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Dire Secrets

Page 17

by Micca Michaels

  Laughing, “I have no doubt, my love, I have no doubt.”

  Reaching her Gma, Aunt Celeste, Jack, and where a bunch of others stood, “What are you guys up to? I can see it written all over your faces. Come on, out with it.”

  Then everyone standing in front of her stepped to one side or another revealing a table stacked with gifts. All at once everyone screamed, “Happy Birthday, Raven!”

  Covering her mouth while she laughed, “You guys are in so much trouble. You all didn’t have to get me anything, just being here was gift enough for me.”

  Walking around to the back of the table, Jack spreads her arms, “You’d think people actually like you, ya hussy. Now, get over here and open all these gifts. I am too nosey to sit here much longer.”

  Walking to the only bare spot on the bench, Raven sat down and started opening her presents, “Oh, I love this dress, it’s gorgeous. Thank you. New sandals, yay! You can never go wrong with shoes.” Opening gift after gift after gift, there was only one present left. Picking it up, “Who is this one from?” Hearing “Open it hussy and you’ll know” told Raven all she needed to know: Jack, this gift was from Jack. Looking at Conner, all he gave her was a shrug of his shoulders. Sighing, knowing that Jack was hell bent on embarrassing her, Raven opened Jack’s gift. It was a box in a box. Opening the wrapped gift on top Raven gasped. Turning to look at Jack, “I love you, now you won't forget what we all look like. I have one too.” Looking back at the picture, Raven smiled a soft, sad smile. Looking at a group picture of Raven, Raven’s parents, Jack, and Jack’s parents that was taken on a camping trip the year before.

  Handing it to Conner, “My love, this will hang in the living room for all to see and remember. Jack, this is a wonderful gift.” Looking back down at Raven, he gives her a nod to continue. Pulling out the next box and unwrapping it, Raven busted out laughing. Holding it up for all to see the clear box holding the largest marshmallow you’ve ever seen. Reading the little plaque out loud, “Small mouths don’t hold much, break in case practice is needed.” With that everyone busted out laughing, patting Conner on his back and shoulders. Looking up at Jack, Conner grins, “You know payback is a bitch.”

  Giving Conner a sarcastic grin, “Bring it, big man.”

  Raven finally sees the last gift, “Last one.” As everyone puts their attention back on Raven, she opens the last box. Hoots, hollars, and jokes start to fly as Raven pulls out a cobalt blue teddy, edible panties, and a keyring size whip, “Jack!! I can’t, nevermind, yes I can. Payback is coming for you, heifer! You are so lucky I love you,” laughing, Raven and Jack embrace in a tight hug.

  Realizing the time, Alpha Brandan steps forward, “I hate to break this up, but we have Raven’s first shift, mating ceremony, and mating coming up. Everyone knows what needs to be done, so let’s get to it. Raven, you and Conner need to go clean up, separately, and meet back here. Who are their chaperones?”

  Stepping forward, Liam, Tristan, and Aidan raise their hands. “Tris, Aidan, and myself will chaperone Conner. Ma, Celeste, Jack, Aaron, and Clancy are Raven’s chaperones. Aaron and Clancy will stay in the living room doing their assigned jobs.”

  With a single, loud clap, “Alright, let’s get to it.”

  Raven and Conner are ushered to two different locations to get ready. Walking with her family, “H-How will I know what to do? I mean, how do I shift?”

  “Breathe, A chori, you will know what to do when it’s time. We can’t explain it. You will just know what to do. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that we will escort you back outside in a cobalt blue robe and nothing else. Once you know it’s coming, you must drop the robe. Nudity is not a big deal, our bodies are a gift from the Gods. However, you and Conner have verbally claimed each other, so one or two things can happen once you shift. One, you shift, then we all shift, you walk and scent mark your mate. Meaning you rub against him and we all run as a pack and you have your mating after we all shift back. The second possibility is that you shift, howl, and take off running. In that case only Conner will chase after you. Once he catches you, and yes, he will catch you, he will mount you and bite you in the forest. Once that mating is over, we will all join you on a pack run. Which at some point you and Conner will break away from the pack and go to the home you will share together. I believe because things are happening a bit out of order, Alpha Brandan may invoke the mating ceremony along with your first shift. I can’t say for certain.”

