Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 12

by Micca Michaels

  Looking over the giant house they had just pulled in front of, Raven was curious, ”Anyone care to explain what a pack house is exactly?” Climbing out of the van, Raven grabs the hand being held out to help her. It’s not till she looks up that she realizes the person helping her is unfamiliar.

  He says, “Well, a pack house is where the Alpha of the pack lives with his family and some of his unmated Betas and Enforcers. It’s also where guests stay when they are on pack lands to meet with the Alpha. He also does any pack business in his office, which is located within the pack house. Did I answer your question to your satisfaction?”

  Smiling up at the stranger, Raven takes a step back to gather a better look at the intimidating man standing in front of her. Still smiling, she answers his question, “Yes Alpha Brandan, you did. Thank you.”

  Returning her smile and tilting his head to the side in curiosity, “You know who I am?”

  “Actually, no Alpha, I don’t. I can feel who you are. I can also sense it, and as my mother used to say, it’s a knowing. I cannot explain it any other way.”

  “Well, Miss Raven Becca Sullivan, as your future Alpha, I appreciate your frankness. Please call me Alpha or Alpha Brandan, either is fine. Would you care to follow me inside so that we can all sit and chat about what’s been going on and what we might expect?”

  “Thank you, Alpha, and please call me Raven. I appreciate any information we can trade. I don’t wish anyone to be put in danger because of me. So, the more information, the better.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Please follow me, and we’ll get more comfortable to talk.”

  Placing themselves behind Raven, Conner and Tris raise their heads to look at their Alpha. Each man places a hand on her lower back and ushers her forward. Smiling, Alpha Brandan raises an eyebrow at this move, “I expect an explanation, gentlemen.“

  Both men respond with, “Yes, Alpha” as if they timed it.

  Once everyone is in the Alpha’s office, he directs Conner to close the door. Quickly scanning the room, he takes stock. “Brigid Sullivan, my First Beta, Liam Sullivan, and his mate, Celeste Sullivan, Tristan Sullivan, Conner Dwyer, and Raven Sullivan. I don’t think I have ever had so many members of the same family in my office at once before. I have a feeling I won’t be forgetting this meeting anytime soon. First, I want to express my condolences for the loss of Ailin and Sinead. They were both really good people. Their bodies arrived last night, and the she-wolves have been preparing them for their service. Now, would someone like to explain to me what exactly is going on?”

  Standing to the Alpha’s right, his position, Liam decides he should speak, “Alpha, as you know…”

  “Excuse me for interrupting, Uncle Liam, but, Alpha, may I approach you? I have a feeling I have to do this, and I have been taught to never ignore a feeling or a knowing.”

  Stepping forward, Liam goes to stand between Raven and his Alpha, “Liam, do you really think a pup that has not shifted nor come in her full powers is a threat to me? I appreciate you doing your job, but I knew this was going to happen. Please relax and sit down next to your mate. I know what she is going to do, even if she doesn’t. Do not interrupt her and do not touch either of us. This needs to happen and will answer any question I could possibly think of. Raven, slide that chair over here and sit down in front of me. I know you will need to sit down rather quickly when we are done. Do not be afraid, just do what feels right.”

  Walking over to the chair her Uncle had been sitting in, she slid it in front of her Alpha. Walking around the chair, Raven stood in front of Alpha Brandan. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Raven places her right hand on his chest, over where his heart is. She takes her left hand and places it on his left cheek.

  The moment full contact is made, the Alpha took a big deep breath. Feeling the warmth spread all over his body the Alpha relaxes. Seeing the images flash through his mind is one thing, but feeling everything that Raven has felt was a lot. He could feel his own tears run down his face at her feelings of loss, heart break, determination, anger, and frustration. What seemed to take hours in fact only took about twenty minutes. The moment the connection was broken, the Alpha reached for Raven and sat her down in the chair, “Celeste, get us all something to drink, please? Liam, relax, I am alright. Give Raven and myself a few minutes, and I will explain to you all and Raven what just happened.”

