Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 4

by Micca Michaels

  Placing his finger under her chin to raise her eyes to meet his, “Raven, our precious one. If you say you want everything in the room to be shipped, it will be done. Don’t worry about making requests like that. If you want it, it goes. It’s that simple. Tristan, let's go. We know what needs to be done.” Turning from Becca, her Uncle Liam and Tristan head to the library.

  “Margaret and Richard, if you don’t mind starting in my mom and dad’s room. I would really appreciate it. Richard, you can get all dad’s clothes together and donate them. You are welcome to keep whatever you wish. I would like to keep dad’s ties and unmatched tie clips. Richard, I would also like you to have all of dad’s matching tie tack and cufflinks as well as any jewelry he had. Except the family rings, those are mine. Margaret, concerning mom’s stuff. I would like her wedding dress, her family jewelry, and anything on her vanity table. You are welcome to anything else of hers. You two were best friends and normally shared clothes anyways. Take what you like, and please donate the rest.” Giving a small smile to Becca, Margaret and Richard head for the master bedroom.

  Waving her hands like no one sees her, Jack yells, “What about me? I can’t just go play tiddlywinks with manhole covers. Please give me something to do.”

  Placing her hands on her hips, Becca releases a large sigh, “Don’t be so dramatic, of course I have something for you to do. I need you to pack me a suitcase and a carry-on for the flight. I also need you to pack my bedroom and my bathroom. You’re my best friend and will know what I want and need till I can get fully settled in. No more than two check bags and one carry on, and that’s not counting my purse.” With a smile Becca walks up to Jack, grabbing her hands, “Jack just because I have to move doesn’t mean you won’t stay my best friend. You mean everything to me. It will be hard not seeing you so much, but at least technology is on our side. Go on and get started before we start crying. We don’t have time for that right now.” With a small smile and a light hug, Jack heads upstairs to start her assigned task and her nightmare.

  Turning to face her Gma, “Are you ready for this, A chori? I know it is hard, but it’s necessary.”

  “Gma, if I was to stop, I might crash, and like I told Jack, we don’t have time for tears right now. Let’s go and get this done.”

  Gma turns to head to the left of the central staircase, “Gma, the kitchen is to the left. Dad’s office is to the right.”

  With a slightly amused look, “A chori, I know where your da’s office is. I am getting us some snacks that I prepared earlier. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you haven’t been eating enough. You have a lot going on, and an Ascension to prepare for. You must have your strength.”

  Sighing, “Alright, I’ll meet you in dad’s office then.” Standing in front of the closed door to her dad’s office, Becca takes a deep breath. Knowing something has to be done doesn’t make it any easier. Resting her hand on the door handle, Becca knows this room is warded. Holding the handle, Becca recites the ritual words to be granted passage, “I enter this room with Peace, Love, and Light. Blessed Be.” Feeling the ward fade to grant entrance, Becca opens her dad’s office door and walks inside. Knowing she must close the door for her Gma to be granted passage, she turns and closes the door. Taking a deep cleansing breath, Becca turns around and visually scans the room.

  Walking up to the back of one of her dad’s high back leather chairs, she rests her hands on the back and scans the book shelves to the right of his desk. “Dad loved his books. He enjoyed researching. I guess that made him a great historian. Dad, if you’re here, help me. Help me know what to keep. I feel so lost without you. You and mom always said that if and when something happened where we weren’t together and I needed you, to speak to you like you were right in front of me. So, here I am, and I hope I am not talking to an empty room. I know it doesn’t feel empty.” Turning to scan the full room, Becca sees the door open.

  Turning and closing the door, Brigid graces Becca and the room with a smile, “You are not speaking to an empty room, A chori. We may not be able to see them right now, but I feel them very strongly. Your da will guide you. All you need to do is open your senses to feel what he wants. Center yourself, take a deep cleansing breath, and open your senses.”

