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The Bhagavata Purana 2

Page 40

by Bibek Debroy

  Chapter 9(11)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘The illustrious one’s atman was full of all the gods. Under the guidance of a preceptor, Rama undertook sacrifices with excellent objects to worship the gods, but really worshipped himself. The lord gave the eastern direction to the hotri, the southern direction to the brahmana, the western direction to the adhvaryu and the northern direction to the one who chanted the Sama hymns. 1198 He gave the preceptor 1199 what was left, the land at the centre. He thought that detached brahmanas should deserve all of this. He was only left with his own ornaments and garments. In that way, the queen, Vaidehi was also only left with her auspicious objects. 1200 On witnessing his affection towards brahmanas and gods, their hearts melted. They 1201 were pleased and returned all this. Praising him, they said, “O illustrious one! O lord of the universe! There is nothing that you have not given to us. You have entered the inner cores of our hearts and have used your radiance to destroy the darkness there. You have accepted the brahmanas as divinities. We bow down to you. We bow to Rama, who is unlimited in his intelligence. You are foremost among those who are praised with excellent shlokas. Your feet are worshipped by those who are beyond the rod of chastisement.” 1202 On one occasion, he wished to know about the people. Rama wandered around in the night, disguised and undetected. He heard words being spoken by someone to his wife. “You are wicked and unchaste. You have gone to someone else’s house. I will not accept you. A person like Rama, under the subjugation of a woman, can accept Sita. However, I will no longer love you.” Thus, people who do not know speak a lot and are impossible to control. However, scared of this, he cast his wife away and she went to the hermitage of Prachetas. 1203 She was pregnant and after some time, gave birth to twin sons. They were known as Kusha and Lava and the sage performed all their rites. O dear one! O lord of the earth! Lakshmana had two sons known as Chitraketu. 1204 Bharata’s sons were Taksha and Pushkala. Shatrughna’s sons were Subahu and Shrutasena. When he conquered the directions, Bharata slew crores of gandharvas. He brought all their riches and gave them to the king. Shatrughna killed the rakshasa named Lavana, who was Madhu’s son. In Madhu’s forest, he constructed a city named Mathura. Banished by her husband, Sita handed over her two sons to the sage. Meditating on Rama’s feet, she entered the earth. Hearing this, the illustrious Rama used his intelligence to control his grief. However, remembering her qualities, the lord was unable to check himself. Thus, everywhere, the attachment between a man and a woman brings fear even to those who are lords. What need be said about ordinary people whose minds are on the life of a householder? When she departed, the lord observed the vow of a brahmachari. He continuously performed an agnihotra sacrifice for thirteen thousand years. Then Rama used his own resplendence to go to the atman. As a memory for hearts, he left behind his own delicate feet, pierced by the thorns of Dandaka.

  ‘Raghupati’s 1205 fame is not just that he accomplished the desire of the gods. With his bow and arrows he slew rakshasas and built a bridge over the ocean. He did not really need the help of the apes to slay the enemy. The lord’s pastimes are such that there is no one who is his equal or his superior. His fame is without blemish and even now, is chanted by rishis in assemblies of kings. It destroys all sins and is like a decorated garment that covers the elephants in charge of the directions. The diadems of the guardians of the vault of heaven and the guardians of riches on earth bow down at his lotus feet. I seek refuge with Raghupati. The residents of Kosala who were touched or seen by him, those who were associated with him or followed him, went to the destination where yogis go. O king! If a man hears about Rama’s conduct, nurtures this and is non-violent towards others, he is freed from the bondage of action.’

  The king asked, ‘O illustrious one! How did Rama conduct himself? How did he behave towards his brothers and followers? How did the subjects and citizens behave towards their lord?’

