he looks?”

  Dakota began whispering in her ear. Nayla looked totally scandalized but kept pumping her for details. By the end of the conversation, Dakota had imparted her wisdom on the subject of intimate relations with a human. “I’m a very naughty girl. Now go, my friend. Stalk that gorgeous hunk and enjoy what freedom you have. Soon you’ll be mated and tied to just one.”

  Nayla nodded her agreement. “Thanks for that tip about the…tip.”

  “Trust me, he’ll love it.”

  After Nayla left, Grace and Mia finished up logging in the gifts while Mia gushed about how wonderful it would be if Nayla mated Lucon and ended up staying on board.

  All Grace could think about was juggling all the gifts and making the senders feel good about supporting her interest in Bradon. The whole situation was cramping her style. She found herself hoping the Regent, who loved to argue with her, was worth it. Something deep down inside told her he was.

  13 Jaw-Dropping Beauty


  As the Celebration of Iod drew near, Grace couldn’t wait to get back to the Davarian home world. She began the week by messaging her hunky priest sexy nonsense about how excited she was to be seeing him. Momentarily perplexed when he didn’t respond, she wondered if he was still interested. After thinking it over, she decided that his lack of response was probably related to his stupid no-personal-relationship rule, rather than because he didn’t want to see her.

  Grace had risen early after being too excited to sleep for the better part of the night. She grabbed her bag and quietly slipped away to a launch bay.

  Rick was standing at the ready to transport her to the surface of the planet. He looked sleepy, sipping on a tall simulated coffee. She tossed her bag into the tiny shuttle and grabbed the metal cup from his outstretched hand. The warm drink felt like heaven on her tongue and warmed her from the inside out, quieting her nerves. “Thanks, Rick. You really know how to take care of a girl.”

  Shooting her a sleepy smile, he mumbled, “That’s what they tell me.”

  Climbing onto the shuttle, they settled into the pilot and co-pilot seats. He started the pre-launch sequence in silence, so different from their usual bantering brother-and-sister-style interactions. Grace brought up the elephant in the room. “It’s been almost three months. How’s Ima Jean holding up?”

  “She’s still not up to having visitors. I don’t think she wants to deal with having to talk about Emma’s disappearance. Every damn body seems to have an opinion on what happened to her, and we still have zero actual clues.”

  “I’ve been checking the data stream for updates.”

  Giving her a side glance, Rick’s fingers continued moving over the console. He was a good-looking guy with his dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He’d been a bit of chick magnet before he settled down with Ima Jean. Now that woman was his entire world. They had the kind of relationship Grace had always dreamed of having.

  He spoke quietly. “Ima Jean was really touched by the message of support you sent. I hated you there for a minute when I read the part about how if Emma was dead she was in a better place, and if she was alive there was still hope of one day finding her. I thought Ima Jean was going to react badly to reading that, but I think it helped her come to grips with the endless waiting to find out what happened.”

  “I took a risk with that message, and I’m glad she took it well. I just felt helpless sitting around doing nothing.”

  “We all feel useless. Just between you and me, I don’t think we’re ever gonna see Emma again. That’s a hard thing to reconcile myself with, since she was family.”

  “Well, you can’t let Ima Jean or yourself drown in endless grief.”

  “We’re moving past it, slowly but surely.”

  They made innocuous small talk all the way down to the surface of the planet and parted ways with warnings to stay safe.

  When Grace arrived at the Great Hall, it was the crack of dawn. She walked boldly past the warriors guarding each room. They spoke not a word, just gazed at her like she was strange unicorn trotting past their carefully crafted defenses. Grace almost laughed. Her name must have been on the visiting list.

  Though almost all of his household was still in bed, Grace was thrilled to discover Bradon was fully dressed and waiting for her in his visiting room. He looked just as amazing as when she left him the morning after his Awakening Day celebration.

  She tossed her bag down and twisted back and forth, trying to be cute. Having taken special care with her appearance, she was dying for him to notice. A righteous hunt through several posh clothing shops had netted her a small stash of sexy gowns made in various shades of blue. Gemstone jewelry finished the presentation. She looked less like a pilot and more like what her sisters assured her was a hot sexy woman on the prowl for her one.

  The reward for all that trouble was seeing Bradon the Lusty’s response as he gazed at her. The poor man’s eyes just about fell out of his head. His lips rubbed together before his sexy fangs dented his bottom lip. She saw movement in his long flowing pants that looked suspiciously like his cock jumping.

  Oh yeah, he was so worth all the trouble. She flew into his arms. He welcomed her, though she suspected they were sidestepping half a dozen Davarian social customs in the process.

  His lips found hers. He whispered through his kisses, “Do you have to send me such sexy messages? I have been beside myself with pure overwhelming lust for the last several days, in anticipation of seeing you.”

  Grace was unrepentant. “I’ll make you a deal. If you will respond every now and then, I might dial it down to casual chitchat. Otherwise, I’m turning up the intensity.”

