Forget Me Never

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Forget Me Never Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  “You can touch,” she spoke a little hoarsely. “Just let me out so I can watch.” Again, she pushed against the fabric. “My hair’s caught.”

  The jiggle and bounce of her tits was a reward in itself. “All right, if you must.” He grinned to himself and helped her out of the mess she was in. “Now sit here.” He picked her up and put her on the vanity. “I was just too sex-starved to go slow earlier. I’ve counted the days till I could get here and love on you. Now, I want to take my time.”

  Savannah shook a little. At this close range, with the overhead vanity lights on, she could look her fill – and God, he looked good. There was a light dusting of hair on his pecs and the ridges of his abs looked in dire need of a tongue bath. She couldn’t have kept herself from touching him if her life depended on it. With a light touch, she soothed her hand down from his shoulder to his waist. “Perfection.”

  “Ummmm,” he moaned at her touch. “I want your mouth.”

  “Take it, it’s yours.” Her admission made his pulse pound. Patrick stepped between her legs and bent his head. She opened her mouth with a sigh and he accepted the invitation. Sliding his tongue between her lips, he deepened the kiss.

  Closing her eyes, Savannah relished the pinpricks of sensation that danced over her flesh. His hands were gentle as they ran over her back, under her hair and over her shoulders. And when one came around and collared her throat, it didn’t make her feel threatened – it made her feel treasured. Savannah kissed him back, sucking on his tongue, loving the give and take she was experiencing with this man who had become her world.

  “Honey, you taste so good,” he moaned in her mouth as he moved even closer, his cock brushing against her belly. Patrick was so tall, he had to bend over – but he didn’t seem to mind.

  To her delight, he covered her breasts and molded them. Savannah pushed closer, wanting more. Strong fingers with calloused tips began to toy with her nipples, teasing them and pulling at them until she felt the dew begin to gather between her legs. Sliding her mouth from his, she had to tell him of her need. “I ache for you.”

  “Soon,” he promised. But he wasn’t nearly through worshiping her with hands and mouth. Patrick kissed a trail down her neck and nuzzled the curve, nipping and sucking, causing chills to cascade over her body. And – merciful heavens! – he milked her nipples, pinching a little, making her bottom move restlessly on the stone surface.

  “Patrick, oh Baby, please.”

  His left hand slipped down between her legs. “Is this what you want?”

  He brushed the tip of her swollen clit with his thumb and Savannah’s entire body shuddered, knocking bottles of lotions and soaps over. She put her hands down on the cool vanity top to steady herself. “Uh huh,” she gasped.

  Savannah leaned forward with her mouth gaping for a kiss, but Patrick pulled away at the first contact; Savannah’s only reward the feel of his warm breath on her lips.

  “Come on, let’s get in. I’ve got a fantasy I want to bring to life.” He lifted her off of the vanity counter, took Savannah’s tiny hand in his and led her to the shower.

  The water had continued to run, and it welcomed them. A rush of warmth flowed over her body, but it wasn’t just from the water. It was Patrick. He touched and rubbed, he kissed and licked. And when he bent over and sucked at her breast, she would have sank to her knees if he hadn’t been there to hold her up. His teeth and tongue tortured her, sucking and swirling, until her nipples were as swollen as her clit. The degree of intimacy between them amazed Savannah.

  “I can’t believe we’re here like this.” She caressed his shoulders and kissed his head as he nursed and laved her nipple.

  “There’s no other place in the world I’d rather be.” Patrick turned her around till her back was leaning on his chest. “I love to touch every inch of you.” He ran his greedy hands over her body, finally covering her breasts with his palms and massaging them sensuously. “The little sounds you make . . .” as if on cue, Savannah whimpered, “turn me inside out.”

  She looked up at him over her shoulder and he kissed her hard. After slidi his lips from hers, he grazed his teeth over her cheek and squeezed her breasts with a firm yet gentle touch. Savannah’s head dropped to watch him work her.

  “I adore the look of wonder you get in your eyes when I make you feel good.”

  She ground her ass back against Patrick’s swollen shaft and his hands slid from her tits to her hips to pull her tight. Still holding his gaze, Savannah’s eyes smoldered back at him, his firm grip on her thighs fanning the embers between them. “That’s the look I was after,” Patrick said with a smirk.

  He kissed the back of her neck and Savannah shook with desire. “Ohhh.”

  As she nestled back into him, he rubbed his stiff cock up and down the left cheek of Savannah’s round bottom. Overcome by a need to touch it, Savannah reached back and grabbed for Patrick’s manhood. It was smooth, wet and impossibly big. She stroked it with the palm of her hand turned upside down, working her way up from his balls to the top of its head. The tip surged with blood when Savannah squeezed Patrick’s shaft.

  Feeling his response to her, a thrill shot through her body. This time when she looked back over her shoulder, sex was in her eyes, wild, animal sex. The reality of holding the evidence of Patrick’s desire for her in her hand awoke the tigress in Savannah. “It’s like your cock was molded with my hand in mind,” she breathed. Patrick just smiled and spun her around. He reached for a bottle of shampoo and snapped the lid off.

