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Dire Secrets

Page 19

by Micca Michaels

  Grabbing his phone and dialing Damian, “Mark, you have been to enough matings to know how things go, shhh, it’s ringing.”

  Hearing his phone ring, Damian reaches to his bedside table but instead of his hand landing on his bedside table, it lands on a pair of tits. Opening his eyes, he sees Breena and Kieran passed out. Grumbling, Damian gets out of bed to find his jeans. Seeing them by the door, he grabs them, snatches his phone and answers, “Report.”

  “First Beta Damian, something is off. I can’t say it as a fact, but it’s almost eleven in the morning, and we haven’t seen any movement in or around the house. There’s no outside brunch for the couple. There’s nothing. I can’t even sense them, and that’s one of my abilities. Granted it’s not that reliable since I have never been really close to them. Damian, I’m telling you, something’s not right. What do you want us to do?”

  Slipping on his jeans, “I want you to stay there. I am going to speak with Alpha Kieran and Finn to see what we can come up with. Just stay there, and I’ll be in touch.” Hanging up the phone, he walks over to Kieran and Breena, “Kieran, Breena, wake up. It’s almost eleven in the morning.”

  Opening one of his eyes, Kieran sees Damian standing next to him dressed in his jeans. “What’s up? Why are we waking up and getting out of bed when we have a nice piece of ass right there?” Pointing at Breena, Kieran pops her on the ass, making her moan.

  “Why? How about no one has seen Raven, her mate, or these protectors she is supposed to have. The house is still. There’s been no movement. I need Finn here, and I don’t think he'll appreciate the fact that we both fucked the woman he considers a mother figure. I need him to work for us, not against us. We all need to shower, change clothes, and get going.”

  Sitting up, Kieran reaches over and wakes up Breena, “Breena, baby, you need to get up, get showered, and change your clothes from yesterday. We need Finn here as soon as possible, and we aren’t so sure he’d approve of us fucking you. So, let’s avoid that situation, otherwise, I wouldn’t care. I want you in my bed again.”

  Rolling over and stretching from head to toe, Breena sits up, “I have spare clothes in a guestroom. Finn knows I use it sometimes. Don’t worry, I’ll go there, shower, and get changed. I’ll meet you two in the kitchen.” Walking out of Kieran’s room completely naked, Kieran and Damian are left speechless.

  Slapping Damian on the back of the shoulder as he walked into his ensuite, Kieran chuckles, “And we were worried for her that someone would see us all together. You heard our girl, go shower and we’ll meet in the kitchen.” Turning on his shower, he effectively dismisses Damian.

  Chuckling himself, Damian walks to his room to get cleaned up. Once he was finished he made his way to the kitchen. Seeing Kieran already sitting at the table and Breena at the stove, he walks over to the table and takes a seat next to Kieran. Breena walks over and sets a cup of coffee in front of Damian, “Thanks, Breena, have you called Finn yet?”

  Smiling, she gave both men a wink, “Yes, I did. He should be walking through the door any minute.” Hearing the door knob turn, “Matter of fact, I do believe that’s him now.” Turning towards the door, Breena smiles at Finn as he walks in, “Coffee or Tea, Finn?”

  Walking to the table and taking a seat, “Coffee is fine, thank you.” Looking at Alpha Kieran and First Beta Damian, “Breena said you needed me. How can I help you?”

  Damian spoke up, “There’s been no activity at Raven’s house. There wasn’t even a brunch this morning. The pack is quiet, too quiet. Have you seen anything or felt anything that could give us some idea of what’s going on?”

  Leaning back in his chair, Finn closes his eyes to think. Taking a deep breath through his nose and releasing it through his mouth. Slowing his breathing and fully relaxing. Looking as though he has fallen asleep, Damian leans over to tap his hand, when Breena stops him.

  Kieran and Damian both look at Breena for an explanation. Putting a finger to her lips, she grabs her phone and starts typing a message. Realizing what she was doing, both men reach for their phones and wait for the message to come through.


