Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 11

by Micca Michaels

  Smiling, Raven’s Gma reaches across the table and gives her hand a light squeeze, “There’s more, but only one we need to concern ourselves with now. Raven, we know about the birthmark. We know you carry The Mark.”

  Turning to glare at Tris, he holds his hands up in defense, “Raven, I didn’t say a word. I swear to the Gods I didn’t.”

  Liam reached out and grabbed Tristan’s arm, “You knew and didn’t say anything? What the hell, son?”

  Pulling his arm back, “Da, don’t. I gave Raven my word I wouldn’t say anything, and I didn’t. I didn’t know about it until we were on the plane and she asked for my help finding out information about it. Then she showed me cause I thought she was lying.”

  Looking at Raven, Celeste gets up and walks around the table. Stepping to Raven's side, “Would you mind if the rest of us saw it, The Mark I mean?”

  Climbing off Conner’s lap, Raven stands up and pulls her sweatpants down enough to expose her birthmark. Her birthmark is in fact a one inch by one inch blue raven. Looking around at everyone’s wide eyes, arching an eyebrow, Raven asks, “So, what does it mean?”

  “Alpha Kieran,” Shannon whispers out between her sobs.

  Breathing heavily, body full of tension and anger, “Someone better start talking, and I mean right fucking now!” bellows Kieran.

  Cringing back from their Alpha, all the girls look at each other, silently trying to decide who would directly face their Alpha. Finally, Nessa takes a step forward and bares her neck in submission. Waiting to be acknowledged, Nessa waits to speak.

  Standing with his legs spread, arms crossed over his chest, kieran barks out, “Speak, Nessa.”

  “Alpha Kieran, the argument with the Whitewood Pack started when we overheard them not only insult our pack, but they also started insulting you. It was only a verbal argument until Ciara left the dance floor and stepped in front of Shannon, who was defending the pack and you, Alpha. Before we even realized it, the Whitewood bitch challenged Ciara. First one to make the other submit wins, but Alpha, Ciara wouldn’t submit. We all yelled at her to submit, that she could fight again another day, but she wouldn’t. There was nothing we could have done to help her. It was a public challenge that was accepted, and there were more Whitewood pack members here than Blackwood pack members. If she would have...”

  Dropping his chin to his chest and sighing, “Just stop. Ciara was always too stubborn for her own good. No matter who would have been here, she would never have submitted. She always thought she was more dominant than she actually was. I have to accept this, and I don’t fecking want to.” Kneeling down to one knee, Alpha Kieran picks up his lifeless cousin. Still in her wolf form, he cradles her to his chest. Turning towards all the parked SUVs, he walks to the one he arrived in and climbs inside. Without a word the rest of his pack members load into the other suvs, leaving him alone in his, except the driver.

  Looking in the rearview mirror, the driver says, “Alpha, do you want me to...”

  Without looking up, Kieran commands, “Just take us home.” With that said, he felt the vehicle start to move, but not much else. Looking at Ciara’s lifeless body laying across his lap, he felt anger, rage, and frustration. Stroking her coat was not calming him down, all he could do was think and dwell. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I have to tell her parents. Fecking hell, all she was supposed to do is gather some information, not get herself killed. I have to lock the pack down now, keep everyone close and safe. I also have to figure out what my grandfather was talking about on his deathbed. What does any of this have to do with ”The Mark”? The key I am looking for has to be there. I can’t do a damn thing till I find out what he meant. Who is it about, is someone marked, is it a thing, everything...I am not even sure how to go about accomplishing that. Being brought out of his personal battle, he sees Ciara’s parents’ and his Aunt’s faces are red. “Damn it, I wanted to tell them what happened, not the fecking rumor mill.”

  Pulling onto the driveway, Damian looked into the rearview mirror, “Alpha, I took the long way home. I gave the Enforcers time to get back with the girls. I meant no disrespect, but those girls were like her sisters, and I felt it would be better coming from them. As your First Beta, I decided you needed time to calm down and have a moment with Ciara, and the girls needed some time too.”

