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The Bhagavata Purana 2

Page 47

by Bibek Debroy

  Chapter 10(7)

  The king said, ‘The illustrious Hari Ishvara performs wonderful acts as an avatara. O lord! They bring delight to our ears and pleasure to our minds. If a man hears about these, his excessive attachment and thirst vanish and in a short while, he is drawn towards purity and truth. Such a man becomes devoted to Hari and is friendly towards his attendants. If you think it fit, tell us about Hari’s activities and also about Krishna’s extraordinary conduct as a child. Having come to earth, he followed the proclivities of human species.’

  Shri-Shuka replied, ‘This was a time when the nakshatra of his birth 1455 was in the ascendant. There was singing and the playing of musical instruments. Brahmanas were reciting mantras. In the midst of the women, the virtuous lady 1456 was going to bathe her son, the occasion being festivities connected with his turning around on the bed. 1457 Nanda’s wife performed the rites associated with bathing him. The brahmanas pronounced benedictions and were honoured properly. They were given food, garments, garlands and desirable cattle. Since he was about to sleep and his eyes were closed, she gently laid him down. The spirited lady was anxious about festivities connected with turning around on the bed and was honouring the assembled residents of Vraja. Thus, she was unable to hear that her son was crying. Desiring her breasts, he cried and flung his legs around. The child’s feet were delicate as shoots and he was lying down under a cart. 1458 Struck by his feet, the cart was overturned and the metal vessels filled with many kinds of liquids were scattered. The cart’s wheels, axles and yokes were shattered and broken. Yashoda was at the forefront of the women of Vraja who had assembled for the festivities connected with turning around on the bed. On seeing this extraordinary sight, they were anxious and so were Nanda and the others. “How did the cart shatter on its own?” Their minds were unable to grasp it. The children told the gopas and gopis, “He was crying and kicked it with his foot. There is no doubt about this.” The gopas did not believe what the children had said. They did not know about the child’s infinite strength. Scared that demons may have caused this, Yashoda picked up her weeping son and made him drink at her breasts. Using hymns, brahmanas pronounced benedictions. The strong gopas replaced the objects, just as they had been before. Brahmanas kindled a fire and offered oblations of curds, unbroken grain, kusha grass and water. “Benedictions are never futile for those who are without envy, free of falsehood, devoid of violence, free of pride, truthful and good in conduct. Nandagopa controlled himself and picked up the child. To the sounds of the Rig Veda, Sama Veda and Yajur Veda, excellent brahmanas sprinkled water, purified with herbs, on him. Lighting a fire, the brahmanas pronounced benedictions and he 1459 gave them food that was excellent in qualities. He gave them cows with all the qualities, covering these with cloth, garlands and golden necklaces. He offered this for his son’s prosperity and they accepted these. The brahmanas were accomplished in mantras and the benedictions pronounced by them, or anything else that they said, were never false.

  ‘Once, the virtuous lady was seated, fondling her son, who was on her lap. Suddenly, the child became heavy and she was no longer able to bear him. He was as heavy as the summit of a mountain. The gopi suffered from that burden. Surprised, she placed him down on the ground. She sought refuge with the great being who pervades the universe and continued with her tasks. A daitya named Trinavarta was Kamsa’s servant and had been engaged by him. Assuming the form of a whirlwind, he stole the seated child. All of Gokula was enveloped in dust and the ability to see suffered. The directions and sub-directions reverberated with a great and terrible sound. In a muhurta, the settlement was enveloped in a darkness of dust. Yashoda could not see her son at the place where she had kept him. Because of the extraordinary bits of dust mixed with gravel created by Trinavarta, everyone was confused and could not see himself, or anyone else. There was a strong whirlwind and showers of dust. Consequently, the helpless mother could not find any trace of her son. She was extremely miserable and thought about him, grieving severely. She fell down on the ground, like a cow when its calf had died. When the force of the storm and the shower of dust retreated, the gopis heard her weeping there. On not being able to see Nanda’s son, they too started to weep. Their faces were flooded with tears and their minds were extremely tormented. Trinavarta had assumed the form of the storm and had stolen Krishna, taking him up into the sky. However, because he 1460 became greatly heavy to bear he was incapable of proceeding further and was pacified. He thought that he was like a boulder and heavier than his own self. However, the child, extraordinary in deeds, seized him by the throat and he was unable to go. Seized by the throat, the daitya became immobile and his eyes popped out. Uttering an indistinct sound, losing his life, he fell down, along with the child. The assembled weeping women saw him fall down from the sky on to a stone, all his fierce limbs shattered, just like Pura 1461 when it was pierced by Rudra’s bow. Krishna was dangling from his chest. Astounded, they gathered him and returned him to his mother. He was safe, though he had been taken to the sky by the flesh-eater. He had been freed from the jaws of death. With Nanda at the forefront, the gopas and the gopis were greatly delighted at having got him back. “This is a great wonder. 1462 Though the child was taken away by a rakshasa, he has returned. The violent and deceitful one has been killed because of his own sins. A virtuous one, impartial towards everyone, has been freed from fear. Austerities must have been performed for a long time and Adhokshaja must have been worshipped. Roads and other things must have been constructed. Sacrifices must have been performed. There must have been donations and fraternal attitude towards living beings. That is the reason the child, despite approaching death, has returned. It is good fortune that he has returned to his own relatives, who were waiting lovingly.” In the great forest, Nandagopa witnessed many extraordinary events. Repeatedly amazed, he again honoured Vasudeva’s words.

