Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 3

by Micca Michaels

  “Becca, as I told your friend here. I am Officer Brian McConnel, and this is my partner, Officer Hannah O’Hare. Please call us Brian and Hannah, can we come in so we can talk to you? Jacqueline, could you possibly get a hold of your parents?”

  “Jack, call me Jack, I can call them, but they aren’t supposed to be home for a couple hours still, but I’ll call.” Walking off into the kitchen, Jack calls her parents. Still not knowing what’s going on.

  “My parents won’t be home till tomorrow. I am sure whatever this is about can wait till then,” Becca starts to panic and shake and play with her fingers…

  “Becca, please. We are so sorry, but we have some bad news, and there is no easy way to say this. So, I’ll just tell you, and we’ll go from there. You see,” taking a deep breath to calm himself, Brian continues, “You see, there was an avalanche at your parent’s retreat. Your parents, along with six others, were caught in it. I am so sorry, but your parents didn’t make it. They weren’t located for ten hours after the avalanche. They were found holding each other.”

  Teeth clenched, shaking, and feeling numb, Becca is frozen. Running over to Becca, Jack sits next to her and grasps her hands.

  “Becca, did you hear me?”

  “Brian, give her a minute. She’s in shock, you just told her both of her parents have been killed,” Officer O’Hare turns to the girls, “Jack, I am going to go into the kitchen and grab Becca some water, is that alright?”

  “Bottled w-water in the, in the…”

  “I think I’ve got it. I’ll be right back.” Returning from the kitchen Hannah kneels in front of Becca, placing her hand on Becca’s knee, “Becca, I want you to take a drink for me. Just a small drink, please?” Holding the bottle of water over Becca’s hands, Hannah helps lift the bottle to Becca’s mouth. Becca takes a small drink. “Good, that’s good. Becca, can you look at me, sweetie?”

  Looking down at Hannah’s kneeling form, Becca breaks. Quickly raising on her knees Hannah takes Becca in her arms and holds her while she cries. Continuing to hold her, Hannah asks, “Is there someone we can call for you? A family member?”

  “Gma, you have to call Gma Brigid, Brigid Sullivan,” Becca chokes out.

  “Do you have her number?”

  Lifting her hand Becca hands Hannah her cell phone. All she whispers is “Gma”.

  Taking the phone, Hannah finds herself making a call she would rather not make.

  “Sullivan residence, How can I help ya?”

  “My name is Officer Hannah O’Hare, and I am calling from the United States. Are you Brigid Sullivan?”

  “Why no, I’m not. I’m her daughter-in-law, Celeste Sullivan. Can I ask why you’re calling from my niece’s phone? Is she alright?”

  “Mrs. Sullivan, I’m sorry, but Ailin and Sinead Sullivan were killed in an avalanche at a weekend retreat. We are here with Becca, and unfortunately had to deliver the news. Do you know how we can get a hold of Becca’s Gma?”

  “Oh my Gods, no! Where is Becca? Let me speak to her.”

  Walking back into the room with Becca, Hannah hands her the phone, “Becca, it’s your Aunt Celeste on the phone, do you wish to speak to her?”

  She grabs the phone with shaky hands, “H-hello?”

  “Becca, honey, it’s Aunt Celeste. I need you to listen to me. Can you do that?”


  “Becca, honey, Gma will be there within the next couple hours. Shhh, listen. Your mum and da were able to use the last of their combined strength to send Gma a message. Gma said their last words to her were: “Get Becca, protect”, so she grabbed the first flight out. Just hold on a little longer, and she’ll be there, ok? Now, I am going to tell the Officer that it was a planned surprise for you. That way we can cover Gma just showing up out of the blue. Are you ok, you got this, honey?”

  “Ok, Aunt Celeste, I love you.”

  “Aw honey, I love you too. Be strong for now.”

  Be strong for now, repeating it to herself, she hands the phone back to Hannah,

  “Yes, hello?”

  “It doesn’t matter now, but I had to ruin a surprise the family was giving Becca for her eighteenth birthday. You see, her Gma will actually be there within the next couple of hours.”

  “Actually, that’s great. Officer McConnel and I can hang around till she gets here. I will have her call you so you know that Becca is in safe hands.”

  “Thank you so much, Officer O’Hare. This means a lot.”

  “Hannah, please, and it’s not a problem. I am sorry for your family’s loss.”

