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The Prophecy

Page 24

by Karen MacLeod-Wilkie

  Nicole offered a parting gift—a chorus she taught them, that she hoped would continue to sing within their hearts any time they needed it. It was a simple tune she had created, but its harmonics were infused with hope, courage, and trust.

  We are one. In joy or sorrow, we are one.

  Diff’rently abled, diff’rently labeled, we are one.

  Apart, divided, broken, in hiding, we are one.

  Mending together, loving forever, we are one.

  Nicole had them practice the words and tune numerous times until she was sure they would remember it all.

  Quillon reached into his coat and hauled out the Pitch Perfect DVD. “I heard this was your favorite,” he smiled, “so I’d like you to have it. Anytime you see an email with one of the song titles from this movie in it, that’ll be me reaching out to you.”

  Nicole squealed as she took the DVD and gave Quillon a big hug.

  Evander handed her a bag of Medjool dates. “Whenever you get the munchies, have one of these and remember the good times we’ve had together.”

  Nicole expressed her thanks with a hug.

  Treena stepped over and produced one of her daggers. “You’ve been working with me on the proper use of this. Keep it hidden and with you at all times, so you’re never defenseless again.”

  Nicole gasped and held it carefully as she embraced Treena.

  Bernard was next. “My wife works with silver and made this chain for me many years ago. I’ve attached a kyanite crystal to it. Quillon had a small chest of crystals he collected when his mom was ill. I selected this one for you because kyanite offers powerful emotional healing and helps us to create energy bridges. It allows us to cross over painful emotions that have kept us stagnant and stuck. Kyanite is great for the brain and the throat, so it’s especially good for singers and those in leadership positions. Its sky-blue color with a pearly sheen reminds me of the sparkle you brought to our time together. You don’t have to worry about charging it, because kyanite can’t contain or accumulate negative energy. May you wear it and remember how much we care for you.”

  Bernard opened the clasp and fastened it around Nicole’s neck as a tear slipped down his cheek. He gave her shoulder a squeeze and she turned to give him a tearful hug.

  Symba snuck in to grab her and shared, “Girl, you’ve sung your way into our hearts in a way we’ll never forget. Keep singing and be true to yourself. Believe in who you are and what you have to offer.” She held up a bracelet with little charms of dancers and musical notes dangling from it. “My friend Nainsi gave me this bracelet. I want you to have it.”

  Brigid offered a small vial of frankincense oil to both Nicole and Bernard. She shared that it was helpful in times of high stress and overwhelming emotions. Nicole whispered her thanks for all their healing sessions together as she clung to Brigid.

  Matthias was the last to offer a gift. “We didn’t actually plan this, but it seems we’re connected in our desire to let you know we’ll miss you. When I’m confused or trying to sort things out, I whittle. These past few days, I’ve collected some of the fallen twigs from the basswood trees on Quillon’s property. This little fellow can keep you company any time you like; remember, you’re not alone.”

  He passed Nicole a small fox figure he had whittled from the basswood. She slipped it into her pocket with pleasure.

  “I also carved these for the rest of us.” Matthias handed around small musical notes. “Nicole, we’ve got you with us, always.”

  Reluctantly, Quillon indicated it was time to search out a disguise for Bernard. Within an hour, the doorbell rang. Brigid, Treena, Symba, and Nicole dashed to the window of the exercise room where they’d been working on their hand-to-hand skills. Below, they saw the delivery truck in the driveway. They hurried out of the room and toward the stairs. Matthias was exiting his room where he’d been working on the riddle. Evander stepped out of the kitchen where he’d been preparing lunch. Quillon and Bernard were at the open front door. They all recognized Conrad’s voice behind the disguise he wore.

  Conrad had set a chair on the step. He brought it in with him. As the door closed, he said, “In case I was stopped, I needed to make this delivery appear real, so I hope you like the chair!”

  He grinned and looked at Bernard. “You’re looking much better than a few days ago.”

  Bernard extended his hand. “Thanks to you and your rescue team, I am much better.”