  Shaking a bit, Raven leans on her Gma. Her Aunt Celeste walks with her hands on her hips to steady her, “Come on, my girl. You’ve got this. Now get into the shower and get all clean. Once you’re finished we’ll put you into your robe.” Lifting Raven’s chin with a single finger, “I know you’re ma and da are watching you. I also know how very proud they are of you. They could not have selected a better mate for you. Conner is a good man and has always stayed true to you. So keep that in mind tonight. You understand what I’m saying?”

  Smiling and forcing a little air out of her mouth, “Phew, I do, and thank you, Aunt Celeste. I love you.”

  Turning to walk into the bathroom, Raven feels a hand wrap around her wrist. Turning to see Jack, “Jack, what’s...”

  Putting her hand up, Jack takes a breath, “Raven, we have grown up together. Everything you gained, I gained, everything you lost, I lost and vice versa. We have always been a team. Now, our team is getting bigger, and I am alright with that because I know Conner really loves you. I am proud and honored to be your best friend. You can do anything. Now, go shower hussy, you stink.” Laughing, Raven walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Walking out of the bathroom still wrapped in a towel, Raven smiles at her family. Sitting around her bed, Raven plops down beside her Gma. Climbing over the bed, Jacks start brushing out Raven’s long hair. Noticing a change in the color of Raven’s hair, “Umm, Celeste could help me out back here. She has a lot of hair.”

  Scooting back on the bed, Celeste picks up another brush. Before she could lift her hand to run the brush through Raven’s hair, Jack grabs her wrist. Looking at Jack holding a finger up to her lips, she then points to Raven’s hair. The moment Celeste’s eyes go wide, Jack knows she’s seen the same thing. Jack and Celeste look at each other and then back at Raven’s hair. Celeste pretends to have a hard time with a knot, “Raven, honey, stand up. You have a knot that I think your Gma will get out easier than we can.”

  Standing up off the bed, her back to her best friend, her Aunt, and her Gma, “Come on, ladies, how hard is a simple knot to get out. Move and let me...” Seeing that both women have fingers over their mouths and their other finger pointing at Raven’s hair, Brigid looks. Taking her hand and covering her mouth, she can’t believe what she is seeing. Looking at the back of Raven’s hair there are now four more colors. In one inch sections, Raven’s blue/black, but then a strip of white, a strip of green, a strip of red, and a strip of gold, followed by Raven’s natural hair color.

  Deciding on what to do, Brigid runs the brush through Raven’s hair a few times, “Raven,, A chori, could you sit down for a moment. I think we need to talk. Now, you know it is natural for us to sometimes take on a strip of color in our hair that matches our mate, right? You remember that?”

  Shaking her head in acknowledgement, “Do I already have a strip of color for Connor, if so I wanna see it.”

  Putting out her hands to stop Raven from moving, “Wait, listen. There are times in history that a she-wolf has been granted more than one mate. It is rare and very special when it happens. Raven, you have a total of four strips that are different colors, white, green, red, and gold. I am assuming Conner’s is the white one because it’s the brightest. The other’s are very light but noticeable. You need to be aware of this because the Gods have chosen three other mates for you. After everything tonight, we will need to sit down and speak to Conner. He may not like it, but he will accept it. Alright, one thing at a time. Raven let’s get...Raven, Raven!”

  The Gods have g
iven me four mates. That is what she said, right? Four fecking mates. Loving four men. Dealing with four men. Sex with four men. Wait, sex with four men..How am I supposed to keep four men pleased? I have never had sex before. I mean, I will tonight, but holy shit on a stick. There’s a mistake, right? This is a joke? That’s what it is, they’re messing with me. Jack probably put them up to this. Looking at her Gma, her Aunt Celeste and then at Jack, Raven flops back on the bed realizing they aren’t joking.

  “Raven, come on, ya hussy, snap out of it. Raven, you can handle this. Four men, means more to take care of you, to love you, to protect you, to have sex with you.”

  “Jack,” blushing Raven shuts her best friend up, “Alright, we will talk to Conner later. Now is not the time, and I honestly need time to accept this. How much time do we have?” Looking at the clock on the bedside table, “We don’t. Give me my robe so I can go shift and get this going. I can’t take anymore news tonight.” Putting on her robe and walking out of the house, Aaron, and Clancy walk behind the group of ladies.

