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Beneath The Assassin's Touch (Daggers 0f Desire Book 2)

Page 21

by Katherine Hastings

  Her voice trailed off and for the first time the confidence in her eyes faltered. Fear, or perhaps it was worry, flashed through them like lightning bolts.

  “Yes, I am the Captain. Viktor has retired. He’s not dead.”

  Thick black lashes covered her eyes as they closed for a moment. She let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God. But wait, why isn’t he Captain anymore? What did you do to him?” Accusatory eyes glared up at him.

  “I didn’t harm Viktor. He retired. He gave me the ship.”

  “Viktor would never.”

  “Well, he did. Now you know who I am, who the hell are you?”

  “Vivian Bellarose. A friend of Viktor’s. I need to see him. Now.”

  Vivian Bellarose. Simon knew that name. She was the prostitute Viktor spent a lengthy amount of time traveling with. Simon had joined the crew after her time on the Dark Shark, but Viktor had spoken of her many times. He hadn’t been exaggerating when he spoke of her beauty. In fact, he hadn’t come close to doing her justice. Not wanting to give anything away, Simon played dumb.

  “Never heard of you. What business do you have with Viktor?”

  “My business with him is none of yours. I need to find him. Where is he?”

  Simon knew exactly where Viktor was, but it was privileged to just a handful of people. His new life held no room for old enemies and vendettas that could threaten his new world.

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. It’s privileged.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Is he at Bawd Judy’s brothel? He had better not be. He knows how I abhor her. Is that where he is? I demand you tell me. It’s a matter of life and death.”

  “Life and death, huh? What kind of trouble are you in?” His curiosity piqued.

  There it is again. Fear. It flashed through her eyes for only a second before sliding back behind the confidence she wrapped around herself like a cloak of protection.

  “My troubles are none of your concern. I need Viktor. Please.” Her eyes softened at the last word, pleading with him.

  “Please? Wow, you’ve decided to use manners. How novel.”

  “Are you going to help me or not?” she spat, the softness seeping from her tone.

  “Why the hell should I help you?” Simon was always game to help someone in need, but her attitude created in him a desire to make her squirm.

  “Because. It’s what Viktor would want.”

  “Oh, is it? You know what Viktor would want?”

  “I know everything Viktor wants.” A sly grin pulled up those succulent, red lips revealing straight, white teeth. He was half-expecting fangs. “Now, tell me where he is.”

  Simon tossed back his head and laughed. “There isn’t a chance in hell I will tell you where he is. You can either tell me of your problem and I’ll see if I can help you fix it, or you can saunter right back down these docks and figure it out yourself.” He crossed his arms and looked down his nose at her.

  A snarl twitched her lip. “Where is he?”

  “That is privileged information and you aren’t qualified to hear it.”

  Vivian looked him over, her glare transforming into an invitation, complete with a pair of seductively batting lashes. She reached out and slid her hand up the part of his smooth chest exposed beneath his open linen shirt. Simon looked down to see her fingers tracing the muscles of his chest. He swallowed when she pressed in closer to him, her sparkling eyes now pulling up to meet his own.

  “Are you sure you can’t tell me? Perhaps we could make a trade? Your information for a few hours with me?” She fluttered her eyes and traced a finger down his stomach. The bulge in his pants pulsed at her touch.

  His voice cracked while he fought to answer. “I — I can’t tell you. It’s not possible.”

  “Are you sure?” Her hand brushed the front of his pants.

  “Oh God.” He swallowed. The promises she made with her eyes set his body on fire. “No, I can’t.” Simon stepped back out of her reach and blew out a deep breath.

  “Damn you!” she spat, her charm escaping on the wings of her anger. “Where the hell is Viktor?”

  “Vivian?” Sully called down from the ship. Simon and Vivian both looked up to meet him.

  “Sully! It’s you!” She clapped her hands together, a genuine smile lighting up her face.

  “I heard there was a troublesome beauty down here matching your description. I had to come see for myself if the infamous Vivian had returned.” Sully smiled and made his way down the ramp.

  She met him with open arms. “Sully, oh, how I’ve missed you. It’s been years.”

  “I’ve missed you as well, Vivian. Now, tell me. What’s the trouble? You’re giving my Captain here a hard time?”

  “I’ll say.” Simon snorted. “She wants to see Viktor.”

  “Is that so?” Sully asked.

  “Yes, Sully. It’s important. It’s a matter of life and death. I must see Viktor. I heard the Dark Shark was here, so I traveled all the way from London only to find him gone and this man claiming to be Captain and denying me any knowledge of his whereabouts. I need Viktor’s help.”

  Simon gauged Sully’s reaction. A contemplative look washed over his face.

  “You see, Vivian... Viktor has retired. His whereabouts are hidden from the world so he can enjoy his new life. We swore an oath to die before telling anyone where he is.”

  “Please, Sully. My life depends on it.” She stepped forward, her red lip pushed out into a pout. If Simon hadn’t seen the range of emotions she could portray in a matter of moments he might have believed her to be sincere. Perhaps she was, it was as much a mystery to him as the woman herself.

  Sully reached out a hand and pressed it to her shoulder. “Vivian, I want to help you, I do. But we can’t tell you where Viktor is. Is there something we can help you with? Tell me what the problem is and I’ll figure out what to do.”

  “No. I need Viktor.” She sighed.

