Book Read Free

The Prophecy

Page 18

by Karen MacLeod-Wilkie

  The teenager moaned as she moved into the van. “Are you really rescuing us?”


  The Rescuees

  As Quillon drove, the middle-aged man turned to the teen and said, “I think we’re okay, Nicole. I don’t know these people, but I recognized Conrad. He’s a distant cousin of my wife.”

  He patted Nicole’s shoulder reassuringly before speaking to the others. “Thanks for the rescue, I’m Bernard.”

  “I’m Quillon, this is Symba.” Quillon gestured to his side. “We’ve been working with Gerarda behind the scenes until today. These are our friends, and we’ve a lot to share, but you look like you could use some water and food.”

  “I’m so weak from hunger, I couldn’t even walk when you rescued us. What have you got to eat?” said Nicole as she leaned eagerly toward Brigid who was digging in the food bag.

  “Hi Nicole. I’m Brigid. If you’ve been deprived of food for a while, I suggest you start with watermelon juice. It’ll be gentle on your stomach.” Brigid passed her a small jug and reached by to hand a food pack to Bernard.

  The third man was quietly leaning against the side of the van with his eyes closed. When the pack was placed in his lap, he opened his eyes. He drew out a water bottle and a protein bar. He took small bites and chewed slowly, leaning his head back to the side again.

  “We’re headed to my home,” said Quillon. “We weren’t sure what condition you’d be in or if you’d have safe places to go, so you’re welcome to stay with us for now. We can talk more once we’re there.”

  Quillon drove the van directly to the garage, located to the side of the house. An automatic door opened as he guided it inside. The garage was huge and gave shelter to half a dozen vehicles.

  Bernard choked on his water. “Man, I take it you’re rich or something?” he said.

  “My family has money,” Quillon admitted, “which has helped me collect a variety of vehicles useful for many different situations.”

  Symba climbed out and opened the side door. Holding onto her arm for support, Nicole dragged herself out of the van. She weakly stumbled forward a few steps and stopped. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw a gleaming motorcycle immediately in front of her.

  “My boyfriend used to drive one of these to work.” She mournfully ran her hand over the motorcycle seat. “I haven’t seen him since I was taken.”

  She swayed with dizziness, “Do you have any more food? I’m really hungry.”

  Symba wrapped her arm around Nicole. “Come on. There’s a connector tunnel that leads us underground to the house. That should keep your presence here from being observed,” she said.

  Quillon and Evander grabbed some of the gear; Bernard limped along beside them. The other man trailed behind, still not speaking.

  The tunnel was short and connected to the storage room. They climbed up the basement stairs and arrived in the kitchen. Symba guided Nicole to the table; the two men plonked themselves down as well. Evander pulled food out of the fridge.

  Brigid stayed at the table, where she spoke to the three rescuees.

  “I’m a healer and, if you give me permission, I can assist you in your recovery. I can work with you physically, emotionally, mentally, or in whatever way you’d find most helpful.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” said Bernard. “I bunged up my knee trying to escape when I was first captured. Those research doctors were mainly taking blood samples from me and using them in tests. Others survived a lot worse treatment than me.”

  “That’s because you’re a dwarf and they want to find out how you live longer. With fairies, like me, they tried different experiments. They’d make us use up our energy and restrict our food until we were practically passing out. Then, they’d keep us awake and force us to open our wings to collect energy. Throughout, they hooked me up to all sorts of monitors.” Nicole shuddered from her memories, especially of the uninvited hands on her wings.

  “I can help with those memories and sensations,” Brigid assured her.

  “And you?” She turned to the tall silent man who rested his head in his hands.

  A long pause ensued. Finally, he lifted his head and his sunken, despairing eyes looked into hers. “I don’t know if you can. There was so much.” His tenor voice was raspy with pain. He placed his head in his hands again.

  “Matthias is a shapeshifter,” said Nicole quietly. “They captured him six months ago. By the time I met him, they’d broken every bone in his body, starved him, injected him with viruses, and forced him to shift to heal. Each time they took blood and saliva samples from each of his forms. Last week, they started injecting him with cancer cells.”