  As Celeste reentered the room, she was followed by another she-wolf also carrying drinks. After placing the tray on the side table the she-wolf excused herself. Liam pulled Celeste to sit in her chair after she handed the Alpha two bottles of water. Opening one of the bottles, he handed it to Raven. He took the other for himself, “Drink Raven, knowing how I feel, I know you are feeling it worse.”

  Conner can’t keep quiet any longer, “Alpha, I don’t mean to speak out of turn, but…”

  “Come over here and check on your mate, Conner. I can see the panicked worry in your eyes and hear it in your heart beat. Relax, your mate is fine. Maybe a little tired, but fine. Raven, I was not sure I could count on the foretelling I had. Not having reached your Ascension yet, well, I didn’t think it would be possible. I was proven wrong. Raven, did you see everything you showed me?”

  In a low whisper, “Yes, Alpha, I did.” Rubbing her hands over her face, Raven pulls herself together, “I am sorry, Alpha, I didn’t...”

  “No, Raven, stop. I did know or at least I thought I knew what I was in for. I am so sorry that you have had to deal with all this, and it seems you will have to continue to deal with it. It seems you have a journey in front of you, as do Conner and Tristan. I saw your oaths given, and I will not argue them. You were both in the right to give them. However, I must insist that you take a few more. I don’t know what’s to come of this journey, but I do know Raven is important. Since Raven has not had her Ascension yet, she should not have been able to do what she just did. That being said, I suggest we have our most powerful witches involved with her Ascension. She will need the power. Brigid, I am assuming that you told Raven and Conner they are mates and that you told them for a specific reason?”

  Sitting up straighter, Brigid takes a deep breath, “Alpha, I did tell them, although Conner already knew. He had been very good at not telling Raven, but I believe deep down even our Raven knew. I confirmed that they are mates because I knew that Raven needed protection, and no one would protect her more vehemently than her mate and her family. Tristan is the only family member young enough to accompany Raven. I feel better knowing that you will be sending others with them on this journey. Although I don’t know how I feel about them having to find the Leprechaun Chieftain. I can’t say I trust that group of shifters, but I trust Celeste was given this message for a specific reason.”

  Turning to look at Conner, the Alpha sits back in his chair, “Conner, since you will be mated to Raven in two days I will put this traveling company in your charge. Do you and Tristan have two or three men specifically you would like to accompany you? Mind you, I will not force them to go. If they say no, then you will have to choose someone else. Is that understood?”

  Conner and Tristan looked at each other and then at their Alpha, “Yes, Alpha, we understand.” Speaking for both men, Conner answers his Alpha, “I would like to take Aaron, Aidan, and Clancy. If they are willing. Tristan, are those good with you?”

  Nodding his head, “I was thinking of the same three.”

  Alpha Brandan picked up the phone and asked that the three men be sent to his office as quickly as possible, “If these men agree to protect Raven and go on this journey, they will not leave your side, Raven. This is not up for dispute. Am I understood, Raven?”

  Looking around the room, making eye contact with each person, Raven finally understands the gravity of her situation, “I understand, Alpha. It seems to be the only thing I completely understand. Why didn’t my parents tell me any of this? I don’t understand why they would keep all this from me.” Feeling frustrated and put upon and not herself,
Raven growls a viscous growl.

  Realising what was happening the Alpha jumped up and grabbed Raven by the back of her neck. Using his Alpha powers he speaks to Raven, “Raven, you will calm down. I know and understand you are going through a lot, but that does not give you the right to growl at me or your family. You will calm down, or your first lesson as a pup will not be a nice one. Do you understand me?”

  Whimpering and looking down, Raven crumbles to the floor. As soon as Raven went down, Conner was up and moving towards her. Liam grabbed Conner and stopped him, “Stand down, pup. The Alpha knows what he is doing. You know he is not hurting her. With all the emotions going through her, her wolf is wanting out to protect her. It’s natural but too soon. Alpha Brandan has to gain control over her wolf, and you interfering will do more harm than good. Now calm yourself, watch, and learn.”

