Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 7

by Micca Michaels

  Looking down at my hands, I realize she’s right. I haven’t looked at the mountains. I can’t even call them mine anymore. I feel like they betrayed me. They killed my parents and changed my life forever. No amount of money can replace my mom and dad. Gods, did I tell them I loved them? Did they know how much they meant to me? Grrr, stop it. “No, I guess I haven’t looked at them. Part of me blames them. I know it’s silly. It was a freak of nature, an accident, but right now I need to blame someone or something. The mountains are the easiest target, I guess,” Raven picks at the grass, “Wait, what did you mean I have already started to accept the new me? I haven’t changed or anything. I’m still Raven Sullivan?”

  Jack points at her, “Right there. Your name. You have always given people shit for calling you Raven. Now, you introduce yourself using your first name, not Becca. I even called you Raven, and you didn’t say anything to me. It’s not bad that you’re accepting your first name. After all, that’s all you’ll be called in Ireland, and you know it.”

  “I guess you’re right. I didn’t tell you about the meeting I had with my parents' lawyer. Well, I guess now he’s my lawyer. My parents pre-paid him to work for me should anything happen to them. Oh, and because I am so close to my eighteenth birthday, I’m legally an adult now.”

  Gapping, “Wow, really. So what...”

  Getting interrupted by Patrick, the lead shipper, “Raven, I am sorry to interrupt, but we’re about to leave. We need you to do one last check of the house and check that we have everything listed. Once you’ve done that, we need your signature.”

  Standing up and brushing off her jeans, “No worries, we were about finished talking for now anyways. Lead the way, and let’s get this done so you and your men can get out of here.”

  After checking the house and the list of what’s being shipped, Raven signed the manifest. Taking a moment to thank all the men and wave goodbye, Raven turns to look at her family, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am starving. How about we load up the rental and go get some food? Then we can check into the hotel and get some rest before the flight in the morning.” Starting to walk away, “Oh, and someone please remind me to charge my phone, Ipod, and Kindle. The last thing I want is to be bored on such a long flight.”

  “Raven hold up a minute,” stopping and turning around, Raven gives Jack a big smile, “I think we need to say see you later now. I will never say goodbye because it will never be the end for us. So, it’s: I’ll see you later, or more specifically see you in two weeks. Now, give me a hug.”

  Wrapping their arms around each other, “I love you Jack, and you’re right. It’ll never be goodbye. I will see you in two weeks.”

  “I love you too, Raven, safe travels,” walking around and giving everyone a hug, Jack stops in front of Tristan. After hugging him she pulls back but doesn’t release his hands, ”I don’t know why I have a need to tell you this, but here it goes. You watch her, Tris, something deep inside me is terrified for her. I don’t know all that is coming. You know I am not gifted, but I never ignore my gut. Protect her, or I’ll come after you like the devil himself.”

  Tristan looks straight into Jack’s eyes and lightly squeezes her hands, “I, Tristan Liam Sullivan, promise to protect Raven Becca Sullivan to the best of my abilities. So Mote it Be.” Pulling Jack back into a hug he whispers, “I will kill anyone who means her harm, I swear it.”

  Taking a step back and looking everyone over one more time, “Bright Blessings to you all. May the Gods Bless your travels and keep each of you safe from harm. Blessed Be.”

  After everyone responded in kind, Jack turned and walked away.

  Clapping his hands together, Liam manages to make everyone jump. He laughs, “Now that I have everyone’s attention, let’s load up and lock up. I say we do as Raven suggested, get some take out, get to the hotel, check in, eat, and get some sleep. We have to be at the airport very early in the morning, and we still have a drive before we even get to Denver. Sound like a plan?”

  With a collective “Yes”, everyone gets busy following Liam’s lead.

  Holding a steaming cup of hot coffee, Liam knew this wake up call wasn’t going to be a pleasant one, especially this early in the morning. Raven wasn’t what you’d call a morning person, even on a good day. Bracing himself, he opens the suite door and walks to Raven’s room. Opening the door he yells, “Good morning Raven, I have coffee here for you. Would you like a shower first or your coffee first?”