  Straightening her back, unclenching her fingers, and closing her eyes, Becca takes a deep breath. In through her nose and slowly letting the breath out through her mouth. Becca feels herself open and decides one more wouldn’t hurt. After taking that second deep breath, Becca opens her eyes, “Gma, I feel them.” Tears filling her eyes, she holds them back, “Mom and dad, I know you’re here. I feel you, help me, help me know what you want me to keep.”

  “Raven, A chori, you did very well. Now, keep yourself open and don’t question whatever feeling you get. Trust that you are being guided.”

  Turning to look at her Gma, “My feeling is we have a lot of work to do in here. I also feel a sense of urgency. Like we need to get everything done and leave as quickly as possible. Gma, does this make sense to you?”

  Walking over to Becca, Brigid smiles, “Yes, A chori, I understand the urgency feeling you are having, as I am feeling it myself. Everything will be explained to you, but not yet. I must ask you to trust in your parents and in me, but I promise that when the time is right, I will explain everything. Will you trust me with this?”

  “Yes Gma, I do trust you and promise not to ask questions till you tell me it’s time. Well, we better get started. It may seem obvious, but dad wants everything about or concerning the family packed. His desk, everything in and on his desk. Well, I guess we better get these boxes and totes filled up. I am sure the others are busy as well. I just hope Uncle Liam and Tristan aren’t overwhelmed in the library.”

  Tris turns his head as he climbs the four rung ladder to get a better look around the room, looking at all the bookshelves filled with books. Wall to wall, not an empty space anywhere. The small table in the center of the room has notebooks stacked haphazardly, one on top of the other. Thinking to himself, I’m surprised those haven’t toppled over. I don’t understand why Raven wants everything in this room, but if she wants it, she gets it. Turning to look at his da and hand him a stack of books, “Da, I know we can’t talk about this in front of our girl, but what do you think happened to Uncle Ailin and Auntie Sinead? Something just doesn’t sound right, not with two as powerful as they were.” Then he turns to hand his da another stack of books to pack with a concerned, sad look.

  Making eye contact with his son, Liam answers him, “Give me the books, and we’ll talk and pack at the same time. Yes, there is more, but you must swear not to tell Raven.”

  Looking exasperated, “Da, I would…”

  In a stern voice not normal for his da, “No, Tristan, I am serious. This entire situation is serious. I’m afraid I even have to say deadly serious. Promise me, make the witch’s vow, or this discussion is over before it’s begun.”

  “Alright da, I, Tristan Liam Sullivan, as the Gods as my witnesses, swear to hold this conversation secret, until I am told differently or death takes me. So Mote it Be.”

  “So Mote it Be. Alright, let’s keep packing,” Liam takes a deep breath, readying himself for his son’s emotions and furry. Letting the breath out slowly, he begins, “Gma only told Raven part of the message her mum and da sent. The truth is that Ailin and Sinead were attacked by the Blackwood Pack. They saw eight attackers and knew that six would have also been killed in the avalanche. That is why their combined power could not save them. They were already badly hurt, and what little bit of energy they had left, they used to send Gma the message to get to Raven and protect her. You have to understand that Raven is what is really important. We must get everything taken care of here as quickly as possible, get Raven to Ireland, and help her with her Ascension in two and a half weeks.”

  Gapping, his body racked with fury, rage, and emotions Tristan didn’t even understand, “Da, is Raven in danger? Will they come after her, here, now?”

“Relax a bit my boy, no, I don’t think they will. If I were a betting man, and being Irish I am, I would bet anything the two that are said to have survived are already back in Ireland, or at least on their way back. They must report to the Blackwood Dire Wolf pack’s Alpha. They will want that done as quickly as possible.”

  “Da, for feck sake, you know what Raven will do when she finds this out? No, I am not saying a word. I gave my vow and meant it. After she Ascends, da, feck, she has to be told of her other side. She’s a brilliant young woman. She will figure this out, and by the Gods, she’ll want revenge.”

  “Tristan, now take a breath. You know that your ma, your Aunties, your Gma, and I will all be there to help with everything. That includes protecting her from herself. She is strong, and if what we think about Raven is true, she’s more than capable of handling this and anything else that may be thrown her way. The only thing I want you to worry about is being her friend and protecting her. Well,” with a heavy sigh, “and all the suitors that will start coming around.”

