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Call of the Lycan Trilogy Bundle

Page 24

by Pillow Michelle M.

  “What is it?” Ian demanded. His dark brown, shoulder-length hair was pulled back to the nape of his neck and he wore a lightweight sweater and leather jacket. “What happened?”

  “James, are you well? You look as if you’ve been stabbed,” Roark added, getting hold of his arm.

  “Meghan pushed…” James couldn’t say the words. “I have to get to the lobby.”

  “Meghan pushed who?” Ian began, only to have his face drain of color. “No, she wouldn’t. It’s some kind of trick.”

  “I can’t feel her,” James said.

  “Meghan would want to torture you first. Pushing someone from a balcony wouldn’t be much fun for a woman like her,” Roark said, though he didn’t look convinced.

  James didn’t find his words comforting. His skin prickled as his body threatened to shift and this time he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to hold back the beast inside him. Breathing hard, he bit his lip, trying to control the violent rage clouding his vision with thoughts of blood.

  When the elevator door opened, he took off running. Meghan wouldn’t have had time to escape the suite. A mortal woman screamed as he tore down the hall, breaking the door to his room. He heard his brothers open their own door. The sounds of a battle ensued from Roark’s suite.

  Randall, you traitor! Ian’s voice yelled in his mind.

  Two lycans stood in his room, their bodies stiff as they blocked Meghan behind them. James vaguely recognized them as being from the disbanded Douglass clan. The man from the boat who’d helped Meghan escape Block Island was one of them. He tried to detect Claudia but didn’t sense her in the room.

  The two were strong but their power was no match for James’ rage and fear. Leaping forward, he partially shifted. Claws bit into his chest and side but James kept going, breaking the neck of the first man and clawing open an artery of the second. Blood squirted over the suite but James continued. Meghan screamed, her eyes rounding in fear, and he knew she’d underestimated him greatly.

  “James, wait, please,” Meghan began, holding up her hands. Her naked body and the nearby pile of shredded clothes attested to a recent shift. Though physically beautiful, she did not tempt him. Compared to Claudia, Meghan was nothing. Against weaker mortals she acted the goddess but against one of her own, without the power of temptation, she wasn’t so glib. When he didn’t stop his advances, Meghan screeched in anger, lunging for him.

  “Meghan!” Ian ordered, but it was too late.

  “I should have been queen!” she yelled. “The throne was mine! I earned it.”

  Meghan bared her fangs, going for James’ throat. He felt his brothers behind him. Rage poured from every inch in his body. The idea that she hurt Claudia made him see red. He didn’t think, striking out to punch her in the face as she flew at him. Her head snapped and she flew backward, catching herself on all fours. Snarling, she attacked instantly.

  “James,” Roark began.

  “She’s mine,” James growled. Meghan hit his face and they exchanged blows, crashing wildly around the room in a flurry of fang and claw. She scratched his arm, drawing blood as she gouged his flesh.

  James didn’t feel her punches. All he wanted was to take Meghan down. There was nowhere to run to, no one to rescue her and all her power and hatred were no match for what James felt for Claudia. An evil bitch like her could never understand what they had. His body became infused with the need to find Claudia, to save her, to avenge her if she were dead. The thought of Meghan claiming not just another victim but the carrier of his heart made him deadlier than he’d ever been in his life. Meghan might be strong but his love for Claudia was stronger.

  On instinct, he caught Meghan’s face as she came at him and broke her neck. She died instantly. Before her body hit the floor, he was outside, staring over the balcony. Narrowing his eyes, he tried to see down to the street. He detected far-off voices.

  “Did you see that?” one woman asked.

  “A dog just fell. I think someone pushed it,” another said.

  “That wasn’t a dog. It was too big to be a dog,” a man insisted. “I’ve never heard of a dog that big.”

  “Where’d it go?” the first woman asked.

  James turned, hope filling him. Claudia could still be alive. “Her body isn’t down there.” He jogged toward the door. “But she might have shifted, running around the streets.”

