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Call of the Lycan Trilogy Bundle

Page 18

by Pillow Michelle M.

  “No, we’re in Connecticut, near the New York state line.”

  “What?” she exclaimed. That surprised her. “What are we doing in Connecticut? I’m supposed to be in Rhode Island. I have a room, my camera and my suitcase and my car…” She took a deep breath, mentally checking her limbs. Years of training in the gym had left her strong and able to protect herself if needed, not that she felt threatened by James.

  “I’m sorry. There was no time to stay. I’ll make a call and have someone pick your things up for you and keep them safe.” He looked as if he would say more but instead he stood up.

  “What are you? Some kind of secret agent? FBI? ATF? CDC? FDA? Who?” She gave a nervous laugh. “A psycho killer?”

  “Would a killer keep you alive for over two weeks?” he asked, arching an amused brow.

  “Ah.” She gave another nervous laugh. She’d been asleep for two weeks? By the stiff ache in her body, she had little doubt he was telling the truth. Besides, there was something in his eyes that begged to be both trusted and obeyed. “No, probably not.”

  “All you need to know right now is you’re very sick. The fact that you’re awake is a good sign but the pain is not over. I’m the only one who can help you right now and you’re going to have to trust me on that.” His expectant look prodded her to nod.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “But I only say that because I’m too weak to run away from you. I doubt I could even make it to the bathroom on my—” Claudia felt the blood draining from her face. “Oh Gawd.”

  “What is it? Is the pain worsening?”

  “Two weeks? Um, you’ve taken care of my…” Mortified, she glanced around the room, finally settling on the bathroom door. She couldn’t think of anything worse than this incredibly handsome man tending to her “private needs”. “I am so sorry.”

  He gave a small laugh, the first she could recall really hearing from him. “Don’t worry about it. Your condition made such concerns a moot point. The only thing I did was get you into a shower and into some of my clothes.”

  At that, Claudia glanced down, blushing. She did indeed wear an oversized t-shirt and pants that were rolled at the waist. Then the thought that he’d held her naked when she was completely unaware made her blush deepen. He wasn’t talking like an intimate lover so she decided she wouldn’t either. His tone only confirmed that she had hallucinated about the sex in the shower.

  But even so, had he touched her as he dressed her? Did he think she was pretty? Was he in the shower with her when he bathed her? Naked and wet, his muscled body would be a perfectly delicious temptation to any woman. And why was her mind always returning to the passionate parts of her dreams when there was so much more happening to her right now?

  Her heartbeat sped up in her chest, thumping harder than she ever remembered it beating. Suddenly James frowned in concentration. Grabbing her face, he turned her to look at him. His eyes pierced into hers, as if examining them.

  “This isn’t right, it’s too soon,” he said to himself. Then addressing her, he asked, “Does your skin prickle?”

  “No.” She tried to shake her head in denial but he held it steady.

  “Open your mouth. Let me see your teeth.”

  Claudia obeyed the strange command, parting her lips slightly. He reached inside with a finger, poking around at her gums and teeth. She made a weak noise, jerking back. “Hey, I’m not some thoroughbred horse you’re checking out.”

  For a moment, he looked confused before suddenly laughing, a sound deep and richer than before. When he’d finished, he asked, “Can you eat?”

  Claudia nodded, not realizing how hungry she was until he asked.

  “Good, I’ll be right back. Do not leave this room.”

  Claudia nodded again, though really, where would she go? When he’d left, she forced her body to slowly move. First, she checked the guest folder left by the telephone. It did indeed say she was at the Margotte Bed-and-Breakfast in Greenwich, Connecticut. She didn’t even remember being in a car, let alone traveling across two states.

  She threw a few punches in the air, trying to work the kinks out of her muscles. Weightlifting and kickboxing made for great workouts, even if she didn’t really use her skills for fighting. Fear of what was going to happen tried to work its way through her but she pushed it back, not wanting to give in to weakness. Besides, something inside her, a deep whisper, said she was safe with James and that everything was going to be all right. Her mother had taught her to listen to that voice, no matter how quiet hers seemed to be in comparison to the other women in her family.