  Covering her head with a pillow, “Why, for Gods’ sake, are you yelling? Why are you even talking? There’s no talking before daylight, and especially no talking before coffee. You are not right, go away, but leave the coffee.”

  Walking to the far side of the room, Liam sets Raven’s coffee down, “Alright, your coffee is over here on the small desk. You’ll have to get up to get it. We need to leave here for Denver International Airport in one hour, so get to hoping.”

  Throwing the pillow at her Uncle Liam and missing, “You are not right in the head. Do you know that?” Growling, but getting out of bed while mumbling, “No one gets up at this time of the morning. Leaving my coffee across the room. What kind of person does that? Evil, that’s what kind, mean too.”

  It takes everyone forty five minutes to shower, get dressed, and reload the rental. “I know it will cost a bit more, but we’ll grab food at the airport. Everyone has hot tea or coffee to hold them over. Let’s get this very long trip home started.” Looking in the rearview mirror, Liam directs his attention directly at Raven, “Raven, you good?”

  Looking up into the reflection of her Uncle’s eyes with a small smile, “Yeah, I need this. I honestly think this move is for the best. I’m good, really.”

  The drive to the airport took an hour and a half with traffic. Returning the rental, Raven, Brigid, Tristan, and Liam took an airport shuttle to departures. Checking all their luggage took about a half an hour. “Alright everyone, we have two hours till our flight. That may seem like a long time, but it’s not. Not when we all need to eat and get to our terminal. We’re all checked in, so we are good there. Is everyone still hungry?”

  “Da, I can feel myself withering away. I am starving. I even heard Raven’s stomach growl.”

  Looking at Tristan, “That was not just my stomach. It was me because I am awake. I still don’t get how, or why, the world feels it needs to function this early in the morning.”

  Wrapping his arm around his cousin’s shoulder, Tristan gives her a squeeze, “Oh come on, cuz, at least the sun is partially up.”

  Walking around Raven spots a cinnamon bakery, “Cinnamon, come on, can we eat there. That will help me find my happy place. Nothing beats coffee and cinnamon in the morning,” she says, glancing around at everyone.

  For the first time in a while Gma speaks up, ”Well I hope they have a decent cup of tea. I’m even having a hard time getting motivated, and I am a morning person. Come on everyone, let’s get our girl some more coffee and some cinnamon. Which actually sounds quite tasty.”

  Sitting at the Cinnamon bar, everyone finds something to fill them up. Eating and chatting about the flight. Raven looks over, “Gma, how long is our flight?”

  “Well, it’s not a direct flight as those aren’t possible. Our flight will take several hours with one short layover. Then we have to deal with customs and drive home. I believe your Auntie Celeste is picking us up in her van. Adding all that together, I say we should be home around ten o’clock tonight. Liam, am I correct about Celeste picking us up?”

  “Yeah Ma, she plans on arriving at Shannon about thirty minutes before we are due to land. She’s bringing Kevin Kelly with her. Raven, do you remember Kevin?”

  Thinking about the name for a few minutes, “Oh, isn’t Kevin like Jack’s cousin or something?”

  Smiling his brilliant smile answers, “That’s right. He would be Jack’s second cousin. Remember, we don’t mention anything about Raven’s business matters. Celeste will know I am keeping a secret fro
m her, but if I explain it isn’t my secret to tell she’ll drop it. She respects privacy.”

  As everyone shakes their heads in agreement, an announcement starts on the loudspeaker, “Good morning and welcome to Denver International Airport, if your flight number is called please head to your assigned gate in preparation for boarding.”

  Listening for their flight number, everyone decides to finish up their breakfast when Tristan perks up, “Da, wasn’t that our flight number that was just called?”

  “Let me check the departure board over there,” picking up his carry on, Liam walks over to check the board. After double checking the board he starts walking towards his family, “Come on, Tris, you heard correctly. We need to head to our gate and get ready to board the plane. Raven, who did you want to sit with? I was able to get Tris and I on the same flight with you and Gma, but our seats aren’t really close together. Don’t worry about offending anyone, sit with whomever you wish.”

