Take the Shot

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Take the Shot Page 8

by Danica Flynn

  I felt Matt elbow me and I looked down at the table to see he had slid his notebook over to me. I read the note.

  You got somewhere to be?

  I picked up my pen and scrawled back, Lunch plans.

  He wrote back, with the hockey boy???

  I didn’t pick up my pen to answer that one. I was pretty sure the blush blossoming across my face told him the answer he was looking for. I pushed the notebook away and was relieved when we ended a whole three minutes early. It was kind of a record. It was almost spring but winter was lingering on, so I grabbed my jacket off the back of my chair. I checked my work email on my phone on the elevator ride down, where I saw that building management had emailed me about having a guest. Old news, buddy.

  I strutted out of the elevator as soon as the doors swung open with a ding. I saw Noah was sitting in the reception area, studying one of the hipster modern art paintings that was hanging on the wall. “It’s ugly, right?” I asked.

  He looked at me with a smile. “Hey, girl,” he greeted and ugh, I think my insides melted a little bit at those two casual words. This kid was too much.

  He stood up, his whole six-foot-two frame towered over me as he straightened up. He looked nice in his black long jacket, neatly pressed baby blue button-down and the nice jeans that made his tight butt look so yummy. I’d never tell him that, because then he’d probably always wear it and that would be dangerous for me. He bent down to wrap me in a hug, lifting me a few feet off the ground. I laughed until he set me down.

  “Let’s go, I’m really in need of a cheesesteak right now,” I urged.

  He chuckled, and surprised me by sliding his big hand into mine as we walked out the door to the streets of Philadelphia. I didn’t have time to process that little move of his, because I was hungry and needed food. We must have looked pretty comical next to each other though since he was like an entire foot taller than me. I drug him through the streets, down the block to the one hole-in-the-wall pizza/sandwich shop I liked to go to on my lunch hour.

  The one that my oldest brother Frankie owned.

  I froze in front of the doorstep.

  Noah rubbed my hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “Maybe we should go somewhere else?” I suggested.

  Noah eyed the doorway of the place with indifference. “What’s wrong with this place?” he asked.

  “Nothing, it’s fine. You remember my brother Frankie?”

  Noah’s sapphire eyes lit up in recognition. “The one who talked about all his gains?”

  I shook my head with a laugh. My brother Tony was kind of a meathead, which said something when I was standing on the street talking to a professional athlete. “No, that’s Tony. Frankie’s the oldest, he’s kind of got that brooding, stoic thing going.”

  “Sleeve tattoos?” Noah asked, and I saw the wheels turning in his brain. I was one of four and came from a big loud-mouth Italian family, even Jason had a hard time remembering everyone.

  “Nope, that’s Eddie.”

  “Okay, so why are you bringing up your brothers?”

  I pointed at the sign that read Mezzanetti’s above the door. “Frankie owns this place, only reason why I come here.”

  Noah smiled then, understanding what I was getting at. “We can go someplace else if you want,” he offered.

  I sighed. “No. They do make a really good cheesesteak.”

  He laughed. “Then let’s eat here. Maybe we won’t run into your brother?”

  “If the Hockey Gods are on our side today.”

  He laughed at that.

  He held the door for me like the gentleman he was and we went inside. I sighed in relief when I didn’t see my oldest brother anywhere near the front counter. He was the owner, but that didn’t mean he was always in the shop. Thank the Hockey Gods for that. Behind the counter, a college-aged kid with floppy skater hair waited for us to order. I ordered a cheesesteak, but Noah went with the healthier option by ordering the grilled chicken wrap. Even though it was the tail-end of the season, he still stuck to a pretty strict diet.

  He held out his credit card to the cashier, but I tried to stop him. “Hey, you don’t have to pay for me!” I whined.

  The college kid laughed at me. “Lady, just let your boyfriend pay.”

  Noah smiled and put an arm around my shoulder. “She’s a feisty one.”

  The kid smirked at him while he took Noah’s card and rung up our order. “Those Italian ones always are.”

