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Kitten Thang

Page 15

by Jessika Klide

  "You are a woman of many talents I see. Why did you learn to tie a bow tie?"

  I smile down on him as I work. Not seeing him, but seeing my memory. Aurei puts his hands on my legs and lightly strokes me. "When I was young, my daddy always dressed up for my dance recitals. Not because it was required, but because he wanted to show me how special he thought my dancing was. It was a small gesture, but it taught me that quality gestures even if they are super small can speak volumes about a person or to a person. I eventually learned to tie his tie. To this day, if he and Mama come to see me dance, he wears a tux and a bow tie." I lean back, examining my handy work. "There you go."

  He smiles up at me. "Your parents come see you dance?" His hands run up to my ass, but can’t get in due to the design of the gown, so he slides them back down the sides of my legs, and he raises his eyebrows in surprise.

  "No groping." I wink. "Yes. They come in a couple of times a year to catch a show."

  "I’m looking forward to meeting the two people that raised you."

  I smirk realizing he doesn’t know all the different ways I dance in Vegas so I give him some background info. "I dance a lot of different venues, not just the stripper runway, Aurei. I dance in one of Bart’s small charity troupes too. We do short reenactments of ballet scenes for example once a month at the senior homes. We do a very small version of Beauty and the Beast for the schools. The kids love it! I also do a mime show that’s really funny. I did it once on the bar at Coyote Ugly. It was such a hit, the owner books me to come back at least twice a year. Now that’s a lot of fun! Anyhoo, I always schedule something like that when my folks are in town and give the runway a break. Once they popped in unannounced to surprise me right after I started. We were all scarred by that." I laugh. "It was truly a T.M.I experience."

  He laughs. "I bet!"

  I back out of his embrace. "Let me get a comb and some clips so you can braid my hair." I leave him in the chair by the window. The sun is fading and I hit the light switch as I go into the bathroom. I dig around my travel bag for my bands and clips, then head back out with them and a can of mousse for him. "Come here and let me do your hair. You’ve got to be looking the part of the hottest man in Italy, if I’m gonna be on your arm in this swank swag." I sit him back down in the chair and comb his hair, then squirt a small dab of mousse and massage it in. I flex my finger tips and rub his scalp in little circles, then I push my palms over his temples and into his hair to make it stand up.

  "Ah! That feels good!" He tells me.

  "Ummhmm." I kiss his forehead. "You look like a Rock Star!"

  "Yeah right."

  "You do!" I back away. "Now for the hard part. You get to braid all this." I bend over and comb my long blonde hair out. I put it in a pony tail and wait for him.

  "Why don’t you wear it down. I really like it that way."

  "It’s not elegant enough for this dress."

  "You underestimate yourself, Siri."

  I crack up. "I’ve never heard those words before!"

  He chuckles. "Don’t sell yourself short. You naturally present yourself as a lady. It’s only when you become Seary, the Sex Pot, you raunch it up a notch. You don’t need to put your hair up in order to be elegant enough for this dress. You just are."

  I lift my face to his. "Chicken."

  He cracks up. "I’ve never been called that word before either, but yeah, I don’t want to braid all that hair."

  "Fine then. I’ll wear it this way." I grab the mousse, squirt a lot in my hand, spread it around, scrunch it up, then flip it.

  "Wow!" He says. "That’s full!"

  "It takes on a life of its own." I tease him. "Too much?"

  "No. Perfect."

  "BRB then we can go." I prance off to the bathroom and return the mousse and clips. I decide on soft, dark navy blue eyeshadow in the crease of my eye and along the bottom as a heavy exaggerated liner with a light pale shimmering blue ice color along the lid. Man, that makes my eyes pop! Sexy girl! I top the effect off with my blue mascara, knowing Aurei will think of my pussy every time he looks in my eyes. I almost feel sorry for him. He doesn’t stand a chance. I grin at myself. My hand touches the gold choker and I wonder what the inscription says. I know it’s sweet, because he is so sweet! How could anyone call him an asshole. I shake my head. I dig around for my pale pink lipstick and apply it, then I mash my lips on a tissue to take the edge off. Sex Pot!

