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When an Earl Turns Wicked

Page 13

by Dawn Brower

  “We wait for my wayward grandson to join us. It’s only a matter of time before he comes looking for you.”

  “Marian,” a male called her name. There was only one gentleman who’d dare to use her name so boldly. As if on cue, Jonas was on his way to them…

  “Ah,” the duke said a little too gleefully. “There he is now. It’s great to be proven right.”

  She turned in the direction she thought he’d called from. Jonas rounded the corner and came to a halt, then slowly strutted toward them. “Grandfather?” He glanced from the pistol then to Marian. “What’s the meaning of this?”

  “So good of you to join us. Lady Marian and I were having a wonderful conversation. You were our main topic.”

  Jonas’s jaw tightened, and he clenched his hands into fists at his side. He was attempting to control his temper and failing. She wanted to help him but had no idea how. She sat completely still on the bench, waiting for something—anything.

  “I fail to see what could have been so titillating.” He kept his focus on the duke as he spoke but moved slowly, closing the distance between them. “Put the pistol away before you make a grave mistake.”

  “This is no mistake,” the duke kept the pistol pointed at Marian. “It’s clear you feel deeply for this chit. If you don’t do as I ask, then I’ll shoot her and then you’ll have nothing once again.”

  “You will not do anything to her,” Jonas said harshly. “I’ll see you dead first.”

  “There is only one answer I’ll accept.” The duke cocked the pistol and placed is finger firmly against the trigger. “Come back to Southington and leave Lady Marian behind. As long as you do as I say, she’ll always be safe.”

  She had to help Jonas. He’d be miserable at Southington Castle, and it would be all her fault. She would not let him throw his life away for the duke and his evil plans. The evil bastard may have had the pistol pointed at her, but he wasn’t looking in her direction the whole time. He kept glancing between them. Maybe if she moved it would give Jonas a chance to wrench the pistol from the duke’s clutches.

  “I should have seen this coming. That peace offering you were presenting me with earlier was a ruse, wasn’t it?”

  The duke laughed. “If you’d agreed, then we wouldn’t be here now. This could all have been prevented, but you always did things the hard way.”

  Marian moved off the bench and started to walk toward the duke and Jonas. She took a step, but Jonas shook his head cautioning her.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” the duke asked her. “Stay where you are.”

  Jonas took the duke’s distraction and used it to his advantage. He wrapped his hand around the duke’s wrist trying to get him to release the pistol. Unfortunately, the duke wasn’t so easily swayed and fought back. There was a struggle and then a loud boom echoed through the air. Marian covered her mouth with her hands to hold back the sobs. She rushed toward them, hoping that Jonas wasn’t hurt. Marian fell to her knees, her skirt billowing around her.

  The duke slumped against him holding his chest. “I guess you win,” the duke managed to gurgle out as he slid to the ground.

  “No one won anything today.” Jonas frowned.

  “We should get help.” Marian said. Tears streamed down her face, and she was unable to move. “Alys might be able to fix him.”

  “No,” the duke said. “I set this in motion, and it’s my fault I’m dying. At least the dukedom is going to someone who deserves it.”

  “The dukedom dies with you, old man. I’ll never take the title as my own.” Jonas refused to look at the old man. “But Lady Marian is right, we should find you help.” He met her gaze. “I won’t leave you alone with him. I’ll carry him back to the manor. Can you walk?”

  She nodded. “I can manage.”

  Jonas picked the duke up and Marian found a way to stand on her own. They walked in silence back to the manor. When they stumbled inside, they ran into Alys first. The duchess started barking orders immediately and took charge of the situation. If Marian doubted her skill before, she didn’t any more. If anyone could save the duke, it was the Duchess of Weston.

  Jonas left Alys to care for his grandfather and headed out of the manor. She should go after him, but figured he needed some time alone. Marian didn’t know why Jonas had come looking for her, and feared she’d never find out. Damn the duke…

  Alys had done everything she could to help the duke, but he’d been too weak and had died. They were preparing his body to be sent back to the castle. Jonas would have to go into mourning as his only living relative. Marian wanted to console him, but he’d seemed so angry that she’d kept her distance.

  She was walking in the garden again. She should have been terrified of it; however, for some insane reason she found it peaceful. The gardens were extensive, making it easy to avoid the place where her entire world had changed. She found a spot amongst the clusters of daisies and sat on a green patch of grass nearby. They’d be leaving Weston Manor soon, and it saddened her. The trip had irrevocably changed her in ways she’d never anticipated.

  “Marian,” Jonas said her name. She glanced in his direction and her breath caught in her throat. When he reached her, he dropped to his knees and buried his face in her skirt. “I’m so sorry.” His voice was muffled by her muslin gown. He lifted his head to meet her gaze. “I’m an idiot, and nothing I could do or say would make things right. I’d beg for forgiveness, but I don’t deserve it.”

  “You don’t,” she agreed. Her heart softened at the sight of his misery. “You’ve had a lot to deal with—your grandfather…”

  “Isn’t important. You on the other hand are very much so.” He shook his head. “I lost years off my life when my grandfather had that pistol pointed at you. I never want to feel that helpless ever again.” He swallowed hard. “You were right; I am not worthy of you. It’s why I pushed you away before. I want you to have so much better than the likes of me.”