  Bracing himself to receive a lashing from his Alpha, Damian is a bit shocked when he hears Kieran say, “You’re right. That was your call to make as my First Beta, and I am forced to acknowledge I would have probably lost my shit if I had to speak too soon. Thank you, Damian.”

  Damian pulled the suv around the side of the pack house and parked it. Sliding out of the driver seat he walked around to the side the Alpha was on and opened the door. As the Alpha slid out of the suv with Ciara in his arms, her parents came running. Damian held out his arms, “Wait, wait, wait, let the Alpha get her into the house. She’s owed the respect of the entire pack. We will make sure you have your time, just let him take her inside. Fiona, why don’t you follow Alpha Kieran? The girls are already inside and prepared for her. You should be there to help cleanse her and ready her for burial. Oscar, please follow me, and we can check on the ritual site.”

  Once Alpha Kieran laid Ciara’s wolf body down on the special table, he left the room for his office, “I want all available Betas and Enforcers to follow me.” Once he entered his office he walked straight over to the small bar and poured himself a whiskey. Slamming it down, he poured one more and went to sit at his desk. Leaning back in his high back leather desk chair, he decides it’s time to share what little he knows or at least thinks he knows. His Betas and Enforcers enter his office, each bearing their necks in submission. Last to enter is Damian, closing the door behind him, he says, “We’re all here, Alpha.”

  “Damian, has everything been taken care of concerning Ciara’s service?” Kieran asks.

  Entering further into the room, Damian walks to the right side of his Alpha’s desk to sit down. Damian knows being the right hand man of his Alpha is a position of pride and an honor, “Yes, Alpha, everything is ready. It’s needless to say, but your Aunt and Uncle are wrecks. I have the she-wolves staying with them until we are done here and are ready to attend the service.”

  Nodding his head and looking around the room, he decides where to start, “Do you all know what transpired at the pub late last night?” With nods around the room, “Good, then we can skip my cousin’s cause of death. As you all are aware there are always things that are kept from the pack. Sometimes, things are kept from the pack members of rank, that being all of you. Well, I believe it is time to let you in on some information. I have tried in vain to figure this out, and I am ashamed to say I am no closer to understanding it than I was when I first heard it. What I am about to tell you stays in this room. This was told to me by my grandfather on his deathbed. He even demanded that my father and his Alpha leave the room. Once I tell it, maybe one or more of you can possibly add to it, or at least I hope you can. Right before my grandfather died he said,

  “Mark. The marked one will know. The marked one can help.

  Must control marked.”

  Does anyone have an idea of what he was talking about? At first I thought it was the ramblings of an old dire on his deathbed, but the more time that passed the more it ate at me. The more I wondered what I was missing. If you know anything or think you might know something, speak up.”

  Leaning forward and clearing his throat Niall speaks up, “Alpha, I may have heard a story when I was a pup about a mark. I don’t know if it’s the same, but it does have to do with a mark. I can’t remember it all at the moment, but I remember some of it and can try to locate the book it was read from.”

  “Speak Niall,” Alpha demands, “I want to hear what you do remember.”

  “I don’t know if it’s a legend, a prophecy, or just a story, but The Mark refers to a birthmark. Every Dire Wolf has a birthmark that associates us with our birth pack, but this birthmark is different. It’s anot
her animal shape in the form of a birthmark on a Dire Wolf. This particular wolf doesn’t have the typical birthmark we all have. I remember it was supposed to be blue, I think. The wolf that has this mark will have more than one mate. I remember that because it piqued my interest. I remember reading that this “marked one” would be female. I am sorry, Alpha, but I can’t remember anything else right now. I will try to find the story for you.”

  “I am not sure why, but everything in me tells me this is vitally important. I will also be discussing this with our seers. If it is important, they will have seen something. I also want you all to pay attention to anyone speaking of a mark. We can say if this is a person, they are not in this pack or we would have known by now. It can’t be too easy to keep a birthmark of another animal hidden when you’re a Dire. Especially if it’s true, and this birthmark is actually blue. If any of you hear anything, remember anything, or find something related to this, I want it reported to me immediately. Understand?”