  Chapter Thirty-One

  When I go back into the living room, he is standing at the door with my fur, and his tux jacket draped over his arm. He whistles a cat call. "That makeup is really sexy! Makes me think of that killer picture of Surreal in Clay’s office."

  "Aurei, I wish you would reconsider braiding my hair." I tease him as I walk over. "You can’t see my collar from every angle."

  "It’s ok. I’ll only be staring at your eyes anyway." He smirks as he pulls open the door and I glide through. "Or at your tits. Or at your ass."

  When we step in the hall, his phone dings. He pulls it out to check his text then stops, frowning.

  "What’s wrong."

  "Franco said there is a line of reporters outside the Hotel."

  Now I frown. "How did they find me?"

  "That’s just it, Siri. I don’t think they are here for you, not directly anyway. I think they are here for me." He puts his arm around me. "Shit! I hope this doesn’t fuck up our night."

  "Why would they be here for you?"

  He takes my hand and we walk slowly down the hall. "When my grandfather passed away, the local press ran a story on our family. Long story short, they tagged me as one of the most eligible bachelors in Europe." He smirks, raising his eyebrows. "That’s another reason I quit dating publicly, so I could fly under the radar. Honestly I forgot about it, but the man that bumped into us after dinner is the head of the news channels here. That’s why I didn’t introduce you. I didn’t want to stir up that old story."

  "Oh!" I laugh feeling sorry for him. "But you have to know how the paparazzi’s are. They are like sharks circling their next meal. That’s why I live like I do, virtually isolated and alone, but still in control of my life. When I go out, I have to take precautions and Brutus goes with me. If my secret of being Surreal came out, I would never be able to do the little things like the dance troupe again. I would be followed everywhere I go. So I get it. But it’s too late now. You’ve been busted, Bubba." I bump his side and give him a sideways grin as I cut my eyes at him, then I tell him sincerely. "Everything about your life changes when the spotlight shines on you, Aurelius. Best to just face the music and dance with it." He cuts his eyes at me. "Not literally." I roll my eyes back at him. "But you will def need to hire a publicist to handle the media’s coverage of you."

  He pushes the down button for the elevator. "Affirmative, but we have to get through tonight. Maybe we can slip out the back."

  The elevator arrives and we enter. We are alone and he leans against the back wall. Staring up at the ceiling, breathing in and out, I feel his tension. I know he is dreading this. "I know you would like to try to sneak out, but they will have all the exits covered. Aurei, you have to trust me on this. The more you try to hide, the bigger the prize is for the person who gets the best picture. If they don’t get it here, they will chase us. I’m sure they already have feelers posted all over town and the photographers will show up wherever you are. That’s just the way it is when the spotlight is on you."

  "What do you recommend then?"

  "Give them a show." I smile at him. "Nothing dramatic. Just simple posing and preening. You got swag. Don’t worry. They will eat it up. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine. Let them take all the pictures they want. Give everyone equal access."

  "Damn." I see his jaw set. "I’m taking you dancing tonight! Sharks or no sharks!"

  "Then dancing we will go. We just have to feed them a little. It’s the first pics so they will be busy posting them. That’s a good thing for dancing. Text Franco to let them in the lobby and
we will parade past them. That way, they won’t be close to their cars and we can lose them when we leave."

  "Do I have a choice?" He takes his phone out to text Franco.

  "Nope. You need to be respectful of them. They have a job to do. And remember, if the press turns on you, they can damage not only your reputation, but the reputation of your company and even your family. There are a lot of people depending on you. You have to take the press seriously and learn to swim with them."

  "Wise Thang." He smiles.

  When the elevator doors open, he steps out first with his coat on and my fur draped over his arm. He walks to the top of the stairs, pauses, making sure he has everyone’s attention, then he comes back to the elevator, leans back in and offers me his hand. I wink. "You couldn’t stay Mr. Untouchable forever. They knew that. They knew you are a fucking fantasy dream come true for some lucky someone. Introduce them to her. I’m ready for them." He pulls me gently to him then leans down with puckered lips. I giggle and give him a light touch with my duck lips. "Mwah" Then I wipe it off. "Can’t have pink lipstick on you."