  “Thank you,” I said under my breath.

  Noah rubbed my shoulder soothingly and kissed my temple. “Of course. I did ask you to lunch, so it’s only fair I pay.”

  I didn’t argue with him, but I noticed neither of us jumped to correct the kid behind the counter that Noah wasn’t my boyfriend. He told me that he liked me and then left it all up to me and I still hadn’t given him a clear answer. Maybe this was why he wanted to meet for lunch?

  We squeezed into a booth across from each other while we waited for our food to be ready. I cracked open my bottle of water and took a sip of it nervously.

  Why was I so nervous?

  Noah eyed me. “You okay?”

  “Shit day,” I explained.

  “Hence, the cheesesteak.”

  I nodded. “You know it. How was the gym?”

  He gave me an amused look. “How did you know I hit the gym today?”

  “Best friends, remember? I kind of know your schedule.”

  He looked amused. “I’m not sure if that’s sweet or kind of creepy.”

  I grinned. “Little of both.”

  “What’s going on with work?” he asked and he seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. Maybe boring mundane jobs were interesting when your job was to always be in the spotlight?

  I shrugged. “Work is work.”

  I didn’t elaborate because our order was up and Noah jumped up to go grab it. It seemed like he was taking a long time, so I glanced over to see him talking with the guy at the counter and my oldest brother. Damnit, Hockey Gods, couldn’t you give me a win today? Frankie raised a dark eyebrow at me and I just glared as if to say, “Don’t you dare tell, Mom.” Noah was signing something for the college kid and shaking his hand. He said something to Frankie and my brother smiled at him. At least that was good? Then he walked back over to me to set down the tray with my cheesesteak. I was so hungry that I dived right in.

  Noah was laughing at me. “Damn, I forget sometimes that you vigorously enjoy food.”

  “You know that I’m one of four right? It’s eat or you don’t eat in the Mezzanetti family!” I exclaimed.

  “I forgot that Lace is your married name,” he mused. “Why did you keep it?”

  I bit my lip and took another big bite of my sandwich so I didn’t have to answer.

  “Shit,” he cursed. “Was that a rude question?”

  I shook my head and swallowed. “Nah. Just lazy. It’s a bitch to change everything back. I don’t know, if I ever get married again maybe I’ll change it, but Dinah Lace is such a better writer name than Dinah Mezzanetti.”

  His lips curled up into a smile. “The latter’s quite a mouthful.”


  Noah took a bite of one half of his wrap with a smile and I continued to eat my insanely greasy cheesesteak. This was probably a bad thing to eat on a first date, but also was this a first date? Noah and I hadn’t exactly defined what was happening between us. Getting in the sheets had been great, and he made it clear that he wanted more, but did I? I was racked with guilt over Jason just thinking about it.

  I jumped when Noah’s hand brushed across mine on top of the table. “Hey, you okay?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry, spacing.”

  “You story plotting over there?”

  “Yup!” I lied.

  His clear blue eyes bored into me, and I could tell that he knew I was lying. We had been friends for too long and knew each other too well to not recognize it in each other. But Noah being the kind-hearted s
oul he was, didn’t call me out on it.

  “Hey, so what are you doing tomorrow?” he asked, changing the subject.

  I searched my brain for my plans. It was a weekday, so I had to work, but after that my only plans were to drown myself in editing my book. I frowned. “Working on my book. Why?”

  He shook his head. “Oh, never mind.”

  “Noah, what?”

  He ran his hands through his hair, and I was reminded by how it felt to run my own hands through his silky tresses while his big hands had roamed all over my body. Did somebody turn up the heat in here? Because I felt a little flushed just thinking about what I had done with Noah Kennedy. And how much I really wanted to do it again.

  “I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to our game tomorrow night. We’re on a road trip again right afterwards,” he explained, but he was looking down at his plate, like he was shy about asking me. My heart melted at the sight of this hulking man being so shy around me.

  “Sorry, I want to come, but I also really need to stick to my writing schedule,” I explained.