  All the Betas and Enforcers bare their necks and collectively answer, “Yes, Alpha.”

  Lifting himself from his desk chair, Alpha Kieran walks to his office door, “Let’s go to Ciara’s service and get some sleep. We all need the rest. I know things are going to escalate soon enough.”

  The smell of coffee and bacon lured Alpha Kieran to the kitchen. Running his hands through his freshly washed hair, he sent droplets of water flying everywhere. “Something smells good,” looking up to see Rory’s mate, the Alpha stopped, “I never sat down with you, Breena, I am so sorry. I have been...oh, I won’t lay this at your feet with excuses. I am sorry. I am sorry that you lost, that we lost Rory. I am sorry I didn’t come to you. When you are finished making your magical tasting food, will you sit with me?”

  Removing the pan she was frying the bacon in off the heat and turning the burner off, Breena turned to face her Alpha, “If you think you owe me an explanation, you don’t. As Alpha, you know this is true. I knew what could happen, as did Rory. I saw it before it happened, so I knew I had to prepare myself. You know I am a seer. Although I cannot see things relating to myself, I can see things relating to other people. I saw the avalanche and those that lived. That told me all I needed to know. Will I sit down with you? Yes, but not to speak of Rory but of the Leprechauns.”

  Looking baffled and confused, Kieran asks, “Why do we need to speak of the Leprechauns? They aren’t the trustworthy sort.”

  Sighing, as though put upon to explain the obvious, “Alpha, I am a seer. I would think that would be obvious. I saw the Leprechaun Chieftain. I don’t know all that is going on, but it has something to do with him. You need to see him, talk to him, something. It was a vague vision. I wanted to speak with you before I tried to see more. I am not a curious person, so if you would like me to try and see more, I will. If you don’t, I won’t. All I can tell you now is that this does feel important.”

  Looking around the modern kitchen, he admires it’s clean lines. So organized. Stainless steel appliances surrounded by gleaming white countertops. The black chairs stand out against the white of the cabinets and counters. The checkered backsplash brings it all together. The crisp white walls make the room feel complete, fresh, and clean.

  “Alpha, are you alright?” Breena asks.

  Being brought out of his perusal of the kitchen, “Yes, for some reason I was just closely examining the kitchen. I think my mind just needed a break. As for using your powers to see more, I would like you to do that. We need all the information we can get. Also, do you know anything about birthmarks? I mean a different birthmark than any average Dire would have. It’s like a different animal and maybe even the birthmark being a different color.”

  Leaning her head forward, Breena pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. Taking a moment to herself, she takes a few cleansing breaths and relaxes her shoulders, “Alpha, you have a total of four seers in the pack and all of us have been having visions of or have been dreaming of ravens. Depending on your point of view, ravens can be a good sign or a bad sign. I believe it’s all perception. Honestly, we all dismissed the ravens. Since we’ve suffered so many losses, we assumed the ravens had to do with that. Ravens are known to be spirit guides of those that have passed. They do not judge the soul, merely lead it to where it should be. I will meet with the other seers, and we will re-examine all our dreams and visions. Since we all write them down, it shouldn’t take long. As soon as we come to some form of conclusion, I will seek you out to speak with you.”

  Not knowing fully what to say, the Alpha nods his head, “I appreciate anything you all can come up with. The more information we can gather, the better.” Standing up from the table Breena leaves the kitchen and walks out of the pack house. Hearing the click of the front door, Alpha Kieran lets out an audible sigh, “What the feck is going on? I will get to the bottom of this. One way or another. As for the Whitewood pack, they will pay. They will pay for everything.”

  “Does anyone care to answer me?” Raven looks around for answers, “I mean, this seems to be a big deal to everyone except me. To me, it’s a birthmark that happens to be in the shape of a blue bird. I always called it a raven because of my name.” Gazing at Tris, “Tris, you said you heard a story or something having to do with the raven birthmark, but you didn’t know the entire story. Do any of you know it?”

