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Eve’s New Year: 12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 - Book 12

Page 5

by Gray Gardner

  Shay narrowed her eyes, though. “I thought you Bridal Express girls were war widows.”

  Holly bit her lip and cleared her throat, straightening her shoulders. “I lied. To get away. To get a better life. And now.” She looked at Pryce breathing steadily on the bed. “Well, I thought I had.”

  “Don’t worry,” Shay sighed, leaning back and finishing her glass of whiskey. “He’ll recover. And don’t worry. Intercourse isn’t as bad as they lead women to believe.”

  “You’ve, you’ve done it?” Holly asked, wide eyed.

  “Like I said,” Shay grinned, standing and stretching. “You’ll like it. And everyone in town’s tried to do it with him.”

  “So, you know him?”

  “Sure. Everyone does. There’s a silver mine on the property. And he is, or was, an eligible bachelor. Get what I’m saying?”

  Holly nodded and was about to ask for a little more background, when Shay cursed and asked if the sun was rising.

  Holly looked out of the east window of the cabin and nodded.

  Shay held her face in her hands and began pacing like it was the end of the world, though. “Oh, my Lord, my dad is going to kill me.”

  “Your dad?”

  “The doctor? Yes,” Shay replied breathlessly, packing up everything and throwing the satchel over her shoulder. “He’s going to have to come out and look Pryce over later.”

  “Well what about you?” Holly asked.

  Shay’s father was the town doctor, of course. She’d probably been assisting him her entire life. No wonder she was so good at it.

  “Me?” Shay huffed and walked outside into the freezing air of the early morning. “I’ve been out all night. I’ll be spending the next few hours in the woods fetching about seven switches. Can I take your horse? I’ll have my dad bring him back when he comes.”

  Holly nodded and called out in thanks just as Pryce began stirring in the bed behind her. She ran to his side, swiping his brown hair back and kissing his forehead, telling him it was going to be all right.

  “Hmm,” he mumbled weakly, a small smile crossing his lips. “What did I do to deserve to wake up like this?”

  “You almost died!” she hollered, rubbing the back of her hand under her eyes. She stood and frowned down at him. “So, don’t ever do it again!”

  Chapter 5

  Silver Creek Lodge, The Master Bedroom

  “Jesus. You’re right, these journals do read like a romance novel.” Bradley had started to carefully thumb through them with deference to their age, but indifference to the content. Now he squeezed tightly and couldn’t put the worn leather-bound book down. He leaned back on the soft white pillows of the king-sized bed and grinned down at Eve, resting next to him.

  He’d carefully sat her up on the couch and had brought her a little soup to eat, and then he’d helped her upstairs to the master bedroom, where he’d insisted she sleep. He’d explained all the other relatives had stayed in there, so she would too. Luckily, she was just a little too weak to argue, as he moved her suitcase and tote from one of the guest rooms down the long, open hallway.

  Then she just looked tired, so he’d pulled the covers over her, sat down in the middle of the bed, and began reading aloud where she’d marked the book. And it was kind of scorching hot for the late 1800s, that was for sure. He’d even seen a sketch on the back pages of what appeared to be a naked woman bathing in a river, probably Silver Creek, and probably Holly Browning.

  Her blue eyes turned up to him. “I’ve never had anyone feel that way about me. Definitely no one writing about it.”

  “Lucky me,” Bradley looked down at her next to him and felt a warm feeling wash over him. He gently brushed a strand of dark blonde hair back off her face.

  “I’ve made so many mistakes with men.” Eve turned her head and looked at the door to the bedroom. “You’d better go.”

  “If anyone understands starting anew, Eve, I do.” He placed two fingers under her chin and turned her head back. “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  “No,” she pouted, trying to turn her body so her back was to him.

  He laughed softly and shook his head. “All right, I can see you’ve had enough today.” He stood and rummaged through a black bag. “Let me listen to your lungs and then you can go to sleep.”