  Finn is putting himself in a transitional state. He is thinking that since he was able to connect with Raven before, he might be able to do it again.

  Alpha Kieran:

  How long do you expect this to take? If they have truly already left and we managed to miss them, we are wasting time and have to find them.


  It takes however long it takes, but it shouldn’t be too long. He will know soon if he can connect or not. Since he hasn’t tried since she received her powers. I don’t know, just give him some time.

  First Beta Damian:

  While we wait on Finn, I am going to have our gear double checked as well as the vehicles. I’m going to have the two teams assemble near the vehicles, just in case.

  Alpha Kieran:

  I agree with that. Send your messages and organize your teams. We’ll give Finn the time he needs. Maybe we’ll get lucky.

  Opening his eyes, Finn rotates his neck as if it’s still from sitting in one position too long. Looking at the two men at the table, “We need to leave, now. All I could get from the weak link was motion. Like she was moving in a car, type motion. They must have left some time during the night. I wouldn’t have thought they would want to get out of bed on their mating night, but it’s smart. At least, I think so.”

  Damian reached for his phone and started typing at the same time he started talking, “Finn, go clean up and get yourself and your shit to the vehicle. I just got confirmation that my team is at the vehicle. I told them we’d pull out in ten, so hussle.” Getting up from the table Damian turned to look at the Alpha, “This is my fault, and I will make it right. I apologize for my lack of judgement. I truly didn’t think she would make a move on the night of her mating, but Finn is right, it was smart thinking. I will report to you when we have made visual contact with Raven and her protectors.” Running into his room, Damian slips on his boots, grabs his other bag, and heads back for the kitchen. On the way he is stopped by Alpha Kieran and Breena.

  Holding his hand out to stop Damian, Kieran thrust Breena forward. Slipping her arms around his neck as he rested his hands on her hips she stood on her tiptoes, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. Taking a step back Breena smiles, “You come back to us. We started something, and personally I would like more.”

  Kieran stretched his hand out, when Damian clasped hands with him, “I agree with Breena, plus you’re a damn good First Beta.” Looking into Damian’s eyes, “Get her, keep them safe, and come home, you got me?”

  Tightening his grip Damian nods, “I got you. Don’t let our girl get lonely.” Smiling, Damian walks through the kitchen and out of the pack house.

  Stepping outside, Damian inhales the scent of home. He knows it could be a while before he returns and just wants that last lungful before hitting the road. Walking around the pack house to where his men were gathered next to the blue Blazer and throwing his bag in the back, he turned to look at his team, “Load up, Finn, you drive since you have some kind of connection with the girl. I want you to follow...whatever it is you use to feel her and get us heading in the right direction.” Once everyone has loaded into the Blazer, Finn heads for the main road. Pulling off pack territory, Finn heads north.

  Damian pulls his cell phone from his back pocket and decides sending texts will be quicker and less distracting for Finn.

  First Beta Damian: North, more later.

  Alpha Kieran: North, got it.

  First Beta Damian: Target left unexpectedly. Heading north. Location?

  Enforcer Callum Team #1: Holding up in Tuam. Waiting on a possible lead. When did the target slip away?

  First Beta Damian: Sometime before sunrise today. Make contact before moving when information on location of Leprechaun is given.

  Enforcer Callum Team #1: Will do

  First Beta Damian: Team #1 in Tuam, waiting for a tip, wil
l contact me when information is received.

  Alpha Kieran: Fine. Keep me posted

  Slipping his phone in the pocket of his door, Damian relays his conversation with Team #1 and Alpha Kieran. Settling in for a long drive, Damian turns the radio on low and relaxes.

  Enforcer Callum Team #1: Need to relocate to Athenry. Chieftain’s son seen there. Orders?

  First Beta Damian: Relocate to Athenry immediately. Keep an eye out for the target and company. Notify me when the son or target is located.

  Enforcer Callum Team #1: En route now. I will notify you when either target is located.