  Conrad continued. “We only have a few minutes, in keeping with a regular delivery. We’ll make two more deliveries before we switch vehicles to make our way home. Before we go, I have an update. We got the other rescuees to safe places, although they’re in much worse shape than you folks.” Conrad’s gaze swept over Matthias and Nicole.

  “We’ve been very fortunate to have Brigid working with us. She’s a highly skilled healer,” said Bernard.

  “Seeing their state, Gerarda is even more concerned about those who have been detained elsewhere. She feels we have sufficient information to plan a raid on the new facility developed at Wheadon Ranch,” said Conrad.

  “I’d like to be involved,” said Quillon.

  The others murmured their assent.

  Conrad nodded. “I’ll pass on the word. We’re having a planning session tomorrow afternoon. Watch for an email tonight with details of time and place. Okay, Bernard, time to go.”

  Final hugs, backslaps, and hand clasps were shared, and the two men exited to the truck. Everyone trooped into the kitchen to help with the last of the lunchtime preparations.

  “It feels weird without Bernard,” Nicole said as she opened the cupboard door to take out a stack of plates. A small piece of paper drifted to the floor. She picked it up and read it aloud.

  Keep smiling.

  She held the note for the others to see and pointed to a large B under the phrase. Treena started to chuckle. She lifted another note from the cutlery drawer.

  Hold strong.

  Brigid discovered one among the glasses.

  We are one.

  As the day progressed, they found similar notes in their bathrooms, on Quillon’s desk, or on their pillowcases. It was Bernard’s way of lightening a difficult transition and continuing to share his presence with them.

  After lunch was finished, Matthias asked for time to share what he had untangled from the riddle. Seated around the table, they listened to his reflections.

  “Few people know that I have a small retreat outside of town. My family used to call it ‘the nuthouse,’ because that’s where I’d go when everything was getting nutty with the pressure of work. I could go there and decompress and get perspective again. It was also a place I could shift freely.”

  “So, that first line has a double meaning,” said Quillon. “I’m not a nut, and you are safe, but I have found a door. It tells me the email is safe and not from some crackpot who found a hidden door to my account, and it points to your retreat house.”

  “Is there a hidden door in this ‘nuthouse’?” Evander asked.

  “Yeah,” replied Matthias. “In the basement, under the carpet, there’s a door camouflaged in the wood floor. It leads to a tunnel linked to a cave network. I’m the only one who knows the code that’ll open the door.”

  “Caves? Interesting,” said Symba. “Don’t stop there. What else do you think the riddle means?”

  “I think we have to go there and that we’ll find The Mind in the caves.” Matthias lifted the page on which the prophecy was printed and read,

  “You’re not complete, you’re missing one,

  the Player knows the score.

  Find me you must to move ahead,

  to cross and mend again.

  Like grains of sand within the glass,

  it’s time I was your friend.

  Seek for me well. That is the task.

  It isn’t tough to do.

  Go east, then west, turn upside down.

  You’ll find me once you’re through.

  “The hourglass and
reference to time, and saying The Player knows the score, suggest we need to be there at midnight. East and west are likely directions we’ll need to take through the tunnels.”

  “Do we go tonight?” Brigid looked down at the riddle, trying to make sense of it.

  Quillon had been listening closely to Matthias’ interpretation. He responded to Brigid, “That seems to be the intent. I suggest you and I take Nicole to the fashion event and make the connection with Alessandro this evening. I feel it’ll be safer if we’re not all seen together. Then, we can meet up at your retreat place, Matthias, if you give me directions. You can drive the jeep and load it as if you were going camping out there.”

  “Your family have often attended fashion events, so it won’t look strange if you take your latest girlfriend with you,” Symba said.

  Evander gave a slight scowl. Brigid smiled and squeezed his knee to reassure him.

  “Brigid can also use her gift to assess the intent of those you’ll be interacting with to be sure Nicole is safe,” said Symba.

  “The rest of us are best equipped to go with Matthias. My tracking skills should guide us along a safe route and get us inside the retreat. Symba, your enhanced senses will add another layer of protection. We’ll have Evander if we need a small portal to check inside and Matthias knows his way around there,” said Treena.