  She smacked the stethoscope away when he plugged it in his ears and tried to press it to her chest.

  He just chuckled again and waited patiently.

  “I’m fine, but you’re right. I’m tired. Now, go away.” She scowled up at him and looked determined.

  He didn’t want to rile her up again and cause another attack, so he figured he’d just sneak back in after cleaning the kitchen, and check her breathing in her sleep. Any irregularities and he could recommend different medication. “Okay, you adorable, little, asthmatic nerd. But bear in mind that there is an appointment in the near future between my hand and your pretty little ass.” He laughed and jumped back as her hand flew out and swung around at him.

  “Get out!” she shouted, cheeks flushing. Then she held her chest and closed her eyes as she wheezed. “Fuck.”

  Bradley jumped back in bed next to her, sucking in a loud breath and exhaling slowly, waiting for her to mimic him. When she did and their eyes met, he did it a few more times, holding her shoulders gently in his hands and waiting until the panic left her eyes.

  “Okay?” he asked, lightly pushing her back on the pillow.

  She nodded and breathed steadily, closing her eyes and parting her perfect pink lips.

  “I’m going to stay,” he said, concern in his voice. To his surprise, he felt her muscles relax next to him. She even turned a little on her side, like she wanted to spoon. Biting his lip, he reached over and flipped off the light. There was enough moonlight to illuminate the room, so he softly stroked his hand up and down her arm in a soothing way.

  Her quiet voice broke the silence and had him smiling in the darkness. “You can’t hit me.”

  “I would never,” he replied in an assertive voice. He felt her body stiffen a little, so he continued stroking her arm as he leaned over to speak in her ear. “I will spank you, though.”

  “No.” Concise and certain. He liked that.

  “It worked for Holly and Pryce.” He smiled as she turned and looked at him in the silver light and shadows of the bedroom.

  “Yeah, in the 1800s.”

  “They loved each other.”

  “I don’t know if she loved that part.”

  “Well, I’ll tell you what, then. If you get to the end of these journals and she doesn’t have one nasty thing to say about her terribly abusive husband, who beats her, then I’ll spank some sense into you.”

  “That’s a terrible arrangement.”

  He chuckled again and traced a finger down the side of her face. “He loved her. She loved him. It’s so obvious. And it seems like he’s not hurting her when he spanks her. Just sending her little reminders to take care of herself. Much like you’re in need of.”

  “You’re in need of a shrink.”

  “And you’re in need of someone who cares about you. Not just someone who wants something from you.” He heard her suck in a breath and could see those steely blue eyes staring at him in the darkness.

  “How do you know that?” Her voice was a whisper.

  He leaned down and kissed the corner of her mouth, lingering as he spoke. “I can read you like I’m reading those journals. Your face is so expressive. Your emotions so open. I love it.”

  He cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her full on. Her lips were soft and parted almost immediately. He gently licked into her mouth and moaned appreciatively when he felt her hands reach up and run through his hair. He carefully positioned himself up on his elbows, no weight on her fragile lungs, but he really wanted to surround her with his body and consume every inch of her.

  She was so self-assured and passionate, yet so delicate. She had that Childress quality that garnered the atte
ntion of everyone in a room. Well, he was always the only one in the room with her, really, but still. And she’d been so adorably angry with him just moments before. He was dying to know what was going through her head.

  Eve had spent the entire day buried in the past. Checking provenance, authenticating fine china, all things historical. It was how she spent most days. The last two relationships she’d had with men had ended with disputes over work. Which had led to cheating. Which had led to vindications about breaking up.

  She just thought she’d be alone forever. Then Bradley barged in. Literally. He had a way of sneaking up on her and scaring the piss out of her. But then he’d take care of her. Listen to her. And he hadn’t quit on her. Yet.

  The asthma attack had made her feel weak, both physically and emotionally, but he stuck by her. No justification for deserting her because she was too much to handle, like one guy who had just told her he wasn’t up for a “project” like her. Bradley seemed to like the work. A lot. Maybe too much since he felt like he needed to work on her a little bit and, what, spank some sense in to her?

