The Bhagavata Purana 2

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The Bhagavata Purana 2 Page 43

by Bibek Debroy

Shri-Shuka said, ‘Vitatha 1312 had a son named Manu. Manu’s sons were Brihatkshatra, Jaya, Mahavirya, Garga and Nara. Nara’s son was Samkriti. O descendant of the Pandu lineage! Samkriti’s sons were Guru and Rantideva. Rantideva’s greatness is chanted about, in this world and in the next. He gave away whatever riches came to him by chance. Without anything, the hungry one suffered, along with his family. Forty-eight days passed without his being able to drink water. In the morning, ghee, payasam, samyava 1313 and water presented itself before him by chance. With his family, he was hungry and thirsty, afflicted and trembling. They were about to eat. But at that time, an atithi brahmana arrived. He saw Hari everywhere. Therefore, full of devotion and respect, he gave him a share of the food. Having eaten, the brahmana left. O lord of the earth! When they were about to eat what was left and had been shared out, a vrishala arrived. Remembering Hari, he gave him a share too. After the shudra had left, another atithi arrived, surrounded by dogs. He said, “O king! Give me and my companions some food. We are hungry.” The lord received him with a great deal of respect and honour and gave him whatever was left, bowing down to the dogs and the master of the dogs. Only the water was left and just enough to satisfy one person. When they were about to drink, a pulkasa arrived and said, “Though I am inauspicious, give it to me.” He heard the pitiful words of the one who was extremely exhausted. Filled with compassion and greatly tormented, he addressed him in words that were like amrita. “I do not desire a supreme status from the lord, the eight kinds of powers, 1314 or freedom from rebirth. Let me remain inside all embodied beings and undergo their sufferings, so that they become free of miseries. He 1315 is suffering from hunger, thirst and exhaustion. My body is trembling. I am miserable and distressed. I am suffering from grief, unhappiness and confusion. He wants to remain alive. By giving him water and saving his life, all my sorrows will vanish.” The king was naturally patient and kind. Though he was about to die because he was thirsty, he said this and gave the water to the pulkasa. The lords of the three worlds can bestow all the fruits on those who desire these fruits. Fashioned by Vishnu’s maya, they had manifested themselves before him in those forms 1316 and now presented themselves. Without any desire and free of attachment, he bowed down before them. Filled with devotion, his mind was on the supreme and illustrious Vasudeva. His mind’s support was the lord and he desired nothing else. O king! Like a dream, maya, consisting of the gunas, vanished before him. Those who followed Rantideva acquired similar sentiments because of their association. All these yogis became devoted to Narayana.