  Catching her reflection in the mirror over the dresser, she flinched. The horrific creature looking back at her could not be her! She stumbled toward the mirror, touching her face in dismay. Dark circles marred her eyes and her hair was a jumbled mess of curls. What little tan she normally had was completely washed out of her complexion. “I look like death warmed over.”

  Pulling up her hair, she turned to see her neck. A large bruise centered around a half-dozen, perfectly formed, puncture marks right above her artery. Lightly, she pressed against the skin, only to flinch as a twinge of pain worked its way across her throat. What kind of animal had attacked her? A dog?

  Claudia couldn’t remember a dog. In fact, she couldn’t remember much beyond eating her salad all alone at the Block Island restaurant. Dropping her hair, she instantly walked toward the bathroom. If she was going to be traveling with Mr. Handsome, she’d need to look a little more presentable—if only to make herself feel better.

  Taking a fast shower, she used the shampoo provided by the bed-and-breakfast and the razor James had left by the sink. It wasn’t a vast improvement but at least the heat from the shower put a flush to her cheeks that had been missing before. Afterward, she borrowed his brush. Silky, dark strands wove through the bristles, the exact color of James’ hair. Without her own clothes, she put James’ t-shirt and exercise pants back on, pulling the drawstring and rolling them at the waist. The idea that he’d bathed and changed her made her blush.

  Glancing out the window at the small parking area lit by a single light, she searched for James. It was late, nearly twelve o’clock by what the alarm clock said. Not seeing him, she moved to sit on the bed, turning on the television as she waited for the food.

  “You should feel like getting up after you’ve had some protein,” James said as he opened the door. He carried two plastic sacks in one hand and a drink tray in the other. Kicking the door shut, he looked at Claudia in surprise. The fresh scent of soap enhanced her natural smell. Water had soaked into her shirt along her shoulders where the hair touched and her dark locks clung to her neck, hiding the bruise beneath the wet tresses. The soft light from the television screen illuminated her in a flickering glow, casting her features almost blue. The low tones of whatever movie she watched filled the room. He had detected the voices before he stepped inside and knew it to be some romantic comedy by the way the actresses spoke.

  Claudia still wore no bra, because after he’d showered her, he hadn’t bothered to put the one she owned back on her. He saw no point in it as she slept all the time anyway, writhing in pain. The lacy undergarment was tucked safely away in his suitcase. He swallowed hard, his body stirring to attention. It wasn’t an amazing feat. The last weeks had been hell as he carried and cared for her. Knowing she was right there, so close, so touchable, had been torment and no amount of self-stimulated release was going to cure him of the affliction of lust that now made a constant course through his veins.

  Moving to put the sacks on the table, he knew what the next part of her changing might bring—though so far she’d proven herself quite different than the others—if her little performance in the shower the first night was any indication. After she fed, she’d have more strength but she’d also have the heady power of the lycans inside her. In what form that power decided to first show itself remained to be seen. One man he’d helped tried to rip his head off—not that he’d gotten very far for h
is great effort. Turned lycans were no match for a natural-born—at least not at first. The poor guy almost made the full transformation but died during his first shift. From what their doctors said, his heart just exploded in his chest.

  A pang of fear washed over him as he thought of Claudia’s heart exploding. Of course there was no way to tell what would happen to her, no way to stop it if it did. All he could do was wait and try to keep her safe—from both the outside world and herself. Traveling with her, he’d had plenty of time to study and worry over her. She was so delicate, so small compared to some of the men he’d helped through the changing—even some of the women for that matter. It was hard to believe she’d stood up to Meghan, even when he’d heard her fighting for himself.

  Already he’d told his father that he didn’t know how well her body would hold up. The king had been sorry to hear the news but merely ordered him to do his best by her. With Meghan being one of them, they all felt responsible for the rogue lycan’s deeds. All the deaths she caused were on their hands as surely as if they’d killed the people themselves.