  Running one finger down her back, he grabbed a handful of her ass. “You’re being a very bad female, Grace Phelps.”

  Loving his neediness, she tried to remain reasonably polite. “How did you sleep last night?”

  Bradon looked confused and annoyed at the random question. “I haven’t slept for days. All I could think of was getting you in my bed.”

  Grace began pulling him towards his quarters. “I haven’t slept well either. We should take a short rest. It’s going to be a long day, after all.”

  She could tell the moment Bradon figured out her ploy. Instead of throwing the brakes on that, like he should, he picked her up and carried her to his room. Several very surprised priests were caught unawares.

  Grace quipped, “There’s no need to make the bed. We’re going right back in there.”

  Bradon literally threw her on the bed, watched her bounce a bit, and then crawled up the bed to lie beside her.”

  He nuzzled the side of her neck. “You smell nice.”

  “Thanks.” Grace suddenly remembered what he had said about not coming to him smelling of another male. “There haven’t been any other males. Since meeting you, I haven’t thought of another male.”

  His face turned away ever so slightly. “You deserve to have your needs met. I thought you would abstain for a day or two before coming to me. I had no right to ask even that of you.”

  Turning his head towards hers, she cupped his face in her hands. “You don’t need to ask. I only want you.”

  His eyes lit up and he moved closer.

  She purred, “By the way, I agree that I deserve to have my needs met. Why don’t you get right on that?”

  Bradon laughed. The deep sexy sound thrilled the hell out of her. She honestly liked everything about this man.

  “I am planning to wear out your pretty littl
e girly bits. However ...”

  “What? Spit it out, sexy.”

  “I worry that you won’t like my body. I am a bit rough.”

  Grace ran her fingers through his hair. “We have three days this time. Three whole days when you can do anything you want with me, and not have to feel guilty. We can start where we left off and build ourselves up to it. I want you to feel comfortable.”

  Bradon’s hand came out and he tickled her ribs. “Hey, don’t spit my own tender words back at me. I was trying to be accommodating to you, when I said that.”

  “You know something? You don’t act much like a five thousand-year-old man. You act like a sexy guy, with a lot of interesting emotions locked up inside that never got an opportunity to stretch their legs.”

  “Grace, how can you know me so well, in such a short period of time?”

  “It’s probably because I don’t get distracted by all the nonsense that comes with knowing you. I’m sorry, but I don’t care that you’re a Regent, that you’re five thousand years old, or that you think you can’t fall in love with me. I just want to spend as much time with you as possible. If it’s only a day or two every three months, I’ll take it. Spending a little time with someone I really care about, is better than spending all my time with someone I don’t.”

  Bradon’s face held an expression that was both dark and tender. His lips were on her before she had a chance to figure out what it meant. She gently shoved him over and climbed on top of him.

  His surprised expression was priceless. She pulled off his shirt, gently tugged a thin leather strap from her cleavage, and dangled it in the air.

  When his expression turned dark with lust, she whispered breathlessly, “Time to make you beg.”


  Quick as a wink, he grabbed the string and rolled over, putting her under him. The silly human thought she was going to control their sex. He’d delight in teaching her how dominant Davarian males were when it came to intimacy.

  Having the woman of his dreams beneath him brought out all the dark and possessive feelings he normally kept carefully concealed. Wrapping the thick string around her wrists, he held them above her head.

  “Remember when you were last at my mercy?”

  Her head snapped up and her eyes looked deeply into his. Bradon didn’t scent fear. Bringing one hand down to stroke the side of her face, he whispered in her ear. “I feasted upon your tender flesh until you begged to come.”

  “I remember.” Her hoarse whisper hit him square in the chest.

  “Tonight you will get my cock as well as my mouth.”

  “How about we skip the foreplay and go straight for the main event?”

  “Haven’t you learned not to negotiate with a Davarian by now?”

  “I’m never going to get my way with you when we’re naked, am I?”

  “No, but I promise you’ll never miss the control you give up in my arms.”

  “Good answer.”

  She still had the capacity for rational speech and that annoyed him greatly. He dropped his head and captured those talkative lips. The moment she opened for him, Bradon took full advantage, invading her mouth and stroking his tongue against hers. In turn, she rubbed her body against him, giving a gigantic clue as to how needy she was for his cock.

  Rather than giving her what she wanted, Bradon gave her what she needed. No being as small as Grace could take him without being properly prepared, and he did love preparing her body to take his cock.

  Mouthing his way down the column of her neck to her breasts, he rasped his tongue over one and then the other before sucking each into his mouth in turn. Her little sounds of pleasure began to ring out in the room. This was everything he dreamed it would be.

  Nipping his way down to her splayed legs, he stated gruffly. “Keep the hands up over your head or you get no royal cock.”

  She laughed at his instructions. It irritated him that she thought he was joking. He nipped the inside of her thigh a little harder, causing her to gasp. She kept her hands above her head like he asked, so he rewarded her with his tongue. Sliding it along the seam of her sex, he enjoyed the taste and texture of her human form. When her mating scent rose, he inhaled until his nostrils were saturated with the scent of her feminine body. His cock strained towards her wet core, but he denied himself, intent on making sure she was slick and stretched before plowing into her. He’d make this night one to remember for all times.