  Brigid pursed her mouth to prevent a gasp of horror. Compassion swept over her face. Bernard hunched his shoulders even more.

  “Is there any way we can find out if my wife and family are okay?” Bernard shifted the focus from the enormity of Matthias’ issues, as bowls of mixed greens and sprouts were placed on the table. “They went into hiding and I was supposed to join them after I finished my work. I had just completed the installation of a marble mantle when I was captured.”

  “Gerarda knows where most of the dwarf hideouts are located. I can get word to her, although if Conrad recognized you, he may have passed the good news on. If they’re in the local caves, we may be able to get you there in a few days. We’ll need to keep a low profile at first and monitor military transmissions. We don’t want to risk capture again,” Quillon said.

  “I sense this is difficult for each of you,” said Symba, looking at Bernard, Nicole, and Matthias. “We appreciate you sharing your experience with us. It helps us know more clearly what we’re up against so we can plan strategies to fight back.”

  “Eat slowly and small amounts if they’ve been starving you.” Brigid placed a cautionary hand on Nicole’s as the girl reached for her bowl. “Frequency rather than quantity will work more gently in your body as you adjust to digesting more food.”

  “Thanks.” Nicole offered a grateful smile before she continued. “My family doesn’t live around here. I came to this country as an exchange student. I love to sing and write music. I wanted to explore music therapy as a career. Dr. Lily Langdon is an expert in sound therapy and has done extensive research in that field. Every year, she agrees to take on a few private students. My dad arranged for me to be one of them. He found a safe place for me to board; I’ve been here nearly seven months. I was babysitting for my host family, who are totally human, when two officers came to the door. They asked me to step outside and you can guess what happened next. Apparently, they’d spotted me opening my wings when I was necking with my boyfriend. We thought we were all alone in the park.” Nicole fell silent, thinking of how her life had changed.

  Bernard interrupted the silence. “Nicole was incredible. Late at night, when the nursing shifts met to switch duty, even when she was exhausted, she’d sneak around and softly sing to others who were suffering. She brought a lot of people comfort.”

  “A lot of us suffered there.” Matthias’ face twisted bitterly.

  Brigid stood up. “I need to select some of my healing supplies. There’s a small parlor across the hall that should suit for healing work. Bernard, would you like to meet me there in ten minutes?”

  “You bet,” he said as he scooped up the last of his salad.

  “I think I need to lie down for a bit,” said Nicole. She looked at Matthias. “He should too.”

  “Before you do, it’d be helpful to have the names of your families or businesses so I can do some checking while you’re resting,” said Quillon.

  Matthias said, “My parents live in another part of the country. My siblings and I owned and operated a casino on the other side of Greenberg. I’m not sure how we were found out, but I fought when they came for us, so my brother and sister could get away. I don’t know what happened to them or the casino. They didn’t end up with me at the facility the three of us were in.”

  The others also gave Quil
lon the specifics he needed to search for their families.

  When they were finished, Symba stood up. “There are extra bedrooms upstairs,” she said. “I’ll take you up to them. After you rest, I can heat up a small amount of stew. If you feel up to it, you can touch base with Brigid. Later, we’ll share some of our story.”

  Symba guided Bernard to the parlor and left him there. Nicole and Matthias, she led to bedrooms where they could nap. She gave Isleen’s room to Nicole and the room Evander had first used to Matthias.

  Brigid entered the parlor.

  Bernard had his foot propped up on a coffee table and was leaning back into the comfort of a well-cushioned couch. He spoke as she set up her supplies on the table. “You said you were a healer. Is that like a doctor?”

  “In some ways, yes,” she replied. “I can make recommendations about herbs and supplements that can support your body’s natural tendency to seek healing. I can teach you techniques to help yourself, such as exercises to strengthen weakened muscles. But I have the ability to see into your body where damage has occurred or is occurring. I’m able to access the energy of the world around us and direct it to help your damaged cells knit together. When it comes to mental or emotional issues, I can also assist by sending soothing energy or by helping you release emotions.”