  Standing at his tallest, legs slightly spread, Alpha Brandan is radiating power, “Raven Becca Sullivan, stand up and face me.” As Raven stood up her body was wracked with tremors. Once again taking her essentially by the scruff of the neck, he intensifies his Alpha powers through his words, “Raven, you will submit to me. You will calm down. You will take a deep breath and collect yourself. Do not make me repeat myself.”

  Without thinking or even hesitating Raven reached forward, grabbing the Alpha. He didn’t move, waiting to see what she was going to do. Once Raven was touching him, he felt it. He grabbed Raven and called for everyone in the room to touch her and quickly. Once everyone had a hand on her she spoke, but it was not her voice that was speaking:

  “I am the Chieftain of the Leprechauns. This child must be protected at all cost, or it will cost all. She must come to me. I must see and speak with her. Send her before it’s too late.”

  Feeling as though every ounce of energy has been stripped from her, Raven collapses. Alpha Brandan grabs her and pulls her to him, “Everyone just step back. She is alright. I didn’t realize what was happening till she touched me. This Leprechaun Chieftain is powerful to be able to possess someone he has never met before. I am going to give Raven some of my energy. I can handle it, and she is currently unconscious.” Cradling Raven against his chest, Alpha Brandan places one hand in the center of her chest and presses. Allowing his energy to flow from him to her. As Raven wakes, he stops. Allowing Raven a moment to gather herself, the Alpha looks to Conner, “Get your mate some cold water and then come stand next to her. She is not fully aware of her surroundings yet, and we don’t need her freaking out that she’s not only in my lap, but also surrounded by my arms and not yours.”

  After getting a glass of ice from the small bar set back in the corner, Conner poured some water into the glass. Walking around everyone to take his position next to his mate and his Alpha, Conner starts to talk to Raven, “Raven, my love, I need you to fully open your eyes. I’m sure your throat is dry. How about a drink of water? Then you can come and snuggle into my lap, yeah?”

  Waking enough to slightly open her eyes, Raven looks at Conner. Trying to speak she clears her throat. “Here, my love, take a drink for me.”

  Clearing her throat for a second time she whispers, “What happened?”

  Conner reaches for his mate, “Why don’t you come sit on my lap, and Alpha Brandan will explain.”

  Looking to her other side, she realizes who’s lap she’s been laying on and turns a crimson red. Getting off the Alpha’s lap she crawls into Conner’s, “Apologies, Alpha.”

  Readjusting himself in his chair Alpha Brandan takes a drink of water, “No need to apologize, Raven. I put you there. It seems a certain Leprechaun Chieftain is in a hurry to meet you and felt it necessary to let anyone around you know it. Like I told the others, he has to be very powerful to possess someone he has never met. I believe it is directly related to your blue raven birthmark. As soon as the others get here, we'll plan out your next three days.” Right as Alpha Brandan finishes his water there is a knock at the door, he calls, “Come in.”

  Opening the door Aaron, Aidan, and Clancy walked through and stopped, “We’re sorry, Alpha, we were told you needed to see us as quickly as possible. We can come back.”

  Raising his hand, waving the three men into the room, “That’s right, come in please. Aaron, Aidan, Clancy, you know Conner and Tristan. I do not believe you’ve had the privilege of meeting Miss Raven Becca Sullivan. She is going to be mated to Conner in two days. There is a lot to cover, so please pay close attention. Before I start, I want all three of you to know you can say no. This decision is completely up to you. I will not force you. With that said, here is this situation,”

  All three men sat speechless when the Alpha had finished telling them what had happened, what is about to happen, and what needs to happen. Looking at each other, Aidan and Clancy nod at Aaron, electing him to speak. Running his hand through his hair, Aaron is still stunned, “Umm, Alpha, I, we don’t know what to say to all this. I mean, may I ask why us three?”

  Raising his hand a slight bit, Conner clears his throat, “I chose the three of you, and Tristan agreed with me. We know you three can fight. We also trust you, and that’s most important. We don’t exactly know what we’re facing when we go to find this Leprechaun Chieftain. We will understand if you choose to say no. Nothing will be held against you. I do have to ask for an answer now though. I wish I could give you time to think about it, but time is something we don’t have.”

