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Marrying the Football Billionaire

Page 8

by Stephanie Street

Exasperated, Oakley huffed out a breath. “You call my son disappearing and me running through the neighborhood dressed only in a towel fun?”

  “Not the part where Kaden disappeared,” Cam rushed to reassure her. “I’m sure that was terrifying. I just meant the bit where Chris checked you out before you ran off. For the record, I think you should have thrown yourself in his arms instead.”

  Of course, she did.

  Oakley picked up the basket she’d just filled with the toys littering the living room floor. “Someday, it will be your turn to embarrass yourself silly in front of the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen-” She turned to take the basket into Kaden’s room to see Chris framed in the window of her screen door. His mouth twisted into a smirk that should have been annoying, but was super sexy instead.


  Just perfect.

  “Cam, I have to go.” She didn’t even wait for her friend to respond before disconnecting the call.

  They stood there staring at each other. Her, in the middle of her living room. Him, on her front porch.

  “Knock, knock.”

  Oakley stomped to the door, but didn’t open it. “What is your problem?”

  Chris pulled back his chin. “Me? What do you mean? I don’t have a problem.”

  She pointed at him through the screen. “Yes, you do. It’s like you have an embarrassing moment radar. Can I just have one or two of them to myself without you looking on, please?”

  His shoulders relaxed and his smirk reappeared. “I think you’re confused about who has the problem here.”

  Oakley set her hands on her hips. “Oh, really.”

  Chris nodded. “The way I see it, if you didn’t have so many embarrassing moments, I wouldn’t have so many to witness.”

  Reaching out, she slammed the heavy front door in his smug face.

  “Mommy, I done!” Kaden was playing in the bathtub.

  “Coming.” She set the basket of toys on her hip and returned them to Kaden’s room. A knock sounded on the front door just as she made it into the bathroom to help Kaden out of the tub.

  “Stupid man,” she mumbled under her breath as she helped Kaden out of the water and wrapped him in his favorite dinosaur towel.

  “Mommy, someone’s banging on the door,” Kaden said, his voice muffled by the towel covering his face as she dried his hair.

  “I know, baby. It’s nobody.” She continued to rub his body until he was completely dry. She had the night off and was looking forward to making a good dinner for the two of them. There was no way her gigantic, annoying neighbor was going to ruin everything by seeing or hearing her do one more embarrassing thing.

  The jerk.

  Oakley helped Kaden into his pajamas. It was a little early, but he’d gotten melted popsicle all over his shirt and chest and arms, thus he needed a bath. There was no sense dressing him in his play clothes just to change him into pajamas in a couple of hours.

  “Okay, kiddo. All set.” She patted his bottom as he ran out of the bathroom full steam ahead. “Don’t run in the house, Kade!”

  “I won’t!” Oakley collected the soiled clothes he’d been wearing and used the towel she’d used on Kaden to dry the water he’d splashed out onto the floor before taking the pile to add to the dirty clothes in the small utility room off the kitchen.

  On her way, she heard the sound of the front door opening. “Kade! What have I told you about opening the door?” She rushed back into the living room to find Kaden standing in front of the screen door looking out at Chris sitting on her front porch.

  That man!

  What was he doing?

  “What are you doing?”

  Chapter Twelve

  She was annoyed with him, and not just a little bit. But he needed to talk to her. So after she slammed the door in his face because he’d overheard her telling her friend on the phone he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen, Chris plopped down on her front porch determined to wait her out while trying not to be too pleased with himself. It was possible she’d been talking about someone else. But for some reason, he didn’t think so.

  Good thing the kid was on his side. Although, it bothered him that Kaden opened the door without permission. In fact, that was why he’d knocked on it in the first place.

  Chris heard Oakley get after her son for opening the door just before asking him what he was doing on her porch. Sighing, he dusted his hands off on his work pants and rose to face his doom.

  Or, an angry Oakley.

  He really shouldn’t have teased her. She was just so lovely when she got all riled up, he didn’t seem to be able to help himself. She should exist in a constant state of blushing.

  “I brought something over for you.” He held up a bag from the hardware store and a drill.

  She was curious. He could tell by the small dip between her brows. He shook the bag at his side to tempt her further. “Are you gonna let me in?”

  Her shoulders rose and fell with a sigh. “Fine.” Leaning forward, she pushed the door open enough for him to catch it and let himself in.

  Chris inhaled deeply as he stepped over the threshold.

  “Smells good in here.” And it did. She was cooking something and whatever it was it called to him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a home cooked meal that was actually good. Come to think of it, the omelettes he made for himself probably didn’t count as a home cooked meal.

  Oakley blushed. “I’m off tonight, so I made dinner for once.”

  “Hi! Hi!” Kaden jumped in front of him like a kangaroo on crack drawing Chris’s attention away from Oakley.

  He crouched down and held out his hand for a high five. “Hey, man. You being good for your mom?”

  “Yes!” He punctuated the affirmation with a sound slap to Chris’s hand.

  “That’s good to hear.” The kid was really cute.