  ‘Garga’s son was Shini and Shini’s son was Gargya. Thus, the lineage of a brahmana originated from that of a kshatriya. Mahavirya’s son was Duritakshya and his sons were Trayyaruni, Kavi and Pushkararuni. They obtained the status of brahmanas. Brihadkshatra’s son was Hasti, who built Hastinapura. Hasti’s sons were Ajamidha, Dvimidha and Purumidha. Ajamidha’s descendants were Priyamedha and other brahmanas. Ajamidha had another son, Brihadishu and his son was Brihaddhanu. Brihaddhanu’s son was Brihatkaya and his son was Jayadratha. Jayadratha’s son was Vishada and Vishada’s son was Senajit. Senajit’s sons were Ruchirashva, Dridhahanu, Kashya and Vatsa. Ruchirashva’s son was Para and Para’s son was Prithusena. Para had a son named Nipa and Nipa had one hundred sons. Through Kritvi, Shuka’s daughter, Nipa had Brahmadatta as a son. Through his wife, Gau, this yogi had a son named Vishvaksena. Through the advice of Jaigishavya, Vishvaksena composed a treatise on yoga. Vishvaksena’s son was Udakshvana and Udakshvana’s son was Bhallada. These are known as Brihadishu’s descendants. Dvimidha’s son was Yavinara and Yavinara’s son was known as Kritiman. Kritiman’s son was named Satyadhriti, Satyadhriti’s son was Dridhanemi and Dridhanemi’s son was Suparshva. Suparshva’s son was Sumati and Sumati’s son was Sannati. Sannati’s son was Kriti. Having used yoga to obtain them from Hiranyanabha, he composed six earlier Samhitas of the Sama Veda. Kriti’s son was Nipa and Nipa’s son was Ugrayudha. Ugrayudha’s son was Kshemya, Kshemya’s son was Suvira and Suvia’s son was Ripunjaya. Ripunjaya’s son was known as Bahuratha. Purumidha did not have any sons. Through his wife Nalini, Ajamidha had Nila as a son and Nila’s son was Shanti. Shanti’s son was Sushanti, Sushanti’s son was Puruja and Puruja’s son was Arka. Arka’s son was Bharmyashva. Beginning with Mudgala, Bharmyashva had five sons. The others were Yavinara, Brihadishu, Kampilya and Sanjaya. Bharmyashva said, “O sons! These five can protect my kingdom. They were thus known as Panchalas. 1317 From Mudgala evolved the gotra of brahmanas known as Moudgalya. Bharmyashva’s son, Mudgala, had twins as offspring. The male was Divodasa and the daughter was Ahalya. Through Goutama, she had Shatananda as a son. Shatananda’s son was Satyadhriti and he was accomplished in dhanurveda. His son was Sharadvan. When he saw Urvashi, he released his semen on a clump of reeds and an auspicious couple was produced from this. When Shantanu went on a hunt, he was overcome by compassion at seeing them and accepted them. The boy was Kripa and the daughter was Kripi, Drona’s wife.’

  Chapter 9(22)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘O king! Divodasa’s son was Mitrayu and Mitrayu’s sons were Chyavana, Sudasa, Sahadeva and Somaka. Somaka had one hundred sons. Jantu was the oldest and Prishata was the youngest son. Prishata’s son was Drupada, who possessed every kind of prosperity. Drupada’s daughter was Droupadi and Dhrishtadyumna and others were his sons. Dhrishtadyumna’s son was Dhrishtaketu. These descendants of Bharmyashva are known as Panchalakas. 1318

  ‘Ajamidha had another son, Riksha, and Riksha’s son was Samvarana. Through Tapati, Surya’s daughter, Samvarana’s son was Kuru, the lord of Kurukshetra. Kuru’s sons were Parikshit, Sudhanu, Jahnu and Nishadashva. Sudhanu’s son was Suhotra, Suhotra’s son was Chyavana and Chyavana’s son was Kriti, Uparichara Vasu’s father. The foremost among Uparichara Vasu’s sons was Brihadratha. Of the others, Kushamba, Matsya, Pratyagra and Chedipa were the rulers of Chedi. Brihadratha’s son was Kushagra and Kushagra’s son was Rishabha. Rishabha’s son was Satyahita, Satyahita’s son was Pushpavan and Pushpavan’s son was Jahu. Through another wife, Brihadratha had a son who was born in two parts. When his mother threw him away, Jara playfully joined the two parts and said, “Live! Live!” The son named Jarasandha resulted. 1319 Jarasandha’s son was Sahadeva, Sahadeva’s son was Somapi and Somapi’s son was Shrutashrava. Shrutashrava’s son, Parikshit, had no offspring. Jahnu’s son was Suratha. Suratha’s son was Viduratha and Viduratha’s son was Sarvabhouma. Sarvabhouma’s son was Jayasena, Jayasena’s son was Radhika and Radhika’s son was Ayuta. Ayuta’s son was Krodhana, Krodhana’s son was Devatithi, Devatithi’s son was Rishya, Rishya’s son was Dilipa and Dilipa’s son was Pratipa. Pratipa’s sons were Devapi, Shantanu and Bahlika. Abandoning his father’s kingdom, Devapi went to the forest. Shantanu, who had formerly been known as Mahabhisha, became the king. When he touched anything with his hands, even if it happened to be old, became young. Since everything obtained peace 1320 through the touch of his hands, he became Shantanu. The lord did not rain down in his kingdom for twelve years. The brahmanas told Shantanu, “By enjoying what belongs to your elder brother, you have become a parivetta. 1321 For the prosperity of the city and the kingdom, quickly give the kingdom to your elder brother.” Thus addressed by the brahmanas, he requested his elder brother. However, he replied, “You have been urged by your ministers and brahmanas to deviate from the words of the Vedas. They only speak a lot.” 1322 At this, the god showered down. Resorting to yoga, Devapi resides in Kalapagrama. When the lunar dynasty is destroyed in kali yuga, at the beginning of krita yuga, he will establish it again. Bahlika’s son was Somadatta. Somadatta had three sons—Bhuri, Bhurishrava and Shala. Through Ganga, Shantanu’s son was Bhishma, who was in control of his atman. He was best among those who know all kinds of dharma. He was wise and a great devotee of the illustrious one. Among the collection of heroes, he was the foremost. He even satisfied Rama 1323 in an encounter. Through the daughter of a dasha, Shantanu had a son named Chitrangada, the younger son was Vichitravirya. 1324 Chitran
gada was killed by a gandharva named Chitrangada.