  Yeah, right. He seemed dubious on whether or not he needed her consent to engage in that little undertaking and she made sure he knew her opinion on the matter. It felt like it would be a physical fight between someone who was a large, strong man and someone who was a fragile-ish but strong-ish woman.

  So why in the hell did she have to clench her thighs together every time she imagined herself across his lap, her ass getting smacked as he lectured her with that shit-eating grin of his?

  He’d helped her with her inhaler, and with dinner, and even getting to bed. He’d stayed. When he read the journals, something felt different. Clearer. She wanted him to stay with her. She liked the arguing, the threats, the smiles, the tenderness.

  And then he kissed her. It took everything inside her not to push him down to the soft, white comforter and mount him like the wanton beast she felt like. She didn’t need to, though. He could just read her mind. Like, everything.

  He knew she wanted his hands holding her face, not shoving up her shirt. He knew how intensely she needed to be kissed; soft, but powerful and relentless. He knew she needed his leg to push between hers and rub right where she wanted him. And he knew to wrap his huge hands around her hips and smoothly tug her over as he rolled to his back.

  Her knees pushed into the soft bed on either side of him as she rocked her hips, still kissing him deeply. He held her close, one hand on her thigh and one on the back of her neck, a soft moan escaping as he stroked his tongue into her mouth. She’d never felt the need to have someone inside her so urgently. Would it happen? Yes, that’s definitely where things were heading. Would it complicate the already complicated emotions between them? Undoubtedly.

  “Bradley.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, as she pulled her head up and looked down at his lazy eyes in the dim light of the moon.

  He tucked her hair behind her ear in a now familiar way and grinned. His voice was deep and soothing as he said, “Let’s go to sleep.”

  Chapter 6

  Silver Creek City

  Pryce rode pridefully through town with his adorable, capable wife at his side on horseback. His arm was still immobilized in a sling, but it served as a reminder to him how lucky he was. She knew his rules about going off alone, and she’d broken them anyway, to save his life. He knew he loved her. Maybe it meant she loved him too.

  He was so worried about scaring her, though, and in turn scarring her. They had the rest of their lives to be in love, and therefore make love, but he knew if he pushed his little virginal wife too far too fast she might never recover. Which was probably why he loved taking her over his knee and baring that sweet behind of hers for a spanking. Never too hard. Never with anything other than his hand. She hated it anyway, though.

  He grinned over at her as she shifted once or twice on the saddle, forcing a small smile at him underneath a blue bonnet. While he loved that she’d taken in his long johns and pants and wore them freely at the ranch, and while he really loved pulling her over his lap and unbuttoning the back of those long johns to reveal a square area of smooth, plump, pale skin for him to spank, he knew she had to wear a dress when they went to town.

  She’d refused, and after a little admonishing and arguing and well-aimed smacks he’d finally wrestled her into a blue dress and matching bonnet. Even when she pouted, she was beautiful. He finally cleared his throat as they rode Lancelot and Guinevere past the tall, white clapboard church, snow still sitting in the cold shadows of the buildings.

  “We’ll drop the pumpkin loaf you made off at Doc’s and let him check my arm, then we’ll pick up supplies and head back.” He cleared his throat when she nodded, but didn’t look at him. “And we’ll pick up a better ranch hat for you. Mine’s too big and that bonnet won’t do.”

  There. She turned and smiled with those gorgeous steel blue eyes. “Really?”

  “You said it. Pants are more practical, and so is a cowboy hat.” He could have melted at the grateful grin she was giving him. That was it. All she wanted was respect and a voice. Maybe he could work that into the conversation after dinner. Then work his way into those pants and long johns.

  As Dr. Daniels greeted him and unwrapped the wound on his wrist, Pryce strained to hear what Holly and Shay were whispering about in the corner of the room. He was glad Shay had come to his rescue and he was really glad she and Holly had become friends. Growing up, Shay had been the only girl in town with any sense. And she was smart as a whip.