  Shri-Shuka replied, ‘The lord of the three worlds instructed his brothers to embark on a conquest. With his followers, he himself tended to his people and the city. The roads were sprinkled with fragrant water, mixed with the musth of elephants. On seeing that their lord had returned, the people seemed to be extremely intoxicated. Mansions, turrets, assembly halls, chaityas 1206 and temples of the gods were ornamented with flags, and golden pots were placed there. The arches were decorated with betel nut trees, plantain trees with bunches of flowers, flags, excellent pieces of cloth, mirrors, canopies, garlands and auspicious marks. The citizens approached him with objects of worship in their hands. They pronounced their benedictions and said, “O god! As on earlier occasions, you have come down to save us.” Their lord had been away for a long time. On witnessing this, the subjects, men and women, emerged from their houses, so as to see the lotus-eyed one. They ascended the tops of mansions, but their eyes were not satisfied. They showered down flowers. He entered his own house, occupied by kings who had come before him. It possessed an infinite amount of all kinds of treasures and was prosperous and lofty, with all kinds of extremely expensive objects. The thresholds and doors were made out of coral. The rows of pillars were encrusted with lapis lazuli. The floors were covered with emeralds and the walls were radiant with sparkling crystals. There were colourful garlands, flags, garments, clusters of gems and canopies. Pearls enhanced the delight of the mind and there were beautiful objects to satisfy desire. It was decorated with fragrant incense and lamps and ornamented with bunches of flowers. It was populated by garmented and ornamented men and women who were like the gods. The illustrious Rama resided there, along with his pleasant beloved. With Sita, the foremost among intelligent ones sported and found pleasure for himself. He satisfied kama for some time, but without causing any offence to dharma. The one whose delicate feet are meditated on by men spent many years in this way.’

  Chapter 9(12)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘Kusha’s son was Atithi, Atithi’s son was Nishadha and Nishadha’s son was Nabha. Nabha’s son was Pundarika and Pundarika’s son was Kshemadhanva. Kshemadhanva’s son was Devanika, Devanika’s son was Aniha and Aniha’s son was Pariyatra. Pariyatra’s son was Balasthala. Balasthala’s son was Vajranabha, who was born through the sun god. Vajranabha’s son was Svagana and Svagana’s son was Vidhriti. Vidhriti had a son named Hiranyanabha, who was Jaimini’s disciple and was a preceptor of yoga. By becoming his disciple, the rishi Yajnavalkya learnt adhyatma yoga and became accomplished in it. This yoga leads to great upliftment and severs the bonds of the heart. Hiranyanabha’s son was Pushya and Dhruvasandhi was born from him. Dhruvasandhi’s son was Agnivarna, Agnivarna’s son was Shighra and Shighra’s son was Maru. Maru obtained success in yoga and still lives in Kalapagrama. 1207 When kali yuga is over, he will again revive the solar dynasty, which has been destroyed. Maru’s son was Prasushruta, Prasushruta’s son was Sandhi and Sandhi’s son was Amarshana. Amarshana had a son named Mahasvan and Vishvabahu was born as his son. Vishvabahu’s son was Prasenjit and Prasenjit’s son was Takshaka. Takshaka’s son was Brihadbala, whom your father killed in the battle. 1208 These are the kings of the Ikshvaku lineage who have come in the past. Now hear about those in the future. Brihadbala will have a son named Brihadrana. 1209 Brihadrana’s son will be Urukriya and his son will be Vatsavriddha. His son will be Prativyoma. Prativyoma’s son will be Bhanu. Bhanu’s son will be Divaka, the commander of an army. Divaka’s son will be the brave Sahadeva, Sahadeva’s son will be Brihadashva and Brihadashva’s son will be Bhanuman. Bhanuman’s son will be Pratikashva and Pratikashva’s son will be Supratika. Supratika’s son will be Marudeva, Marudeva’s son will be Sunakshatra and Sunakshatra’s son will be Pushkara. Pushkara’s son will be Antariksha, Antariksha’s son will be Sutapa and Sutapa’s son will be Amitrajit. Amitrajit’s son will be Brihadraja, Brihadraja’s son will be Barhi, Barhi’s son will be Kritanjaya, Kritanjaya’s son will be Rananjaya and Rananjaya’s son will be Sanjaya. Sanjaya’s son will be Shakya, Shakya’s son will be Shuddhoda and Shuddhoda’s son will be known as Langala. Langala’s son will be P
rasenjit and Kshudraka will be born as his son. Kshudraka’s son will be Ranaka and Ranaka’s son will be Suratha. Suratha’s son will be named Sumitra and he will be the last one in Brihadbala’s lineage. The lineage of the Ikshvaku’s will end with Sumitra. When he becomes the king, the lineage will end in kali yuga.’