  ‘Once, the beautiful lady 1463 had placed the child on her lap and, flooded with affection, was feeding him the milk flowing from her breasts. O king! Her son had almost finished feeding and there was a beautiful smile on his face. When the mother fondled him, he yawned and she saw the following inside his mouth—the firmament, the space between heaven and earth, the array of stellar bodies, the directions, the sun, the moon, the fire god, the wind god, the oceans, the dvipas, the mountains, the daughters of the mountains, 1464 forests, creatures and mobile and immobile objects. O king! On suddenly seeing the universe in this way, she started to tremble. Her eyes were like those of a fawn. Extremely surprised, she closed them.’

  Chapter 10(8)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘O king! The extremely great ascetic, Garga, was the priest of the Yadus. Urged by Vasudeva, he went to Nanda’s Vraja. On seeing him, he 1465 was extremely delighted. He stood up and joined his hands in salutation. His mind accepting him as Adhokshaja, and prostrating himself before him, he worshipped him. When the hospitality was over, the sage seated himself comfortably. Delighting him, he addressed him in these gentle words. “O brahmana! You are full in yourself. What can we do for you? O illustrious one! Men who are householders are distressed in their minds. When great people come to them, it must be for their benefit. It cannot be any other way. The knowledge of stellar bodies and their movements is beyond the purview of the senses and you have yourself composed it. You are a person who knows the past and the future. 1466 You are supreme among those who know about the brahman. Because of his birth, a brahmana is a preceptor for men. You should perform the samskara for these two boys.” Garga replied, “I am always known on earth as the preceptor of the Yadus. If I perform the samskara for your son, he will be regarded as Devaki’s son. Kamsa is evil in his intelligence and Anakadundubhi is your friend. Devaki’s eighth child cannot have been a daughter. Having heard about this from the words of his messengers and having thought about it, he will be suspicious and will kill Devaki’s son. That should not happen.” Nanda said, “In that case, in this pasture of cattle, please perform it in secret. Perform the samskaras for dvijas and
pronounce all the words of benediction.” The brahmana was thus requested to do what he himself wished. In a secret place, he privately performed the namakarana 1467for the two children. Garga said, “This son of Rohini’s will delight his well-wishers with his qualities. He will therefore be known as Rama. Because of his great strength, he will be known as Bala. 1468 Since he will bring together different branches of the Yadus, he will also be Samkarshana. 1469 According to the yuga, this one has adopted bodies with three different complexions—white, red and yellow. 1470 He is now dark. 1471 Earlier, this son of yours used to belong to Vasudeva. Therefore, those who know will refer to this prosperous one as Vasudeva. 1472 This son of yours has many kinds of names and forms. His qualities and deeds are also similar. I know about them, but other people do not. He will be the delight of Gokula and will bring welfare to the gopas. It is through him that you will easily pass over all the difficulties. O lord of Vraja! Earlier, the virtuous suffered from bandits. They were not protected by a king. However, he vanquished the flourishing bandits. Enemies and asuras cannot overcome those who have Vishnu on their side. Those immensely fortunate men bring him pleasure. O Nanda! Therefore, this son of yours is like Narayana in his qualities. Through his powers, he will bring prosperity to the gopas. Be attentive towards him.” Having instructed him in this way, Garga returned to his own home. Nanda was delighted, thinking himself to be full of all the benedictions.

