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La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series

Page 9

by Michelle Brown

  “Ah, si, that is true. You aren’t so bad in a fight though, if anyone could take them on... I’d put my money on you,” he said quietly.

  Turning into the driveway of my house, I parked my car and turned to him. “You know I actually know a bit about you, but I didn’t know about you being the big bad Reaper,” I teased.

  Groaning he wiped his face with his hands. He turned to look out the window as he spoke, “I wish you didn’t know anything about that part of me. I mean I work for the council more than any one person. My father made sure that I knew how to kill and make it painful. I wasn’t afforded the luxury just because of who my father is, I had to please him and he made sure I fell in line like everyone else.”

  That’s enough talking for one night, I thought to myself. Placing my hand on his leg, I squeezed it enough that he understood I was there for him. Getting out of the car, we walked side by side into the house.

  Stopping him by the stairs, I said, “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Dropping my clothes on the floor, I turned on the shower. This has been one of the most stressful days I have had in a long time. I couldn’t wait to be done with this all, I just want to move on and to be happy with Tony. Stepping into the shower, I lathered my body. I loved the smell of roses, it had always been a fragrance I chose over others since my mother told me that I was named after the flower. When I finished in the shower, I walked naked into my room to find Tony seated on the chair by the vanity I never used.

  “Rosie, mi amor, you look delicious like that. I want to see you let go for a change. Lay on the bed for me,” he rasped out.

  Walking to the bed, I turned to face him as I sat on the edge and gently laid back. “Now what,” I asked nervously waiting to hear his response.

  “Put your feet up on the edge of the bed, then let your legs drop open for me,” he said as I heard him unbuckling his pants.

  Doing as he asked, I hesitantly took a breathe and spread my legs for him. I had never been on display before.

  “Perfect. Show me what you do when you need the release,” he commanded.

  Trailing my fingers down my body, I lightly grazed my pussy. I had never let anyone see how I pleasured myself. What if you do it and he doesn’t like it, I questioned myself. Taking my hand away, I looked over to where he was still sitting.

  Shaking his head, he said, “I see even now you can’t just follow directions. I know you are in your head too much to let go, Rosie. Do you trust me?”

  Nodding my head, I took a sharp breath as he stood dropping his pants to the floor. Making his way over to the dresser, he pulled out three ties. Looking at him, I noticed that his eyes were roaming over my body still.

  “I won’t hurt you, Rosie. Just trust me, you need to let someone take care of you for a change,” he said as he motioned me to slide up the bed.

  Laying back into the pillow he had placed under my head, I let out a shaky breath as he tied one of my wrists to the bed frame. Reaching over he stretched out my other arm to secure the other wrist to the other side of the frame. Wide-eyed I met his stare.

  “They are loose enough that you can slip out of them if you choose, amor. I’m going to blindfold you if you are alright with that...” he said.

  Nodding, I closed my eyes as he placed the last tie over my eyes. I can do this I thought to myself. I could trust him. I felt him leave the spot next to me. Listening for his movements, I gasped as I felt him at my core. I could feel his breath on my thighs. Gently running his fingers along my pussy, I shuddered at the contact. I whimpered as Tony ran his tongue along my pussy until he made contact with my clit. Moaning, I pulled the ties. Oh wow, not being able to see and touch him was heightening my reaction. Humming as he sucked on my clit, I let out another moan. I couldn’t stop the orgasm that was already starting.

  “Oh, fuck,” I cried out as he pushed a finger into me.

  “That’s it, Rosie. Let go. I will give you everything you need,” Tony said as he worked another finger into me.

  Chanting his name, I came. I felt this orgasm everywhere, I don’t think a single part of my body wasn’t on a high from my release. Tugging against the frame, I worked one of my hands free and took off the blindfold. I needed to see into Tony’s eyes. Meeting his deep brown eyes, I reached out for him pulling him to me our lips clashed together in a heated kiss.

  “Fuck me, Tony. Please,” I begged.