  “We’ll take care of this,” Roark said, already dialing his phone. “Luckily, I have mob contacts here. I’m not proud of it but I have to admit it’s good to have friends who can take care of bodies.” Then throwing a pillow from the couch at James, he said, “Clean your face.”

  James caught the pillow and rubbed it hard across his features. When he pulled it back, the material was stained with blood.

  “That’ll do,” Roark said.

  “I’ll take care of the hotel.” Ian slipped out of his jacket and tossed it at James. “Looks like we’ll have to use the newly signed musician who acted like a rock star excuse.”

  James nodded. His room door hung on the frame and Ian pushed it closed behind him. Not waiting for the elevators, he went to the stairwell. When he didn’t hear anyone inside the steel column stairway, he leapt down the stairs, grabbing hold of the rail and swinging his body around so that he could speed down to the first floor. As he burst through the doors, it took all his willpower not to run suspiciously from the hotel. He pretended to check his watch, jog-running toward the beach-entrance doors at the back of the hotel as if he was late for an appointment. Outside, a crowd had gathered, still talking excitedly.

  “It couldn’t have fallen that far. Maybe a story, maybe two,” a man said, sounding very sure of himself. “I’m sure it was just a Husky or Great Dane.”

  “Did you say Great Dane?” James asked, breathing hard from his run down forty-three flights.

  “Yeah, your dog?” the man asked, scratching his balding head.

  “No, clients. Damn guy signed a contract last week and thinks he’s already a rock star. Brought his girlfriend’s dog and the stupid beast jumped out of the window. Seems he forgot to mention the thing likes to run.” James mustered a smile he didn’t feel through his worry.

  “I don’t think it was a Great Dane,” a woman insisted. “I know dogs and that looked like a wolf of some sort.”

  “Mutt crossbreed,” James said. She didn’t look like she believed him. Turning back to the man, he asked, “Did you see which way it went?”

  “That way,” another woman said, pointing down toward the beach. “But the cops have already been called. They’ll probably be out looking for it.”

  “I hope they find it,” James lied, taking off down the beach, praying his story was convincing.

  James lifted his nose to the sky. Within seconds, he detected her scent. Sprinting across the sandy shore, he neared the ocean and reached the hard, wet sand by the water. It didn’t take him long to find paw prints in the sand. He wasn’t surprised that she’d been called to the water. Though the moon wasn’t full, the tides still listened to the celestial orb’s commands.

  “Claudia,” he called, seeing a dark form near the waves. She turned to him, her body fully shifted into a beautiful female wolf. Her yellowed eyes narrowed and he felt her confusion and anger. Trying to link with his mind, he kept his thoughts gentle, Easy, Claudia. I’m here to help you. I won’t hurt you. I need you to trust me. It’s over. Meghan’s gone. She’s dead and she won’t hurt you or anyone else ever again. I promise you. It’s over.

  She growled low in the back of her throat.

  Claudia, I know you’re confused. I’m confused. I don’t know how you shifted before the first full moon, but you have. You’re going to be all right. You’re going to live. You’ve passed the final test of your turning.

  She edged away from him, crouching low as the hair on her back stood up.

  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about connecting to Meghan, but you have to believe me that’s not why I took care of you.

sp; Claim. The single word was a low, gravelly sound in his head.

  James hesitated. Her body jerked as if she’d run and he hurried to answer. Yes. I claimed you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But if you wish, you can be free of it. Breaking a claim isn’t easy, but it can be done. It’s not final. Nothing is final in the lycan world between a man and woman until we have the blessing of the king. Only then do we mate forever.

  Why? Again the single word punctured his thoughts.

  Because… he hesitated.

  Why? she demanded.

  Because I love you. James took a deep breath. Being with you is like… I can’t explain it. I just love you, Claudia. I love you.

  Claudia shivered. James glanced around, sensing humans nearby. When he again looked at his love, she was on the sand, her body cracking and molding into her human form. She whimpered in pain as her body lengthened. Instantly, he was at her side, picking her up before she was fully turned.