  Callum lets out a sigh, “Nikki, Damian said to get to Athenry. We’re to try to locate the Chieftain's son and our main target and company. Once we have a firm location he wants me to contact him again. I assume that if we find the son, we should grab him.”

  Turning to look at Callum, “Callum, why can’t we just snatch the son and force him to take us to his dad. We can wait for Raven and company there.”

  Sighing with indignation and frustration, “Nikki, we can’t just do what we think should be done...we have to follow orders. Besides the fact, I doubt we know all the facts. There is likely a damn good reason we aren’t doing things that way. Now drive, it won’t take long to get there. Not so shockingly, he’s at a bar. Once we get there, I want everyone other than Darren and Craig in the forest that's behind the bar.” Pointing at the two men, “I want you two to go into the bar and quietly force the Leprechaun Chieftain’s son out the back door. Then we can grab him. Once we have him secured, I’ll contact First Beta Damian.”

  Darren and Craig look at each other and then at Callum. Darren clears his throat, “And how exactly are we supposed to accomplish forcing a Leprechaun anywhere he doesn’t want to go?”

  Craig smiles wickedly, “I have an idea. How about we lure him to where we want him to go. We could use Nikki. Sleeping with the enemy shouldn’t be anything new to her. Except this time she’s merely luring him outside.”

  Turning red with anger, Nikki looks at Craig through the rearview mirror, “Your mouth is moving, but all I hear is ‘blah blah blah’. You’re just pissed that the only thing that gets your cock wet is the water in the shower.”

  At this the car explodes with laughter, Callum reaches back and slaps Craig on the leg. “Man, that was some funny shit.” Taking a deep breath to pull himself together, “Alright, in all seriousness, Craig isn’t wrong with the luring idea. It will look natural. Nikki, if you are willing to go in alone and lure him out back, we can all be waiting. I think it will make things go a bit smoother.”

  “Oh, I can get him outside,” Nikki smiles wickedly, “but you guys better be there when I get him there.”

  “We'll be there. We need this guy. I don’t know about you guys, but I’d rather be home than out here on the road chasing a little girl around. So, let’s get this done. We shouldn’t be that far away.”

  Looking Nikki over head to toe while she’s driving, “Nikki, I know you weren’t expecting this, but do you have something a bit more...umm, sexy to put on? I mean, you look good, but you look like a hit woman right now.”

  Glancing in the rearview mirror daring Craig to say something, “Yeah, I actually brought a sexy outfit. That seer, Finn, said I might need one. So, I made sure I packed something that would work. It’ll take me five minutes to change and put some make-up on. I would do a glamour, but he’d see right through it, so no point. I’ll park on the back side of the woods and get ready. We can all walk through the woods together and when we get close to the club, separate.”

  Sitting forward, Darren leans his phone out so Nikki can see the map. “It says you should turn right at the next light. If we were to go straight we’d be passing right in front of the bar, and I don’t think we all should be seen together. Now, you need to take the next left. There should be a car park there you can pull in.”

  Once Nikki parks the Blazer, all the men hop out. Pulling out her bag, Nikki opens it and gets her outfit out. Not caring if the men she’s with watch, she slips off her black combat boots and black leggings and pulls on a tight, very short black mini skirt. Slipping off her shirt and bra, Nikki puts on a backless silver sequined halter top. To finish off the outfit, she steps into a silver pair of stilettos. Making her almost six feet tall. She quickly shakes out her hair, the caramel-colored with blonde highlights falling naturally around her shoulders. Once she realizes the guys haven’t been watching, “Alright, guys, is this good enough to lure him out back?”

  At once the men turn around. Once they see Nikki, they all take a rather harsh breath. Collectively they tell her how stunning she is and that she’ll have no problem getting whatever she wants once she enters the bar. Thanking the guys, Nikki plasters her party face on, knowing she has a part to play.

  “Alright, make sure you guys stay out of sight. Remember to give me some time. If I seem too eager, he may get suspicious. I have to play it cool. So just get in position and be patient.” Receiving nods of agreement, Nikki takes off walking around the car park towards the bar. Deciding walking through the woods in heels was just asking for a broken ankle.