  Chapter 9(13)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘When he started a sacrifice, Nimi, Ikshvaku’s son, invited Vasishtha to be the officiating priest. But he said, “Shakra has already asked me. 1210 I will return when I have completed that. Till then, wait.” The lord of the house 1211 was silent and he started to perform Indra’s sacrifice. Nimi was in control of his atman and knew that everything was transitory. 1212 Therefore, when his preceptor did not return for a long time, he started the sacrifice with other officiating priests. After completion, his preceptor returned and saw that the disciple had transgressed him. He cursed him. “Nimi prides himself on being learned. May his body fall down.” Since his preceptor had not followed the path of dharma, Nimi cursed him back. “You do not know about dharma and are driven by greed. Therefore, let your body also fall down.” Nimi knew about adhyatma. Saying this, he gave up his own body. My great-grandfather was born through Mitra-Varuna and Urvashi. 1213 The best of sages preserved his 1214 body in various fragrances. When the sacrifice was over, they told the assembled gods, “If you possess the powers and if you are pleased, let the king’s body come back to life.” They agreed. But Nimi said, “Do not do this and inflict the bondage of the body on me. One is afflicted by the fear of being separated from it. Therefore, sages do not wish to be united with the body. Instead, they use their intelligence to worship Hari’s lotus feet. I do not wish to accept the body. It brings unhappiness, grief and fear. It is surrounded by death from all sides, just as fish are surrounded by water.” The gods replied, “You are based in adhyatma. As you desire, reside in the eyes of embodied creatures, when they open and close them.” 1215 The maharshis thought that without a king, humans would suffer from fear. They churned Nimi’s body and a son was born.

  ‘Because he was born in this way, he was known as Janaka. Because he was born from one without a body, he was known as Vaideha. Because he was born through a process of churning, he was known as Mithila. 1216 He constructed Mithila. His son was Udavasu and Udavasu’s son was Nandivardhana. O great king! Nandivardhana’s son was Suketu and Suketu’s son was Devarata. Devarata’s son was Brihadratha, Brihadratha’s son was Mahavirya, the father of Sudhriti. Sudhriti’s son was Dhrishtaketu, Dhrishtaketu’s son was Haryashva and Haryashva’s son was Maru. Maru’s son was Pratipaka and Pratipaka’s son was Kritaratha. Kritaratha’s son was Devamidha, Devamidha’s son was Vishruta and Vishruta’s son was Mahadhriti. Svarnaroma’s son was Hrasvaroma. Hrasvaroma’s son was Shiradhvaja. For the sake of a sacrifice, he ploughed the earth. Sita was born from the tip of the plough and thus he is remembered as Shiradhvaja. 1217 Shiradhvaja’s son was Kushadhvaja and his son was King Dharmadhvaja. Dharmadhvaja had two sons—Kritadhvaja and Mitadhvaja. Kritadhvaja’s son was Keshidhvaja, while Mitadhvaja’s son was Khandikya. O king! Kritadhvaja’s son was accomplished in knowledge about the atman. Khandikya knew the truth about performing karma. However, terrified of Keshidhvaja, he ran away. Keshidhvaja’s son was Bhanuman and Bhanuman’s son was Sudyumna. Sudyumna’s son was Shuchi, Shuchi’s son was Sanadvaja, Sanadvaja’s son was Urdhvaketu, Urdhvaketu’s son was Aja and Aja’s son was Purujit. Purujit’s son was Arishtanemi, Arishtanemi’s son was Shrutayu, Shrutya’s son was Suparshvaka, Suparshvaka’s son was Chitraratha and Chitraratha’s son was Kshemadhi, the lord of Mithila. His son was Samaratha and Samaratha’s son was Satyaratha. Satyaratha’s son was Upaguru and his son was Upagupta, born as a portion of Agni. His son was Vasvananta, Vasvananta’s son was Yuyudha, Yuyudha’s son was Subhashana, Subhashana’s son was Shruta, Shruta’s son was Jaya, Jaya’s son was Vijaya and Vijaya’s son was Rita. Rita’s son was Shunaka, Shunaka’s son was Vitahavya, Vitahavya’s son was Dhriti, Dhriti’s son was Bahulashva and Bahulashva’s son was Kriti, who was extremely controlled. O king! These ones from Mithila were accomplished in knowledge about the atman. Though they were householders, through the favours of the lord of yoga, they were free from all kinds of opposite sentiments.’