  Working to untie my other wrist with one hand he massaged my breast with the other. I felt the sting of his teeth on my nipple as I cried out in pain... or was it pleasure? At this point, even I couldn’t tell one from the other. Gasping, I gripped his hair and held onto him. I never knew I could have someone this close and it still not be enough at the same time.

  “Rosie, are you taking any protection? I need to know, I don’t think I can stay away from you any longer,” he said as he tore his mouth away from my breasts.

  I couldn't form any words other than his name. Nodding eagerly, I let him know that I was. I have been taking the birth control shot for years. Groaning, he gripped my thighs and wrapped them around his waist. Tony found my entrance, slowly sinking into me as he looked into my eyes, he pulled back just to plunge in deeper. Feeling him inside me was breathtaking. I hadn’t ever experienced intimacy like this before. Tony kissed down the side of my neck to my collarbone. I could feel his teeth nipping at my skin. I could feel every inch of him, his cock was teasing my G-spot like he owned my orgasm. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hole out much longer. My core was tightening and trying to milk him dry.

  “Fuck Rosie. You feel so good, I don’t know if I will be able to last much longer,” he whispered in my ear. Clawing at his back, I let out a moan. I could feel my release fighting to be let go.

  “Te Amo, Rosie,” he whispered as he met my lips.

  “Tony,” I practically screamed his name as my orgasm tore through me.

  I feel weightless. I think I may have seen the stars people talk about for a moment there. I couldn’t bring myself to say the words back to him, not yet. That would be the end of all my defenses, and I couldn’t let him see me break. Groaning out my name, I felt him coming. I could see children with him in my future. I needed him. I just didn’t know how to depend on someone else, I had never felt like this before. Pulling out of me, he rolled over onto his back. I was a puddle of limbs, I couldn’t function. I could barely breathe with my heart racing in my chest.

  Standing, Tony walked to the bathroom coming back with a washcloth in his hand. Spreading my legs, he gently ran the cloth along my pussy. Throwing the washcloth to the side he laid back down next to me and opened his arms to wrap me close to him.

  “I mean it you know, I do love you, Rosie,” he said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

  “I know, Tony. I’m sorry that I’m not ready to say it back... yet,” I responded as I rested my head on his chest.

  I could hear the beating of his heart. Lulling me to sleep with the sound of his heartbeat, I slept wrapped in his arms. The place I felt the safest. Next to the only man who could make me give up my control.

  Chapter Eight


  Waking the next morning, I stretch in bed next to the only man who has ever been by my side as an equal, not pushing me behind him. I feel like I can take on anyone with Tony next to me. I know that with him, the Kruse brothers and Ruslan stand no chance in the destruction I plan to unleash. Quietly, I slip from the bed to prepare for the flight to Germany where we will meet with Nico’s contact. From there we will fly to Moscow while resting before our drive to Ruslan’s home which is an additional hour away. I know that the first sight someone takes of our party will alert them to our presence.

  Pulling my hair into a long braid, I glance over to Tony’s sleeping form. He broke down my walls last night, but I can’t tell him how I really feel about him quite yet. I need to be stronger than this, I need to be there for my cousin and for my business. Letting out a sigh, I put on my tennis shoes, there
will be no heels for me this time. You can’t break into a mafia man’s home easily in a pair of heels no matter who you are.

  “Morning,” Tony rasps out.

  “Morning,” I respond fighting back the warm feeling in my chest.

  “Time to leave already,” he questions looking over my outfit.

  Nodding, I grab my phone and checking to be sure I grabbed all of my knives. Mentally counting the two I have strapped to my body, one is on my right calf and the other is tucked into the waist of my pants.

  Getting up from the bed, Tony made his way over to me to place a kiss on my forehead before he walked into the bathroom. Grabbing my backpack off the floor, I turn to walk out of the room. I need to be sure that everyone else is up and ready to leave in the next hour. Closing the door behind me, I made my way down the stairs to the waiting Nico and Sergi. Sergi isn’t all that old, maybe his mid-twenties, with a crew-cut and black clothes he looks like a modern-day Rambo minus the headband.