  “Wha . . .” Savannah started to ask, but the words stopped when Patrick snatched one of her hands and squeezed shampoo into her palm. The water splashed onto Patrick’s broad shoulders, shooting tiny droplets of tepid water into Savannah’s eyes. What was she supposed to do with the handful of shampoo? She started to ask him to bend down so she could wash his hair, but he had other ideas.

  “This is what I want.” Patrick moved her hand down to his rigid cock and she grabbed it.

  “Oh,” Savannah said with a smile. “This is something new, isn’t it?” Patrick chuckled.

  Slowly, Savannah rubbed the slick liquid over Patrick’s cock. He moaned as the suds built up. The control she seemed to have over him at this moment was intoxicating. Feeling bold, she pushed him back against the mosaic tile. Patrick didn’t protest.

  She stepped close to him again, stroking his thick rod up and down, pumping it in her fist as the tip rubbed against her stomach. Savannah looked up into Patrick’s eyes. No words were needed, she knew what he wanted her to do and the simple nod he offered was enough to set her in motion. Looking down at Patrick’s lathered up prick in her hand, she teased. “You don’t nd in m you?”

  He shook his head.

  “Good,” Savannah acknowledged his agreement. She released him from her grip, cupped her hands under the tap and rinsed off his throbbing cock. Kissing Patrick’s chest, she worked her way down over his tight abs until she was on her knees, ready to worship. After offering him one last upward glance, she turned to face Patrick’s swollen erection. It dangled in her face like silk covered steel. Savannah rubbed it with her palm until she thought it was time to take it. Opening her mouth, she passed her tongue lightly over the tip. Patrick flinched at the first contact, his hands slapping the wet tile behind him. The faint essence of the sea breeze shampoo he had poured in her hand danced around Savannah’s nose. Loving his reaction to her touch, she flicked her tongue around the head of Patrick’s dick again and his knees nearly buckled.

  Enough with the tease already, he wanted her plump, pretty lips wrapped around his shaft. “Suck, Savannah,” he commanded. With a tiny smile of triumph, Savannah opened her mouth and the first few inches of his fat cock disappeared into her mouth.

  Patrick was fascinated watching Savannah enjoy herself as she gave him pleasure. It was heady seeing her ass clench and release in tiny little bucking, clenching moves. If he wasn’t badly mistaken, she was working her pussy muscles in a sympathetic rhythm.
Savannah wanted to be fucked. And when she moaned, “mmmmmm,” the vibration felt damn good humming around his cock. Placing a firm hand on top of her wet head, he insisted, “take it all, Baby, deep-throat me.”

  Savannah unwrapped her lips from around his member. “I don’t know if I can, but I’ll try.” She looked at him and gave him that smile that drove him crazy. Slowly she worked her way down Patrick’s length, struggling when she was still a few inches from the base.

  “I can’t, Baby.” Savannah apologized, disappointed in herself, but determined to make up for it in any way she could.

  “You’re doing great.” An understatement, if he had ever spoken one. Taking Patrick back in her mouth, she sucked hard on the tip, swirling her tongue around and around. Patrick had never felt this sensation before and he was up on his tip toes, trying to maintain control while Savannah sucked him hard, swallowing as she did so. “Damn! I need you,” Patrick growled

  “What?” Savannah glanced up at him, a little dazed.

  Taking her by the shoulders, he pulled her to her feet. “Bend over the bench,” he instructed, using his big body to push her into position. All of the breath went out of Savannah’s lungs, for a second she was almost scared by Patrick’s intensity, but it also shot a surge of elecicity to her clit that she couldn’t fight. Savannah bent over and placed her hands on the cool tile in front of her. “Oh God,” she gasped as he grabbed her hip with one hand and slapped his thick manhood against her bottom.

  Hissing with pleasure, Patrick drug his cock over her ass cheeks, then rubbed up and down the glistening lips of her slit before bending down to kiss the center of her back. He stepped closer in between her thighs, nudging her legs apart, “Spread, em.” She resisted just a second – then she surrendered. “Good girl.”

  “Patrick!” her whole body jerked as he passed his cock between her needy lips, brushing it back and forth over her screaming, aching clit. “Oh, my God!” her words echoed in the tiled stall. She flashed a hand back and dug her nails into Patrick’s left thigh. “Please?”

  “That’s right; I want to be the source of your pleasure. I want you to come to me when you’re on fire.” Popping her once on the bottom, he soothed his hand over her back, readying her. “Wider, Baby. Open your legs up and give me room to work.” Savannah widened her stance, pushing her ass back toward him.

  Patrick guided the tip of his cock into her as she gasped in relief. Clasping the smooth round curve of Savannah’s hips, he drove every inch he had deep within her.

  “It feels so good,” she groaned. “I love this,”

  “God, you’re tight.” The curve of her back, her hair hanging down over her shoulder, the heart shape of her delectable ass – it was all a sight to behold. Patrick leaned over and licked a trail down her spine, moving his hips side to side, fully impaling her on his cock. He knew she could feel him on every side – on every nerve.

  “Harder, Patrick! I’m dying here!”

