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Hot SEAL, Secret Service: SEALs in Paradise

Page 4

by D'Alba, Cynthia

  Tall, sure. That was a given.

  Eye color would have to be the same, but his sun-bleached hair? His muscular physique? In high school and college, he’d played on the offense for their high school and college football teams, but she had never really understood what he did. Sometimes he ran and sometimes he hit other guys. What she remembered were strong arms and a wide chest. Would those be the same?

  Almost fifteen years had passed since she’d last seen him. He hadn’t come back for their tenth nor their fifteenth high school reunions. The explanation for his absences involved SEAL missions to who knew where. Risa had wondered if she’d ever see him again, whether he’d make it through all his deployments and secret ops.

  Well, he had and now she had to work with him.

  She took a deep breath and slid from the car.

  “Good Evening, Dr. McCool,” the valet said.

  “Evening, John. Do you know if my guest arrived?”

  “Yes, ma’am. About four hours ago.”

  “Do you know if the groceries were delivered?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Cleaning service has also been in.”

  “Thank you. Have a nice evening.”

  “You, too.”

  She acknowledged the guard on duty at the desk with a nod and continued to the private residents-only elevator that opened to a back-door entrance to her condo. After putting her key in the slot, she pressed the button for the forty-first floor and then leaned against the wall for the ride.

  Her anxiety at seeing Trevor climbed as the elevator dinged past each floor. It was possible, even probable, that she had made a mistake following her mother’s advice to employ his company. She was required to have a bodyguard for every public event since the announcement of the pink Breast Cancer Diamond. Her insurance company insisted on it. The jewelry designer demanded it. And worse, her mother was adamant on a guard. How did one say no to her mother?

  Plus, as head of the Dallas Area Breast Cancer Research Center, she’d been tasked with wearing that gaudy necklace with a pink diamond big enough to choke a horse for the annual fundraising gala. The damn thing was worth close to fifteen or twenty million and was heavy as hell. Who’d want it?

  The elevator dinged one last time and the doors slid open. She stepped into a small vestibule and let herself into her place expecting to see Trevor.

  Only, she didn’t.

  Instead there was music—jazz to be specific. She followed the sounds of Stan Getz to her balcony, her heart in her throat.

  A man sat in a recliner facing the night lights of Dallas, a highball in one hand, a cigar in the other.

  “I’m glad to see you stock the good bourbon,” he said, lifting the glass, but not turning to face her. “And my brand, too. Should I be impressed?”

  Her jaw clenched. Their fights had always been about money—what she had and what he didn’t.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “Are you impressed?”

  He took a drag off the cigar and chased the smoke down his throat with a gulp of hundred-dollar bourbon. “Naw. You can afford it.”

  “Are you going to look at me or will my first conversation with you in fifteen years be with the back of your head?”

  After stabbing out the cigar, he finished his drink, sat it on the tile floor, and rose. Lord, he was still as towering and overwhelming as she remembered him. At five-feet-ten-inches, Risa was tall, but Trevor’s height made her feel positively petite. As he turned, every muscle in her body tensed as she stood unsure whether she was preparing to fight him, flee from him or fuck him.

  “Hello, Risa.”

  Hot SEAL, Alaskan Nights

  A SEALs in Paradise Novel

  * * *

  From NYT and USA Today Best Selling Author comes a beach read that isn’t the typical sun-drenched location. Homer, Alaska. A Navy SEAL on leave. A nurse practitioner in seclusion. A jealous ex-lover looking for redemption…or is it revenge?

  Navy SEAL Levi Van der Hayden, aka Dutch, returns to his family home in Homer, AK for the three Rs…rest, relaxation and recovery. As the only SEAL injured during his team’s last mission, the last thing he wants to do is show his bullet wound to friends…it’s in his left gluteus maximus and he’s tired of being the butt of all the jokes (his own included.)

  After a violent confrontation with a controlling, narcissistic ex-lover, nurse practitioner Bailey Brown flees Texas for Alaska. A maternal grandmother still in residence provides her with the ideal sanctuary…still in the U.S. but far enough away to escape her ex’s reach.