  He grins. "I’m the lucky one, Siri Wright." He steps back and draws me with him.

  "Showtime, Sugar Bare." I toss my hair back and assume a Princess persona. When I step out, head high, shoulders back, I am the millionaire woman of the billionaire man with a million dollar smile. His finger tips graze mine, then he grasps a couple and lightly holds them as we walk to the top of the stairs. Immediately the flashes from the cameras begin. He says to me as he ignores me, smiling for them. "Your collar looks beautiful on you."

  When we stop at the top, I turn to face him and he turns too, drawn to my smile and my words. "This is our collar. It represents 'Us’ and this beautiful thang."

  His finger tips slip more firmly between mine and his thumb strokes my hand. He gives me his most beautiful smile. "I stand corrected. Our collar looks beautiful on you."

  The lights are blinding as the flashes pound us.

  "I’m sure it will be a top point of discussion among the gossip bitches." My eyes twinkle into his. "I sure wish I knew what the inscription says."

  He laughs and the crinkle is in his eyes. "You’ll know soon enough."

  I turn to look out on the crowd. "I have a photographic memory. I can google it at any time."

  He looks out over the lobby too. "Can, but won’t. I forbid you, Kitten Thang."

  I turn my face to him and my eyes twinkle into his. "Shall we descend so we can go dancing, Mr. Moore?"

  "Yes, Miss Wright. We shall." He looks down and steps off, then turns back to me.

  "Eyes forward, Mr. Moore. Not eyes down. Show no weakness. Take no prisoners."

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  His smile is cocky as he looks out over the lobby and begins our descent. He walks in front, and I follow, side stepping at an angle. "I see your Dancing Diva descending. Sweet moves." He teases me.

  "I’m ensuring no one gets a picture of the panty-less pussy."

  He laughs out loud. At the bottom, he pulls my hand to his lips. His eyes twinkle into mine. "Good girl, that would be disastrous." He kisses it, then places it on his arm.

  "Meow." I tell him as he escorts me across the Lobby.

  Flashes are going off, nonstop. Questions are being thrown at us as we walk by, but we ignore them. At the entrance, Aurei stops, takes the white fox fur off his arm, steps behind me, opens it for me, and slides it over my arms and sits it on my shoulders. "I feel like a million bucks in this baby. Thank you again." I tell him as he steps back around to the front and snugs it up tight.

  "You’re welcome again and just for the record you look like a million bucks."

  As we walk out on our way to his Ferrari FF that’s pulled up to the door and waiting on us, I turn back and blow them all a kiss.

  The doorman opens the car door for me and I climb in as Aurei hurries around. He squeals the tires when we leave. Giggling I say. "Admit it. That is kinda fun."

  He smiles, but doesn’t admit it. He drives us out of town. Speeding down the highway, I turn my face to watch the pilot fly his machine down the road. He cuts his eyes at me, then grins. I grin and lay my head back. "Where are you taking me?"

  "E80 makes a circle around Rome. We will do the loop, then come back in and pick up Antonio and Yanni."

  "I thought he said Gio earlier." I frown.

  He did. "Gio is his wife, but Yanni is his mistress."

  "Oh. Well. There you go."

  "Yep. Gio doesn’t like to party anymore. She has little ones at home, so they agreed he could find a mistress. Yanni is part owner in a couple of bars here and they hit it off. You’ll like her. She is fun and flirty too."

  "Cool." We are quiet for a only a few moments before I say. "I better not be a mistress."

  He laughs. "No, I’m an honest asshole."

  "You’re not an asshole." I put my hand on his leg. "There won’t be any mistresses either, ever."

  "No worries. I don’t share and neither will you."

  "I’m very jealous, Aurei. It’s a new feeling for me. Brand new. I didn’t like Ruth, but when I thought you two might have had a relationship, I was absofuckinglutely green with jealousy. It was a bitter taste in my mouth." He cuts his eyes at me. "Then when she kept hitting on you, I saw red and it was evil jealousy. Elena too, not as bad, but it was there."

  He hits the brakes and pulls off the road. His face is pale when he looks at me. "Siri. You know I’ve fucked a lot of women. I’ve been honest about that."

