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Forget Me Never

Page 19

by Sable Hunter

  “All’s fair, Love, this is WAR.” He got amused. “The only thing chubby about you are those luscious breasts and I wouldn’t have them any other way.” Not giving his little POW any chance to escape, he carried her to the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. She landed with a bounce and a giggle.

  But she didn’t giggle long. He started undressing and she slid right into heat mode. My God! The man was hot, hard, and ripped. And this man belonged to her? Or he could. If she was brave enough to reach out and take him. In a symbolic gesture that wasn’t lost on either of them, she held out her arms. “I want you. I surrender.”

  “Damn, Baby.” He joined her on the bed and made fast work of her clothes. She was kissing him everywhere she could reach and he was so hard and swollen he thought he would burst. There would be no time for preliminaries today. “I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the whole world. Nothing compares to your embrace.”

  Savannah opened herself to him – not only did she open her arms to him, she opened her thighs and gave him her vulnerability and she opened her heart and gave him her love. “I can’t wait. Come to me, now.” Patrick was careful with her, testing her wetness for himself before he sank deep. But she was warm, wet and willing and wanted him desperately.

  “I want to make this good for you, but you’ve got me too excited.” There was more he wanted to say, but he couldn’t find the words. Savannah’s tight sheath clenched him so tight he saw stars. God, it felt good. He wanted to thrust and pump and take her hard, but she was so damn little that he held himself back.

  Savannah could tell he was being careful with her. But that wasn’t what she wanted. He was her man and she wanted him just the way he was. “Don’t hold back. Lose control. I want to feel what it’s like to belong to you completely. I want all of you. I would never survive if I lost you, Patrick. You are the light of my life.”

  Her permission released something inside of him. One more second, he hesitated, just waiting for her body to accept him completely. And when he felt her relax – he buried his head in her neck and gave in to the extreme pleasure of fuckin’ Savannah.

  “Oh, God – Oh, God – Oh, God,” she chanted as he moved powerfully in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her heels into his bottom and held on for dear life. Waves of relief and joy and arousal whipped through her body like sparklers. There was nowhere else in the world for her than with this man. He was home.

  She was killing him. Her whole little body was quivering and her pussy was milking him with one passionate pulse after anocouldn All he could do was react and piston inside of her, loving the feel of being enveloped in paradise.

  Awareness of all else fled; Savannah’s focus was only on the perfect in and out glide of his cock moving in flawless harmony with her body. And she couldn’t keep still; every time she pressed down on him with her pussy walls his cock would jump and he would make the sexiest sounds. “I never knew it could feel so good,” she panted as he pleasured her within an inch of her life.

  “You are mine, Savannah.” He lifted up enough to take both of her hands and raise them over her head. Then he locked his gaze with hers and thrust even faster.

  He rocked her world. She levitated into his arms as the pressure in her clit exploded, the pleasure so intense that it took her breath away. As she bowed upward, her breasts were thrust up and Patrick claimed a nipple and began to suck voraciously.

  “I love you,” she cried.

  Her cry was all it took - Patrick groaned harshly, his climax overtaking him. His cock convulsed in ecstasy and he shot his life-giving essence deep within her. One day, he promised himself, he would plant a child in her womb. Building a life with this woman was his dearest dream. “Honey, I love you, too. And I promise you one thing - there is nothing in this world or the next that is going to keep us apart.”


  “Do you think we’ll see anything?” Patrick teased her as they walked through the cemetery.

  “Not with our naked eyes, but we will through the camera lens.”

  “Naked eyes, huh?” He grabbed her for a kiss. “I like for more of you to be naked than just your eyes.”

  “Be serious,” she cautioned him. “We’re in the presence of the dead.” Then she bumped him with her hip. “Come on, I’ll show you where I took the picture of the glowing tombstone.”

  Patrick held her hand. “Glowing tombstone? Are you sure it just wasn’t a reflection?”

  “No, I tested it with a myriad of scientific methods,” she stuck her tongue out at him. “No, seriously. I checked. It’s not a reflective surface.” Leaning closer to him, she whispered. “It’s because it’s the grave of a mad-man,” and then she laughed in a way that he knew she thought was menacing. But it was just cute.

  “Okay’ll bite. What kind of a madman is buried here?”

  “Actually, it’s a whole family of mad-men.” She led up to a line of stark white tombstones. They were so old the names were faded and barely distinguishable. “These are the Kilcreases. And there name is apt. They killed one another right and left.” She pointed at the first headstone. “This is Abe Kilcrease and he pushed his brother Silas here in the well and broke his neck. And this is Henry and he killed his other brother Lawrence with an axe. And lastly, this is Frank. He was just nuts, which is understandable when you live with a family like this. He was the last to die and toward the end of his life, he just walked the streets mumbling. They say he came to the graveyard every day and would visit his relatives here. Then he would stumble home and if he passed anyone on the street he would tell them, “Well, I went to the cemetery and they were all still there.”

  Patrick couldn’t help but get amused at her tale. “Okay, what next.”