  Damn! His cock swelled even bigger at her demand. “Yes, Ma’am.” Holding her hips he began to thrust. He closed his eyes and threw his head back in ecstasy. Her little pussy was slick and soft and hot and clasped him so tight – and it was Savannah, and that made all the difference.

  The friction was wonderful and already she could feel an approaching orgasm. “Faster!” Savannah pushed back on him and defiantly worked her pussy on his cock – milking and undulating – rejoicing in the reality of being full when she had been empty for so long.

  “Holy Mother of God,” Patrick growled. “Never – ever – been this damn good.” He lost control. Bending over, he slid his hands underneath her and cupped her tits, holding on to them, rolling the nipples between his fingers as he hammered in and out of her – deep, hd, long blissful thrusts.

  Savannah was jarred, taken, possessed – shook to her very soul. The slap of their flesh colliding was the most erotic sound she’d ever imagined to hear. “Patrick, oh God,” she screamed. “Don’t stop!” she begged, never wanting it to end. When she said that, he slid one hand down to her vulva, and began to work her pussy with his fingers, swirling and rubbing her clit. Simultaneously, he gave her nipple a pinch and the firestorm began.

  As he drove into her harder and harder, deeper and deeper, Patrick felt his balls tighten; he felt a rush of fire flame through his blood. And when the release came, it was cataclysmic. All of the excitement and euphoria detonated in an explosion that sent his seed shooting up deep inside of his Destiny.

  With the first sensation of Patrick’s shooting off inside of her, Savannah’s orgasm hit her like a tidal wave and she just let go. Her legs shook and the only thing keeping her upright was Patrick’s grip on her hips as he pumped the last of his seed deep within her.

  Patrick fell forward. Pleasure pulsed for a seemingly endless time, while his hips jerked in erotic spasms. As he came down, he soothed his hands over her little body. She was so precious to him. Already he had no idea how he could ever live without her. “Are you all right, Baby?” She was still resting on the bench with her head on her arms, and her vagina was still caressing his cock in little fluttering aftershocks.

  “Will you hold me now? I would love to be held.”

  Such a sweet request. “Of course, I’ll hold you. Let’s get you washed off first, and then I’ll hold you all night long.” He pulled her up and she nestled right into his body. “Oh, you are so cuddly.” Squirting some liquid soap in his hands, he began to wash her arms and back, kissing her face and neck as she sighed and purred for him. While his hands were soothing her, she lay her head on his chest and just relaxed – fully and completely relaxed, perhaps for the first time in her life.

  Chapter Six

  Sleeping with Patrick was actually going to be more intimate than making love with him. Savannah was almost giddy at the idea. Never had she had someone to snuggle with or curl up against in bed. Sadly enough, she had no memory of being held as a child. So the prospect of lying in Patrick’s arms was unfathomable.

  “Which side can I have?”

  “I’l let you have either,” she offered. “Usually I end up on the floor anyway.”

  “What?” he didn’t understand.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s nothing. Most of the time when I was in foster care, I didn’t have a bed. I slept on a pallet on the floor. Old habits are hard to break.”

  Damn. She just broke his heart. “Your days of sleeping on the floor are over, Missy.” He crawled in the bed and Savannah had to hide a smile – he looked like Achilles or Thor lounging and waiting to be fed grapes. There really wasn’t a whole lot of room left over. “I think I need a bigger bed.”

  Patrick chuckled. “No you don’t. Cause we’re gonna sleep close. In fact, you can just lie on top of me.”

  Now that sounded like a plan. “Thank you for today,” she couldn’t hide a yawn. “I had a really good time. I’ll never forget any of it.”

  “Damn straight, you won’t forget it. I’m not going to give you a chance to forget me.” When they had finished their shower, he had opted to sleep nude, but she had automatically put on night clothes. “Lose the jammies, Cupcake. I want to sleep skin on skin.” Bless her heart, she gave him the sweetest smile and whisked the baby doll top off leaving her in a pair of very tiny panties.

  “These too?”

  “Oh yeah, please.” She pulled them off and threw the scrap of silk at him. Patrick caught them, handily.

  “Are you naked under there?”

  Patrick lifted the blankets and peered in. "Too dark under there to tell. Why don't you come help me figure it out?"

  "Well," Savannah started. "I do enjoy helping people."

  Patrick grinned, not only was she sexy and sweet, but she was playful too and it drove him around the bend.

  He flipped the covers back. He was semi-erect, but she was tired, and if the truth be known – he was, too. But when she crawled on her hands and knees toward him with her bouncy, luscious tits hanging down, he almost changed his m

  “This is going to be great,” she giggled as she came even with his knees.

  Patrick held his arms out and she came into them, and he carefully arranged her body on top of his. “Now, you can rest.”

  As sleep came and dreams unfolded, Savannah knew that somewhere, someone was looking out for her. She was alone no more.


  “Granddad?” Savannah stood by Patrick at the bedside of an elderly man who bore a great resemblance to his grandson.

  The old gentleman opened faded blue eyes and smiled at them. “Hello.”

  Patrick walked over and hugged him. “I am so glad to see you. Savannah, this is Paddy O’Rourke. Granddad, this is my Savannah.”


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