Forget Me Never

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Forget Me Never Page 17

by Sable Hunter

  Savannah leaned over and kissed the paper thin cheek. “It’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard so many good things about you from Patrick.” She could barely talk for the lump in her throat.

  “I love to have company,” Paddy stated simply.

  “We brought that information you wanted.” Patrick laid two folders on top of the bed covers. “You’ll have a good time with all of this.”

  “Yes, we discovered that you are related to the Melancons. That’s a huge family here in Louisiana, we can locate many family members for you; I’m sure.”

  Patrick watched his granddad open the material and smile, touching the pages lovingly. “Good. I am grateful.” Then, he turned his gaze to Patrick. “Do I know you? I can’t place your face.”

  Savannah watched Patrick’s countenance fall. “You don’t remember me, Pop? I’m Patrick, your namesake, your grandson.”

  “Oh no,” the old man shook his head. “My Patrick is a little fellow. I don’t know you.”

  Putting her arms around Patrick, she felt his big, powerful body tremble. “That’s okay.” He patted the old man’s hand. “I love you and I’ll never forget you.”

  “Sit down and talk to me for a while, I get lonely.” Savannah gathered chairs and pulled them over for her and Patrick. Then she sat down beside him as he reminisced with someone who could not recall the memories, but who smiled at the images his grandson painted. Savannah loved Patrick before – but seeing him be so gentle and kind to the man who had raised him, made her worship the ground he walked on. There was no else in the whole world like him – and, if she wasn’t badly mistaken, he belonged to her.


  “What did you need to buy in the dollar store that was so secret?”

  Savannah was glad Patrick could smile. She had been worried about him. When his grandfather hadn’t recognized him, she knew it broke his heart. “You’ll know soon enough, it’s a surprise.”

  “Hmmmm, let me see. Is it chocolate syrup that I can lick off your nipples?”

  “No, but that sounds interesting. I think I have some at home.”

  “Ha! You’re so funny,” Patrick pulled her across for a kiss. “Is it some of those tubes of his-and-her lube that can make our orgasms more intense?”

  “No, if our orgasms get more intense, they’ll kill us.” Again, she made him laugh. Actually, it was nerf guns; she had decided to stage a play-day with him. When Patrick was happy and full of laughter, her world was perfect. So, she intended to bring just as much joy into his life as she possibly could. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  They had spent the day in Lafayette shopping and picking up things from his apartment. For all intents and purposes, Patrick was going to be staying with her full time. Savannah knew it was quick, but it seemed more right than anything else in her life had ever felt.

  Ciara had stayed at her house and she had offered to keep the dog when he had to ship out again. That was one day Savannah dreaded with all her heart. He had told her a little about his work and she knew that if she knew more, it would only worry her to death.

  “So, do you think the Saints will win the Super Bowl tonight?” Patrick winked at her.

  “I don’t know,” she answered carefully. As much as she longed for Patrick to want to be with her, the idea of marrying him seemed to be an impossible dream. Something would stop it from happening, she was sure of it. It was like wishing for the moon – you could wish all you wanted, but the moon didn’t just drop into your lap. She was so afraid to hope. And if he proposed – God help her, she really didn’t know what she would do. Patrick had no idea what he could be getting into if he chose to link his life to hers. Bringing him pain or shame was something she just couldn’t bear to think of doing. “I don’t think we’d better get too excited, they’ve never won before.”

  “No, but this time is going to be different.”

  He looked so excited; she was glad they had gone to the market and picked up food for their own Superbowl Party. She intended to make it as special for him as she could. When they arrived at her house, he kissed her and told her he was going to call Revel and walk Ciara and that he would return soon. Savannah took advantage of the time he was gone and made hot wings, mini-pizzas, sub sandwiches and hot sausage cheese dip for them to enjoy during the game.

  When he returned, she had it all ready. The TV was on, the food was spread out and she had on as close to something sexy as she owned. Savannah had more on her mind than football. “Wow, this looks great!” Patrick was a big eater, so she had fixed plenty.

  “Did you have a good conversation with your friend?”

  “Yes, I did. We talked about you, mostly.” He settled down on the couch – just stretched out and left her a little spot in the corner. “Come here, I want to cuddle.”

  “What did you say about me?” She sat on her legs and looked him in the eye.

  “You’re a nosy little thing, aren’t you?” Patrick teased.

  “A little bit.”

  She fed him a bite of pizza. He took the bite, captured her hand and licked the remaining spot of sauce off her fingers. “I just told him how I felt about you. And we discussed some business, that’s all.” There was more to it than that, but he wasn’t ready to tell her everything – not yet. “Look, the game’s starting.”

  Typical male, he got into the game. Savannah had a good time watching him. He yelled at the quarterback. He snarled at the referees, but mostly he looked disturbed because the first half was almost over and the Colts were ahead of the Saints. “It’s okay.”

  Patrick knew it was okay. But this game had come to mean more to him than just his favorite team winning the big prize. It might be silly, but he had wound this all up with his chances of being with Savannah. “The game’s not over.”