  “You can count on me, da. Now, let’s get this done. The quicker we finish here, the sooner we can help the others. I want to get back home. You and I both know we can protect Raven better there.”

  “Well said son, and I totally agree. Maybe we can help Jack in Raven’s room. I do believe she is alone, and right now, I don’t think that’s good for anyone. Especially someone that is about to lose their best friend to another country.” Thinking about what Jack must be going through makes Liam deepen his frown.

  Walking down the hall to a room she always thought of as partially hers, Jack tries to relax her shoulders and unclench her fingers. Pausing just inside Raven's bedroom, Jack takes a much needed deep breath and looks around. Glancing over the four poster bed to look out the window. That was always her favorite view. Now, I don’t think she’ll ever look at those mountains the same. Continuing her perusal of the room, her eyes pass over the pail yellow walls and lock on the walk-in closet. Talking outloud to herself and an empty room, “Ya know, I am gonna lose half my wardrobe packing up your clothes Becca. I mean, can we seriously make up our minds on her name? You’ve always been Becca, just Becca. I can’t even remember a time when your first name was even used. Ok, maybe, like the first day of school when a teacher didn’t know her. Becca was quick to correct that though. The only ones that call her Raven is her family that live in Ireland. Sorry girl, I am stealing this jacket. It goes so well with my boots. Come on Jack, focus. What was I…oh, name. Yeah, seriously can’t they just call her Becca while she’s still here? Fecking hell, I am losing it. I’m talking outloud to an empty room and arguing about a name, when my best friend is leaving.”

  Sitting in the middle of Becca’s walk-in closet, holding the denim jacket, Jack lets go and cries. Come on Jack, pull your shit together. We have to get suitcases packed, a carry-on packed, and then pack the rest of her room and bathroom for shipping. Stand up girl. I’ve got this. Setting her mind to her assigned and very trusted task, Jack does exactly what she’s expected to do, she packs. Thinking to herself, I hope mom and dad are doing alright in Ailin and Sinead’s room. They were all best friends too.

  Giving each other a quick hand squeeze, Margaret and Richard set to their tasks. “Richard, I am going to pack the stuff of Ailin and Sinead’s that I know Becca wants to keep. You need to take all of Ailin’s matching sets of tie tacs and tie bars and put them in a small box to take home. I know it’s hard, but you know Becca is right when she said Ailin would want you to have them, he was your best friend.”

  Running his left hand through his already messed up hair, “What about you? You were Sinead’s best friend. You should have something of hers, and don’t tell me Becca would mind, because we both know that she wouldn’t.”

  “Calm down, Becca privately told me what she wants me to take. It is hard, but I know what this means for her, and what it meant to Sinead. So, I will respect her wishes on the matter. I am to take Sinead’s moon and sun jewelry set. It has a necklace, earrings, a bracelet, and a ring. I am more than happy with that because that really represents who Sinead was as a person. Now, let's get cracking or we won’t get finished, and for some reason I feel an urgency to get Becca and her family out of here and to Ireland.”

  “Maragaret, what do you mean, ‘feeling of urgency’?” Jumping at the unexpected voice, Margaret turns to see Brigid standing in the doorway.

  “Oh Brigid, you scared ten years off my life. How long have you been standing there?”

  “Deep breath, I seem to be saying that a lot lately,” smiling, “I have been here long enough to say you are correct, concerning everything you’ve said.”

  “Th-The urgency as well?” placing her hand over her throat, Margaret tries to calm herself.

  “Yes, I am afraid so. I can’t say what it is for sure. Just that I feel Raven is not safe here. Please don’t take this feeling personally, as it is not meant that way. I know that if there was any real danger you both would protect Becca, as vehemently as you would Jack. Please know I don’t doubt either of you.”

  “Oh Brigid, we would never take it that way, and yes, we would protect her as we would Jack. Something tells me there is more to what’s happened, but that same feeling tells me it’s best that we don’t know all the facts, and that’s for our own safety. Am I correct?”