  “I’m getting nervous.” Nicole’s fingers were fidgety. “Not just for me but for you guys.”

  “Me too,” said Brigid. She placed her hand over Nicole’s. “It’s a little scary to leave the safety we’ve had here. But it’s time to move our mission forward; we have people depending on us. Come on. We need to find clothes for tonight’s event. Let’s go shopping in Isleen’s closet!”

  Brigid hauled Nicole away and left the others to plan the details for the evening. They passed a pleasant two hours trying on outfits and matching them with the best shoes and jewelry. Brigid decided on a long black knot-front dress with bell sleeves. It offered room for movement and she could keep a knife hidden up her sleeve and one strapped to her thigh. It had a high neck so she could keep her necklace hidden underneath while she draped a beautiful coral necklace over the black to offer a bit of color. Coral drop earrings and a coral hairpiece finished the set.

  Before they had decided on a choice for Nicole, Symba and Treena appeared at the door with a box in hand.

  “Quillon just received this delivery from Alessandro,” said Symba. “I believe it’s intended for you for tonight.”

  They passed it to Nicole and crowded into the room to watch. Nicole carefully placed the box on the bed and took off the lid. Inside, she pulled aside layers of tissue paper to reveal a soft two-tone pink chiffon gown with a discreet V-neck and A-line shape.

  “It’s beautiful,” she gasped as she drew it fully out of the box. She held it up to herself as she gazed in the mirror.

  “It’s perfect for you,” Symba agreed.

  Nicole wanted to wear the necklace Bernard had given her, so they searched through the earring case and settled on a pair of silver beetle leaf filigree earrings to match it.

  They played with ideas for hairstyles, and then Symba directed them to take time to soak in the tub and do whatever personal care was necessary. Next, nails needed to be painted and given time to dry without smudging. Symba and Treena assisted with hair and make-up. They kept their housecoats on to eat supper—a tasty chicken and shrimp jambalaya, which was not too spicy to upset stomachs, but had lots of flavor and zing to stimulate blood flow. They were excused from clean-up, which the guys volunteered to do while the ladies completed their preparations.

  “Wow. I didn’t realize how much time it takes to get ready for a fashion event. My prom isn’t until next year, so I’ve never gotten ready for anything like this,” said Nicole.

  “Trying to look the way society expects can take major effort,” Symba agreed.

  “What’s a prom?” Brigid asked as she slid on her earrings. Treena’s questioning look showed she didn’t know what it was either.

  Nicole was amazed at their ignorance. She proceeded to fill the last of their time together talking about the hype of being a graduate and attending a wonderful dance called a prom. The minutes flew by as she gushed about having dreamed of having a dress like she was wearing. Then, it was time to collect her things in a fancy blue-and-pink flowered tote bag and climb into Quillon’s midnight blue Porsche Panamera Turbo Executive.

  As Nicole and Brigid appeared at the top of the stairs, Evander’s eyes widened, and his pulse rate rocketed. It was all he could do to restrain himself as he watched Brigid descend the stairs in her form-fitting and very sexy dress. He longed to sweep her away, but common sense prevailed. To lighten the mood, he took her hand and then Nicole’s and bowed to each. “Ladies, you look stunning!”

  Matthias offered his praise, then opened the door for them. He whistled as they walked toward the shining sedan. “Quite the fancy ride!”

  “I thought it would best suit tonight’s performance,” Quillon said. “And our lovely ladies.” He winked at Nicole as he offered a hand to help her into the back of the car. Brigid climbed in beside her.

  He passed a set of keys to Matthias. “These are for the Jeep. Symba knows how to lock everything up.”

  Quillon climbed into the driver’s seat of the Porsche. The low purr of the engine sounded. Nicole rolled down her window.

  “No tears. You’ll mess up that fantastic make-up job we did,” said Treena. She reached through the window to squeeze Nicole’s hand in farewell, and then stepped back.