  “No, it’s not.” There were a few minutes left and then The Who were going to sing. Savannah was still hungry – but not for food.

  “Come on Brees! Do something!” Patrick yelled at the Saints quarterback.

  Savannah decided to make her own play. He was sitting about nine inches away from her. He had been closer, but he was eating and getting into the game and somehow he had moved away from her. That would never do. He wasn’t paying any attention to her at all, so when she let her hand inch his way – she waited to see what he would do.

  Patrick knew that Savannah thought he was oblivious to her advances. She was letting her fingers do the walking – literally. Her little hand was inching toward him, and he couldn’t wait to see what she was up to. He leaned forward just like he was engrossed in the game. Right now he was more interested in her, but he wasn’t going to let on.

  r at allize="+0" face="Calibri">She let her fingers touch his hard thigh – just barely. First, she pushed her hand under his legs just a little bit, like it was cold and she was trying to get warm. He just grunted – he wasn’t taking the hint. Next, she let her fingers walk up his leg, like a little spider – still, nothing. Damn! Getting a mite bolder, she curled her hand over the top of his leg and rubbed her thumb up and down on the strong muscle. He had the audacity to pat her hand and say, “Hey, Baby. How’s it going?”

  Patrick bit back a smile when she huffed and muttered under her breath. It was the same little voice she had used the day they met in the memorial when her friend had been embarrassing the heck out of her.

  Before Patrick, she would never have attempted something like this. But he had given her confidence in her attraction that no one ever had. So, she let her hand – slide upward - upward toward his crotch, until she bumped into something rather large and hard.

  “Uh-Oh,” She looked up at Patrick.

  "I'm kinda trying to watch the game here, Baby," he said with a smirk, trying not to laugh. The feel of Patrick's bulge had caused a stir in her sex that made her feel naughty. She fixed Patrick with a vexed glare, but he ignored her eyes. She huffed, and withdrew her hand from the firm bulge that she'd wanted to explore further and folded her arms defensi
vely across her chest. Her first attempt at seduction, and Patrick had rejected her; this didn’t sit well with Savannah.

  Savannah sat on the couch as halftime drew closer and the Saints marched down the field. Beside her, Patrick watched her out of the corner of his eye. The brazen way she had grabbed for his package had turned him on, but he wanted to see how she would handle his rejection, see if she wanted him bad enough to make another move.

  Savannah was doing a horrible job of masking her displeasure and when she innocently moved her hands up over her head for a stretch, something in the way her head tilted to the side filled Patrick with a need to kiss her neck.

  Patrick shimmied a few inches closer to his Savannah and now it was her turn to pretend she didn't notice what Patrick was doing.

  When Patrick shimmied a few more inches, Savannah picked up a magazine from the end table beside her; she wasn't going to make this easy on him.

  A few more inches and Patrick was close enough that his essence made her clit squirm.

  "Hey," Patrick said.

  He was right beside her now, his thickly muscled arm pressed against hers, their thighs touching.

  Savannah ignored him.

  "Whatcha readin'?uot; Patrick inquired, snatching the magazine from her hands.


  Patrick held the magazine just out of Savannah's reach. She made one grab for it, but gave up, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

  Savannah looked away from him. Not her best move if she hoped to remain cross with Patrick. That small patch of bare skin on Savannahs neck that had caused the tightness in Patrick's jeans was now fully exposed and with Savannah looking the other way, Patrick seized the opportunity and leaned in to kiss it softly.

  Savannah flinched when she felt Patrick's gentle lips on her neck, then her shoulder. "Pa…trick," she said, forgetting almost all of the annoyance he had inspired in her so recently. "Stop," she offered weakly, but tilted her neck further to the side to grant him even greater access.

  "Stop?" Patrick kissed her neck, "Stop what?"

  He licked up to Savannah's ear, nibbling on the lobe lightly before moving back down to her collarbone.

  Savannah whimpered with appreciation. Gone now was any semblance of the frustration and rejection she'd felt, in its place was nothing but bliss. The skin on her neck was dimpled with goosebumps; her chest beginning to flush.

  "You want me to go?" Patrick asked between kisses.

  His hand had found its way around to the front of her shirt, undoing first the top button of her blouse and then the next one.

  Savannah placed her hand behind Patrick's head as he kissed her collarbone and shoulder. "I thought you wanted to watch the game?" The words barely came out of her mouth in an audible tone.

  "I'd rather watch you," Patrick whispered in her ear.

  Savannah's round bottom levitated from the couch when Patrick hit that magic spot just behind her ear. “I have to tell you, this is one of my favorite fantasies in the whole world.”

  Patrick’s hand stilled. "What's that, Baby?" If she had a fantasy, he would do his damnedest to fulfill it.

  “Having you with me like this, and sharing some-," she was stopped dead as Patrick undid the third button and grabbed her entire left tit in his mighty paw, squeezing it firmly, "-thing as simple… as a meal and TV, for starters.”

  She hesitated and Patrick knew there was more. “And?” he prompted, urging her to go on. "What else?"