  “I love you too,” she whispered, her eyes clear. “When Meghan and I met face-to-face, images became clearer. I don’t think she meant to show me, but I saw her past. And then I fell and was sure I was dead, but the next thing I know I’m on this beach looking at you. I saw you kill her. It freed me from her thoughts, her evil.”

  “Are you sure you’re not confused?” Hope welled up inside him and he was afraid of waking up from a dream.

  “About you?” She pushed up, her naked body glorious in the moonlight. “I’ve known for a while. It wasn’t clear but when you bit me, I felt you inside me. Besides,” she gave a small smile, “I’m partially psychic.”

  He pulled her against him, kissing her soundly. Her warm mouth accepted him as easily as her heart. Every part of her invaded his senses and he opened his mind to her, letting her find whatever she wished of his soul. All he was belonged to her.


  Claudia smiled, stretching her naked body as the sun rose over the mountain. The boards of the deck pressed into her back as the cool Rocky Mountain air caressed her breasts and stomach, tickling the thatch of hair between her thighs. Sensing James, she turned to see him standing in the window, holding two mugs of coffee. He wore a pair of denim jeans and nothing else. Unashamed of her nudity, she stood and walked inside.

  “Good morning, beautiful. Have a good night?” James handed her a mug.

  “Mmm,” she moaned, suppressing a yawn. After Meghan’s death, James had whisked her away. At first, they stayed with Roark and his wife Natasha until James finally managed to figure out where exactly he owned homes. She still couldn’t imagine anyone losing track of real estate, but James had. Lucky for him, the clan bookkeepers hadn’t. “Running with you through the forest by the light of the full moon always makes for a perfect evening.”

  “Hmm, I kind of thought the night before made for the perfect evening.” He grinned and Claudia couldn’t help but kiss him. Her breasts rubbed along his warm chest. Each day, she felt safer. James’ love did that for her.

  Meghan’s body had been found mutilated like those of her previous victims. Her death was blamed on a serial killer, one who would unfortunately never be found. Though she had her reservations about it, Claudia knew they couldn’t expose the lycan race and tell the world what really had happened.

  “Want to make it a perfect morning?” She didn’t break the full contact of their mouths.

  “I would, but my family will be here soon.”

  “You finally figure out where you own a house and then you invite everyone over.” She pouted her bottom lip.

  “I thought you liked my family. Besides, we’ve had this place to ourselves for two months now.” James nipped at her ear playfully. “And my father is bringing you a bunch of computer equipment so you can begin working again. Just like you asked.”

  “Yeah!” She gave a small cheer, clapping her hands. “Okay, they can come.”

  James laughed.

  Claudia began walking toward their shared bedroom for clothes. Calling over her shoulder, she said, “Yes, I will marry you.”

  “I didn’t ask.”

  She turned in the door, giggling at his shocked face. Her psychic gifts had increased, becoming stronger after each passing of the full moon. “You were going to.” Winking, she turned to find some clothes. “And I say yes.”


  About the Author, Michelle M. Pillow

  Michelle M. Pillow, Author of All Things Romance™, is a multi-published, award winning author writing in many romance fiction genres including futuristic, paranormal, historical, contemporary, fantasy and dark paranormal. Ever since she can remember, she has had a strange fascination with anything supernatural—ghosts, magical powers, and oh… vampires. What could be more alluring than being immortal, all-powerful, and eternally beautiful? After discovering historical romance novels, it was only natural that the supernatural and love/romance elements should someday meet in her wonderland of a brain. She’s glad they did for their children have been pouring onto the computer screen ever since.

  She has been nominated for the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Award 2011, the winner of the 2006 RT Reviewers’ Choice Award, nominated for the 2007 RT Award, a Brava Novella Contest Finalist and a PAN member of RWA.