  ‘Through her, 1325 Parashara had a son who was Hari’s portion himself. This was the sage Krishna, the protector of the Vedas. I have studied this 1326 from him. The illustrious Badarayana ignored his own disciples, Paila and the others. I, his son, am serene. Therefore, he instructed me about this supreme secret. Both Ambika and Ambalika, the daughters of the king of Kashi, were forcibly abducted from their svayamvara. 1327 Vichitravirya married them. His heart was attached to them. However, he had tuberculosis and died. Badarayana was instructed by his mother to generate offspring from his brother’s kshetra. Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura were born in this way. O king! Through Gandhari, Dhritarashtra had one hundred sons. Duryodhana was the eldest among them and the daughter was Duhshala. Because of a curse, Pandu was prohibited from sexual intercourse. Through his wife, Kunti, and Dharma, Anila 1328 and Indra, he had three maharatha sons. Yudhishthira was the foremost. Through the Nasatyas, Madri had Nakula and Sahadeva as sons. Through her five husbands, Droupadi had five sons. They were your fathers. Prativindhya was Yudhishthira’s son, Shrutasena was Vrikodara’s son, Shrutakirti was Arjuna’s son, Shatanika was Nakula’s son and Shrutakarma was Sahadeva’s son. There were other sons too. Through Pouravi, Yudhishthira had Devaka, through Hidimba Bhimasena had Ghatotkacha and through Kali, Bhimasena had Sarvagata. Through Vijaya, Parvata’s daughter, Sahadeva had Suhotra. Through Karenumati, Nakula had Naramitra. Arjuna had Iravan through Ulupi and Babhruvahana through the daughter of the lord of Manipura. Since he was the son of a putrika, he was regarded as a son. 1329 Your father, Abhimanyu, was Subhadra’s son. He was brave and defeated all the atirathas. 1330 You were born through him and Uttara. When the Kuru lineage was about to be exterminated because of the energy of the brahmastra weapon of Drona’s son, you were saved from death and made alive through Krishna’s favours.

