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Christmas Box Set

Page 23

by Nella Tyler

  I came around to open Philippa’s door—we were suddenly on a first-name basis, which I thought promising—while Maggie fended for herself. We waited until we were safely inside in the warmth to say our hellos. Davis arrived out of thin air, as was his way, to take our guests’ jackets and purses. Philippa was dressed beautifully, as usual, in a rich green dress and boots, her ears weighed down with her signature diamond earrings. Maggie had chosen a long-sleeved red dress with gold earrings, her curves complimented beautifully. It was going to be a challenge to keep my hands off of her today. Maggie laughed at my surprised expression and went on to explain why, together, they appeared to look like the living embodiment of Christmas.

  “We burst out laughing for several minutes when we met each other downstairs after getting dressed because our outfits complimented each other perfectly and we’d never discussed what we planned to wear.” Maggie was giggling as she told the story. “Mom offered to change, but I told her we couldn’t have chosen better outfits if we’d tried.”

  “You ladies look beautiful,” I said, smiling as I moved to give Philippa the first hug. Maggie had reported that she acted like I was her natural born son, always talking about me and bringing me up in conversation. I was glad to hear it. My parents raved about her, too. It was wonderful that we all got along so well.

  “It doesn’t bother me, though,” Maggie had said. “I love that you two already love each other.” I tended to agree, because things had gotten very serious between us in the last few weeks. Whatever happened in the future, I knew I wanted Maggie right there beside me through it all. I’d never been surer about anything in my life.

  I hugged Maggie next, finishing with a chaste kiss on the lips though I wanted much more. I slid one arm around her shoulders and the other around her mom and led them into the dining room, where the table was laid with Mom’s fine Christmas china and the sparkling golden silverware that they only brought out for important guests. But I didn’t take them right to the table, despite the fact that my folks were waiting. I took them around the long way so they could see every room downstairs. Visiting the Wheaton house during the month of December was an experience—not many people had ever seen anything like it, comparing it to a high-end Christmas resort. The entire house was festooned with garland and lights. There was a tree in every room fully decked out with ornaments and lights. Most guests could only come up with a single word to describe it: magical. Both women stayed wide-eyed as they looked around, stunned into awed silence.

  We finally circled around to the equally impressive dining room to find Mom and Dad waiting. We went through a second round of hugging and saying hellos before sitting down. This time, Maggie and I were on one side, Mom and Philippa on the other, and Dad was at the head of the table.

  “I’m so glad we can all be together again for Christmas,” Mom said, her light eyes shining as she looked at each of us in turn. “It just feels right, doesn’t it?”

  Smiling, we all agreed. The more we were together, the more it felt like a family gathering. So much had changed in the last few weeks, all of it for the better.

  “We have gifts for you in the study, but those can wait until after we’ve eaten.”

  I had a very special gift for Maggie that I planned to give her after the rest of the gifts had been distributed and opened. It had taken me some time to find the perfect one, but once I did, I knew it was right.

  “James really outdid himself today,” Mom continued. She hadn’t been able to swallow her smile all day. She was at her best when she was entertaining. Something about it just gave her more energy. It was pretty great to watch.

  “Thank you so much for inviting us,” Maggie said.

  “Of course, dear. You’re family.”

  Maggie looked at her mom, both of them smiling, their cheeks flushed with healthy color.

  “We’re ready to start,” Dad said to one of the kitchen staff waiting by the door.

  A parade of dishes flooded into the room and were laid out on the table, all of it piping hot and filling the room with a multitude of fragrant aromas. My stomach ached with hunger, and I had to remind myself to wait until after the blessing to dig in.

  After the blessing, which Dad gave, we each served ourselves plenty of the delicious food. We toasted to the holiday with glasses of mind-numbingly delicious white wine, and then proceeded to get busy eating, keeping up robust conversation as we did so. It all felt so natural, even more than it had at Thanksgiving, and that had seemed very natural as well. I marveled at how much had changed between Maggie and me in such a short amount of time.

  We stretched out the meal for nearly two hours, each of us grazing from as many dishes as we could instead of loading up on any one thing. There was still plenty of food left to donate when we finally decided to give up and retire to the study for gifts and after dinner drinks to help our poor stomachs digest all we’d just eaten.

  Davis was waiting in the study with fresh coffee for those who wanted it and two fingers of scotch for Dad, who took it gratefully.

  “Shall we open these gifts?” Dad asked, settling into his leather armchair while the rest of us sat two to a couch—Mom and Philippa on one chair and Maggie and me on another.

  “Oh, yes,” Mom said, clapping her hands like a little girl. The only thing she adored more than receiving a gift was giving it. She’d gone to great pains to pick the perfect items for each of us.

  As was custom, I gathered the gifts and gave them to each recipient and we all opened one together. Philippa and Maggie had delivered their gifts earlier in the week in preparation for this. We all tore through our gifts, one right after the other, thanking whoever had given them and sometimes springing up to give that person a hug if the gift was especially thoughtful or great. Mom received the most grateful hugs by far. At the end, each of us had a small stack of gifts next to our seats.