  ‘In a short period of time, Rama and Keshava started to crawl around Vraja on their hands and knees, amusing themselves. Dragging their legs behind them, they moved like reptiles on Vraja’s mud, the bells on their ankles creating a beautiful sound. Delighted in their minds, they followed other people, attracted to them. However, as if they were scared, they returned to their mothers. The two mothers lovingly fed the two sons at their breasts, embracing their bodies, rendered beautiful with mud, in their arms. They offered them breasts that flowed over with milk. They glanced at their smiling mouths, with tiny teeth starting to grow. They were enchanted and delighted. The women witnessed their childhood pastimes, as inside Vraja, 1473 they seized the tails of calves and were dragged here and there by them. The women watched. Forgetting the household duties, they burst out in laughter and joy. There was danger from the horns and teeth of animals, from swords, fire, water, birds and thorns. They 1474 found it impossible to restrain their restless sons when they played and moved around. The mothers could no longer tend to their household duties. They grieved and lost their mental equilibrium. O royal sage! Within a short period of time, Rama and Krishna started to move around in Gokula on their feet, without dragging their knees on the ground. Along with Rama, the illustrious Krishna started to play with children from Vraja who were of similar ages. The women of Vraja obtained great delight from this.

  ‘The gopis looked at Krishna’s beautiful boyish playfulness. In his mother’s hearing, they got together and spoke to each other. “Sometimes, he releases the calves at inappropriate times. 1475 When one is angry at this, he smiles. He steals and eats the tasty curds and drinks the milk, thinking of different methods of stealing. He divides his food among the monkeys, so that they can eat. If they do not eat, he breaks the vessels. If he does not find something within the house, he becomes angry and leaves, giving the infants some reason to cry. When the object is beyond the reach of his hands, he thinks of means, using planks and mortars. 1476 He knows how to make holes in the hanging vessels and take out the contents. When the house is dark, he uses the large number of jewels he wears on his body as lamps. He does this at a time when the gopis are anxiously engaged in their household tasks. He thus engages in naughty activities, passing urine and stool in our clean houses. He is expert in devising new methods of stealing. Having done this, he pretends to be well behaved.” The women looked at his beautiful face, which was seemingly scared. Though they complained, she 1477 smiled and did not feel like chastising him.

  ‘On one occasion, Rama and the other gopa boys were playing. They went and informed Krishna’s mother that he had eaten mud. She was always anxious about his welfare and seized him by his hand. Filled with fear and dread, Yashoda looked inside his mouth and spoke to him. “Why can’t you control yourself? Why did you secretly eat mud? Your friends, the boys, have told me this and so has your elder brother.” He replied, “O mother! I have not eaten. All of them have lied and complained. If they have really spoken the truth, look inside my mouth.” She said, “If that is the case, open your mouth wide.” The illustrious Hari, unlimited in his powers, opened his mouth, playing like a human child. She saw the universe, mobile and immobile objects, the firmament, the directions, mountains, dvipas, oceans, the surface of the earth, the wind, the fire, the moon, the stars, the revolution of the stellar bodies, water, energy, the outer sky, the inner sky, the transformation of the senses, the mind, the objects of the senses and the three gunas there. Along with this, there were all the different living beings and their lifespans, nature, the stores of karma and the differences in their appearances. In her son’s body, in his opened mouth, she saw herself and Vraja and was filled with fear. “Is this a dream or is this the maya of the god? Is this because my intelligence has been confounded? Or has this resulted because my son has some natural powers of yoga in him? Therefore, let me seek refuge with the one who cannot be comprehended through debating and who cannot be easily perceived through intelligence, thoughts, deeds and words. He is the foundation for everything that is manifest. He is beyond all perception. Let me prostrate myself at his feet. It is because of his maya that there are perverse thoughts like ‘I’, ‘mine’, ‘this is my husband’, ‘this is my son’, ‘I am the virtuous and prosperous wife of the lord of Vraja’ and ‘the gopas, the gopis and the wealth of cattle belong to me’. He is my refuge.” In this way, the lord made the gopi 1478 understand the truth. The lord’s extensive Vaishnavi maya filled her with affection towards her son. The gopi instantly forgot everything. 1479 With her son on her lap, her heart was filled with increasing love for him, as had been the case earlier. Hari’s glory is chanted in the three, 1480 the Upanishads and in the texts of samkhya, yoga and the Satvatas. However, she looked upon him as an ordinary son.’