  Clearing their throats collectively all three men speak as one, “I, Aaron O’Brien, I, Aidan McCloud, I, Clancy Doyle, as the Gods as my witnesses, swear to hold this conversation secret and to protect Raven Becca Sullivan until I am told differently or death takes me. So Mote it Be.”

  As one, everyone seals their oath, “So Mote it Be.”

  Clapping his hands together, Alpha Brandan looks at Raven, “Then I believe we need to plan out the next three days. Raven, you will be in the company of these five men for a long time. It will take some adjusting, but I am confident you will be just fine. Now, how about we get some snacks sent in here and get to planning. No one will harm you while you are on pack land. I cannot and will not speak for your safety after you leave here, though.”

  Abruptly standing, “Shit, what day is it? Jack and her parents are due to fly in a couple days before my birthday. I have totally lost track. I haven’t even called my best friend to check on her. I am such an awful friend.” Breathless, Raven is silenced by Conner’s hand lightly covering her mouth.

  Removing his hand, Conner slowly turns Raven to face him, “My love, with all you have had to deal with, don’t you think she would understand? Yes, you know she would, besides Brigid and I have spoken with her several times over the last few days. It’s all taken care of; her and her parents are being picked up at the airport, and they will be staying here at the pack house courtesy of Alpha Brandan. Just breathe, you are not alone.”

  Wrapping her arms around Conner and burying her face in Conner’s chest, “In case I haven’t said it, I love you. Thank you, Conner. Thank you to everyone. I know I would be lost without all of you in my life.”

  Standing up and walking over to Conner and Raven, Brigid wraps them both in a hug, “A chori, we all love you and those in this room that don’t, will, once they get to know you. We all have your back, even our Alpha. He is opening his home to your guests that also happen to not be shifters. Yes, they know about us, but it’s not the same. Jack and her parents will arrive this evening. You will have time to spend with them before all the celebrations begin. Remember, your first celebration is at three thirty three in the morning the day after tomorrow, your Ascension. Then you will need to rest once that is completed. That afternoon will be your birthday celebration, that will last through the evening. As soon as the moon rises, you and Conner will claim each other. Your protectors will escort you both to Conner and your new house, where you will mate and spend time with each other. Alpha, have I missed anything?”

  Leaning back in his seat, “Not that I can think of. I know all the she-wolves
will start preparing food tomorrow and will not want you around so they can do their thing. I would suggest that you, Jack, and your protectors relax around your Gma’s house. I have a feeling that Jack needs to be brought up to speed and so will his parents.”

  Interrupting the Alpha was never a good idea, but this little detail was important, “Umm, Alpha, you are aware that Jack is a nickname for Jacqueline, right? Jack is a girl. Her Ascension will be in a few months. I didn’t want you to be under the impression that Jack was a boy. That is not the case.”

  “No, Jack is definitely a girl. There can be no mistaking that,” Tristan’s smile grows as he thinks about Jack, almost losing himself in his own thoughts.

  Turning from the Alpha, her mate, and her Gma, Raven looks at Tristan, “Tristan Liam Sullivan, do you have the hots for my best friend? Please tell me you do, ‘cause I would so approve if you do.” Bouncing on her toes, Raven is giddy at the idea of her best friend and her favorite cousin hitting it off.

  Turning light red, “I am not saying anything. Besides, nothing is a sure thing in life.” Shrugging his shoulders Tristan walks over by his da and leans against his chair, “No offense to our Alpha, but we are almost finished here. We need to have a meeting with just Raven and her protectors. I am sure you all understand that with our oaths we will be extra vigilant with decisions concerning her movement. Raven, the Alpha is right about having to adjust to five men being your shadow. Since we do need to sleep and only one of us will be sleeping with you, we need to work out schedules.”

  Smiling at his son, Liam claps him on the back, “You’ve offended no one, son. I am glad to see that you are taking matters as seriously as I knew you would. I agree that whatever decisions are made need to be discussed and made in private. Alpha, may I suggest we dismiss this group. Everything seems to be settled and on the up and up. We will all see each other throughout the day. Not forgetting that tomorrow all of them will be at my ma’s place and the next day we will all be together more on than off all day.”


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