  “Would it be alright if I sat with Tris?” turning to her cousin, “Tris, do you mind sitting with me and not your da?”

  “I don’t mind one bit. I think we would have more to talk about anyways. Sorry, da. Gma, are you good with Raven sitting with me and you sitting with da?”

  “Actually, I would like to sit with your da, we have some things we need to discuss. So it all works out. Plus, you’re right about you and our girl having more to talk about.”

  Arriving at the gate there was no wait. Since the flight was far from full the flight attendants had no problem switching seat assignments. Liam and Brigid’s seats were closer to the front of the plane. Tris and Raven’s seats were in the back of the middle section. After a few minutes they heard the lead flight attendant start to speak.

  “Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard Irish Air...” Not paying too much attention, Raven and Tris get comfortable and settle into their seats. Each having their phone, Ipod, Kindles, and earbuds ready for use. Grabbing their attention again, “Please make sure your tables and chairs are in an upright position, seat belts are fastened, and all electronic devices are off till we achieve our cruising altitude.”

  “This is your Captain speaking, flight crew, prepare for take off.”

  A buzz of excitement streaks through Raven’s body, “I have always loved flying. What about you, Tris?”

  Clenching the arm rests and his teeth, “Oh yeah, I love it too. I just wish it wasn’t in such a confined space.”

  Grasping the clenched hand closest to her, “I got you, Tris, it’ll be alright. I promise. There is nothing to be afraid of. Don’t look at me that way. I won’t tell anyone the great Tristan Sullivan is scared shitless in closed spaces.” She giggles, “A lot of people have phobias, you know. There is no reason to be embarrassed.”

  Tristan plays it off like nothing was wrong, “So have you thought of all the people you get to see again? I mean, it’s been three years since you were in Ireland. Some people haven’t changed much, but everyone from around your age to my age has changed a lot. I don’t mean just mentally. They’ve all changed physically as well. Hell, you’ve changed a lot since I last saw you. You’re going to shock a lot of people. I’m not saying you weren’t a looker before, ‘cause you always have been, especially with those electric green eyes of yours. Now though, Raven, I will definitely be your shadow till your mating ceremony.”

  Raven blushes a crimson red, “Would you stop. I am still the same ole me, nothing special. I am sure everyone has grown up the same as I have, and with that comes maturity. I am still a bit silly and goofy, as I used to be. As for my electric green eyes, well, I hate them. I don’t know how many times I have been accused of wearing contacts.” Taking a breath and shifting in her seat to look into Tristan's eyes, “Tris, there is something I need to talk to you about, and I need to ask your help with something.”

  Shifting his position to mirror Raven’s, “Raven, this sounds serious. Do you want me to get Gma and Da for this...”

  “N-no, this has to stay between us for now. Promise me, Tris, it’s important. At least I think it is. I feel like it is. Promise?”

  “Sure, Raven. You know I would do anything for you. I promise, not a word.”

  “Alright, this is a little embarrassing, so be patient with me,” taking a light breath, “I have a birthmark.”

  Waiting for her to continue, “Is it ugly or something? Why is having a birthmark embarrassing? Everyone in the family has a paw print somewhere on their body. So, what’s the big deal? Is yours in an odd spot or something?”

  “Tris, I don’t have a paw print birthmark, or at least I don’t think I do. I can’t see my butt after all. Anyways, the one I know I have is in the shape of a, well, in the shape of a raven. It’s the same color as the blue in my hair. I overheard mom and dad talking to someone on a Facetime call. I couldn’t see who it was, and I didn’t recognize their voice. My point is my birthmark seemed to represent something. It meant something to my parents and to the person they were talking to. I never gave a second thought as to why my bathing suits always covered my entire hip, until I overheard this call. That’s when I realized that no matter what my hips have always remained covered. I was told not to let Jack see it, and she’s my best friend. I have a blue raven birthmark, my name is Raven, what the hell does any of this mean? Do you know anything? I mean, have you heard anything, even rumors?”