  “What?” she was confused. Did he have doubts? Were they more similar than she realized. “Why would you believe that? I said that as I left in a fury, but I didn’t mean it. Well, unless this is some ill-fated attempt to make amends only for you to hurt me again.”

  Alys had said to wait for him to come to realize he’d made a mistake. She had even predicted he’d fall on his knees before her. Maybe she was aware of far more than she’d said earlier. She was a time traveling duchess, so anything could be possible.

  “I would never intentionally hurt you,” he declared. “It’s my greatest regret that I ever did so. You have dreams of being a physician. Let me help you achieve that dream and any other you might have.”

  Her mouth fell open in surprise. That was something she’d never expected to hear him say. He’d shot down her desire to help people so often that she’d taken it as a given he’d never openly support it. “What are you really saying?” There had to be more than that.

  “Somehow, some way, you slipped into my heart. Now that you’re there, I can’t imagine living my life without you in it. I’m not perfect.” He reached for her hand and kissed her palm. “I’m going to make mistakes, and I hope you help me through them. I’m not as strong as you are.”

  Marian went down on her knees and clasped his hands in hers. “You’re better than you believe you are. You don’t need me.”

  “I do,” he insisted. “Without you, my world is dark. I was always meant to find you. Before you, I was a miserable man on a path to destruction. Loving you was the best decision I never made. Please marry me and let me spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me. I’m afraid someday I might turn into my grandfather, and I don’t ever want to be a man like him.”

  As far as him being like his rotten grandfather—that was impossible. Jonas was a good man and would never be anything like the duke. Why was he suddenly all right with her desire to be a physician? He’d been so adamantly against it in the past. Was he only agreeing to it so she’d accept his proposal? If he did
n’t truly believe in her medical acumen, then what kind of relationship would they have? Maybe it was selfish of her, but she wanted him to love her and believe she could achieve her dream.

  “Is this why you want to support my desire to be a physician?”

  “Partly,” he agreed. “I want to be by your side for everything. No one should decide what you want to be other than you. If studying medicine is what you want, I’ll gladly make sure it happens. It also helps that I believe you’re capable of doing anything. You’re brave and adventurous. Will you allow me the pleasure of being yours, and consent to be mine in return?”

  Marian stared at him and considered her options. She couldn’t imagine living her life without him. Even if she never became a physician, at least she’d have his love and the life they would create together. It was far more than she could have ever imagined for herself. Somehow, she’d convinced herself she didn’t deserve or need love. It was rather nice to realize how wrong she had been in that presumption.

  “Promise to give me all of you, and I’ll do so in return.” Damn those tears were threatening to fall again. At least this time they were happy ones. “I love you, Jonas.”

  “Not as much as I love you,” he replied. His lips tilted upward into one of his famous wicked smiles. “Is that a yes?”

  She couldn’t help her own lips curling into a happy grin. “A thousand times and more,” she answered. “There’s nothing I want more than to be your wife.”

  “Thank God.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I don’t care that I’m supposed to mourn that evil bastard and delay our wedding for a year. I’m not waiting that long to make you my wife. He didn’t respect me in life, and I’ll be damned if I respect him in death. Will you consent to a wedding as soon as possible—even if it means we’ll both be thrust into a scandal?”

  As wicked as Jonas was, there was no doubt a scandal would be involved somehow. She’s come to like that side of him—no loved. Her heart nearly burst with it. Marian laughed lightly. “There’s nothing I want more?”

  Jonas’s response was to kiss her again—this time with so much passion it was undeniable. As with any other time they kissed, heat consumed her—and she hoped it always stayed that way. She’d tell him later about her decision to study with Alys and how she’d decided to not openly practice medicine. It was enough that he wanted to be by her side no matter what she chose to do. Marian loved him beyond reason. She’d come to Kent with one dream and was leaving it with an entirely different one.

  Sometimes it was better to let go and leave things open for new possibilities. Fate had a better idea of what she needed then she had. She was made to be his, and nothing would change that. They had a love that defied logic, and she finally had the answer to all her questions. Happiness could be found, and she’d found it in the arms of the one man who left her breathless. Every breath, every heartbeat, was for him and their future…


  Three months later…

  Today was the day. The one he’d been waiting for and had thought would never arrive. He’d been a hopeless fool for far too long, but now he had faith in a much brighter future. It wouldn’t be long until he was a married man and he’d have to leave his old life behind. He was happy to move forward and build a life with Marian. The club would be a distant memory before long. Marian was his future, and if they were blessed they’d have children to add to it.

  “Jonas,” Coventry called to him. “Do you have a moment? There’s some things I wish to discuss with you before the ceremony.”

  “Yes,” Jonas replied. “What is it?” He couldn’t imagine what Marian’s father had to say to him. He’d seemed happy enough to approve of their marriage. It was too late for him to have changed his mind.

  “I’m glad you’re marrying my daughter. This makes things easier.”