  Savannah giggled nervously. “Oh, God – I’m not used to being so blunt.” Patrick pulled her loose shirt down off hershoulder and kissed her right over her heart. “It’s just that, uh, my nipples are so sensitive and thinking you might touch me and suck me just makes me shake.”

  "Hmmm," Patrick pondered.

  Savannah's nipples were tight inside her bra and Patrick's tongue snaked overtop of the closest one.

  "Let's see what we can do about that," Patrick said and tore Savannah's shirt open with a swift tug, stripping the rest of her buttons right off the garment in the process.

  Patrick looked her right in the eye and Savannah exhaled with excitement, unsure if she would ever get her breath back, unsure if she wanted it back.

  Patrick looked down at her heaving chest. “A front clasp bra," he looked back into her eyes, "one of the finest inventions of mankind.”

  He slipped a finger into the clasp and popped it open deftly. Savannah's beautiful tits fell out and Patrick was on them in a flash, lapping at them like a thirsty tiger at a bowl of milk.

  The sensation was unbelievable. Wanting to experience it to the fullest, she opened her eyes and watched Patrick nurse at her breast. He seemed to be enjoying it as much as she was. Lord, she loved him. Bringing her arms up from her side, she cradled his head with one and pulled him closer with the other.

  She liked this, he could tell. But hell – so did he. Opening his mouth wider, he took her whole sweet areola in his mouth and loved on it, licking it up and down, back and forth with his hungry tongue. Savannah whimpered again, this time louder and Patrick was unable to let his cock stay in his pants for a moment longer.

  Savannah was lost in the ecstasy of Patrick's tongue, but not too lost to miss the unmistakable sound of his zipper being undone. She looked down and saw Patrick work his glorious cock out the gaping hole that he now filled with his manly business. He stroked it slowly as he licked Savannah’s nipples, squeezing her unattended breast with his free hand. The sight of Patrick working his big dick as he licked her was too much for Savannah to handle and when she saw him slather a drop of precum all over the head of his rod, she came.

  "Ohhhhhhh!!!!" Savannah gasped.

  Patrick pinned her to the couch with his weight and his cock got even harder in his hand. "Fuck!" Patrick thought. She had cum for him! Just from his lips on her breast, his baby had cum for him! He pulled his lips away and kissed a trail up to her throat, still stroking his cock slowly, but unaware that she had noticed him pleasuring himself.

  "You need some help with that?" Savannah said when she had regined her composure.

  Patrick looked her in the eye and smiled. "I thought you’d never ask.”

  Savannah moved down into position, her delicate little mouth hovering over Patrick's engorged erection. She wasn't sure what to do, the last time she had tried to do this in the shower – she hadn’t had much luck. But she forced the doubt out of her mind, if Patrick could pleasure her with nothing but his mouth on her tits, surely she could do the same thing to his cock.

  Savannah closed her eyes and let Patrick's fat sword slip into her mouth. The tip was wet with precum and it rimmed her mouth like lip-gloss. Patrick's cock tasted so good to her, so natural as it slid in and out of her trembling lips. She moved up and down on it, pumping it into her mouth. She wanted to look up and see if he was enjoying it as much as he sounded like he was, but she was terrified that they would make eye contact and she'd lose this moment, this exquisite moment.

  Savannah picked up her pace and Patrick responded.

  “It’s not gonna be long, Baby,” he warned her. His whole body was tingling, she had no idea of the effect she had on him. And when she let out a dreamy little sigh, he knew his climax was unstoppable. “I’m cumming, Savannah!” Patrick emptied his balls into her waiting mouth, his body convulsing as he did, a snatch of Savannah's thick, dark hair in his hand.

  Fuckin’ perfect! Her soft little moans were music to his ears. And she was getting into it – using her lips and tongue to bring him pleasure as he emptied himself into her mouth. Her eyes widened, but she swallowed every drop, giving his cock one or two more pumps that made him whisper an expletive. “That was so good. You are the sweetest thing in the whole world.” Patrick cupped her face as he slipped his cock from her mouth, then he pulled her down for a kiss.

  When they parted, she gave him one of those beautiful Savannah smiles and hugged his neck. “I think the ball game is back on.”

  “Good, lay down by me. As intere
sted as I am in the action on the field, I’d rather hold you.” So, Savannah gladly lay down in front of him and he spooned her from the back.

  The second half was totally different from the first. Pierre Thomas ran sixteen yards for a touchdown. Tracy Porter scored with a 74 yard interception return and Drew Brees tied the Superbowl pass completion formerly held by the Patriot’s Tom Brady. New Orleans won the Superbowl against the Indianapolis Colts 31 – 17. Every time they scored, Patrick squeezed her and when the final score was announced, he turned her face toward him and kissed her tenderly. “Savannah, will you . . . .”

  “Stop, my Patrick.”

  “Why?” Patrick sounded stunned.

  “If I’m misinterpreting, forgive my arrogance. But if you were about to ask me to marry you, I want you to wait.”

  “Wait? What the hell for? You just said it – I’m your Patrick.”


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