  “Thank you, bye now.”


  “Jack, did you get a hold of your parents?”

  Suddenly the front door flew open, Richard and Margaret Kelly came flying into the house, heading for both Becca and Jack. Sitting on either side of the girls, Richard and Margaret wrap their arms around them and squeeze.

  “Oh Becca, honey, I don’t even know what to say,” tears streaking down her face, Margaret just holds her. Slightly rocking her and petting her hair, “Becca, you can stay with us. We didn’t even need to discuss it. You are ours as well as Jack. We love you. We will help you get through this.”

  “Mom, dad, Becca’s Gma will be here within a couple hours. It was supposed to be a surprise for Becca. I think her Gma will want to take her to Ireland.”

  “As hard as it is to say...I think it would be what’s best for Becca. I know we are like family, but in this case, Becca, honey...you need your family. I promise though, we will come and visit. Remember, we have family in County Clare as well. Alright, let’s set this aside. I need to feed you girls. Anything is better than nothing. Becca, you need it for energy as well as your health. Come on,” Margaret stands, ushering the girls to do the same.

  Without any enthusiasm the girls slowly get up and go into the kitchen. All while Becca’s mind never stops. Mom and dad got Gma a message? Just enough energy? Avalanche? None of this makes sense. Why couldn’t mom and dad use their combined powers to protect themselves? I don’t understand any of this. Dead? Together?

  “Becca,” rubbing Becca’s back to bring her out of her internal thoughts, “please honey, try to eat, even a little will help.” Picking up the sandwich Becca slowly started to eat...

  Right as everyone got comfortable with the quiet that settled over the house, the front door was thrown open. Everyone, including the two Officers jumped and turned toward the door.

  “Raven Becca Sullivan! Come to your Gma, my A chori’,” Gma calls out to Becca.

  Everyone took a deep breath to settle their nerves.

  “Gma! How did you get here so fast? I don’t understand.”

  “Oh A chori’, my visit was meant to be a surprise for you from your parents. Raven, my sweet, my A chori’, I am so sorry this has happened to you. I know your mum and da would have fought to the bitter end to come back to you. Please, never doubt them.”

  “Oh Gma, you lost your son too. I don’t understand any of this. Mom and dad said there was nothing to worry about,” letting the dam of emotions finally break, Becca starts sobbing in her Gma’s arm.

  “Jacqueline, my sweet, I know they were like a second set of parents to you. Come to Gma and let me hold you too.” Opening her arm not needed to hold Becca, Jack walked right into her warm embrace. Jack wrapped her arms around Becca and Gma, and they all three cried. Ushering the girls over to the couch, “Alright girls, let’s sit and have a good deep breath and calm down. Officers, I am sorry I didn’t introduce myself. I am Brigid Sullivan, Ailin was my son. Thank you for looking after my A chori.”

  “Well, I am Officer Hannah O’Hare, and this is Officer Brian McConnel. We both are so sorry that this tragedy has happened to your family. I did call your residence in Ireland to try to speak to you, but spoke with Celeste Sullivan. She said she was your daughter-in-law. I apologize for dropping the news on her like that, but my intention…”

  “Stop right there, Officer O’Hare. I completely u
nderstand. No need to apologize. I know Celeste is doing everything that needs to be done to prepare for me bringing Raven back to Ireland.”

  “Raven? I thought...”

  Becca waves her hand, “I prefer to be called Becca. Close family call me by my first name. Gma knows I prefer Becca, but I can’t convince her to even say it, much less call me by it.”

  “I see, that makes sense. I was just confused there for a minute. I personally Like Raven. It’s unique, unlike Hannah.”

  “Do you know what your name means?” Gma Brigid asks, turning her attention full to Hannah. “No? Well it means splendor, radiance, brilliance. I would think that name suits you quite well. Remember, what may seem like just a name to you, may mean something significant, and there is a reason it was chosen for you.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Sullivan, I didn’t know that. I guess I just took my name for granted. What you’ve said puts it in a different light.”

  “Please, call me Gma, everyone does.”

  “Well Gma, I wish we all could have met under better circumstances. Now that we know Becca is in the hands of family, we need to get going. We have paperwork to do,” the two officers head for the door, “We will put you in the paperwork for the point of contact for Becca, since she is a minor. Is it safe to say that once all the affairs of her parents are taken care of you will be taking Becca back to Ireland with you?”