  Soon, they were on the road and Quillon dodged traffic as they wove their way downtown toward the Moyer Mall. They were to pick Alessandro up at a coffee shop two miles away from the mall so they could meet and discuss details before arriving together. Quillon eased up to the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop. Immediately, a tall, broad-shouldered, man appeared. He was wearing a black t-shirt and blazer, black jeans, and bright rainbow-colored sneakers. He strode to the car and climbed into the front seat.

  He extended his hand to Quillon. “I’m Alessandro.”

  “I was hoping you were,” Quillon responded with a smile as he shook Alessandro’s hand. Quillon turned to the back seat. Nicole nodded that it was the right guy and Brigid nodded her head as a signal that everything seemed okay.

  “This is Brigid and you know Nicole.” Quillon gestured to each of the women.

  Alessandro offered his hand to each of them. “May I say, you both look lovely tonight. Nicole,”—he ran an expert gaze over her face and body—“you’ve matured since I last saw you at your parents’ anniversary celebration two years ago.”

  “You look the same as ever,” Nicole replied. “Still sporting your rainbow shoes, I see.”

  “Always,” he grinned. “You’ll fit in perfectly with the other models. The dress you’re wearing is part of my design line for teen formal wear.”

  “I have to go on stage?” Nicole gasped.

  “Yours will be the last item of the show. Don’t worry. It’s not a long runway and you’ll have an escort to keep you upright. Jack’s one of my bodyguards, but he used to be an escort, so he knows what to do,” Alessandro assured her. “When we arrive, I’ll open your door and lead you to the model’s secure area. Quillon and Brigid will take their seats out front. After the show, they’ll come to congratulate me on my designs, and that will be your chance to say goodbye. There’ll be a limo waiting for us and we’ll depart immediately after that. Any questions?” said Alessandro.

  “Everything sounds in order,” Quillon said. “Nicole, we’ll be right out front. Try not to worry, okay.”

  Brigid squeezed her hand in encouragement as they arrived. Alessandro and Nicole slipped inside amid the flashing cameras that surrounded the red carpet. The parking attendant took the keys from Quillon who indicated he wanted the car parked in the overflow lot for a quick exit later. Quillon opened the door for Brigid and escorted her inside the lavishly decorated entr
yway. Flowers and tulle abounded along the sides of a red carpet that ushered them toward the staged area. Alessandro had arranged for them to have front row seats. Brigid nervously took in the crowd they had passed on the way in and those seated around her. She had never attended a function such as this. She felt a little like Nicole. Quillon called out greetings to a family friend; then, he extended his arm along the back of her chair and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

  “Relax and smile. You’re doing great. Pretend I’m Evander and look at me adoringly,” he teased and instantly Brigid relaxed, offering him a fond smile.

  She took a moment to do a mind scan of the crowd, but other than feelings of jealousy and nervousness, she didn’t pick up any vibes that suggested cruel intent. She leaned over and whispered back to Quillon.

  “All seems well, except for the petite blonde two rows over who is shooting daggers at me with her eyes.”

  Nonchalantly, Quillon scanned the crowd then turned back to Brigid. He lifted his fingers to gently turn her head toward him and lowered his lips to hers. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she played along. She sensed the kiss was pleasurable for both of them, but it certainly didn’t stir the senses the way she felt with Evander.

  “Hopefully you’ll be a clear message to her. I dated her a few times and then had trouble getting her to let go. She was very fond of my money.”

  For the rest of the evening, Brigid played the part of a besotted date. She also found that she enjoyed the show. Quillon was a delightful conversationalist as they debated the styles presented that night. It felt a little surreal in contrast to everything else that was happening in the world around them, but Brigid decided to allow herself to appreciate the break. When Nicole was escorted on stage, Brigid could feel her nervousness. However, as soon as Nicole spotted them, she gave a little hip swish and eye roll to communicate she was okay—and wasn’t this crazy?

  The announcer appeared to thank everyone for attending the show and offered directions to a reception on the next level of the mall for the audience. Design orders and contacts would be available there. Quillon ushered Brigid from her chair and to the appointed meeting place with Alessandro.


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