  He waved me off. “No, I totally understand that. I was being honest when I told you that I never wanted to keep you from that. I know how important that is for you.”

  If I could be more of a deliriously happy person to hear him say that, I would be a puddle of joy underneath his feet. “I’ll watch from home, though.”

  He smiled big at me. “I know you will. Glad I got to see you today at least.” He glanced at his watch. “How much time do you normally have for lunch?”

  I checked my phone and frowned. “Crap, not much. I better get going. I need a box for this.”

  “I’ll get it!” he offered and before I could protest he was jumping up to the counter to ask for one for me. I glanced over to see my brother grinning over at me, and that’s when my phone buzzed and all the family group texts started coming in. Oh, fuck you, Frankie.

  FRANKIE: Dee-Dee’s on a lunch date in my restaurant!

  MOM: D’s dating again? Who’s the guy? Why don’t you ever answer your phone??

  EDDIE: It could be a woman, you never know!

  TONY: Who is it, do we have to rough him up?

  FRANKIE: Noah Freaking Kennedy!

  DAD: The hockey player??

  MOM: Oh Noah! He’s such a nice young man.

  FRANKIE: Bit young for her.

  EDDIE: Get it, sis!

  DAD: He better bring us the cup.

  ME: I hate all of you.

  I gritted my teeth, so by the time Noah came back to the table he was concerned by how angry I looked. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked.

  I shook my head and shoved my phone back into my purse. I boxed up my sandwich and stood up. Noah took it from me and helped me back into my jacket. I gave my brother the finger behind Noah’s back as we walked out. Noah slid his hand into mine once we were back on the street and walking back to my office building. I totally didn’t hate it, I actually really loved the feeling of his hand in mine. My chest felt so warm, and I knew it wasn’t just from the hot cheesesteak I had for lunch.

  “Are your brothers going to hate me now?” he joked.

  I scoffed. “They better fuck right off.”

  Noah’s big shoulders shook with laughter. “Sorry if I caused any unnecessary family drama.”

  I laughed. “You’ve met my family, there’s always some sort of drama, but Frankie did text everyone that I was on a date, which was awesome!”

  He slowed his pace as we stood outside of my office building. “Was it a date?” he asked.

  I looked up at him. “Didn’t you want it to be?”

  His hand brushed across my cheek softly, like light kisses on my skin. “Very much so, but you’re the boss lady.”

  I felt my heart in my throat. I very much liked the sound of that. “Yes,” I whispered and sighed in relief when he dipped his head down to mine and kissed me goodbye.



  Today was game day, so that meant we needed to prepare. I needed to get to the arena, do my rituals, and have my pre-game meal, before getting back out there on the ice. Dinah once made fun of me because my pre-game meal was a ham and cheese sandwich. One time the media asked me why I was playing better, which I thought was such a dumb fucking question, so I sarcastically said I ate two ham and cheese sandwiches, instead of the one. Fans ate that shit up though, so I couldn’t be bothered by it.

  I was bummed Dinah couldn’t come to the game tonight, but I got to see her yesterday and kiss her goodbye after our lunch date. Her brother Frankie had only razzed me a little bit, and just said to not hurt her, which I never dreamed of doing.

  “What did your sandwich ever do to you?” Riley asked me.

  “Huh?” I asked, pulling myself out of my thoughts. I was staring intently at the sandwich in my hands. “Nothing, just thinking.”

  He shared a look with TJ. “You all right, man?”

  I nodded and rubbed my hand over my growing stubble. I usually liked to be clean shaven, but I knew Dinah thought beards were hot, so I was trying to see if I could do it. It was a little too scratchy for me right now.

  “I’m fine,” I insisted.

  “Get your head in the game!” TJ exclaimed.

  I gave him the finger. “I’m good.”

  “You sure, man?” TJ asked with a raised eyebrow. “You ask D to come tonight?”

  “She can’t. It’s fine.”

  “Ooohhhh,” they both said in unison and shared a knowing look.

  “Shut up, it’s fine,” I argued.