  Attracted to the cute nurse from his welcome home beach party, Levi insists on showing her the real Alaska experience. When her safety is threatened, he must use all his SEAL skills to protect her and eliminate the risk, even if it means putting his own life on the line.

  Copyright © 2019 Cynthia D’Alba

  All rights reserved — Riante, Inc.

  Levi Van der Hayden’s left butt cheek was on fire. He shifted uncomfortably in the back seat of the sub-compact car masquerading as their Uber ride. As soon as he moved, the stitches in his left thigh reminded him that pushing off with that leg was also mistake.

  “We should try to get upgraded when we get to the airport,” Compass said.

  Compass, also known as Levi’s best friend Rio North, was going way out of his way to help Levi get home leave, but at this moment, Levi gritted his teeth at the ridiculous suggestion.

  “I don’t have the money for that and you know it.” Levi, aka Dutch to his SEAL team buds, knew he shouldn’t be so grumpy what with all Compass was doing for him but damn it! Why did he have to be shot in the ass? The guys would never let him live it down.

  He repositioned his hips so most of the weight was on his uninjured right butt cheek.

  “You bring anything for the pain, Dutch?”

  “Took something about an hour ago, which right now seems like last week.”

  The car stopped at the Departure gates of San Diego International Airport. Dutch climbed from the back seat of the way-too-tiny car with a few choice cuss words and stood on the sidewalk. Compass paid the driver and then hefted out two duffle bags. After slinging both onto his shoulders, he gestured toward the airport with his chin.

  Once inside, Compass said, “Seriously Dutch, you need to upgrade. There is no way you are going to be able to stretch out and you know what the doctor said about pulling those stitches.”

  Levi glared at his friend and answered him with a one-finger response.

  Compass grinned back him. “All joking aside, I’ll pay for your upgrade. Your ass literally needs to be in first class.” The asshole then leaned back and glanced down at Levi’s ass…well actually the cheek where he’d been shot coming back from their last fucking mission.

  “No, damn it, Compass, I already told you I can’t afford it and I’m not accepting charity.” Levi knew his friend could afford to upgrade Levi to a big, roomy, first-class seat, but he was already taking Compass way out of his way with this trip. When his friend opened his mouth to speak, Levi held up a hand to stop him. “Not even from you. I appreciate it, man, I really do, but no.” Levi shook his head emphatically. “I fucking hate being such a pain in your ass, har har har.”

  To say Levi had been the target of his SEAL team buddies’ relentless butt jokes would be an understatement. They’d been brutal in the way only people who love you can. Levi knew that. Understood that. And would have been there throwing out the butt and ass jokes if it’d been anyone else who’d gotten shot in the ass, but it wasn’t. It was him and he was tired of it. He lowered himself carefully onto a bench.

  Compass looked around and then back to Levi. “Okay, look, I’m going to go talk to the agent over there. I’m not spending a dime, but sometimes they let active duty get upgrades. Let me see what I can do. Okay?”

  Levi followed Compass’s gaze to an attractive brunette behind the Delta service counter. He chuckled. “Damn man, you could pick up a woman anywhere, couldn’t you?”

nbsp; Compass shrugged, but his grin said he knew exactly what Levi was talking about. “It’s a God-given talent. But that’s not what this is about. Give me your military ID.”

  Levi pulled out his card, but hesitated. Compass had more money than God, Dropping an thousand or so dollars to change a plane ticket was probably pocket change to him, but not to Levi.

  Compass jerked Levi’s military card out his hand with a snort. “Shit that damaged ass muscle has fucked up your reflexes.”

  “Fuck you, man. It’s the pain meds.” Levi narrowed his eyes at his best friend. “Not a penny, Compass, not a fucking penny. Got it?”

  “Loud and clear.” Compass pointed to him. “Stay here and look pathetic.”

  Compass had only taken a few steps before Levi heard him laugh. God damn asshole.

  Jesus, he hated this. Not only was he in pain, but the damn doctors had restricted him from lifting anything over twenty pounds. Twenty pounds! Like he was some fucking girl or something. He was a Navy SEAL. He could lift twenty pounds with his toes…or could before just moving his toes made the exit wound on his thigh ache.