  Walking back out to the gathering field, Raven notices everyone is dressed more casually. Shorts and tee shirts are this event's attire. Making her way to the center of the pack, Raven stops in front of Alpha Brandan.

  Holding his hands up for quiet, everyone stops talking, “We are here to welcome Raven, officially, to the pack. Tonight she will shift for the first time, as well as accept her mate. I invoke mating rights to begin immediately upon Raven’s shift. This is not usual, but nothing about today seems to be playing out how it traditionally does. Before Raven shifts, anyone that claims to be Raven’s mate, step forward.” Looking around, Raven and the Alpha lock eyes with Conner as he walks to the middle of the circle alongside Raven and the Alpha. “Anyone else to lay claim?” All three look around and see no one move. Letting out a sigh, Raven relaxes. Catching Conner’s attention, he raises an eyebrow in question. Shaking her head, Conner knows that means not now.

  Raising his hands for quiet again, “Remember the rules. Raven’s wolf will decide how this plays out. Everyone will follow her lead or will deal with me afterwards. Understand?”

  With a round of “Yes Alpha” reverberating through the crowd, Alpha Brandan looks at Raven, “Raven, I cannot tell you how to shift, no one can. What I can say is that you will know, you feel when it’s time. Just relax, everything will be fine. Conner, you may speak to her, but you may not touch her till she shifts and touches you, wolf to wolf. Good luck and Gods’ Blessing,” with that the Alpha joined the rest of the pack to watch Raven.

  Standing in the center of almost two hundred people, he says to relax, “Raven, don't get into your head. Just relax and look at me. Let everyone else melt away. They don’t matter. Right now, you and I are all that do matter. I love you, and I can’t wait to wear your mark and for you to wear mine. Raven, are you alright?”

  Fidgeting with her robe, “Yeah, but my robe is bothering me. I really don’t want it touching my skin. I know I am naked under it, but I really need to take it off.”

  Smiling and glancing over his shoulder at the Alpha, “Raven, if it’s bothering you, take it off. That happens, it’s alright. Untie your robe’s belt and let it all drop to the ground.”

  Untying her robe and looking at Conner, “Are you sure it’s alright. It’s becoming unbearable.” Seeing Conner nod his head, Raven opens her robe and lets it fall down her arms to the ground. Watching Conner’s smile grow wider, she smiles back at him.

  “Raven, you are breathtakingly gorgeous. My imagination has nothing on the real you. You’re perfect. I love you, Raven, remember that.”

  “Conner, I love you too. I feel, Conner...” Not able to finish her sentence, Raven began to shift... Conner stood stock still, knowing not to move, he just watched her. Raven’s colorful hair disappeared into a multicolored wolf coat, with patches of white, green, red, and gold, all highlighted by raven blue, making her green eyes stand out even more. As she stood up on all fours, no one moved. Everyone watches as a raven shape forms on her hip. The raven is the size of a grown man’s hand. Giving herself a good shake, everyone watches as the new colors in her coat move to fill the raven mark. Her coat looks like every other Whitwood pack member now, for the exception of the colorful raven mark. Raven’s wolf looked at Conner. Turning her back, she lowers her front to the ground offering Conner her backside, with a howl she takes off running. Quickly shifting, Conner takes off after her. Catching her wasn’t a problem. Once she stopped running, both wolves rubbed all over each other. Licking each other's muzzle, neck, and ears. Conner’s wolf walks behind his mate, waiting. Once she lowers herself to the ground, he mounts her. Plunging deep inside his mate Conner’s wolf grabs her shoulder and bites down, drawing blood. As he thrusts inside her over and over he tightens his grip on her shoulder. After a few more thrusts he stills, cumming inside his mate and marking her for all to see and smell. Once he climbs off her, he walks around and licks over her shoulder. Once she stands, Conner’s wolf bares his neck and without hesitation Raven’s wolf bites down hard, drawing blood. Once she releases him, she too licks over her mating mark. At this, both wolves howl in unison. Hearing a chorus of howls, they start running slowly waiting for the rest of the pack to catch up.