  ‘O son! You have four sons. Janamejaya is the eldest and the others are Shrutasena, Bhimasena and the valiant Ugrasena. Knowing that you have died because of Takshaka, Janamejaya will be angry. He will perform a snake sacrifice, at which, snakes will be offered as oblations into the fire. He will appoint Tura, Kavasha’s son, as the priest and perform sacrifices. He will perform horse sacrifices and conquer the earth in every direction. His son will be Shatanika, who will study the three 1331 from Yajnavalkya. He will obtain knowledge of weapons and knowledge of rituals. He will learn about the supreme from Shounaka. His son will be Sahasranika, Sahasranika’s son will be Ashvamedhaja, Ashvamedhaja’s son will be Asimakrishna and Asimakrishna’s son will be Nemichakra. When Gajasahvya 1332 will be flooded by the river, the virtuous one will reside in Koushambi. His son will be Chitraratha and Chitraratha’s son will be Kaviratha. His son will be Vrishtiman and Vrishtiman’s son will be King Mahipati. His son will be Sunitha. Sunitha’s son will be Nrichakshu and Nrichakshu’s son will be Sukhinala. Sukhinala’s son will be Pariplava, Pariplava’s son will be Sunaya, Sunaya’s son will be Nripanjaya, Nripanjaya’s son will be Durva and Durva’s son will be Timi. Timi’s son will be Brihadratha, Brihadratha’s son will be Sudasa, Sudasa’s son will be Shatanika, Shatanika’s son will be Durdamana and Durdamana’s son will be Mahinara. His son will be Dandapani and Dandapani’s son will be Nimi. Nimi’s son will be Kshemaka. The brahmana and kshatriya lineages, revered by gods and rishis, will result in this way. In kali yuga, when Kshemaka becomes the king, this lineage will end. I will now tell you about the future kings of Magadha. Sahadeva’s son will be Marjari, Marjari’s son will be Shrutashrava, Shrutashrava’s son will be Ayutayu, Ayutayu’s son will be Niramitra, Niramitra’s son will be Sunakshatra, Sunakshatra’s son will be Brihatsena, Brihatsena’s son will be Karmajit, Karmajit’s son will be Sritanjaya, Sritanjaya’s son will be Vipra and Vipra’s son will be Shuchi. Shuchi’s son will be Kshema, Kshema’s son will be Suvrata, Suvrata’s son will be Dharmasutra, Dharmasutra’s son will be Sama, Sama’s son will be Dyumatsena, Dyumatsena’s son will be Sumati and Subali will be born from Sumati. Subali’s son will be Sunitha, Sunitha’s son will be Satyajit, Satyajit’s son will be Vishvajit and Vishvajit’s son will be Ripunjaya. The kings of the Brihadratha lineage will rule for one thousand years.’

  Chapter 9(23)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘Anu 1333 had three sons—Sabhanara, Chakshu and Paroksha. Sabhanara’s son was Kalanara and Kalanara’s son was Srinjaya. His son was Janamejaya, Janamejaya’s son was Mahashala and Mahashala’s son was Mahamana. Ushinara and Titikshu were the sons of Mahamana. Ushinara’s four sons were Shibi, Vana, Shami and Daksha. Shibi had four sons—Vrishadarbha, Sudhira, Madra and Kaikeya. In this way, Titikshu’s son was Rushadratha, Rushadratha’s son was Hema and Hema’s son was Sutapa. Bali was born from Sutapa. In King Bali’s kshetra, Dirghatama had Anga, Vanga and Kalinga as sons and also those known as Suhma, Pundra and Andhra. In the east, these six ruled over kingdoms that were known by their own names. Anga had a son named Khanapana and Khanapana’s son was Diviratha. Diviratha’s son was Chitraratha, who had no offspring. He was also known as Romapada and his friend, Dasharatha, gave him his own daughter, Shanta. He bestowed her on Rishyashringa, who married her. When the god did not shower down, beautiful women brought that son of a deer, 1334 tempting him with singing, dancing, musical instruments, seductions, embraces and worship. To obtain offspring, the king 1335 performed a sacrifice to the lord of the Maruts. 1336 He obtained offspring, just as Dasharatha, who was without offspring, obtained offspring. Romapada’s son was Chaturanga and Chaturanga’s son was Prithulaksha. Prithulaksha’s sons were Brihadratha, Brihatkarma and Brihadbhanu. The first had a son named Brihanmana and Jayadratha was born from him. Through Sambhuti, Jayadratha had a son named Vijaya. Vijaya’s son was Dhriti, Dhriti’s son was Dhritavrata, Dhritavrata’s son was Satkarma and Satkarma’s son was Adhiratha. When he 1337 was sporting on the banks of the Ganga, he found an infant in a basket. The child had been abandoned by Kunti, since she was not married then. Being without offspring, he brought him up as his son. 1338 Karna’s son was Vrishasena and he became a lord of the earth.