  “Let’s turn out the flashlight and just stand here in the dark and take pictures and video. I’ll take the photos and you turn on the camera to take the movie, and here – you hold the digital recorder.”

  “It’s a good thing I came,” he commented dryly.

  “Yes, it is. I knew you’d come in handy eventually.”

  “I’ll show you how handy I can be as soon as I get you naked.”

  “Promises. Promises.” He made a grab for her, but she evaded him. “Behave, Patrick. You’re scaring away my spooks.”

  “Okay.” He watched her work. She took this stuff quite seriously. And by all accounts she was good at it.

  “Hello, we’ve come here out of respect and love. We are attempting to make contact with you just to prove to ourselves that life exists beyond the grave and that you’re not really gone. If you would like to say something or send a message, we would be honored to hear it.”

  Dang, she was sweet – even to the ghosts, she was sweet. He held the recorder and the video camera while Savannah asked more questions and took more photos. Patrick found himself focusing the lens on her – damn, she was lovely.

  Out of the blue there came a huge CRRRAAACCCCKKKK! Honestly, it was as loud as a gunshot, but that wasn’t what it was. Patrick immediately went into defense mode. He laid the equipment down and made a grab for Savannah, but she was nowhere to be seen. Panic hit him and then he realized that she had taken off like a ruptured redbug. His little ghost-buster had turned tail and ran. He flipped on the flashlight and all he could see was her little white sweater as she dashed between headstones and over graves. He shone the light on her till she reached his truck and then he decided to look around and see what had caused the racket.

  Savannah was out of breath and embarrassed. She had ran! Like a little girl! Laying her head on her arm, she tried to calm down. Why had that scared her so badly? She had seen things, heard things – but this had been different. And Patrick had been there. Lord, what he must have thought.

  After a few moments, she looked to see why Patrick hadn’t returned. The glow of his flashlight was dancing around on the ground near where they had been standing. There was enough illumination that she could see him bending over and examining something on the g
round. He stood up and swung the light around as if checking out the area in all directions. Had he pulled a gun? It seemed she saw a glint of metal in the moonlight. Surely, not. Where on that incredible body would he have hidden a gun? The only bulge she had been aware of was the one behind his zipper.

  At first Patrick had thought one of Savannah’s ghosts had come calling. There was a good size hickory limb lying on the ground that had been snapped in half. The piece of wood was too big for most to have broken it. But when Patrick saw the stress ball in the dirt beside the green branch, he knew that there had been nothing supernatural about their visitor. Evil, yes. So, Lucas was following him. That meant he was wise to Patrick’s efforts to accumulate enough documentation to bring charges against his superior officer. Damn, the man was dangerous. He’d have to make sure Savannah was protected. As long as he was home, that would be no problem. Tomorrow, he’d call Revel Lee and bring him up to speed. But for now, he had to comfort his little ghost hunter. At least he couldn’t argue with her instincts, Lucas was definitely a reason to run.

  When he came walking up to her, she wouldn’t look at him.


  He spun her around. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, just mortified, that’s all.”

  “No, your response was a good one. There was someone in the dark with us.” He opted not to tell her about Lucas at this point, the less she knew the better – at least until he could get a handle on it. “The only thing you did wrong was the direction you chose to run.”

  He was standing so close to her that she could feel the erotic magnetic pull of his body. But he wasn’t making sense. “What do you mean? The gate was over here, if I had run another direction, I would have just ended up at the fence with no way out.”

  Putting one hand at her waist, he tugged her up against his body. “The next time you feel the urge to run, and I’m anywhere near you – run to me. Run to my arms, that’s the safest place in the world for you.”

  He was right, about everything. And at that moment – Savannah surrendered. She surrendered her heart to him, completely. She surrendered her love to him, unconditionally. And she placed her happiness in his hands for all eternity. The next time he proposed, she would accept.

  Chapter Seven

  If she could have designed a dream proposal from the man she loved, Savannah could not have conceived of a more perfect moment. They had returned from ghost hunting, took care of the dog and had some chicken and dumplings from the crock pot. Patrick had helped her clean the kitchen, and then he had walked with her to the living room. She had wondered what he was up to when he turned off the television – but then he gave her that look and took her breath away.

  “Savannah Doucet, you are my whole world. Will you marry me?” Patrick knelt in front of her on one knee.

  For the first time in her life, Savannah knew total and complete happiness. Patrick loved her. He really loved her. She had no doubt of that. Still, just hearing the words stole the very breath from her body. His beloved face looked up at her expectantly, awaiting her answer. Patrick Heath O’Rourke could have any woman in the world. Why he would choose to settle for a little brown wren when he could have a peacock was a mystery to her. Still, Savannah was nobody’s fool. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but nothing was more important than this - “Yes, Patrick, yes, I’ll marry you!” She threw her arms around his neck and he pulled her over on top of him.

  “God, you’ve made me happy, Sunshine.” He strained to keep his balance, but Savannah was kissing him so much and so hard that they both toppled back onto the rug with joyous laughter. “For a little thing, you sure can pack a wallop.”

  He lay flat on his back and she made herself at home on top of him. “You’re a big boy. I think you can take anything I dish out. Thank you for wanting me.”