  "I know, and I know I shouldn’t be jealous."

  "I fucked a lot of Italian women. Women we will more than likely run into tonight."

  "I realize that."

  "There is no need to feel jealous, I promise you."

  "I realize that, but knowing it and seeing it are two very different things. I honestly don’t know how I will feel if one of them comes on to you." I stare at the window.

  "Siri. I’ve fucked a LOT of these women. I can’t guarantee that one of them won’t remind me tonight, or some other night, about some past time we had." The darkness behind the window creates a mirror. I see myself and Aurei. He is looking at me with real concern on his face. "You have to come to terms with this." He stares down at the steering wheel. A scared look on his face now.

  I frown at him. "I will. I’ll be fine. I’m just not sure how I will feel that’s all."

  He looks back at me. "It’s going to happen. It’s going to be thrown up in your face. Gawd! I’ve been a selfish fool!" He hangs his head and grips the steering wheel. My heart stops beating. His face looks so ... hurt. He doesn’t look over at me. He looks up, checks the traffic then pulls back onto the highway. He drives like demons are chasing him. I stare at the window and watch him. His jaw is hard. His eyes are tough. His face is full of pain. When we turn into the parking garage of his building, I know we are going to the top floor to his photography studio and he is scared shitless now to show me.

  "Aurei." I take his hand.

  He pulls it away and gets out of the car without looking at me. When he opens my door, he doesn’t offer his hand. He just walks to the foyer door and waits for me to follow. He opens it and I walk in. He commands. "Top floor."

  I start the climb. Only the sound of our feet on the stairs and the distant honking of car horns echoes. The sound is eerie. At the top, I stop and stare at the Golden Bear with new appreciation. Bears are brutal. He stands behind me, then takes a deep breath and walks to the door. He enters the key code and puts his hand on the knob.

  "Wait!" I hurry up to him. He closes his eyes. "What is the key code?"

  "Why does it matter?"

  "It does. What is the key code?"


  Ah! Relief floods my body. He is mine in his heart. "Tell me why you are scared now? Last Saturday, we were looking forward to this. We were going to have a lot of fun in here. The Bastard Son of Thor wasn’t bad."

  "The Bastard Son of Thor isn’t bad. It is a title I earned in
a different way."

  "I don’t understand."

  "You will."

  He takes another deep breath and pushes open the door. "Let’s go inside and I’ll explain everything." He walks through and holds the door open for me.

  I glide through trying to be Seary and Surreal, confident and in control, but Siri Wright’s heart, the little Alabama girl, is the one he is holding and threatening to break. I stare around the room. It’s a small room with a couch, some chairs and hooks for clothes. He shuts the door behind me.

  "Let me take your coat." He helps me out of it and hangs it up. "Sit."

  I sit submissively, passively waiting for him to explain. He takes my hand in his and stares at it. I can see how hard this is for him to say.

  "This is Hard-Core’s hideaway," he looks at me. "This is his studio and I owned that name in here. In here, I was hardcore and I didn’t care. They were only sex objects." He looks away and the strain on his face breaks my heart. He looks at me and there is a real hurt in his eyes. "I was such a fool to think my callous past wouldn’t hurt you." He shakes his head. "So, it’s time to confess. Siri, I have had sex with hundreds of women. Not a few hundred. I’m talking on the plus side of 500."

  My throat begins to close. Oh my! There are over 500 women to be jealous of?

  He stands and starts to get undressed. "Get naked." He commands me again. "No clothes allowed past this point." He turns his back to me and begins to strip.

  I watch as his mounds of muscles reveal themselves and I visualize the hundreds of women that have received the same hard pounding from his perfect muscle that I have received! I stare at his ass and the thought of it pumping all those other women. Over five hundred! My God! He’s 26 years old! My mind starts to calculate and gives it up. I’m too shocked to do the math.

  He turns around to see me standing shell shocked and clothed. He comes over to me and gently helps me take my beautiful gown off. When he turns and hangs it next to his, my mind races lightning fast. Siri, Seary and Surreal meet and battle for logical mind control over the emotions flooding my body. I put my hands in my hair.


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