  ‘Druhyu’s 1339 son was Babhru, Babhru’s son was Setu, Setu’s son was Arabdha, Arabdha’s son was Gandhara, Gandhara’s son was Dharma, Dharma’s son was Dhrita, Dhrita’s son was Durmana and Durmana’s son was Pracheta. Pracheta had one hundred sons. These sons were the lords of the mlechchha regions and resided in the northern direction.

  ‘Turvasu’s 1340 son was Vahni, Vahni’s son was Bhaga and Bhaga’s son was Bhanuman. Bhanuman’s son was Tribhanu and Tribhanu’s son was the generous Karandhama. Karandhama’s son was Marut. Since Marut was without any sons, he adopted a son from the Puru lineage. 1341 Desiring the kingdom that belonged to his own lineage, Dushyanta returned there.

  ‘I will now describe the lineage of Yadu. If a man hears this, he is freed from all sins. This is extremely sacred and destroys all the sins of men. Assuming human form, the illustrious paramatman adopted the form of an avatara in this. It is said that Yadu had four sons—Sahasrajit, Kroshta, Nala and Ripu. The son of the eldest was Shatajit. Shatajit’s sons were Mahahaya, Renuhaya and Haihaya. Haihaya’s son was Dharma and Dharma’s son was Netra and Netra was the father of Kunti. 1342 Kunti’s son was Sohanji, Sohanji’s son was Mahishman and Mahishman’s son was Bhadrasenaka. Bhadrasena’s 1343 sons were Durmada and Dhanaka. Dhanaka’s sons were Kritavirya, Kritagni, Kritavarma and Kritouja. Kritavirya’s son was Arjuna, the lord of the seven dvipas. From Dattatreya, born as Hari’s portion, he obtained the great qualities of yoga. No other kings could follow the path traversed by Kartavirya, 1344 in sacrifices, donations, austerities, yoga, learning, valour, compassion and other traits. Indeed, he enjoyed unrestricted prowess for eighty-five thousand years. He enjoyed undecayed prosperity and memory and the satisfaction of the six 1345 was unmitigated. He had one thousand sons. However, after the battle, 1346 only five remained alive—Jayadhvaja, Shurasena, Vrishabha, Madhu and Urjita. Jayadhvaja’s son was Talajangha, who had one hundred sons. The kshatriyas known
as Talajanghas were destroyed by the energy of Ourva. 1347 Among these sons, Vitihotra was the eldest. Vitihotra’s son was known as Madhu and Madhu’s son was Vrishni. Out of Madhu’s one hundred sons, Vrishni was the eldest. Therefore, the lineage came to be known after his name. O king! They are known as Madhavas, Vrishnis or Yadavas.

  ‘Yadu’s son, Kroshta, had a son named Vrijinavan. His son was Svahi and Svahi’s son was Rusheku. Rusheku’s son was Chitraratha. The great and glorious yogi, the immensely fortunate Shashabindu, was born to Chitraratha. He was an unvanquished chakravarti and possessed fourteen jewels. 1348 He had ten thousand wives. Through each, he had ten immensely illustrious sons. Thus, he had one million sons. Among these sons, six were prominent. The one known as Prithushrava had a son named Dharma and Dharma’s son was Ushanas, who performed one hundred horse sacrifices. Ushanas had a son named Ruchaka. Ruchaka had five sons, known as Purujit, Rukma, Rukmeshu, Prithu and Jyamagha. Hear about them. Jyamagha’s wife was Shaibya. She was childless. However, scared of her, Shaibya’s husband did not marry again. Once, from an enemy’s house, he brought a woman who was meant for enjoyment. 1349 On seeing her on the chariot, Shaibya became angry with her husband. “O cheat! Who is this, on my place in the chariot?” “This is your daughter-in-law,” was the reply. Smiling, Shaibya told her husband, “I am barren. Nor do I have a co-wife. How can she be my daughter-in-law?” “O queen! You will give birth and she will be suitable then.” He had caused delight to the vishvadevas and the ancestors, who approved. Therefore, in the course of time, Shaibya conceived and gave birth to an auspicious son. He was known as Vidarbha and married the lady who had been accepted as a daughter-in-law.’

  Chapter 9(24)


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