  Chapter 9(14)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘O king! After this, hear about Soma’s sacred lineage. There were Aila 1218 and other kings, famous for their sacred deeds. Purusha possesses one thousand heads and from the lotus in his navel, the creator 1219 was born. He had a son named Atri, who was like his father in qualities. From his eyes, 1220 Soma was born as a son and he was full of amrita. Brahma thought of him as the lord of brahmanas, herbs and the stellar bodies. He conquered the three worlds and performed a royal sacrifice. Because of his insolence, he forcibly abducted Brihaspati’s wife, Tara. The preceptor of the gods entreated him. However, because of his arrogance, he paid no heed to this. When he did not give her up, on her account, there was a battle between the gods and the danavas. Because of his enmity, Shukra took the side of the asuras and the lord of the stars. Out of his affection, surrounded by all the large number of bhutas, Hara took the side of his preceptor’s son. 1221 With all the large number of gods, the great Indra followed his preceptor. The gods and the asuras were slaughtered in the course of the tarakamaya battle. 1222 When Angiras informed him about this, the creator of the universe reprimanded Soma. The lord made him restore Tara to her own husband, but she was already pregnant. He 1223 said, “O evil-minded one! Quickly abort this foetus. Your kshetra has been impregnated by someone other than me. Since you are a woman, I cannot reduce you to ashes. You wanted a son, but have been unchaste.” Ashamed, Tara delivered, and a son with a golden complexion was born. The son of Angiras and Soma both desired this son. They fought over him and said, “He belongs to me and not to you.” The rishis and gods asked her, 1224 but ashamed, she did not reply. Enraged at his mother’s false sense of shame, the son told her, “O one who is wicked in conduct! Why don’t you speak? Quickly tell me what you are not saying.” Brahma summoned her in private. Comforting her, he inquired. Softly, she said, “He is Soma’s.” Thereafter, Soma accepted him. O king! The one who created himself gave him the name of Budha. 1225 Seeing that his son was full of deep wisdom, the lord of the stars was delighted. As has already been stated, 1226 Pururava was born through him and Ila.

  ‘In Indra’s residence, the rishi 1227 chanted about his beauty, qualities, generosity, good conduct and valour. Hearing this, the celestial Urvashi was afflicted by the arrows of love and approached him. Because of the curse of Mitra and Varuna, she had come to the world of men. She heard about the best of men, who was like Kandarpa 1228 in his beauty. Resorting to her patience, the maiden approached him in private. On seeing her, the king’s eyes dilated in joy and his body hair stood up. He spoke in gentle words to the celestial lady. The king said, “O one with the beautiful hips! Welcome. Please be seated. What can I do for you? Enjoy yourself with me. May our love last for an eternal number of years.” Urvashi replied, “O handsome one! Whose mind and sight will not be attracted towards you? Engulfed by your limbs, it is not possible to give up sexual desire. O king! O one who confers honours! I am entrusting these two lambs with you. I will find pleasure with you. It has been said that a praiseworthy man is the right husband for a woman. O valiant one! However, I will only eat ghee. Except at the time of sexual intercourse, I will not see you naked.” The great-minded one agreed that it would be this way. “Your beauty and sentiments are wonderful. You enchant the world of men. Which man will not serve a celestial beauty who has arrived of her own accord?” With her, as is appropriate, the best among men sported himself. As they desired, they pleasured themselves in the pleasure grounds of the gods, Chaitraratha and other places. She was as fragrant as the filament of a lotus and he enjoyed himself with the celestial one. His excitement was enhanced by the fragrance of her mouth and he enjoyed himself for many days. Unable to see Urvashi, Indra urged the gandharvas. “Without U
rvashi, my residence is no longer as beautiful as it used to be.” They approached in the middle of the night, when it was dark. They stole Urvashi’s two lambs, entrusted to the king by his wife. The celestial lady regarded them as sons born from her own womb and she heard them crying. “Alas! I have been ruined by this wicked protector. Though he prides himself on being brave, he is a eunuch. Since I trusted him, they have been destroyed and are being slain by bandits. He seems to be a man during the day. But at night, he is terrified and sleeps like a woman.” These words were like arrows and piercing. He seized his sword in the night and though he was naked, advanced angrily. They released the two lambs, but blazed like lightning. She was happy that having grabbed the lambs, her husband was returning, but he was naked. Aila could no longer see his wife on the bed and was distressed. His mind was disturbed. Grieving, he roamed around the earth, like a person who was mad.


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