Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 6

by Micca Michaels

  “Alright, Michael. I can do that, as long as you call me Bec-Raven. Call me Raven. I am who I am,” shrugging her shoulders.

  “Indeed you are, Raven. Alright, so I have forms that I will need you to sign. Don’t worry about being too young. Your parents set in place two different contingency plans. One, you were to be made an emancipated minor if you were not eighteen at the time of their deaths. Their second plan was that if you were within six months of your eighteenth birthday state law would kick in formally making you an adult. Since you have finished High school and you are financially stable, you meet the state's mandate.”

  Raven is taken aback by this, “Wow, I don’t know what to say. Financially stable? What exactly does that mean?”

  “Well, each of your parents had life insurance policies. As long as their deaths were natural or due to an accident, the policies will pay out. An avalanche is most definitely an accident. Your dad’s policy pay out is two million dollars. Your mom’s policy pay out is the same at two million dollars. That’s a total of four million dollars. That’s not everything though. You see, your parent’s invested quite a bit of money over the years. I had to cashout all those investments. Those investment cashouts equaled 10 million dollars. I also closed out their checkings and savings accounts. Those combined came to one point seven million dollars. That’s a total of fifteen point seven million dollars. So you see...”

  Suddenly standing, Raven makes Michael go quiet. Michael takes the moment to glance at Brigid who seems just as shocked, “Raven, I know...”

  “Wait, please. I can’t. I mean, what?” Raven stammers in complete shock, “Did you say fifteen point seven mil-million dollars? That’s what you said right?”

  “Yes Raven, I realize this is a huge shock. Would you like me to get your Uncle as it seems your Gma is in a bit of shock as well.”

  “Yes, please, and ask him to bring in some bottled water.” Standing up, Michael leaves the room to track down Liam and bottled water. “Gma, did you hear that? What the feck am I supposed to do with all that money? The adult thing, ok, I can understand that, because I am so close to eighteen. What am I missing? None of this makes sense. I mean, I knew we were financially comfortable but...” at that the office door opens and in walks Michael, followed by Liam and Tristan. Tristan closed the door behind him.

  “The donation guys will be back in about 45 minutes with two more trucks to…” noticing Ravan and Gma’s expressions, Tristan asks, “why do Raven and Gma look so shocked? What’s happened? Da?”

  “Hold on, son. I believe we were called in here by Raven for a reason,” Liam guesses, “I suggest we give her a minute to tell us what she needs to tell us.”

  “Uncle Liam, did you know about my parents’ financial state of affairs?”

  “Well, I knew they liked to invest some and had some savings. Why, what’s wrong? Raven if you need money to pay for…”

  “Stop and no, it’s definitely not that. It’s actually the opposite. Michael said after mom and dad’s life insurance payout, investment payouts, and closing their bank accounts, I...umm, I am inheriting fifteen point seven million dollars. I am also legally an adult, since I’m so close to my birthday. Did you know about any of this?” Finally looking directly at her Uncle Liam, “With that expression, I am going to say you didn’t know.” Falling back into her dad’s chair, Raven just starts laughing. More like hysterically cackling that quickly turns into great, body-wracking sobs.

  Running over, Tristan picks her up and sits with Raven curled in his lap. She turned and tucked her nose in the arch of his neck as she sobbed. He whispered to her and ran his hand down her long, blue black hair. Looking at his da, “Da, what does this mean? I mean other than our Raven is the richest person we know.”

  Looking up, Michael speaks up, “I would say, as a friend and as Raven’s lawyer, that no one outside this room should hear of this. While it gives Raven a lot of freedom, it could also cause a lot of issues for her. This is my advice as her lawyer, this stays quiet. I can set up a trust of sorts that Raven can access at will, like any bank account. I will link it to her account she creates in Ireland. She’ll have a debit card like any other average person. All I need is Raven’s consent and then her to sign these forms accepting all the funds. After that, there are only a few minor things she needs to decide on.”

  Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Raven sits up on Tristan’s lap. Kissing her cheek, he asks her, “You better now? I can move if you’d like.”