  Ian had been tracked down in Calcutta, India, with Ceana a couple of days ago. They were on their way back to join him, though James suggested maybe Ceana would be more comfortable staying with one of the other clan members until the threat of Meghan had passed. Ian was a patient leader and immensely loyal. He took great pride in his history, family and traditions. He guarded those things with his life and would be a fierce companion when it came to hunting down a threat to their clan.

  Roark had not been heard from, though it was hardly surprising. Since his wife, Natasha, belonged to the Farfadet race, a supernatural people known to live in frozen points of time rather than an actual place, she tended to not pay attention to the cycle of days like other races did. Funny, since all other points of ladylike etiquette were drilled into her head. And Roark’s easygoing nature didn’t exactly make him punctual.

  “I see you were able to take a shower,” he said to break the silence. She hadn’t answered him when he walked in.

  “Oh yeah. I hope you don’t mind. I used your brush.” Claudia made a weak noise and he turned to study her.

  “Why would I mind?” He arched a brow.

  “I’m starved. Is that steak I smell?” She pushed up from the bed, not acknowledging his somewhat rhetorical question. He kept his senses on alert as he began removing the takeout food containers from the bags. “It smells really good.”

  The breathiness of her words as she came to stand next to him made his gut tighten. She braced her hands on the back of the chair, sniffing as she leaned forward. The position wasn’t meant to be seductive but seeing her bent over, knowing she’d be naked beneath the oversized pants, set his libido on fire.

  His hand trembled and he found himself reaching to touch her ass, remembering every detail of what it looked like from the torturous time he’d bathed her. Then he’d kept his hands to himself but, now that she was awake, he wanted nothing more than to strip her down once more. Drawing his fingers back before he made contact with her body, he reached for a plastic fork and handed it to her.

  “It’s just steak?” Claudia scrunched up her brow. “They didn’t have any side dishes to go with it?”

  James gave a small smile. The waitress at the local diner had looked at him like he was crazy when he placed his order, but he’d learned from past mistakes that a diet of all meat helped the process along. “Trust me, the sides are just fillers. You’ll want the meat.”

  “But rare?” She wrinkled her nose.

  He didn’t answer as he took a switchblade from his pocket and flicked it open. The serrated edge was clean and would have to do for a cutting utensil. When he handed it over to her, he saw an amber glint flickering inside her eyes. It was the primal stirring of the beast growing within her. “Eat. It’ll help you feel better.”

  Chapter Three

  Claudia wasn’t sure how she managed but she mindlessly devoured three T-bones and part of a tenderloin steak. Rare meat wasn’t normally her first choice but there was something to the flavor. It was almost orgasmic and each bite caused a small shiver of pleasure to work over her limbs.

  She felt strong, powerful. Her heart beat heavy and fast, like she could do anything. The wound on her neck tingled and the dim light in the room didn’t seem as dark as before. Her eyes must have adjusted, because she could now see into the shadows with ease.

  “What was in that food?” she asked, breathing hard as she pushed up from the table. “I feel funny.”

  The tingling in her neck worked its way down her spine, spreading throughout her limbs. Her skin erupted with heat, a fire that blazed up from her core. Then a smell invaded her senses, the subtle scent of shampoo and musk. The fire turned to passion, causing a deep ache inside her pussy. Her nipples tightened and she became aware of how little of a barrier the t-shirt provided.

  James sat at the end of the bed. He hadn’t eaten with her, merely watched, making small talk about the warm weather and that a weatherman predicted rain. She had the impression he wanted to say more, much more, but held back, keeping to the mundane and unimportant.

  As she walked toward him, mindless as to her intent, he stiffened. “Try to breathe, Claudia. I don’t want to have to hurt you but, if you attack me, I will be forced to restrain you.”

  A deep shudder moved along her arms and she balled her hands into fists. Her breathing became heavier and she couldn’t control it. Something inside her was changing. Passion and violence filled her thoughts until she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hit James or kiss him.