  “You have always been a perceptive person. You are correct, so how about we get this room done, then we can ready it to ship or be picked up by a charity?”

  “Has Becca gone to help Jack?”

  “Yes, Richard, together we took care of Ailin’s office. We found and packed everything Becca wanted to keep as well as all the important papers the lawyers still need. Ailin and Sinead left specific instructions with their lawyer should something ever happen to them and Raven was still a minor. There were just a few documents that hadn’t been turned in yet, so that’s been taken care of. Becca knew how to use her da’s fax machine. So now, she’s in her room with Jack.”

  “Ma, I was….” Liam says as he enters the room.

  Jumping at the unexpected voice, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Liam are ya trying to give me a heart attack? You shouldn’t sneak up on a person like that.”

  Unable to hold back their giggles, Richard and Margaret burst out laughing, “Brigid, now...now you know what you did to us. You snuck in on us the same way.”

  “Oh, so ma got some just Karma then,” suddenly realizing what he said, Liam turns and quickly heads for Becca’s room as Tristan falls to the floor laughing like a loon, causing Margaret and Richard to laugh even harder.

  “Laugh it up, Tristan Liam Sullivan,” Gma chides, “I’ll get you back.”

  Tristian’s face falls, “Gma, it was da’s fault. Come on, you love me.”

  Turning to face Margaret and Richard, giving them a wink, she only responds to Tristan with a: “Humph, we’ll see.”

  Being the last person to plop onto a couch in the family room, Becca stretches, “Did we really get everything done in one day?”

  With an exaggerated stretch, “We all tackled our assignments and didn’t stop till they were done. When someone finished what they were doing they would go to another room to help out. I think there is only one room left untouched.” Looking around, Tristan continues, “I believe that room is the kitchen. If it was touched, I am unaware of it anyways.”

  Richard got up off the couch and started walking to the front door while saying, “Actually, Margaret, Brigid, and myself tackled that room. Jack, we are taking a lot of it home, including all the food. Everything that we aren’t taking or that isn’t being shipped to Ireland is now in the garage, ready for pick up tomorrow morning. Except the furniture, but they will come in to collect all that.”

  “Dad, while I am happy about the food and all, what are you doing? We aren’t leaving yet, are we?”

  “Chill out girl, no, we aren’t leaving. I ordered pizza, salads, some pasta dishes, sodas, and a few other things as I figured we’d all b
e hungry and in no mood to cook.”

  Everyone started agreeing and saying thank you. Liam and Tristan got up to help Richard carry everything inside. Right as they got to the door, the doorbell rang, and Tristian said, “Perfect timing, Mr. Kelly.”

  “Liam, Tristan, please call me Richard. We are family, no matter what.”

  With a light slap on Richard’s back, “You’re right, Tristan, and I would be happy to have you and yours as family. Now, let’s eat and get some rest. Tomorrow is another big day.”

  Walking to the terminal exit, Cian and Niall see who they truly didn’t want to see, their Alpha. Standing with four Enforcers, Alpha Kieran sticks out among them all. Towering over his Enforcers at 6’7, he isn’t someone that can be missed in a crowd. His jet black hair and his dark brown eyes speak of his Black Irish roots. His broad shoulders lead to a tapered waist. He has no problem using his build to intimidate people. Walking straighter, shoulders back and heads held high, they approach their Alpha. Stopping in front of Alpha Kieran, both men give a slight head tilt in show of their submission. Being in public around humans limits how they can act.

  Alpha Kieran speaks in hushed tones, “Gentlemen, let’s head to the car where we can speak privately and openly.” Heading to the car Cian and Niall have two Enforcers in front of them, leading the way. Behind them is the Alpha, flanked by two more Enforcers. Walking through the exit of the airport, Cian and Niall see a blacked out 2021 GMC Yukon. The Yukon is solid black and is so clean one can see their own reflection. Glancing at the Enforcer who’s driving forces Cian and Niall to sneak a quick glance at each other. Looking full of worry, they slide in and wait.


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