  “Please stay here with me, Tris, and yes, I am better,” Raven says, “I guess everything just finally got to me.”

  Handing Raven a bottle of water, Gma looks concerned, “A chori, how about you drink some water?”

  “Thank you, Gma, I could use it. Michael, give me the forms I need to sign and then we’ll discuss those other matters you spoke of. As for the advice of keeping my financial affairs in this room, I completely agree. Gma, Liam, and Tristan, I trust that I don’t need to request your official oaths?”

  Looking at her Gma for her reply, “I promise not a word will pass my lips but to those in this room and in privacy.”

  Looking over to her Uncle Liam, “I promise not a word will pass my lips but to those in this room and in privacy.”

  Turning her body to face Tristan, “I promise not a word will pass my lips but to those in this room and in privacy.”

  Raven smiles at all of them, “Michael, the papers.” After signing an abundance of forms, Raven turns to Michael, “Ok, what are the other matters we need to discuss?”

  “Raven, Tris and I need to head back out front,” Liam stands up, “The donation crew should be back shortly.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Yeah, please deal with that for me, and why don’t you order some lunch? It seems I can afford it.”

  “Ha ha ha, very funny. You hold onto your money. Lunch will be my treat,” exiting the room, Tristan closes the office door.

  Sitting back down on her dad’s office chair, “Now, Michael, what else?”

  “Well, you have to decide what you want to do with the three vehicles your parents own and the house.”

  “The house, that’s easy, sell it. I want all the proceeds to go to the charity my parents always dealt with. The exact one I am donating a lot of stuff to.,” Raven’s head snaps up, “Wait, you said three cars. My parents only owned two cars, one each.”

  Micheal’s face split into a small smile, “Actually, they had just purchased you a brand new car for your eighteenth birthday. So, there are, in fact, three cars.”

  “They bought me a car! Seriously?” Raven beamed with surprise, “I already had a car. What am I supposed to do with a second car? Wait, I will donate my old car and keep the one my parents just bought me,” Raven decides.I will just have the car added to the shipping manifest. I don’t even know what kind of car it is. Is it alright if I have the shipping company contact you, Michael, and you handle that for me?”

  “That sounds like a great idea all the way around,” Michael replies. “Now, what about your parents’ cars? What do you wish to do with them?”

  “Umm, I want to give my mom’s car to Jack. Jack always loved my mom’s car, and she will be eighteen soon. Can you arrange it to be detailed? Oh, and a bow with a card saying it’s from me. Make sure she doesn’t get it till I am already in Ireland. As far as my dad’s car, donate it.,” Raven looks around at the bare room, “I want all donations to be credited in memory of my mom and dad.”

  “Raven, I have never met a more impressive young adult. I am sure you will make your parents proud and leave a positive mark wherever you go. Never forget, I am your lawyer. I am pre-paid to be at your service for the next three years. Again, something your parents took care of. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Day or night. Your parents weren’t only my clients, they were my friends, and my heart is broken that the world lost such wonderful people. Bright Blessings to you Raven and safe travels. Please notify me or my office when you are officia
lly settled in Ireland. Oh, and before I forget, here,” handing Raven an envelope, “this has your temporary bank card and account information in it. It’s an international account, so you won’t have any issues using it. You have access to one million dollars. I felt that was adequate for now, but if you wish for more…”

  Holding her hand up, palm out, “Stop, nope, that is plenty. Thank you, Michael, for your friendship with my parents, taking care of them legally, and now for taking care of my legal affairs. Bright Blessings to you and yours.”

  With that, Michael left to complete his new client’s wishes. Hearing a knock at the office door, Raven yells, “Come in.”

  “Da sent me in to deliver your late lunches. The donation crew is about finished. They are switching out the trucks now. They still have to load down stairs, but they work pretty quickly.”

  “Tris, don’t rush them and don’t let them rush. I don’t want anyone hurt, and we must have a few hours till the shipping crew gets here, right?”

  Laughing, Tristan shows Raven his watch, “Why do you think I said late lunch?”

  “Oh my Goddess, Gma it’s already a little after three. Where did the day go?”