  Now that their last mission was behind them—he groaned at his own bad joke—the team had a little time off, which meant he could finally go home for a few days. However, the restrictions from the doctors meant someone had to help him with his duffle bag since it definitely weighed more than twenty pounds. He was pissed off and embarrassed by that limit to his activities. Hell, even jogging was off his activities list until the stitches healed a little more.

  He’d been ordered to do medical follow-up at the Alaskan VA Health Clinic. Knowing his commander, Skipper would follow up on that, and if Levi didn’t follow orders, his ass would be grass. He groan again and ordered himself to stop with the ass jokes.

  Turning his attention back to the action across the lobby Levi watched Compass operate. He was too far away to hear the conversation, but he knew his friend’s M.O. well. He’d smile. He’d compliment the woman. Then he’d toss in his best friend’s war wound for sympathy. Levi snorted to himself. He’d seen Compass in action too many times to count.

  Compass leaned toward the Delta agent and Levi was sure the poor woman had been sucked into Compass’s charismatic gravitational pull. She didn’t stand a chance against a pro like Compass.

  When Compass set both of their duffle bags on the scale and the airline agent tagged them, Levi was at least sure he was going home. What he didn’t know was if it would be in the front of the plane or the back of the plane. If it weren’t for his ass and leg, he wouldn’t care where he sat, but he knew that wasn’t true for his friend, who always went first-class when he could.

  Compass turned from the check-in desk and started toward Levi with a broad smile he’d seen before when Compass got what he wanted.

  Levi eyed him. “Why do you have a shit-eating grin on your face? What did you do?”

  “I’m smiling because I’m a fucking magic man.” He handed Levi a boarding pass.

  Levi studied the boarding pass with first class all in capital letters. “Did you buy this?” His lips tightened into a straight line.

  Compass help up his hands. “Nope. Not a penny spent. I swear on my mother’s grave.”

  “Your mother is alive, asshole.”

  “Yeah, but we have a family plot and we all have real estate allotted. I swear I didn’t spend a single dime on that ticket man. That pretty little thing over there hooked you up.” He motioned over to Brittany who was busy with another customer.

  “Sir, are you ready?”

  Levi’s gaze fell on an attendant pushing a wheelchair. “What the fuck?”

  Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor

  A SEALs in Paradise Novel

  * * *

  She needs a plus-one. He avoids commitment. But will a no-strings arrangement break all their rules about love?

  * * *

  Master Chief Benjamin Blackwell is feeling his age with his days as an active SEAL numbered. Struggling with tough decisions about his next steps, he has no interest in the distractions of dating. But he’s not going to reject a beautiful woman’s plea to accompany her to a wedding as her fake boyfriend.

  * * *

  Widowed for ten years with a twelve-year-old daughter, Holly Maxwell has had enough of disastrous blind dates. But with her brother’s nuptials a few months away, she’s desperate to get her family off her back. Yet the handsome Navy man she enlists as a smokescreen inspires feelings she thought forever buried.

  Believing that love makes people weaker not stronger, Benjamin resists his growing desire for the relationship to be real. And though Holly realizes the strong male is someone she and her child need in their lives, she’s still not ready to dive into anything long-term.

  But after the ceremony, will they part as agreed or take a chance on their own future union?

  Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor is the fourth book in the sultry SEALs in Paradise romance series. If you like rugged heroes, steamy encounters, and emotional journeys, then you’ll adore Cynthia D’Alba’s passionate tale.

  Copyright © 2020 Cynthia D’Alba

  All rights reserved — Riante, Inc.

  “Hurry up, C-Note. Ensign Davis will kill us if we’re late to the wedding.”

  “Relax, Cowboy. I’ve got this. Besides,” Benjamin Blackwell checked the clock on the dash of his truck, “we’ve got eight minutes before it starts.”

  “You just had to help that clerk at the gas station?” Jacob Fowler, aka Rooster, said.

  Benjamin chucked. “Hey, don’t blame me. That gas station clerk was hungry. What was I supposed to do? Let her starve?”