  “The weapons have been loaded into the vehicle, except for your personal SR-25,” Nico tells me.

  Nodding my head in acknowledgment, I go to grab Belinda. I will definitely need her. I can hear the men talking about me when I make my way back to the front entrance. Sergi doesn’t seem like he believes I can hold my own. That’s fine I just need the extra body for backup, as long as he watches my back he can think what he wants.

  “Ready,” I ask them when Nico sees me standing by the door.

  Making our way out to the black SUV, we all pile in while Roman takes the driver seat. Driving thirty minutes to the airstrip we are leaving from in a private plane. My father purchased this plane for my use years ago. It was a surprise at the time since I didn’t come home often enough to validate the huge buy. I’m pretty sure my mother had something to do with it since she wanted me to come home more often. It just wasn’t in the cards because of my hectic training schedule and business trips for my father. I wish I had made more time to see them both. Tony must sense my turmoil because he picks up my hand to place a kiss on my knuckles. Smiling at him, I take in his entirely black outfit down to his black combat boots.

  Pulling out his phone, Tony reads something and his forehead scrunches up. It must be something from his father, I think to myself. While he is typing back furiously, I watch him trying to decide if it’s worth asking about.

  “Is everything alright,” I hesitantly asked.

  “Nothing to worry about amor, I have it under control. It was a job I was offered, but I won’t be taking it,” he replies, as he shuts down his phone and pockets it.

  It’s really none of my business what he does for his father. As long as it doesn’t affect our mission or our relationship I won’t bother to worry.

  Chapter Nine


  Why, why in the world are the council wanting me to go on a job now? I wasn’t prepared for that message. I’m not used to people other than my father calling in for my brand of punishment. Letting out the breath I didn’t even know I was holding, I take in our surroundings. We are parking next to a plane that I know belongs to Rosie.

  Boarding the plane, I put my weapons down in the room I am claiming as ours for this flight. I plan to ravage her again, but we will see if can even think straight later because right now that text message is all that is on my mind. I still have a switchblade in my pocket if I need it. I don’t think I will but in our line of... work most of us are always armed with something. Sitting down next to Rosie, I relax for the first time since I got that message. I’m hoping someone is playing tricks on me somehow. They had to know I wouldn’t go through with that hit. I don’t care how ordered it. I won’t go after the Pretty Killer, and not because I don’t think she deserves it. I won’t because I’m almost positive that I’m in love with her and I know her reasons.

  I’m sure Rosie doesn’t even realize I know. Things just clicked together in my mind though, and anyone who has paid enough attention to her would figure it out. It wasn’t one thing that made me realize, but a bunch of small things. Her bruising the night of her run, and the fact that the last one was killed in a place she had been plus her family history with rape all lead me to the conclusion. The biggest thing though was that the killer “smelled like roses”, okay so maybe that wouldn’t be obvious to everyone but I love the scent on her, and I have told her that many times.

  “Are you sure you are fine,” she asks, sitting down beside me.

  “I’m perfectly fine, Rosie,” I tell her with a tight smile.

  I don’t want to snap at her over this, but how could she be so stupid to have the council after her now. I want to beat the shit out of all of those council members for this. I know if I don’t do this job then the council will send someone else to do it. I’d kill them all before I let them take her from me. They would learn exactly what crossing The Reaper would be like. Leaning back against the headrest, I look around at the men going with us to Russia. I know Nico will never betray her, but I don’t know anything about Sergi and that worries me especially after that dumbass Alex was a rat.

  In my line of work, I don’t trust easily anyway so this is a rare experience to trust people so completely without knowing them. Glancing at the message from the council one more time, I quickly turn it off. I can say I didn’t receive the message due to travel, but they would know better by just looking at the anger on my face.

  The pilot steps out to let us know that we are taking off in less than five minutes. Taking Rosie’s hand, I bring her knuckles to my lips and place a gentle kiss on them. I’m slowly breaking down her walls I know, but I admit her not telling me that she does, in fact, love me did hurt. I can tell she wants to express it, but she either doesn’t know how to say it or she is getting in her head again about how she should be as boss. Sighing, I close my eyes for this twelve-hour flight to Germany. Looks like I won’t be taking her to the bedroom.