  Michelle is a journalist for Paranormal Underground Magazine. She has a BGS in History/Business with an English Minor, and a Photography degree. In 2009 she and fellow author Mandy M. Roth started their own highly successful self-publishing endeavor named The Raven Books.

  Michelle has titles published with The Raven Books, Pocket Books, Random House, Virgin Books, Adam’s Media, Samhain Publishing, Running Press, and more.

  She loves to hear from readers. They can contact her through her website

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  To learn more about Michelle M. Pillow please visit her website

  The Raven Books’ Complimentary Material

  The following material is free of charge. It will never affect the price of your book.

  Cupid’s Enchantment (Naughty Cupid 1) by Michelle M. Pillow

  Paranormal Historical Romance

  Contrary to popular belief, Cupid is not a cute little cherub. And he’ll take revenge on any who say differently. Just ask Ilar, Commander of the Lycaon guard…

  Lady Rhiannon’s beauty is distracting suitors from her older sister and ruining her chances at marriage, so her father has her locked her away in a tower. Believing she is going crazy from the isolation, Rhiannon hears a frightful voice. The next thing she knows, she's waken up in a strange forest pursued by mythical wolf men. And, worst of all, their leader is taking her home with him.

  Ilar is irritated to discover an enchanted female—a human, their ancient hunters—disrupting his Lycan Guards. One sniff of this mortal’s enchantment and the men go insane, trying to kill each for her hand. Only in making her his lover can the spell be broken. Ilar has no choice but to claim the female for his own. But who knows what will happen when Cupid’s Enchantment is broken.

  Cupid’s Enchantment Excerpt

  Cupid’s beady eyes narrowed in black mischief as he crawled his way over the lively main hall floor. Magic kept him partially hidden, but he didn’t want to ruffle the tapestries and make his presence known. Damned humans spooked too easily. If it had been any other time, he would have gladly stirred up a mischievous wind just to watch them run away.

  Ah! Help! The devil approaches anon! he mimicked. He heard the cackling of his own pleasure in his head as he thought of the mortal cries. He almost chuckled aloud in his good humor. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be in the mortal realm, but damned if it wasn’t just too much fun! Then, shaking his head, he thought, Bah! Foolish humans. Anything unexplained was the devil.

  Pressing his long lips together, he searched the hall for the most horrendous of the mortal women. As he eyed the head table, his heart about stopped. A dreamy smile came to the troll’s
crinkled lips and he smacked them together.

  Now, there’s a tasty little treat, he thought, as he stared at the large goddess at the high table. She was wrapped in yards of clashing yellow silk. A touch of drool spilled over the side of his mouth, dripping to the floor like thick tree sap.

  A torch burned brightly behind the woman’s head, making the frizzy strands of her most beautiful hair stick out like a banshee. Her nose hooked at the end in the most delectable way and the large mole on her chin had a glorious three hairs growing out of it. Three! The luckiest of numbers when it came to hairs and moles!

  Cupid sighed dreamily, loving the pull of her one eyebrow dipping over her narrow eyes. Musicians played a lively tune, but Cupid couldn’t hear them over the frantic beating of his pea-sized heart. She was perhaps the most enchanting mortal he’d ever seen. Ah, but the fair temptress wouldn’t be going with him this night. She was too beautiful and he was in search of an ugly maiden--the most repugnant female he could find.

  “Aye, he keeps ’er locked away in the tower,” Cupid heard a burly man whisper. The troll stopped, changing his route to near a table of knights.

  The soldier who spoke tore a chunk of meat off a bone and then threw the scrap over his shoulder. It landed on the floor at Cupid’s feet. The little troll smacked his lips, took the bone up, and gnawed at it in pleasure. These men might be mortals, but they sure knew how to live right.

  Cupid perked his tiny ears up as he crept closer to listen, the bone hanging halfway out of his lips. He sat beneath the large soldier’s bench seat, surrounded by the satisfying perfume of sweaty feet. He continued to gnaw. The mortal court was much better than Lycaon’s cleanly ways. Whoever heard of a law stating you must come to the table clean?


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