  “You think I want you?” He exhaled a sigh and a laugh, combined. “I more than want you – hell, I need you. You’re everything to me.”

  Resting her head on his chest, she could hear the strong beat of his heart. He was so alive, so vibrant, and so very precious to her. “It’s a good thing, because I plan on keeping you for a long, long time.”

  “I’ve got something for you.”

  “I bet you do. Let me help you get it out.”

  When she slid down his body and started unbuckling his belt, he couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re not going to get any argument from me, but there’s a ring in my pocket if you want it.”

  “A ring?” Savannah bounced up, making him grunt as she squirmed up to give him a kiss.

  “Hey, watch the package, Doll, or we won’t be making any babies.”

  “Oh, sorry,” she soothed a palm over his prominent erection. “Nothing looks broken. Besides you made deposits down at the sperm bank, I think we’re covered,” she teased him with a smile.

  “Those frozen swimmers are for emergencies, just in case I get exposed to some chemical or something that damages my sperm. It’s a military safe-guard. I want to father our children the old-fashioned way.” He slipped his hand into his side pocket, smiled and held out the ring. “Give me your hand.”

  Savannah choked down tears as he pushed a beautiful diamond onto her finger. “I love you, Patrick.” The circlet of white gold set with a precious stone was beautiful, and she loved it- but what she felt for him surpassed anything else. “I’ll never, ever take it off. I promise. Thank you.” She kissed the ring and then she kissed him. As always, the passion began to flare, but a large cold nose nudging its way in between them made Savannah convulse in a fit of giggles. “Ciara!” Patrick’s black lab pushed her way into the huddle.

  Patrick tugged on his tight pants and repositioned his erection before standing and offering his hand. “That's better," he said and gave Savannah a wink. “You make me swell with happiness. Let’s sit on the couch, I want to hold you. Ciara won’t jump up here with us, she knows how to behave.”

  “I hope you don’t behave, Patrick." From the floor Savannah stared at the substantial bulge that strained the faded denim jeans. "I like it when you’re bad.”

  He pulled her to her feet with ease and they moved to the sofa. “I must admit you bring out the worst in me.”

  Savannah eased closer, anxious to get her hands on any part of him that she could. He placed a finger under her chin, and she moved up to kiss him, climbing on his lap and straddling him. “In my opinion, I bring out the best in you –especially this part,” she let her pussy grind into his cock, a slow methodical grind. He felt hot and hard and so damned good between her legs. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rocked back and forth, letting the friction between them build.

  Patrick closed his eyes with a sigh. “God, that feels icredible." He rubbed his hand over the skin of her upper arm and squeezed gently. “I’m so glad to be here with you. I’d give you the world if I could. Do you want a big wedding, my Savannah?”

  “No, all I want is you.”

  "All you want is me? God, I like the sound of that. Kiss me, Baby,” he whispered.

  She kissed his cheek, the corner of his mouth and the stubble on his chin before he took control. And when he did, she moaned, she couldn’t help it.

  Patrick reached behind her back, wrapped her long hair around his hand and pulled her head back gently, exposing her neck to his lips. Savannah gave in willingly to his demands and when he ran his rough, raspy tongue over her overheated skin, she literally purred.

  “That’s it, Baby. I love those little sounds you make.”

  “I can’t help it; I love your kiss.” And she did. Patrick kissed her like she mattered to him. He was the best lover in the whole world. She loved how he controlled her in bed. Patrick owned her pleasure. When he made love to her, he did it with his whole heart, mind and soul.

  “Come here and let me love you.” He pulled Savannah down till their mouths touched. Sliding his tongue over her lips, he tasted her, seduced her - wooed her into opening her mouth and letting him t
ake what he wanted. Straining against him, she kneaded the muscles of his shoulders and back, pressing her nipples into his chest and loving how good it felt to drag the hungry little buds over his hard muscles. Cupping her bottom, he tugged her closer to his groin; the pressure on her clit was at the same time an incredible turn-on and an exquisite relief. As he kissed her hard and deep she slipped her hands to his waist and began pulling his shirt from the waistband of his jeans. When she could get to him, she caressed his skin, sliding her hands up his chest to caress his nipples.

  “You are driving me crazy, Baby.” Holding her tight against him, Patrick kissed her neck, her collarbone and the upper swell of her breasts. “I need you, now.” He lifted her with one arm around her waist and laid her down on the couch, turning with her till he was on top.

  Their kisses turned heated. Savannah cupped the back of his head, wishing his hair was long enough to grab onto. When his tour of duty was over, she was putting in a request for long hair. She’d never get enough of this man. Covering her body, he bucked against her, grinding his cock into her softness, letting her know the extent of his desperation. “Patrick, please,” she moaned. In answer to her plea, he sat up, pulled the shirt she wore over her head so he could kiss her breasts right through the bra, squeezing them gently with his free hand. The man knew what he was doing; he released the front hook with one deft move and began feverishly tongunipples. “I want. . . to get . . . to you,” she panted as she wiggled her fingers in between their bodies and began working on his belt and pants.


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