  Chapter Ten


  The plane is quiet, too quiet for my nerves. I know that Tony isn’t asleep though, just like I know that something is bothering him but he doesn’t want to share it. I understand the need for secrets so I can’t fault him too much. Looking over to where Nico and Sergi are seated, I see the glare that Sergi is giving Nico. That’s strange, I think to myself. I don’t know Sergi that well so, I’m not quite sure what their relationship is, for all I know they could be at odds over a woman. Glancing down at my watch, I see that we are in the last hour of our flight. Thank goodness, I have been going crazy locked away on this plane. Even stuck inside an office daily hasn’t made me this antsy to get out as this flight has. I honestly wonder if this entire mission is even worth it. Amalia could have already told them she isn’t me. Then what? Are we going to cause mayhem for her corpse? I hope we are in time to save her, but having been away for so many years, I know nothing of her self-defense training that is if she even did any.

  The co-pilot comes out of the cockpit to give us a ten-minute landing warning and to be sure our seatbelts are fastened. Finally, I think to myself. Rolling my head from side to side, I can feel my muscles loosening. I can feel the turbulence as we start to descend, that has never been my favorite part of flying. Grabbing Tony’s hand, I clutch onto him for reassurance.

  “Scared,” he asks with a chuckle.

  Glaring at him, I raise my hand to flip him off. Hearing his laugh does things to me, I love it. Shaking his head at my antics, he interlaces our fingers and lets me hold on to him. I’m not scared of the actual flying, but the landing always worries me. I take that moment to really look at Tony, he is smiling now and it makes him devastatingly handsome.

  Once we safely land, I still don’t let go of him. I’m enjoying this too much I know but with Tony, these things just come easily. Our pilot comes out to tell us that we have arrived and that will be resting until we are ready to leave again. Standing, I make my way over to my bag in an attempt to take it with me off the plane. Before I can make it to it though, Tony has already pi
cked it up to carry it for me. Smiling, I walk off the plane and to our waiting SUV.

  We all gather into the vehicle and travel the short distance to pick up Nico’s friend. Nico hasn’t given his name and no one offers it when we meet. I don’t know if he wants to remain a secret but in their job field, I understand the need. Standing in front of this man I take in his appearance. He has the look of a teenager that wouldn’t know how to operate a weapon let alone be a contract killer in any way.

  “Señora, ¿cómo estás?” He asks me as he places a kiss on my knuckles.

  I can feel Tony tense beside me and I enjoy knowing that someone being friendly towards me gets to him.

  “Bueno. ¿cómo está usted señor?” I ask him.

  I swear I can hear Tony growling next to me. He must be pissing a territorial circle around me like a dog, I thought to myself. Tony apparently feels like this unnamed man is a threat to him because he wraps an arm around my waist to pull me into his side. Shaking my head, I push him away and continue on my way back to the vehicle. Tony has nothing to worry about but it feels go to know that he wants me that much. Sliding into the SUV, I take the seat behind Nico who is driving us back to the plane.

  We arrive back at the airstrip in less than an hour for our flight to Moscow, Russia. We are staying in Moscow for the day and going into Tver tonight. Even though it will mean Amaila is with them longer we need the cover of night. I’m sure they are expecting a rescue mission for “me” at any moment. Boarding the plane I sit in the same seat I occupied before, I like this particular seat since I can see everyone from here. There is no reason that anyone would have to come from behind me, yes I’ve always been that paranoid but it has helped me to stay alive this long. We are not adding anyone else to our team, too many people will get messy and information gets leaked the more people that are involved. Our pilot comes out to tell us that we are taking off in less than ten minutes so we should all be buckled up and to power off our devices. I see Tony pull out his phone to send off a message to someone and his brows furrow when it pings with a reply. I really do wonder who that is messaging him and why he is responding that way since in the entire time I have known him nothing has gotten to him.


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