  “Well, I guess we best eat up and get out of this office and out front. The shippers will have to wrap this desk very carefully, it’s very old.”

  Finishing their late lunch and cleaning up their mess, Raven and Gma headed to the living room to check on the progress of the donation crew. Looking around at the empty house was a bit of a surprise, but it felt right donating everything to mom and dad’s favorite charity. Looking at her phone, “The shippers should be here in about thirty minutes. Are we ready for them, Uncle Liam?”

  “Yes Milly, we’re ready,” chuckles Liam.

  “Milly, who and what is that?” Raven raises an eyebrow in question.

  “You, Milly, is short for millionaire,” her uncle slaps his knee, “I had to get in a quick joke before we went fully silent.”

  “You think you’re funny, huh?” shae turns to Brigid, “Gma, remind me to buy Uncle Liam a sense of humor. Oh wait, I don’t have that much money.” Laughing so hard she was crying, Gma and Tristan joined her.

  “What in the world are you three laughing so hard at?” Jack asks as she walks through the door. “Wait, Uncle Liam isn’t laughing, so it must be at his expense.”

  Turning at the sound of the voice, Raven flies off the floor, “Jack! Where have you been? I missed you.”

  “Sorry, but after raiding your mom’s and your closets I couldn’t find my bed, the floor, or the guest bed. I really appreciate you letting me have some of her stuff. It means a lot,” Jack says as her eyes glisten with fresh tears.

  “Stop or you’re going to make me cry, and I have cried enough today. The crew picking up all the donation items are about done. The shipping crew should be here anytime now. We’ll have to sit on the stairs to watch them pack up the items to be shipped,” Raven looks around, this house feels so empty now, and I don’t mean cause almost all the furniture is gone.”

  “I know what you mean. It feels different. Like the spirit of the house is sad. I’m sure it won’t stay that way for long,” Jack tries to reassure her friend. “This is the most beautiful house on the block. It should sell fast. Whoever buys this house will never replace you, though, you know that right?”

  “I know that, Jack. No matter where I am, we will always be best friends. I do hope they have a teenage daughter or better yet, a teenage son,” wiggling her eyes at Jack, Raven starts giggling.

  “Hey, Raven, the shippers just got here, and the donation crew is about to leave. You want to come out front?”

  Getting up off the stairs, Raven calls over her shoulder, “I’ll be right back, Jack.”

  “No worries, I’ll be right here. Do what you need to do,” Jack waves after her.

  Walking out the front door, Raven takes a deep breath, smelling the clean mountain air. Seeing the donation crew, Raven heads straight for them. Shaking each man’s hand and thanking them for all their hard work, with a bright smile she waves good-bye as they pull away. Taking a moment for herself, she takes one more deep breath. She knows this is the last thing she has to deal with today. Then they will head to the hotel for the night. Turning she gives the shipper’s her full attention.

  “Miss Raven Sullivan, my name is Patrick Smith. These fellows behind me from right to left are…” the shipper turns to introduce his crew.

  Holding up her hand to stop him, “Please excuse me, but I am awful with names. If I could just get everyone’s first name, I think I can handle that much. I am sorry, it’s been such a long day. Oh, and please call me Raven.”

  Patrick smiles, “Alright Raven, we understand. As I was saying from right to left is Billy, Frank, Scott, Cole, and Stacey. We will be packing everything you are needing to ship to Ireland. If something is already packed in a box, we will repack that box into one of these conexes. We brought three conexes just in case. When we are told two, we bring an extra one. We’ve learned from years of doing this. What we would like to pack first is anything not in a box or tote. If you would show Stacey and myself where you would like us to begin, we’ll get started.”

  “First, thank you all for doing this. I know you’re being paid, but your team comes highly recommended,” turning back towards the house, “Patrick, Stacey, if you would follow me. I’ll show you to my dad’s office. I would like everything left in there packed to ship. Those items mean a lot to me, and I want to keep them in the family.”

  “Miss, sorry, Raven, may I ask why your parents aren’t handling this big of a move?” Patrick asks as they follow Raven inside.