  Evan Lancaster, aka Cowboy, groaned. “Your cock gives us more trouble than the Taliban.”

  “And yet, it’s so much more popular,” Benjamin quipped.

  “Turn here,” Rooster demanded, slapping the back of Benjamin’s headrest.

  Benjamin slammed on the brakes and whipped the two-ton truck onto an unpaved drive. The heavy truck’s suspension took a beating as the truck shot down the rough road, the rear tires spitting dirt and rocks behind them.

  “Christ, Blackwell. I swear, if we’re late, Davis will suggest that every INFIL is a HALO.” Cowboy had the palm of his hand pressed to the truck’s roof to keep from falling over.

  Benjamin snorted and start to call him a pussy, but he caught Rooster’s glare in his rearview mirror.

  “The threat’s no good if we’re dead,” Rooster said through gritted teeth.

  “I’ve got this,” Benjamin said as he wheeled the truck between two fence posts and into a pasture that’d been converted to event parking.

  “I can’t believe Davis is having some frilly, white wedding,” Rooster murmured as the guys climbed from the truck. “She’s more guns and camo than sterling silver and lace.”

  “You’re just pissed because she nailed your ass at paintball,” Cowboy said.

  Rooster socked Cowboy’s shoulder. “She got you, too, asshole.”

  “I hate to interrupt this stimulating conversation, but….” Benjamin looked around the area. “Anyone know where we’re going?”

  “There.” Cowboy pointed toward a white tent.

  The three men set off at a jog toward the distance tent.

  “Time?” Rooster asked.

  “Four minutes,” Benjamin said. “We’ve got this.”

  “Where’s the wedding?” Rooster asked as they walked under the tent.

  The kid setting the table pointed down a hill. “Down there. It’s in the rose garden.”

  “Shit,” Benjamin said. “Double time, men.”

  They took off down the hill, skidding on lose rocks and dirt. As they turned a bend in the road, white streamers and flower-filled vases came into view. They were still a good minute from the wedding venue.

  “Kick it,” Cowboy demanded. “I hate HALOs.”

  “Who doesn’t?” Rooster replied as they upped their speed to an all-out run.

  “Back row,” Benj
amin said. “I see three chairs.”

  The men skirted around the side of open pavilion to the rear. On the last row, three chairs sat vacant with signs tapped to the backs.

  Chair one’s sign read, “Bravo One.”

  Chairs two and three had signs that read, “Short straw losers.”

  The guys exchanged grins and dropped into chairs that had been saved for them. Benjamin’s chair, i.e. Bravo One, was on the aisle. Rooster took the second chair and Cowboy, the third.

  Their butts had barely touched the seats when the music started and the wedding officiant, groom, and groomsmen took their places in front.

  “See?” Benjamin whispered. “I told you we had plenty of time.”

  SEALs in Paradise Editions

  SEALs in Paradise: Favorite Drink Edition

  Hot SEAL, Black Coffee, Cynthia D’Alba

  Hot SEAL, Cold Beer, Cynthia D’Alba

  Hot SEAL, S*x on the Beach, Delilah Devlin

  Hot SEAL, Salty Dog, Elle James

  Hot SEAL, Red Wine, Becca Jameson

  Hot SEAL, Dirty Martini, Cat Johnson

  Hot SEAL, Bourbon Neat, Parker Kincade

  Hot SEAL, Single Malt, Kris Michaels

  Hot SEAL, Rusty Nail, Teresa Reasor

  * * *

  SEALs in Paradise: Vacation/Relocation Edition

  Hot SEAL, Alaskan Nights, Cynthia D’Alba

  Hot SEAL, New Orleans Night, Delilah Devlin

  Hot SEAL, Hawaiian Nights, Elle James

  Hot SEAL, Australian Nights, Becca Jameson

  Hot SEAL, Tijuana Nights, Cat Johnson

  Hot SEAL, Vegas Nights, Parker Kincade

  Hot SEAL, Savannah Nights, Kris Michaels

  Hot SEAL, Roman Nights, Teresa Reasor

  * * *

  SEALs in Paradise: Wedding Edition


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