  “Yes, that is correct. I know where their wills are, so I will be able to wrap up their affairs within a couple weeks. I hate to rush my A chori, but her eighteenth birthday is in three weeks. The plan was always for her to be back in Ireland for that. After all, your eighteenth birthday is something special.” Turning with a bright smile, Brigid looks at Becca, knowing all that lies ahead for her makes things that much harder without Ailin and Sinead.

  Becca, Brigid, Jack, Margaret, and Richard all stand in the living room saying their “thank you’s” to the officers. Brigid stops them, “Hannah and Brian,” turning to give their attention to Brigid, “may you always remain safe, Bright Blessings to the both of you.” With bright smiles Hannah and Brian chorus, “May your travels be safe, Bright Blessings to you all.” As they walk out of the house, Hannah gives one glance backwards and closes the front door.

  “Jack, I think it’s time we give Gma Brigid and Becca some time alone. If it’s alright we’ll come back tomorrow to see where we can be helpful.”

  “Oh Margaret and Richard, I am so sorry I have not given the two of you any proper attention. Yes, please come back tomorrow. How about you and I make lunch for everyone, how does that sound?

  “Please don’t concern yourself with Richard and myself. There is nothing I can say to take yours or Becca’s pain away, but we can help where and when we can. As for tomorrow, lunch sounds wonderful. Bright Blessings, Gma Brigid and Becca.”

  Gma, holding Becca, turns to fully face the Kelly family, “May the Gods protect you and keep you safe. I wish Bright Blessings for each of you. Know that you are loved and respected.”

  After hugs are exchanged, Jack, Margaret, and Richard leave to go home.

  Finally able to sit on the couch and cuddle together, Brigid and Becca see a couple of surprises walk through the door. Two of Becca’s favorite people walk into the living room with small, sad smiles. Jumping off the couch and out of Gma Brigid’s arm, “Uncle Liam, Tristan!! What...I mean, how are you here?”

  Tristan turns to his Da, “Da, I thought we came to collect our little Raven girl? Who is this beautiful lady before us?”

  “Tristan, it’s me Becca. Uncle Liam, tell him.”

  “Ma, what did ya do with our young, spindly girl?”

  “Gma!! Tell them it’s me.”

  “Aw A chori, I’m right here with ya. That’s proof enough. You boys smell the air, and you’ll know the truth.”

  Not paying any mind to her G’ma, Becca takes the opportunity to look her Uncle and favorite cousin over. Her Uncle stands tall at 6’2, broad shoulders, muscular arms. He’s always been a well-built guy. He says the girls used to love his satin black hair, but his eyes, yeah, he has G’ma’s eyes, a crystal blue. Turning her attention to her cousin, who is a carbon copy of his dad, all except the eyes. Tristan has grey eyes. Standing tall, with their chests out, both men take in a deep breath through their noses like they are smelling what’s for dinner. Becca let out a giggle, wondering what they were smelling. Realizing what they had done, both men quickly stopped, “We thought you ladies might want or need some help.”

  “Come in, lads. Liam, call your wife and let her know her mate and son made it safely. Oh, and that you’ve seen our girl and she is fine and safe. We must prepare for the ceremony on Raven’s birthday, as I instructed. Nothing can change there. We aren’t doing anything tonight, as it’s already late. We will get started tomorrow. Tristan, while your da is talking to your mum, why don’t you secure the house.”

  “Gma, secure the house? We live in a safe neighborhood. Nothing happens here.”

  “Oh my, I meant to say lock up. Is that how you say it?”

  “Ah,” with a giggle, “you mean to lock up the house, so we can get some sleep. That makes sense.”

  Giving Tristan a look he could easily understand, “Yes, that’s what I meant.”

  Walking back into the living room, Liam grabs Becca into a tight hug. “Uncle Liam, I still don’t understand how you’re here.”

  “Well, after ma got the message from your parents, your Aunt Celeste and I figured it was bad, so I grabbed Tristan and caught a flight out about an hour after your Gma. Good or bad news, we wanted to be here for you. So, am I to assume it’s bad news?”

  Looking to his mum for an answer, “Liam, wait till Tristan is back with us.”

  “I’m back, Gma, the house is all locked up. So, what’s going on?”

  “Liam, Tristan...Ailin and Sinead were killed in an avalanche in Aspen.”