  The king asked, ‘O brahmana! What did Nanda do to warrant such great prosperity? What did the immensely fortunate Yashoda do? Hari drank milk from her breasts. The generous Krishna’s childhood deeds are sung about by wise people and remove the sins of the worlds. However, his parents 1481 could not witness them.’

  Shri-Shuka replied, ‘Drona, the foremost among the Vasus, and his wife, Dhara, were following the orders of Brahma 1482 and requested him, “When we have been born, and the great god, the lord of the universe, Hari, is born on earth, may we possess supreme devotion towards him. That makes one cross over all kinds of hardship easily.” The illustrious one agreed and the immensely famous Drona was born in Vraja and became known as Nanda. Dhara became Yashoda. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! Among all the gopas and gopis, that couple had incessant devotion towards the illustrious one and Janardana became their son. To make Brahma’s instructions come true, the lord Krishna, along with Rama, lived in Vraja and through his pastimes, brought them delight.’

  Chapter 10(9)

  Shri-Shuka said, ‘Once, the servant-maids were engaged in some other household work and Yashoda, Nanda’s wife, herself started to churn out curds. There were songs that were sung about the child’s conduct. At the time of churning curds, she remembered these and sang them. There was a silk garment around her broad hips, tied with a cord, and this shook. Out of love towards her son, her breasts overflowed with milk and these too shook as the one with the excellent eyebrows tugged on the cord. Because of the exhaustion, the bangles on her arms and her earrings moved. There was perspiration on her face and malati flowers dropped from the braids of her hair as she churned. His mother was churning, but Hari desired her breasts. He grasped the churning rod and lovingly restrained her. Out of love towards her son, she placed him on her lap and made him feed
at her breasts. She looked at his smiling face. However, the milk was spilling over from the vessel. 1483 Therefore, she quickly left him, though he was still not satisfied. He became angry and bit his red and twitching lips with his teeth. He broke the vessel being used for churning curds with a piece of stone, displaying false tears. Having left, in a secret place that was inside, he started to eat the freshly churned butter. After setting down the hot milk, the gopi 1484 returned and saw the shattered vessel of curds. Though she realized that her son had done this, since she couldn’t see him there, she laughed it away. He was standing on an overturned mortar, to reach the butter hanging overhead. As he pleased, he was feeding this to a monkey. Because he was engaged in an act of stealing butter, his eyes anxiously darted around. On seeing this, she slowly approached her son from the rear. Seeing her, with the stick in her hand, he quickly got down and as if he was scared, started to run away. The gopi followed him, but could not reach him. He cannot be reached by yogis whose minds are immersed in austerities. His mother was slender-waisted. But though she followed him, her movement was impeded by her large hips. As she swiftly followed, flowers were loosened from her dishevelled braids of hair and followed her trail. Finally, she caught him. Having committed a crime, he was weeping, rubbing his eyes with his own hands and smudging the collyrium. He looked up, his eyes filled with fear and bewilderment. She caught him by the hand and threatened to beat him. She was devoted to her son. Realizing that her son was scared, she threw the stick away. Not knowing about his valour, she desired to tie him down with some rope. He has no inside and no outside. There is nothing before him and nothing after him. He has no beginning and no end. He is inside and outside the universe. He is the universe. However, the unmanifest Adhokshaja had assumed the signs of a mortal and she took him to be her son. Like an ordinary person, the gopi tied him to a mortar with a piece of rope. Since her son had committed an offence, she tied him with rope. But the gopi found that it was short by a length of two fingers and therefore, she tied it to another piece of rope. Even when she added this new piece of rope, it was short. As she continued to add more and more pieces of rope, it continued to be short by a length of two fingers. Thus, Yashoda added all the ropes that were there in her house. The gopis saw this and smiled. Though she was amazed, she smiled too. His mother was perspiring all over her body. The braids of her hair were dishevelled and the garlands were falling down. On seeing her exhaustion, Krishna was filled with compassion and allowed himself to be bound. O dear one! This shows that Hari is under the control of his devotees. This is despite Krishna being his own controller and despite everything being under the lord’s control. Virinchi, Bhava and Shri, who is on his lap, did not receive as much of his favours as the gopi did. He is the one who grants liberation. The illustrious one, the gopi’s son, is not easily obtained by those with bodies. In this world, learned ones who have realized the atman do not get him as easily as devotees do.


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