  “Something’s wrong with…” She tried to hold on to her reasoning, tried to stop the images of blood and sex from entering her mind. She saw James in the shower, his thick cock fisted in his hand, remembered the sound of his passionate grunts as he brought himself to release. The image of bloody fangs interrupted the sexual thoughts and she recalled a woman’s face contorting into that of a wolf. The dreams she’d had over the last two weeks surfaced, trying to form a complete picture in her mind, a series of events that would equal an immortal life. She remembered fur sprouting, fangs and claws growing into sharp points. A werewolf? She didn’t even believe in such things. It must have been some movie she’d watched, book she’d read…or was it real?

  Claudia reached for her neck. The memory was real. White-hot pain had seized her as the woman bit into her neck. But how was such a thing possible? A she-wolf?

  Confused, she lifted her hands, ready to lash out. Rage poured from inside her and she went for the closest target. Never had she felt so angry. As she lunged forward, her hands met flesh. James grunted, his eyes wide as she clawed at his shirt. He fell back on the bed and lifted his knee, pressing it into her stomach. She flipped over his head, landing on her back. Her feet struck the headboard hard, sending a reverberating shock through her system.

  James spun around as if to crawl over her head. She pushed off the headboard, flinging her body to the side so she rolled off the bed. Power filled her but she didn’t know how to control it. James stood, his movements perfect and stealthy. Claudia called up all her training, though a kickboxing workout wasn’t exactly the same thing as hand-to-hand combat. Still, she swung, putting a practiced force behind her punch.

  He caught her fists in rapid succession and a strange glow came to his eyes. “Easy, young one. You’re like a little kitten trapped in a corner. You cannot hurt me and you’ll only hurt yourself if you try. I have no wish to bind you, but I will if you force my hand.”

  Claudia tried to hit him again, jerking her arms to free her hands, not understanding why her body was acting the way it was. She wasn’t a violent person and yet she needed to strike out. His grip tightened, keeping her from pulling her fist away. Her mouth opened wide and she let loose a short, breathy growl.

  James laughed. “You’re a fierce one, aren’t you, little tigress? So brave in the face of danger.”

  She tried to jerk her hand free. When she couldn’t
, she kicked, sweeping her leg around, hoping he would be forced to let go of her fist. Her calf met the steel of solid flesh and James laughed, unmoved by her strike. Her gaze fell to his mouth, the slight curve when he smiled drawing her notice. The brown waves of his hair framed his firm lips and strong jaw. The images of blood left, replaced with the thought of him in the shower, stroking himself to completion.

  Without thought, she lifted up on her toes and leaned her face to his, lightly nipping at that sexy smile. His height made it hard to reach him but the angle of his face toward hers allowed her to bite at his bottom lip, pulling it slightly with her teeth before letting go. Though the nip had been soft, when she looked again, she saw a small dot of blood beaded where she’d bitten him. Claudia leaned forward once more, pressing her mouth gently to his. She slipped her tongue over the rim, strangely drawn to taste the tiny wound she’d made.

  A low groan filled her as James responded. His hold on her fist lessened and she slipped her hands away, striking him on the shoulder several times without breaking their kiss, before grabbing hold of his t-shirt to hold him close. His mouth roughly ground against hers, each pass of his lips harder than before. Claudia moaned. James’ hands found her hips and he worked his fingers into her pants, pushing the loose material down. It fell away from her body and Claudia kicked it away with her feet.

  He pulled his mouth from hers, his piercing brown eyes locking onto her gaze as he slowly sat down before her on the bed. Warm palms ran down her legs, touching her knees only to come back up. Her skin felt extra-sensitive since she’d shaved and each movement reverberated throughout her entire system. James reached around, squeezing her ass, kneading the cheeks so they spread considerably.

  “Ah,” she gasped as an intense shock wave of pleasure shot through her. Wet, hot cream flooded her pussy. James’ eyes narrowed and he inhaled deeply through his nose. A primordial need tightened his features and he gripped her ass harder, dragging her hips forward until her stomach pressed against his face.


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