  Sitting back a little and resting his side against the back of his seat, Tris just looks at her with wide eyes, “Raven Becca Sullivan, tell me you are lying to me? Right this minute, you tell me you’re lying. You’ve had to have heard the legend and are seeing things a little off.” Unbuckling her seat belt, Raven leans towards the empty seat on her opposite side. Raising her skirt and barring her hip, Tris sees the blue raven birthmark, “You’re not lying. You really have The Mark. Does anyone else know about this?”

  “I’m sure mom and dad told, if not showed, Gma at the very least. I don’t think a lot of people know about it cause it’s never come up in conversation before. What did you mean by The Mark?”

  “First, I don’t know a lot about it, but I will find out all I can. When I know, you’ll know. What I can tell you is there is a story, some say prophecy, others say legend...anyway. All I know is it has to do with the birth of a Raven by a Raven, side by side, and a knowing when the truth is blue, or something. I can’t really remember. I do know I have read that somewhere, and I will find it again. There was something…Oh Gods, Raven. Mates, there was something about mates that are needed, one would not contain...shit, I can’t remember it all.”

  “Calm down, I can’t even grasp what you’ve already said. What am I supposed to do? Do I talk to Gma about this, do I stay quiet...what the hell do I do?” Raven begins to panic.

  “Let’s take a minute. You have your Ascension in just under two weeks. Maybe we keep this quiet until then. We don’t know what will happen because your parents aren’t able to be there. So your Ascension will be a bit different. Maybe all this is happening for a reason. I mean you live by that saying more than any of us.”

  “Everything happens for a Reason, a Season, and Rhyme. It’s up to us to figure out the reason. It’s our choice to decide to learn from it. It’s up to us to teach others the lesson and to live it out. Are you trying to say maybe my parents were supposed to die? Why, why would they need to die? For me to have to move to Ireland? Why? Why would I need to be in Ireland?” Raven spits out questions faster than she can think them, “Alright, at this point everything is speculation. How about we table this for now. We can talk more about it when you find out more information, because right now nothing sounds right. Ok, let’s change the channel,”

  Tilting his head like a curious puppy, “Change the channel? We aren’t watching the tellie.”

  Laughing, “That’s an American expression. We say it when we don’t want to talk about what we’ve been talking about anymore and want to talk about something else.”

  “I get it, it’s silly,
but I get it. Let’s see, what do you want to talk about? Wait, I know. Conner Micheal Dwyer. How about we talk about him? Gods’ know he never stops talking about you.”

  Raven’s smile widens, ”Conner talks about me? I mean we chat a lot on messenger and stuff, but I didn’t know he talked about me in real life. What has he said about me?”

  “Only that he is one hundred percent sure the fates will match the two of you and that you and he will be mates. He’s mad for you. He won’t even date anyone, and trust me, they’ve tried. You know when he heard you were going to graduate early, he pushed and did the same. He’s absolutely besotted, and he won’t deny it to anyone that asks. He’s like a dog with a bone, he won’t let go.”

  Blushing yet again and laughing, “I get it, I get it. I can say the same. I hope and pray the fates match us to be mates. I’ve been in love with him since I remember first meeting him. I think I was like five years old. As soon as those grey eyes locked with mine, I was lost to him and only him. We talk at least once a day. Anyway, changing the channel again. What about you? Your mating ceremony is coming up too. Do you have anyone in mind?”

  “I’m tired. How about we take a nap and then when we wake up we can discuss who I may or may not be looking at. If we talk about everything now this is going to be a very long flight.”

  Leaning her back rest all the way back, “You’re right, but you’re not getting out of this discussion.”

  Brigid looks at her son, “Liam, how are they doing?”

  Walking back to his seat and sitting down, “They were laughing and talking. Then they decided to take a nap. They are fine, mum, now what’s really going on in that head of yours?”

  Looking up at the ceiling of the plane and giving a soft prayer for strength and wisdom, “Liam, Raven has the blue raven birthmark.”


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