  Stopping and turning to look at the two men, “Both of my parents were killed a few days ago in an avalanche in Aspen. The day they were killed I became the owner of their combined estates. I am moving to Ireland to be with the rest of my family.”

  “Raven, I-I am so sorry. Please accept my condolences, and I should not have put my nose into your business. I promise you my team and I will double secure everything, so nothing is even lightly scratched.”

  “Don’t worry about offending Raven. If she didn’t wish to answer your questions, she wouldn’t have.” Making both men jump and whirl around, Jack giggled, “Sorry, I have been told I walk too lightly. Please. Continue. Don’t mind me.”

  Raven ushers the shipper inside, “Patrick, Stacey, my dad’s office is right through this door.”

  Walking into the office, both men take a deep breath, “This desk is amazing. It’s stunning. Matter of fact all the furniture in here is stunning,” turning to his partner, “Stacey, we’re gonna go a little overboard with protecting this furniture. It has to be at least three to four hundred years old. I want it bubble wrapped, shrink wrapped, put in a double box and then it can go into the conex. Same with the chairs. You know what, you and I will handle this room personally.” Patrick returns his attention to Raven, “Raven, if you could show the other men where you’d like them to start that would be great. We work in two man teams.”

  “I can handle that,” Raven agrees. “I’ll put them all on the boxes and totes. My Hope chest is in another room, and I would feel better if the two of you packed that as well. Is that alright?”

  “Is that all the furniture that is being shipped?”

  “Yes, I have donated everything else. Those men you saw leaving took three trucks full of goods for donation. I’ll leave you to it then. If you have any questions feel free to ask anyone you don’t work with. We are all related in one way or another.” Walking out of the office and into the living room to give further instructions, “Billy, Frank, Scott, and Cole, if you all would follow me, Patrick asked that I explain what you all will be packing to ship. Everything is either in a box or a tote. Obviously, if it’s marked Fragile, it’s fragile. If you have any questions feel free to ask.” Leaving them in the garage, Raven walks outside.

  “Raven, wait up,” Jack jogs up to her, “What are you doing, girlfriend?”<
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  Walking over to her front yard, Raven sits in the grass. Patting the ground beside her in invitation for Jack to sit with her, “I just need a few minutes. I need to disperse all the emotions running through me. I need to reconnect. I just need to breathe, ya know what I mean?”

  Leaning back on her elbows, Jack smiles at Raven, “Yeah, I understand what you mean. You have been ran through the ringer since the moment we got the news. I know you fly out tomorrow, and trust me when I say, the only reason I am not freaking out is because we will see each other again in two weeks. Mom, dad, and I are flying to Ireland for your birthday. Surprise!!”

  Flipping over and pouncing on Jack, “Oh my Gods, really? That is amazing.”

  “Ya know, it’s great to see that smile on your face, but I need to breathe. Get off me.” Rolling back to her original position, Raven turns her head to look at Jack, “We all discussed it last night. Well, it wasn’t much of a discussion really. Mom said, ‘Hey why don’t we go to Ireland for Becca’s birthday?’, and dad was like, ‘That’s a great idea. I’ll handle everything’, and that was it. So, yeah, we’ll be there for your birthday and your Ascension ceremony.”

  “Now I have something to look forward to. I mean, I am excited about my Ascension. It just won’t be the same without mom and dad there.” Sitting up to look down at Jack, “I have this hole inside me, and I don’t know how to deal with it or what to do about it. Please don’t give me the “time heals” spiel. I know time will make it easier, but nothing will ever be the same.”

  Sitting up to mimic Raven’s position, “Raven, you’ve already started to accept the new you, and you haven’t even noticed. Everyone else has, but it’s like you’re oblivious to it. You’re right, nothing will ever be the same again, but that’s alright, because you’ll be alright. I love you more than I can say and having to live without you everyday will be hard, but you know what? You need this move. You need to get away from the memories. I am not saying forget, because let’s face it, that will never happen, but being here just isn’t what’s best for you right now. Besides, I bet ever since your parents' accident you haven’t looked at your mountains, even once. Have you?”


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