  Sully’s face twisted while he contemplated their situation. “Captain, can I speak with you?”

  With a nod, Simon stepped to Sully’s side. The two walked side by side down the docks until they were out of Vivian’s earshot.

  Sully glanced back at her before turning back to Simon. “She was very important to Viktor once. I think he would want to know what’s going on with her.”

  “We can’t tell her where Viktor is, Sully.”

  “No, no. I agree. Perhaps we can send word to him?”

  “Perhaps. But it will take weeks to get to him and back to us.”

  “I have another idea.” Sully smiled.

  “What is it?”

  “We take her to him, but we keep her hidden so she has no idea where she is. Then we leave her on the ship, go talk to Viktor and let him decide. If he agrees, we’ll bring her to him. If not, we sail away with her no wiser.”

  Simon stroked the stubble on his chin and nodded. “It’s not a bad idea. It’s not like we’ve got anything going on while we wait for word on the Riptide.”

  Sully nodded in agreement.

  “The crew also doesn’t know where Viktor lives so we need to keep this top secret. We tell them we are escorting her to Wales. They won’t know it’s to Viktor. We keep her secluded in the guest chamber and keep the crew away from her. When we get to Viktor, you stay with her and I’ll go to him. Does that sound doable?”

  “It does. I think Viktor would approve.”

  “I certainly hope so. I wouldn’t dare put him and Nora in danger over something unless you’re certain he would want this.”

  Sully gave another glance to Vivian. “He would. He cared about her very much. Viktor would never turn her out if she’s in trouble.”

  Simon blew out a heavy breath. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  They exchanged a glance and marched back to where Vivian stood.

  Sully smiled. “Vivian, we will take you to Viktor.”

  “You will? Wonderful!”

  “In the cargo hold,” Simo
n stated.

  “What?” Her face fell. He could barely contain his enjoyment at the horrified look on her face.

  “Simon,” Sully warned. “Vivian, to honor our oath to Viktor we will keep you hidden so you don’t know your exact location. We also can’t have the crew knowing we are heading to Viktor so we will keep you secluded from them as well. When we reach Viktor, we will ask him if he agrees to see you. If so, we’ll take you to him. If not, we’ll take you anywhere else you desire. So you’ll come aboard but you’ll be kept sequestered.”

  “In the cargo hold.” Simon smiled.

  Vivian shot him a glare.

  “She’s not going in the cargo hold,” Sully defended. “Vivian, you’ll stay in my chambers and I’ll sleep with the rest of the crew. You will however have to stay in there and not come out or interact with the crew. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes. We have a deal.” She smiled and tossed her arms around Sully’s neck. Her eyes moved to Simon. “But I’m not calling him Captain.”

  “I still think she’s better off in the cargo hold.” Simon shrugged. “No windows.”

  “I’ll board mine up,” Sully said, tossing a scolding look to Simon.

  “As long as she’s not kicking me out of my cabin it makes no difference to me.”

  Vivian stepped forward and traced a finger down Simon’s stomach. “You’d only be so lucky as to have me in your cabin.”

  “Not if I’m not in it with you.” Simon waggled his eyebrows.

  “For you, I’d charge double.” She tipped her head.

  “For you, I’d pay half.” He matched her arrogance and reveled in the flash of anger behind her eyes.

  “Now children,” Sully said. “Let’s get preparations made. Vivian, meet us back here at nightfall. We’ll have your room ready. Remember, when you come aboard you are not to talk to the crew. They cannot know we sail to Viktor. Is that understood?”

  She sighed. “Yes, Sully. I won’t say a word.”

  “Good. Then Captain, let us prepare the crew to sail tonight. Just tell them this woman is in need of our assistance and hope they don’t grumble too much that we are to play delivery service.”

  “Thank you, Sully,” she said, turning to smile at her old friend. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. You are a lifesaver.” She pulled him in for one last hug.

  “And what about me?” Simon interjected, a sly smile creeping across his face. “It is my ship you will sail on. Don’t I get a thank you, too?”

  She looked him up and down. With a scoff she turned on her heel and headed down the docks. “I’ll see you boys tonight!” she called without turning around.

  Simon watched her go. The sway of her skirts accentuated the swing in her hips as she sauntered out of sight. Every inch of his body burned when he stared after her.

  “She’s something else, isn’t she?” Sully said, his eyes fixed on the spot Vivian had just vacated.

  “She certainly is.”

  “We’re doing the right thing. This is what Viktor would want.”

  “I hope so. That woman looks like nothing but trouble.”

  “Aye, that she is.” Sully laughed.

  Simon shook his head and headed up the ramp to the Dark Shark where preparations were needed before they set sail. He glanced back one last time to where the insufferable beauty had disappeared into the town. The bulge in his pants still throbbed from her touch. A jump in the cold ocean might be in order so he could get his head back in the game.



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  Katherine Hastings loves love. It’s why she writes romance novels. Getting lost writing a romantic adventure is one of her favorite pastimes. When she’s not on an adventure with her characters, she can be found at her home in Wisconsin snuggling her husband, two Boston Terriers, and the world’s naughtiest cat. Two things make Katherine want to leave her happy home these days... going for rides on her dressage pony or floating at the beach in her big inflatable raft. Writing her novels while floating in the lake is one of her ultimate pleasures... that and Fried Wisconsin Cheese Curds, of course.




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