  Walking up to the bar door, Nikki readies herself. I am sexy. I can and will do this. I will show those men that a woman can and will do everything they can and somethings they can’t. Yeah, I got this. Opening the bar door and walking inside, let the show begin.

  Walking into the bar, she doesn’t look around but can easily see it is crowded. Her eyes are on the bar. Once she finds a good spot, she flags down the bartender, “Bailey’s please.”

  Feeling a body against her back, Nikki slowly turns her head, bingo. Turning on the bar stool to get a good look at their target, one word comes to mind, hot with a capital H.

  Standing in front of her is at least a 6’6 God of man, with his disheveled black-cherry hair and mesmerizing light green eyes. This man was a walking, talking wet dream.

  “Darling, let me put that on my tab and anything else you might be wanting,” looking Nikki over with lust-filled eyes.

  Extending her hand to introduce herself, “I’m Nikki, and you are?”

  Slipping his hand under hers, following it with a chaste kiss on the back of her hand, “Killian. I know you’ve never been here before because there is no way I could forget you. Where are you from and why come here?”

  Tilting her head, “I wasn’t aware I’d have to answer a bunch of typical, boring questions to enjoy a drink and maybe some no-strings-attached company.”

  Smiling, Killian runs his hand up her leg till he reaches the bottom of her skirt. “Oh darlin’, you answered the only important question. I truly only wanted to know your name, so I know what name to yell out later when I cum deep in that cunt. You’ll let me pound my cock into you soon, now won’t you? No strings attached of course.” Taking her hand he uses it to rub up and down his hard cock, currently straining to get out of his pants.

  Standing up from her bar stool, Nikki steps very close, whispering, “Oh yeah, I am. Do you want to wait or should we go out back? There's a wooded area back there, pretty sure I saw a fallen tree I’d like to be bent over.”

  Clasping her hand a bit tighter, he starts walking, pulling her behind him. He heads straight for the back door. Smiling while walking behind him and thinking, this was easier than I even thought it would be. Opening the back door, Killian spins Nikki around and presses her back to the bar’s wall. Leaning in, “I am going to fuck you harder and make you cum harder than you ever have before.” Pulling back, he leads her into the woods.

  Once they reach the downed tree, Killian puts her front up against a standing tree close by. Pressing himself into her back, he leans in and nips her neck. Pushing her ass back into his cock and sliding her hips up and down, essentially stroking his cock through his jeans. As he turns her around, he notices her expression has changed. Taking a step back, he doesn’t get a chance to question her when her team members attack.

  Driving up the on ramp to
M18, Raven and her protectors begin heading north. Looking over to Raven as she focuses on the road, Conner can’t help but wonder what lies ahead for her and the rest of them. Lost in his own thoughts, he can’t help but wonder what the Leprechaun Chieftain could want with her. It couldn’t be bad, because Raven would have sensed it. Not to mention the Seers who have most likely seen it and spoke up. Why did they stop watching her after we mated? Was she aware that her hair had changed colors? The white strip is more predominant than the others, but they are still visible. Hearing his name, breaks his inner musing.

  “Conner, should we pick a place to stop for the night? We can at least plan that out. Wait…Raven, do you think or feel we will be on M18 for sometime?” Clancy looks into the rearview mirror to meet her eyes.

  Glancing into the rearview mirror and then looking back to the road, “I think M18 will lead us where we need to go, but I also feel we need to stay in Athenry tonight. I realize it’s not that far away, but it feels right.”

  Turning in the front passenger seat, Conner looks at Clancy, “Why don’t you text Aidan and tell him we have to stop in Athenry for the night, or at least till Raven tells us differently.”

  Pulling out his cell phone, “Yeah, I can do that.”

  Clancy: Raven says we have to stop in Athenry. A feeling. Not sure for how long.

  Aidan: Athenry isn’t that far. What about Tuam?

  “Raven, Aidan is asking about Tuam instead of Athenry. What do you want me to say?”


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