  The moment her body went rigid with her first orgasm of the night, Bradon slid one thick finger into her quivering channel. Her body clenched around him, soft and pliant, yet snug. Touching her there made his sack tighten, both top and bottom. The way this human was made, he knew being inside her would be pure pleasure for them both. She would enjoy the prominent bump on the top of his shaft, particularly when it contacted the tiny bud that gave her so much pleasure. Of that, he was certain.

  Adding another finger, he used his thumb to tease the hard bud that humans called a clit. Every time he touched her there, she went wild beneath him. It was strange that human women could orgasm without a cock. In a way it made him feel superfluous.

  When she whispered that she wanted his cock, that feeling went away. With her delicate human flavor coating his tongue and filling his nostrils, he knew why they were the most coveted species in the known universe. Absolutely nothing could compare to being in the moment with an aroused human, especially one who was with him because she wanted him, rather than for the sake of some ancient idea of duty.

  When she grabbed his cock with both hands, he looked down and realized he’d been do fixated on her sex that he didn’t see her disobeying his command to keep her hands up. Yet, feeling her soft hands on the part of his body he most wished to rub against her forced every other thought from his mind.

  “Stop teasing me and give me what I want.” Her breathless plea made the feelings of tenderness in his chest double.

  “If you wish to have my thick cock, you shall have it, but all in due course, my sweet.”

  Nipping at his bottom lip, she quipped, “Less talk, more action.”

  Oh, this human could get to him quicker than anything else in the ‘verse. Raising his body using his arms and feet, he denied her the feel of his monstrous body. She didn’t like that. He could tell by the soft keening sound she made and the way she clutched at his hips, trying to pull him back down.

  Bradon wanted the first time he was inside her to be memorable. Slicking himself through her tender folds, he wetted himself in her arousal. Exercising the control of a priest, he intentionally drove her mad with lust by slipping the full length of his cock over her clit, dipping and just missing her opening. Coming to a stuttering stop, he rocked back and forth before repeating the maneuver. Her legs slid together beneath him and clamped closed around his cock, making him jerk in surprise.

  “No more playing. Give me what I want.”

  She acted the part of a queen, though she was a pilot. Yes, his new love was a fighter pilot, so he should have expected her to fight him in all ways. Something about being defied by this little piece of human fluff fired his lust. Bradon had always liked a good challenge, and now he had a small human beneath him with a fire burning in her gut.

  He lowered himself and allowed her to place his cock head at her tender opening. Dropping down onto his knees, he trapped her legs open and began to push forward.

  With his lips stroking her ear, he whispered, “After demanding my cock, you will take all of it.”

  “Gimme, gimme,” she whispered back.

  This greedy little female was not going to be satisfied with anything less than his best. Bradon could clearly intuit that much. He breached her tight center, rocking back forth, forcing her to take his generous endowment.

  Her hands drifted over his body, somehow free of her bonds. He’d have to be more careful next time and not underestimate his clever little fighter. Feeling her body swallow his cock was pure ecstasy.


; Great day in the morning! Something about having the huge man on top of her, pressing her down into the bed as he speared his cock into her flipped all the right switches. Grace loved every single thing about how Bradon switched gears from the reserved priest who led his people out of the darkness of one war after another to the wild man teasing her to within an inch of her life.

  He slowly filled her up as his nails clawed into the bedding. A ripping sound grated quietly beside her head. Having dispensed with the string that he’d bound her wrists with, she explored to her heart’s content.

  It’s true his skin was thicker than most, but it seemed just as responsive. She could tell because when she touched him, he reacted. He jumped when she gently scratched her nails down his shoulders, causing him to push into her more quickly. He liked that and it got her more dick, making it an easy decision to deal out some more light scratching.

  When her hands went around to his back, she felt the metal rings that had been embedded into his spine. They connected him to the Davarian hibernation unit when he slept for forty years. He was sensitive there as well. Rather than scratching, she ran one finger around the skin that butted up against the rings.

  A few circles later and he was pounding into her with abandon. Nothing had ever felt better than his gigantic bumpy cock slipping through her folds and bottoming out inside her channel. He had a bump at the top of his cock, almost like another sack but firmer. It rubbed her clit with each stroke. When he twisted his hips slightly, one of his bumps teased her g-spot.

  Throwing her head back, she let him do his worst. The big alien didn’t hesitate to make her a sweaty compliant mess beneath him. She came, screaming his name, more than once, and he clearly reveled in the control he wielded over her body. Rather than ravishing her body like a sex-starved barbarian, he played her like a finely tuned musical instrument, teasing one orgasm after another from her overwrought body until he sensed she could stand no more. Then he took her deep and held, emptying himself into her with a roar that sounded more savage than humanoid. He collapsed onto her, barely capable of using his arms to keep most of his weight off her.


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