  “What about dessert?” Mom asked. “We have cake, cookies, and even James’s version of figgy pudding.”

  “Not yet,” I said, and had to clear my throat. My chest was suddenly full of nerves. But this was right. I knew it in my heart. Only a few seconds now. “I have one more gift for Maggie.” I turned to find her looking at me inquisitively, her thin eyebrows slightly elevated.

  “What more could you possibly give me?” she asked, smiling a little. She’d opened several gifts from me tonight and we’d had our own private gift exchange last night as well, ending with the best gift of all—hot, passionate sex.

  “My heart,” I replied, and dropped to one knee on the floor.

  Understanding bloomed on her face, her eyes going wide as her cheeks filled with color.

  I reached into my suit jacket and pulled out a black ring box. I opened it, revealing a 2-carat diamond ring that gleamed in the light. Maggie didn’t appear to be breathing, but our mothers drew sharp breaths. I could see Dad watching intently out of the corner of my eye, but he didn’t make a sound.

  “Maggie, I love you more than I imagined it was possible to love any one person. We’ve been friends for so many years, and only know each other because of BJ, whom we both loved so much. I think he would appreciate the irony of the situation we find ourselves in now.” I smiled, but not for long. I was still full of churning nerves and trying to keep my hands from trembling as I held out the ring box. “I wouldn’t know you if not for him, and I’ll be forever grateful to my best friend for that and so many other things.”

  Her green eyes had filled with tears, and she let them fall without wiping them away.

  “BJ taught me that we never know what the future holds, but whatever comes my way, I want you by my side. I want to build a life together and raise a family.” I drew in a deep breath. “Maggie Bowling, would you do me the greatest honor of my life and marry me?”

  She blinked once and bit her bottom lip. I could see she was thinking hard, and I wanted to give her as much time as she needed. She nodded only slightly, and then more firmly. Maggie slid from the couch to join me on
the floor and kissed me passionately, right there in front of our parents. I kissed her back, this woman who would one day be my wife and the mother of my children.

  As soon as we broke apart, she said, “Yes, Banks, of course I’ll marry you.”

  Our parents cheered. Even Davis let out a triumphant whoop before putting back on the same mask of professionalism that he’d worn since I was a child.

  I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face as I slid the ring on her finger. Our parents were all talking at once. The rest of the day would be nonstop discussion about the wedding, but this moment was still just ours.

  “Thank you,” I said, and her eyebrows furrowed.

  “For what?”

  “The best Christmas present I’ve ever received.”

  She laughed and leaned to kiss me again.



  Christmas Eve, One Year Later

  I looked at myself in the full-length mirror, checking to make sure every detail was right. It was so strange to be going through this again. I’d never expected to wear another wedding dress, this one ivory instead of white. There were other differences too. I dropped a hand to the small baby bump that was barely visible beneath the thick, beaded fabric. The dress was much simpler this time around, as was the ceremony itself, but simple was good. In the last year, Banks and I had joined our lives, buying a house and adopting another dog from the shelter to keep Alice company. This was the final step, and I couldn’t wait to become his wife.

  “It’s time,” Eliza said, peeking her head into the small room I’d used to get dressed. She was wearing a beautiful green gown that complimented her blonde hair and dark eyes beautifully.

  We were in the back of the church I’d attended my entire life, the same place I’d married BJ. Father Hammond was performing this ceremony as well. It just felt right. This church was my sanctuary, and I wanted to be joined to the man I loved inside of its walls.

  “Okay,” I said, turning to her and smiling nervously. “I’m ready.”

  She gave me a quick hug and then ran to get into position. I followed her, waiting out of view of the altar for my cue and breathing deeply to stay calm. Once the music started, indicating the rest of the wedding party was in place, I stepped into view, bouquet in hand, and walked down the aisle while all our friends and family watched from the pews. But I only had eyes for Banks, who was standing just in front of Father Hammond, dressed in a tuxedo, his blond hair pushed back from his forehead and shining in the light flowing in from the stained glass window. Here was my future just waiting for me at the end of this aisle.

  The sound of enthusiastic weeping drew my eyes to the pews. Mom was weeping into her frilly handkerchief. Brian Sr. was next to her, one arm draped over her shoulder as he cooed sweetly in her ear to comfort her. They’d gotten extremely close over the last year. I wasn’t quite sure how all that had happened without my noticing sooner. Brian Sr. was living with her now and they seemed very happy. I was excited for them, but it still freaked me out sometimes to see my mom with my first father-in-law, especially when they kissed. It was sweet, but strange.

  I wasn’t wearing a veil this time, just jeweled pins in my upswept hair. I stopped in front of Banks, handing my bouquet to Eliza, who was beaming even more brightly than I was. He took my hands, his gray eyes shining with love for me, and we both turned to Father Hammond as he began to speak.

  We exchanged vows, and then placed our rings on each other’s fingers as we pledged to love one another for the rest of our lives, through good times and bad, through sickness and in health.