  “Wow, I don’t think I’ve met anyone like you before,” said Bernard.

  “As we proceed with this healing time, you’ll be working with me and your body–spirit self as partners in the healing process. While I’m the guide, you’re in charge. If at any time you have questions, feel uncomfortable, or want to stop, please say so. Before we proceed, do I have permission to touch your knee?” Brigid asked.

  “Sure.” He watched curiously as Brigid placed her hands around his injured knee.

  “Bernard, I want you to close your eyes. Take slow breaths, deep into your abdomen, and release each breath completely. Let your body soften and relax to receive healing energy.”

  Bernard did as Brigid instructed.

  “Next, imagine drawing your breath and awareness down into your knee.”

  “There’s a lot of heat coming from your hands,” Bernard said. “I feel some tingling too.”

  “Let that heat soak into your muscles and tendons, into nerves and circulation, removing congestion and knitting together anything that has been torn or damaged.”

  Brigid allowed her sight to sink into his knee. It was greatly inflamed. Muscles and tendons needed repair. As she sent golden light to assist Bernard’s body in healing itself, she sensed the presence of suppressed emotion in and around the knee as well.

  “Bernard, sometimes with injuries there are emotional components as well as physical issues at play. Knee injuries are sometimes associated with internal conflict related to choices we make between ourselves and our families.”

  “You’re very astute.” Bernard heaved a huge sigh. “I’ve been weighed down by guilt since I was captured. Pride in my work led me to finish that mantlepiece rather than to go with my family. Then, at the High River facility, I watched the suffering of fairies and shapeshifters who had it so much worse than me. It wore on me.”

  “As you acknowledge these feelings, allow them to drain out of your body–spirit self and into my hands,” said Brigid.

  “Now, I invite you to gently tap your fingers just below your collarbone and repeat aloud, ‘I choose forgiveness’ or ‘I choose peace’ or whatever words feel most comforting and healing to you. Are you okay with that?”

  “I’ll give it a try,” said Bernard, nodding. They continued for another five minutes. Brigid could see the strain lines easing around Bernard’s eyes.

  “I feel lighter, less tense,” he said.

  “Let me know when you feel as though you’re finished.”

  “I feel like I could enjoy a really restful nap right now,” said Bernard with a slight smile.

  “Sounds like a wise decision.” Brigid smiled in return as she lifted her hands from his knee. “I have a mix of oils in an ointment which you can spread around your knee. It helps in recovery from sprains and other muscle strains. Later, we can work on a few stretches to help the muscles around your knee return to balance.”

  Bernard stood up and tested out his knee. It held firm. He held out his hand to Brigid. “Thanks for being a healer and sharing your gift with me. I appreciate all you folks have done for me today.”

  Brigid clasped his hand and felt the sincere gratitude flowing from his heart.

  After the door closed behind Bernard, Brigid sat down to rest for a moment. It had been a busy morning. She looked up as the door opened again. It was Evander bearing a cup of coffee with a cacao and almond butter square on a napkin.

  “I thought you might need a little boost.”

  “Yes, please,” she nearly drooled in reply.

  They sat together as she sipped her coffee and savored the square. Evander gently stroked her neck muscles, helping to diffuse some of her tension.

  “I’m worried about Matthias,” she said. “There’s so much brokenness within him, and I don’t mean all the bones they damaged. Despair is like a heavy cloak wrapped tightly around him. I don’t know if I can reach him.”

  Evander continued to sweep his fingers in tender circles over her shoulders and neck. “You’re the Healer. When you were named, the prophecy glowed in your presence. I believe in you.”

  He took her empty coffee cup and placed it on the table. He cupped her face in his hands, caressing her lips with his thumbs. His lips followed. Brigid felt herself relax into his embrace.

  “Allow the fire between us to renew you,” he whispered.

