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The Writer's Advantage

Page 15

by Laurie Scheer


  Photo by Laura Kahl

  Laurie Scheer, Media Goddess, is a former vice president of programming for WE: Women’s Entertainment. She has worked as an assistant, d-girl, and producer for ABC, Viacom, Showtime, and AMC-Cablevision. She has also been involved in producing digital-based forms of entertainment.

  Laurie has been an instructor at numerous universities across the U.S., from UCLA to Yale. She is the author of a book about working in Hollywood entitled Creative Careers in Hollywood and her DVD How to Pitch and Sell Your Screenplay has been a perennial favorite at screenwriting events. As a professional speaker, she has appeared at annual industry conferences. She has served as a judge for numerous screenplay competitions, film festivals, and the International Emmys.

  She is part of the faculty at UW-Madison’s Continuing Studies Writing Department and the Director of their annual Writer’s Institute. In 2013 she became the Managing Editor of Midwest Prairie Review. As recognition for mentoring and upholding the social responsibility of media professionals, she is the recipient of the 2014 James T. Tiedge Memorial Award through her undergraduate alma mater, Marquette University.

  The Writer’s Advantage: A Toolkit for Mastering Your Genre continues her commitment to exploring ways to preserve good storytelling within the 21st century transmedia marketplace.




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