  After running with the pack for a couple hours, Raven follows Conner as he bears away from the pack. Glancing back once to make sure she was with him, he takes off running. Once they reach their new house, Conner shifts to his human form. Standing there in all his naked glory, Raven’s wolf stares at him, “Raven, you have to take control back. Just tell your wolf you want to be with me in your human form.” Taking a step back, Raven shifts to her human form. Standing there naked, Conner and Raven stared at each other, taking in each other’s body. Reaching out, Conner runs his hand down Raven’s arm, stopping at her hand, “Come inside with me, Raven. Let me make love to you.” Nodding, Raven allows him to pull her inside the house.

  “Alright, the pack has gone on the run. Which means the love birds will be busy all night. Call Damian and check to make sure we aren’t being replaced, and we’re good to leave.”

  Pulling out his cell phone, Niall dials Damian. Waiting for Damian to answer, “I hope we’re done. There is no point of being out here when we know what’s going on.”

  “First Beta Damian, speak and be heard.”

  “Damian, the pack has gone on a run, just as you expected. I am calling to double check that you want us to come back and that we don’t need to wait on replacements?”

  Smiling at Alpha Kieran and holding up one finger, “No, no need to wait. You aren’t being replaced. Those two love birds aren’t going anywhere tonight. Come back to the pack house, Alpha Kieran and I will be waiting to hear your report.” Disconnecting the call Damian turns his attention to his Alpha.

  “I am assuming from that call that everything is going how you expected it to go?” Kieran asks his First Beta.

  “Yes, Alpha, they just went on their pack run. Which means that when it is over Raven and her mate will retire for the night. I don’t expect any activity tomorrow, as today was such a long day for Raven. Her mate and her protectors will demand she rest before their journey begins. We will however continue surveillance around lunch time tomorrow. For tonight, we will load up the vehicles and be ready for anything.”

  Sitting back as Breena pours him another cup of coffee, she looks at Damian, “Damian, would you like some more coffee?”

  Smiling at Breena, “Yes, please.” Watching Breena pour his coffee, he notices Alpha Kieran looking at her ass while she’s bent over. Watching closer, he sees the Alpha raise his hand as if he wants to pet her ass or maybe spank it. Realizing what he was doing, the Alpha closes his hand into a fist and lowers it to his lap.

  “Alpha, are you alright?” Putting his attention back on Damian, the Alpha sighs.

  “Yes, Damian, just a little,” glancing over his shoulder at Breena, “frustrated, if you get my meaning.”

  Smiling, “Yes, yes I do,
very much so. We are in the same boat. We need a couple willing releases.”

  Laughing, glancing to see that Breena is washing dishes, the Alpha rubs his hard cock through his jeans, “Even one would work, don’t you think?”

  Leaning back in his chair, “You know, I think you’re right. One would work nicely.”

  Hearing the back door open into the kitchen both men sit up and school their faces. Watching to see who enters the room, Alpha Kieran and Damian give each other a smirk. Seeing Niall and Cian walk in, “I thought you two were done with watches after the early morning you had? Whatever, report and then get some sleep.”

  “Niall, get us something to drink, and I’ll give this report. It won’t take long. Alpha, First Beta Damian, everything went like clockwork, just like the First Beta said it would. Except this time we could see everything. They were farther over so nothing blocked our view and what a view it was. We saw Raven walk out of the house in a cobalt blue robe that pretty much matched her hair. She stood in the middle of the pack, the Alpha spoke and invoked the mating then and there. One man stepped forward, we didn't know who he was because we couldn’t see his face. Raven was facing us. Anyways, after a few minutes she let her robe drop to the ground, and by the Gods’ she’s gorgeous. Standing there naked revealing everything. After a couple minutes she shifted, now that was different.”

  Stopping to take a drink, Niall took over, “You would assume she would have been solid white like the rest of the pack, nope. Her undercoat was white, but it was like there were three layers to her coat. Like I said, her undercoat was white, her middle coat was mixed, white, green, red, and gold. Her outer coat was cobalt blue, like her hair, and I swear her green eyes were glowing. They were electric green, that’s the only way I know how to describe them. When she shook her coat out, we saw a raven the size of a man’s hand form on her hind leg. All the colors that were in her coat started bleeding into the raven birthmark. Then it looked outlined in a blueback color. The other colors, the white, green, red, and gold, filled the birthmark. The birthmark seemed to blend with all the colors, leaving her coat a snow white. There's no denying her as the Double Raven we’re looking for. I mean her name is Raven and her birthmark is a raven, seems obvious to me.”


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