  Walking back over to her mate, Celeste sits back down. Having been silent since she saw Raven’s birthmark, everyone goes silent when she speaks, “When I was a little girl, my mum, da, and myself went on a trip to Brigid’s Well. While we were there this middle-aged man approached us and began to speak as if he knew us. I can promise you we didn’t know him. He was a Leprechaun shifter. As a kid, he was not what I was expecting. He was, well, gorgeous. Even a child could appreciate the beauty he radiated, and when he spoke, wow, you had to listen to him. Anyway, he began to talk to me. I mean directly to me like my parents weren’t even there. I remember it as if it was yesterday. He said:

  ‘Young one, listen, listen to the words I say. They will mean something one day, so you must remember. When you have the Double Raven and know by The Mark, you must have her brought to me. Only her and her protectors. Send her to me. I have seen, and as such, she must see. Do you understand me, child?’

  “I listened to him, but I honestly dismissed it. Fecking hell, I even forgot it till I saw your birthmark, Raven. I don’t know what it all means, but what I do know and remember is what my parents told me when he walked away:

  ‘Celeste my girl, you will remember when it matters most. You’ll never truly forget, because you can’t. Leprechaun’s do not give messages like that without an important reason behind it. I don’t know who this Double Raven is, but you will and when you do, you must send her to the Leprechauns, to the Chieftain.’

  Taking a deep breath and releasing the tension in her body, Raven looks around the table, “So, I need to travel to see the Leprechauns? I don’t know where they are or who my ‘protectors’ are supposed to be...”

  Holding up his hand to stop any further comment, “As first Beta and your Uncle, I have to stop this conversation here. Raven, we must take you to the Alpha. I know your Ascension, first shift, and mating is in two days, but we are running out of time. We need to speak with the Alpha, and we need to get you more protection. Especially if this trip is something you must take, and my instincts tell me you do. So, let’s all get cleaned up and dressed. We will head to the pack house within an hour.”

  Sitting silent while everyone else goes to do as Liam advised, all Brigid can do is breathe and think. The Leprechauns, of all the shifters, why them? They speak in riddles. Raven doesn’t need riddles, she needs answers. Come on girl, get a hold of yourself. You knew she had to look for her other mates. The knowing told you that last night. I only wish I could help her by at least telling her where her mates are and how many she has. Then again, that is one part we haven’t covered with her. It was only mentioned a couple of times and quickly passed over. Hmm, I wonde
r if there is a reason for that? I guess we’ll see.

  “Gma,” touching her Gma’s shoulder Raven jumped when she did, “I am sorry, Gma, I didn’t mean to startle you, but I was asking if you were ready, and you didn’t answer me. I thought you hadn’t heard me.”

  “Woolgathering, A chori. You might have made me jump, but you got me out of my own head. So please, don’t concern yourself over it. Is everyone ready to see the Alpha?”

  Straightening out her clothes, “Yes, Gma, everyone but me I guess. I am really nervous. What if I screw up? You know, say or do something wrong?”

  “Breathe, my love, you will do fine. When we get to the pack house, you and I will walk in last. I am supposed to walk in before you because you haven’t shifted yet, but I will not leave your back exposed,” giving Raven a chaste kiss, Conner walks over to grab his overnight bag.

  Placing his hand on Conner’s shoulder, Tris stops him, “Conner, we both will walk in behind Raven. I want the Alpha to know where I stand on this. I gave my oath and my word that I will protect Raven, even if it took my dying breath to do it. I will keep my vows.”

  Smiling down at Tris, Conner places his hand on Tristan’s opposite shoulder, “Then I look forward to having you as a travel companion along with my mate. We have both given our oaths and words, so we will keep them together. No one is a better force than the two of us when protecting what’s ours. Yours for family, and mine for love.”

  Leading everyone out to the van, Liam climbs into the driver seat and buckles his seatbelt, “Is everyone ready?” With a resounding “Yes,” Liam takes off for the pack house and their Alpha. It only took ten minutes driving till Liam was pulling up in front of the pack house.


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