  Cryptic statements such as that one were the norm for the Earl of Coventry. Sometimes he elaborated on them, and other times he left them all guessing. “What is easier?”

  “I admit a part of me had hoped you and Marian would make a match. I did try pushing you in each other’s direction whenever the chance arose, but the two of you fought every time. I’d become disheartened.”

  Coventry wanted him to marry Marian before they’d fallen in love? Maybe all those arguments were the prelude to their love story. A part of him had always wanted her. “I love her.” He didn’t know what else to say.

  “I know you do,” he said and then took a deep breath. “That makes this equal parts difficult and simple.” Coventry’s gaze became a little unfocused, then he cleared his throat. “I’m an old man, and I’ve been sick. It’s time I stepped down from the club and leave room for someone else to take the reins.”

  “I don’t understand.” How sick was he? Grayson had been correct after all, and he should have pressed Coventry sooner about it. He’d been too self-absorbed to make an issue of it at the time. He felt like a complete arse now that he realized the truth.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not dying,” he replied as if he had read Jonas’s mind. “But you never do know when your time is up. I’ve been waiting for you to gain a bit of maturity and to let go of your disillusionment. It’s about time—for you, and for me, to make the next step in our path. Now that you’re marrying into the family, you can be the one to lead The Coventry Club.”

  “But I’m marrying Marian today.” A Wicked Earl couldn’t be married and still be a part of the club. “I have to hand in my keys.” Something he should already have done, but had been holding onto it, afraid to let go of his past completely. He loved Marian and wanted to take that step. Marrying her was the best decision he’d ever made.

  “The rules are clear,” he said. “No marriages except for the leader of the club. When I step down, you’ll take my place. It will be your duty to enforce the rules and keep the earls in line, but not be an active participant in some of the more decadent activities.”

  No mistresses or courtesans, in other words… Did Coventry have so little faith in him? He’d never participate in those activities. He loved Marian more than he could ever express.

  “I don’t know what to say.” How did one respond to an invitation with a veiled threat?

  “Say you’ll do it so I can retire.” Coventry looked tired and older than Jonas remembered. There were dark spots under his eyes and his hair seemed grayer than before. No wonder he wanted to step down as leader of the club.

  “Yes,” there wasn’t any other answer he could give. “I’d do anything for you.”

  “Good,” Coventry replied. “Because the next thing I’m going to ask you will be harder for you to accept.”

  Foreboding filled his guts at Coventry’s statement. What did he want Jonas to do that was so bad? “I doubt there is anything you would ask of me that I’d fail to do.”

  “I want you to take the Southington title and fortune.”

  Except that… “Absolutely not.”

  “Listen to what I have to say first,” Coventry demanded. “I’m not asking you to take it on for yourself, but for your children.”

  “So you fancy having a duchess for a daughter?” Jonas couldn’t keep the derision out of his voice.

  Coventry sighed. “No and I doubt Marian would thank me for that either. She doesn’t like being the center of attention and would hate every minute of it. No, I am thinking of the opportunities that you could give your children. Don’t take the title for yourself. I understand why you wouldn’t want it, but you can give it to your first born son, and pass Harrington on to the second born. You’re well off and don’t need the money; however, it can be used to help those not so fortunate as yourself. There was a time you weren’t in the best of places. Don’t you want to help others in the same fashion?”

  Jonas’s stomach soured. Coventry was right and the money could be put to good use. He could leave the title on the side for when they were blessed with children. He hated taking the title when he swore he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to b
e the Duke of Southington and never would be addressed as such. Maybe he’d convince Marian on working on the children part sooner rather than later. He rather liked that idea… “Fine,” Jonas agreed. “I’m going to look into setting up a foundation or something with the largess of the money. I don’t want anything to do with that old bastard. The title can rot for all I care.” It was his turn to sigh. “But my future son can bring honor back to it. I’m too close to the pain to do it justice.”

  “You would do fine if you let yourself,” Coventry said. “But I understand your reservations. Now let’s go get you married. We’ll work out the details on the club later.”

  Jonas left Coventry to wait for Marian outside the church. He went to the altar and took his place. Soon she’d walk down the aisle, and then they’d say their vows. Music filled the church and the doors swung open. Marian’s beauty was surrounded by the glow of sunlight. Slowly, she walked toward them—to their destiny. She stopped before him, her father by her side. Coventry handed her arm over to him, and they went to stand before the vicar.

  The vows went by in a blur, and before he realized it, they’d come to his favorite part. “You may now kiss the bride.”

  “With pleasure,” Jonas said as he pressed his lips to hers. To think he’d have the right to kiss her for the rest of his life. He stopped and asked her, “Are you happy?”

  “Blissfully so,” she said. “Are you?”

  “I’m not sure happiness is the right word for what I feel,” he said, then smiled. “But we can work on finding a perfect fit for the rest of our lives.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” She kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck. They were doomed to be the most unconventional husband and wife in existence—Jonas wouldn’t change her for anything. She was his heart, and he’d never have enough of her…

  EXCERPT: A Lady Hoyden’s Secret


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