  Watching his da jump up and start to pace the room, he knows what’s coming,


  “Killed in an avalanche! That’s not fecking possible! Mum, why didn’t they use their powers? What the feck happened that they couldn’t get themselves out?”

  Seeing the tears spilling down Becca’s once dry face Liam stops, “Oh, no Raven, ignore me. I’m just being a gobdaw. I’m sorry.” With Becca in his arms, rocking back and forth Liam eyes his mother with determined eyes, “Raven, why don’t you go lay down with your cousin. Maybe you can get some rest, and he’ll be right there, in case you can’t.”

  Taking Becca from his da’s arms, “Come on, cuz. This way they can talk and decide if they will ever call you Becca, or if you’re going to have to get used to Raven,” looking down at his cousin, Tristan knows nothing is right about this situation.

  Waiting to hear a door close, Liam leans against the stairway banister. With the click of the door, Liam heads back to the living room to speak freely.

  “Mum, what the feck is going on? You know as well I, that no avalanche would have killed my brother and Sinead. Now, what do you know that obviously Raven can’t know?”

  Taking a deep, centering breath Brigid explains, “First, you need to remember that I have lost a son and a woman I considered a daughter. So be warned, don’t raise your voice to me again. Now, this is all I know: Ailin and Sinead used every bit of their combined life forces to send me a message. A specific message:

  “Brigid, Blackwood Dires attacked. Avalanche, too weak.

  Get to Becca, protect, teach, prop-”

  “That is all I received. The message wasn’t finished. I don’t know what the rest of “prop-” is supposed to mean. We will have to figure that out later. What the rest of it means is that before the avalanche, there was a fight. I happen to know they were on their first snow pack run. They were the only two killed. Their Alpha said the six killed with them were from the Blackwood Pack in Ireland. He also said he smelled two more but was unable to locate their bodies. You know what this means.”

  “Ya, t
hat the other two survived. They are either still here and on the hunt for Raven, or they’ve returned home to report Raven wasn’t at the retreat. Either way, Raven is in danger. We have to get her back to our pack lands as fast as possible. How fast can we get things wrapped up here, as well as getting their bodies sent home for burial? We can’t bury them here.”

  “No, you’re right. We cannot bury them here, besides they need to be close so our Raven can grieve properly. It’s bad enough her Ascension is in three weeks. Ailin and Sinead were to start prepping her tomorrow upon their return from the retreat. Now, it will have to wait. It will take us all to prepare her and to call on the Gods. We better get some rest. We have a lot to accomplish and not a lot of time to do it.”

  Walking over to his mum. Liam wraps his arms around her, and together they weep for their loss and for Raven’s Loss.

  “Tristan, will you answer the door? We’re getting a lot done, and I’d rather not stop.”

  “Gma, you’re hearing things. No one is at,” hearing the doorbell, Tristan stares in wonder, “Gma, how do you do that?”

  “You could do it too, if you practiced more,” comes her reply.

  “Yes, Gma. I know I don’t practice enough. I will work on it. Maybe Raven and I can study and practice together.”

  Giving her cousin a stern look, “Don’t think you’re going to sit back while I do all the work. If we are going to study and practice together, you’re doing your share.”


  “I know, door, answering it,” when he opens the door, Jack jumps back, not recognizing who Tristan is, “Jack, is that you, my girl?”

  “Wait, Tristan? When did, wait, how did...I am so lost right now.”

  Laughing, Tristan takes Jack into a tight hug, “Da and I got in about an hour after Gma. Da and I decided to surprise Raven as well. It’s just not the happy reunion we were hoping for.”

  Racing over, Becca wraps her arms around Jack in a tight hug, whispering, “Thank you for helping.” Putting a smile on her face, Becca takes charge, “Alright everyone, first let me say thank you. I know my mom and dad meant as much to you all as they did to me. With that said, G’ma, I thought you and I could start in dad’s office. We have papers we need to find.” Turning to face everyone else, “Uncle Liam and Tristan, I would appreciate you two starting in the library. I know it’s small, but you know what’s important and must be kept. Not only for me, but for the family. Uncle Liam, I am trusting you with mom and dad’s BOSs, you know how important their Book Of Shadows are to me, and I know I will need them. Truthfully, I want that entire room shipped to Ireland,” worrying her bottom lip, her Uncle Liam walks up to her.


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