  As their kiss deepened and their hands began to explore each other’s bodies, Brigid felt her hope igniting again. They had a mission to fulfill together. It wasn’t completely clear, but she knew her gifts. She’d do her best; that was all anyone could do.

  Slowly, Evander eased Brigid’s sweater over her head. His fingers massaged the top of her hips and up her spine. Brigid let her wings unfurl. Tender strokes comforted and stimulated at the same time. She felt so alive with Evander, in a way she hadn’t experienced before. Her hands reached up to slide his shirt from his shoulders. Her fingers traced the delicate membranes of his wings. Energy pulsed between them.

  Brigid dragged her mouth away to ask, “What if someone comes in?”

  Evander chuckled. “Don’t worry, I locked the door. Most of them are occupied: Symba’s cooking, our rescuees are sleeping, Treena and Quillon are up in his office.”

  Brigid relaxed as Evander placed a soft throw onto the carpet and lowered her onto it. Their lovemaking was unhurried; each layer of connection wove golden energy around them and through them. Brigid extended her wings and allowed them to sweep up and down Evander’s body, feeling him in a way she had no other. When they came to climax, it was as if a cascade of stars ignited and flew between them.

  Evander brushed her forehead with his lips. “I feel very fortunate to have found you.”

  “I’m glad you were the one sent to find me,” said Brigid, hugging him close. Then she tensed up. “I can sense movement on the stairs. We’d better not lounge here too long!” They scrambled to get back into their clothing.

  A few minutes later, a knock sounded on the door and they heard a voice.

  “Brigid, are you free for my session now? I just had a bowl of stew and Symba told me you were done with Bernard a while ago.” It was Nicole.

  Evander took the throw from the floor and gathered up the coffee cup and napkin.

  “Sure thing, Nicole,” replied Brigid. “I was just having a snack break.” She winked at Evander and grabbed one final kiss as she opened the door.

  “Oh, hello,” said Nicole to Evander. “Are you staying?” She didn’t seem to know what to say.

  “No. I have some other things to do,” said Evander. “Blessings on your healing time with Brigid,” he offered as he exited.

  Nicole watched him as he left. “He�
�s sure easy on the eyes. Is he your man?” Nicole’s curiosity was piqued.

  “It seems so,” Brigid replied. “We just met a short while ago, but from the beginning there was a spark between us, and it just keeps getting stronger.”

  “I hope I find someone like that someday,” said Nicole. She paced around the room, picking up small ornaments and then setting them down.

  Brigid sat patiently until she felt Nicole was ready to share. “Is there something in particular on your mind right now?”

  “Can you really fix what’s wrong with me?” Nicole blurted out.

  “Would you feel safe coming to sit beside me?” Brigid asked.

  Nicole looked at her quizzically and nodded her head. She walked over and sat beside Brigid on the couch. Brigid asked permission to hold her hand, to which Nicole assented.

  “I’m going to lightly press on your hand in this area.” Brigid demonstrated pressing down on the hollow between the ring and baby finger. “I’d like you to take a few deep breaths in and out.” Brigid continued to gently massage Nicole’s hand as she spoke. “There’s nothing you can say that will shock me. I’ve been a healer a long time and I’ve dealt with a lot of very difficult situations. I invite you to trust me with whatever you need to say. The spot I’m pressing on your hand helps your body relax and not panic as you talk.”

  Nicole’s eyes widened and she took another deep breath. “I couldn’t stop what was happening to me. I felt so helpless. It’s overwhelming even trying to talk about it.” Tears began to slowly stream down her cheeks.

  “Let’s focus on those feelings,” Brigid suggested.

  She offered Nicole a small sniff of lavender oil. When Nicole indicated she liked it, Brigid massaged a small amount into the acupressure points she was pressing. They explored together different ways to release the feeling of helplessness and the memory of being in a helpless situation. After a half hour, Nicole felt significantly better.

  Brigid asked, “I wonder if there’s anything you’d like to say to yourself in that situation?”


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