  “Man, I’ve never seen a chick twist you up like this,” Riley commented with a shake of his blonde head.

  I really didn’t want to be talking to them about Dinah. She definitely did not have me twisted up in anything. She had texted me earlier and said she felt bad, but it wasn’t a big deal. It wasn’t! I really respected that she worked just as hard as I did, and in two jobs. I only ever wanted to support her passion, not steal her time away from it.

  I had to stop thinking about it because the guys were right, I needed to get my head on straight. We were a couple points out of the wildcard spot for the playoffs, and we needed to focus on the game. The subject changed to our special teams and what we needed to do if we honestly thought we had a shot at the playoffs. This was my third season with this team, and I had been enjoying playing in this city, but now I really wanted to buckle down and bring some pride to Philadelphia. They were desperate for The Cup, and I wanted to be on the team that brought it to them. I just wasn’t sure if this year was our year to do it.

  “You gonna do your pre-game nap?” TJ asked after we cleaned up after the pre-game meal at the arena.

  I nodded. “Always. We carpooling together?”

  “Tradition man!”

  I shook my head with a laugh and we headed home together. TJ and I went our separate ways when we got home, and I stripped down to my boxers before sliding into my bed. I checked my phone to set my alarm and saw a text from Dinah.

  DINAH: Good luck with your game today, I know you’re probably taking your pre-game nap, so I don’t know when you’ll see this.

  ME: Just sliding into bed actually, you caught me.

  DINAH: Sorry!

  ME: Don’t be. Good luck with writing tonight. Bummed you can’t make it tonight, but I understand.

  DINAH: Maybe I can come to the next one?

  ME: You know you can.

  I fell asleep with a smile on my face and ready to take on Carolina.

  BY THE TIME I WAS WALKING down the tunnel with the rest of my team, I had my game face on and I was ready to take on whatever the Carolina Thrashers had to throw at us. I was on the starting line-up tonight, so it was nice to skate out onto center ice with my teammates. I fist-bumped the little flag-bearer who was standing next to me for the National Anthem, and then I was ready for this game.

  Girard took the face-off and he won, taking the puck up past the blue line and passing it back to me. I pa
ssed it back and he took the shot, but it went off the post. I scrambled for the rebound and passed to TJ, who whacked it in. TJ and I threw our hands up in celebration and we hugged it out.

  Tonight I was feeling good, and it must have been spreading, because we ended up winning the game, 2-1. Metzy was hot in goal tonight, and everyone was hungry to win. I wished we could keep it going, but I had been studying stats with Riley lately and it wasn’t looking good.

  The team walked into the dressing room with smiles on their faces. I had to do a post-game interview about the assist, probably because TJ had hopped in the shower and they were tired of waiting around for him. Things felt really good, like we could make up for a shitty first half of the season and could turn this ship around. I was working hard at this, and I wanted to bring that glory back to this city. Our young goalie Seamus Metz, who was like twenty going on forty, kept telling us we had to take this one game at a time. I think he was right.

  We were on the road for a game tomorrow night in Newark, but at least that meant I could sleep in my own bed tonight. I drove TJ and I back to our place and pretty much crashed as soon as I got into bed. I checked my phone for the first time since getting to the arena and saw Dinah had texted a few times since our conversation earlier today.

  DINAH: Sorry, I couldn’t be there tonight.

  DINAH: These edits are killing me, I think I need to rewrite this whole thing.

  DINAH: YAY! I saw your assist. GET IT!

  I smiled to myself, and looked up when TJ stepped into my doorway. “You have the dumbest grin on your face right now.”

  I shook my head. “That’s just my face!”

  He pointed at my phone. “That who I think it is?”

  I nodded.

  He shook his head. “I know I warned you about falling in love with her, but you already are, aren’t you?”

  I ignored him and started typing out a response to Dinah. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Bro, you’re hopeless!” He shook his head and walked away. I got up and shut my bedroom door. It was late, so I felt bad about texting her back, but I figured she wouldn’t see until the morning.


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