  “I thought,” Holly quietly began, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a little leather pouch. “Maybe if your dad was too hard on you. It’s a salve I put on if I’ve been working all day and my hands rub raw.”

  Shay smiled and shook her head. “Turns out, he was proud of me. He knows I can’t go to medical school like my brother did. But my brother isn’t moving back from New Haven, either. He says he’s been training me for a situation like that my whole life.” She huffed out a laugh and looked over at her father and Pryce, who quickly looked at the ceiling like he hadn’t been listening. “I think he really means for me to take over one day.”

  “Well you know more than the doctor we had back east.” Holly swallowed and licked her lips as she thought about what she wanted to say next. She leaned in and began whispering.

  Pryce grunted out an expletive and looked down at his wrist as the doctor pressed a liquid-soaked rag against it. He proceeded to wrap it and said Pryce didn’t have to have it in a sling anymore, which encouraged him to finally move forward with his plan to introduce the idea of being intimate with his wife.

  Pryce thanked the doc and Shay one more time before leading Holly back outside. They walked to the Mercantile and ordered what they needed, along with a hat that fit nicely over her crown of blonde braids. Then they ate apples and walked through the square quietly.

  “It’s Friday,” Pryce began, tossing his apple core aside and brushing his hands together. “I’ve got to go and deal with some mine business at the bank, but I think you might be bored sitting there.”

  He could tell it hurt her feelings a little, but it was the truth. It even bored him. His father had always dealt with mine business on Fridays, though, and since he’d opted to stay out at the ranch during a snowstorm with his new wife the Friday before, he really needed to go. He leaned down and kissed the edge of her frown. “Won’t be long. Stay here in the square, though. No wandering off.”

  Shay had said it. Maybe unintentionally, but she’d meant it. She’d had to fight boys off. They all wanted to be with her. Have intercourse, though she’d used a different word. She’d said when she finally decided to do it, the boy was so happy they had to do it twice, just to get him to calm himself down.

  Boys weren’t like that with Holly. Men hadn’t been, either. And Pryce? She slept next to him every single night and she didn’t have to pretend to fight him off. He just wasn’t that interested, and it made her depressed.

  In all honesty, she really liked him. He was like a friend and a protector all in one. They laughed together, ate every meal together, told stories, and even slept very, very close to each other every night. Yes, he spanked her like little girl, but she felt closer to him afterwards when he held her, kissed her head, complimented her. She trusted him and she really had no reason to.

  He acted like he adored her. So why didn’t he want to do what husband and wife, well, do? The wind blew through the tall pines of the little park in the town square, reminding her that colder weather wasn’t just on the way. It was there.

  What would their Christmas be like? It snowed a lot in Colorado. Would he tire of being stuck inside with her in such bad weather? Surely, they’d run out of stories to trade and he’d run out of reasons to take her across his knee.

  A tear fell down her cheek as she thought about what it would be like to be near him, but ignored by him. She wouldn’t be able to take that. He didn’t consummate the marriage maybe because he was afraid of that, too. She’d failed so miserably. The first night. She was supposed to have made the marriage official the first night, so he wouldn’t send her back.

  And that’s when she heard the train whistle.

  Chapter 7

  Silver Creek Ranch Lodge, The Kitchen

  “She’s going to leave him?”

  Eve grinned as she sat at the square white marble counter in the center of the renovated large room. She looked back down at her phone and continued typing her email to update her boss.

  “You sound surprised, Bradley.” She’d already read through the journal earlier in the day while he’d been out treating a calf in the melting snow. To be perfectly honest, it had surprised her too. She watched through her lashes as he paced by around the island and waved the old leather journal around.

  “Well, he gets her back. Obviously. I mean, you’re proof of that.” He exhaled and turned for the bar next to the lit built-ins in the open sitting area of the room.


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