  “You may now kiss the bride,” Father Hammond said.

  Banks didn’t waste any time, gathering me in his strong arms for a passionate kiss as our friends and family clapped and cheered. I melted into him, still so in love with the taste of him and the sensation of his tongue entering my mouth.

  A limousine took us to the reception, which was being held at the country club where our parents were members. We posed for what felt like 500 pictures before we were finally allowed to enter the reception hall to more cheers. I was smiling so much my cheeks ached, and was over the moon when I heard us announced as Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton. We immediately took to the dance floor for our first dance as man and wife.

  Banks hugged me before getting into positon to dance, one of his hands sliding down to cup my stomach. Our daughter was in there, growing into the baby we would get to meet in the middle of next year. We pulled slightly apart and began to dance as people crowded around the perimeter of the dancefloor snapping pictures on their phones.

  Banks leaned to kiss me. “I love you so much.”

  I smiled up at him. I couldn’t stop looking at him, this man who was now mine for life. He looked amazing in his tuxedo, but I was even more excited to get him out of it later tonight.

  “I love you, too.” I remembered being so afraid to act on the feelings I had for Banks. Not just because of BJ, but because I was afraid to start something that might end with heartache and tragedy again. But jumping into this relationship was the best thing I had ever done for myself. It had put me firmly on the path of truly starting my life again. I had everything I wanted now—a loving husband, the career I’d always dreamed of, and a baby on the way. Banks was the only man on earth who understood how important BJ was, and he knew that I wanted to remember him and honor him for the rest of my life. Other men might be threatened by that, but not Banks. He loved BJ too. I was so fortunate to have this man in my life. Most people didn’t get more than one soulmate. Somehow, I’d been given two of them. I didn’t want to question that. I just wanted to love this man in front of me. I just wanted to raise a family and grow old together.

  “You are absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Wheaton,” he said, the intensity in his light eyes stealing my breath away.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr. Wheaton,” I replied, and we kissed again.

  We had our entire lives to spend with each other. Tonight, I just wanted to bask in all of that shimmering possibility.

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  By Nella Tyler

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Nella Tyler



  I picked at my food, finding it hard to force down another bite. Lacey kept going on and on about something that had happened earlier at one of the gyms where she worked, her laughter slowly driving me up the wall. My skin was crawling just listening to her talking about work like everything between us was normal. Meanwhile, the pressure was building inside my head until it felt ready to explode.

  “Is there anything important you want to tell me?” I asked, just cutting right into whatever the hell she’d been saying. I hadn’t really been listening. I put my fork down and stared across the table at her, lifting my eyebrows and trying my best to keep my face as blank as possible.

  We were in my apartment eating Chinese takeout that Lacey picked up on the way over here. She ate pretty unhealthy for a physical trainer if you asked me, but she worked out a lot, too. I usually spent most of our time together admiring the toned, tanned, solid look of her but, tonight, I was finding it hard just to meet her eyes.

  She blinked, taken aback for a second before her lips curled into a deeper grin that reminded me of the Cheshire cat and made my skin crawl even more than it already was.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, widening her dark brown eyes at me. “I was in the middle of telling you about my day before you interrupted me.” She didn’t sound mad, but I could tell she was annoyed with me.

  “I don’t know.” It was pissing me off that she
wasn’t just coming out with it. “Anything important you might have to tell me.”

  She giggled her tinkling laugh, her bare shoulders moving with that fluid grace she had from years of dancing on top of so much working out. She didn’t have an ounce of fat on her besides her breasts and the muscly curve of her ass. She’d come straight over here from the gym, dressed in multicolored spandex shorts and the bright, loose-fitting tank top she wore on the street to cover up a spandex sports bra that matched her shorts and zipped up in the middle. She always left it unzipped enough to show off the curved tops of her breasts.

  “You’re so weird sometimes, Blaze.” She dropped her eyes to her food, shoveling another dainty forkful of fried rice into her mouth before going on about her last client, some overweight guy in his forties who’d been asking her out for weeks. She just laughed it off, but I was simmering in my chair. I couldn’t care less about the forty-something guy — I knew for sure he wasn’t a threat, as Lacey would never go for anyone that out of shape — but everything else was pushing me over the edge. I was just sick and tired of it.

  The greasy food was turning my stomach. I hadn’t eaten much — some fried rice, a piece or two of bourbon chicken, half an eggroll, and one of the crab rangoons — but if I took another bite, I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t spray my dinner all over the fucking tablecloth. That just might be enough to get Lacey to shut up about her day a minute so I could think.

  I pushed my plate away from me and sat back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. I just watched her eating and talking, looking for any sign that she was as uneasy as I felt. She finished the food on her plate and dug into the takeout containers for more, shooting that show-stopping smile up at me, her dark eyes gleaming. She’d let her wavy brown hair down — she always wore it in a tight bun when she was working to keep it out of her way — and it flowed past her shoulders, messy and beautiful. She was a good-looking woman and goddamn, did she know it.


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