  “Did you bring a hammer?” Kaden asked, still jumping up and down.

  “I did.” The other day when Chris had found Kaden wandering around his front yard, the kid had been enamored of the heavy hammer Chris was using. He was showing Kaden how to use it when Oakley had come streaking out of her house in nothing more than fluffy bath towel. He’d been thankful for the moment it had taken her to notice he was there because it had taken him just under a moment to adjust his eyes away from her. He understood, she’d been terrified to find her son missing, but sweet jalapeños, did the woman not understand what an appealing picture she made with her wet hair and damp skin, wearing nothing more than a towel?

  Chris understood all too well and had been unable to banish the tantalizing image from his mind for the last few days.

  He also struggled with how to fix another problem, how to keep Kaden from leaving the house when Oakley needed a private moment to herself. It made him physically ill to think of Kaden wandering off from his home alone. Anybody could have stumbled upon the boy and taken him. Not to mention that Kaden could have opened the door to any stranger happening by, allowing someone to enter the house with Oakley completely unaware. He had to do something.

  Chris considered a few different options, but finally settled on something he’d seen at the hardware store. Hopefully, his beautiful and stubborn neighbor would allow him to install them on her doors.

  “Can I see it?” Kaden tugged on his sleeve, pulling Chris out of his thoughts.

  Chris frowned. “What?” For the life of him, he couldn’t remember what they’d been talking about.


  “Oh, right. Actually,” he glanced up to Oakley. She stood above them with her arms folded. Chris wondered what it would take to make her smile. “I brought something for you, but we have to make sure it’s okay with your mom first.”

  “What is it? What is it?” Kaden clapped his hands, his blue eyes dancing with excitement. Chris couldn’t hold back his grin. He didn’t even want to.

  Reaching into the bag, he pulled out a toy hammer he’d found at the hardware store. He’d thought
about it long and hard before buying it. Having been a little boy himself once, he knew Kaden would have a tough time not banging on everything in sight, which might lose Chris some brownie points with Oakley. The kid sized tool was made of wood, however, so Chris had superglued a round piece of thick felt to the face. Hopefully, that would get him out of trouble with Mom.

  “Can I have it?” Kaden’s brows lifted almost to his hairline. Reverently, he reached for the hammer, but Chris held onto the toy, placing his hand on Kaden’s shoulder.

  “Now, hang on a second. We gotta ask your mom first if it’s okay.” Chris knew he was a dirty dog for showing the kid the toy before asking his mother, but he figured he was already used to being in the dog house as far as Oakley was concerned, so why not?

  Kaden tipped his head back to look at Oakley. “Can I, Mommy? Please!” The little boy broke away from Chris to hug his mom around her knees. Oakley immediately reached down to caress his hair, but her eyes were on Chris.

  “I knew you were trouble,” was all she said.

  “Can I, Mom? I’ll be a good boy. I promise.”

  Oakley dragged her gaze from Chris to focus on Kaden. Leaning down, she cupped his full cheeks in the palms of her hands and kissed his forehead. “Of course, you can have it-”

  “Yay!” Breaking away from Oakley, Kaden ran to Chris who’d risen to his feet, and stunned him by wrapping his little arms around Chris’s knees just like he’d done to his mom. “Thank you!”

  Oakley’s mouth dropped open, her eyes snapping up to meet his. She blinked and shook her head. “Wow,” she mouthed.

  Chris smiled and tried to talk around the lump in his throat. “Guess I made a friend.”

  A laugh burst from her lips. “I guess so.”

  Kaden released Chris and took his hammer. The two adults watched as the little boy ran around the living room, hammering as hard as he could on everything he saw. Chris was so glad he’d thought of the felt. He was certain the tender look Oakley had given him when Kaden hugged his legs would have quickly turned into a scowl if he hadn’t.

  “I have a feeling I’m going to hate that thing very soon.”

  Chris grinned. “I’m sorry.”

  She shot him a look. “No, you aren’t.”

  She was right, he wasn’t.

  Chris picked up the bag he’d brought and pulled out two packages. Oakley tried to focus on what they might be, but she was still too emotional from the visual of Kaden showing such affection for the oversized man in their living room. She’d never seen him do anything like that before except with her dad and brother.

  “I bought you some extra security,” he said, holding up the packages. “I’d prefer to install a high-tech security system, but I didn’t think you’d go along with that, so these will have to do. If you’ll let me?”

  High-tech security? Who was this guy? She wanted to question him, but she was distracted by the two packages he held.

  “What are they?” She stepped toward him and reached for the packages. “I’ve seen these before, but never really knew what they were for.”

  Chris took one of them back and ripped into the cardboard backing. The metal hinge fell into his palm along with two silver screws. “I could have gotten a chain, but Kaden’s smart. He’d have one of those figured out in no time. With these,” he walked to her front door and closed it. “You install it on the frame. When the door is closed and you don’t want him to be able to open it, you just lift and flip it across. It falls back into place and this piece keeps the door from opening.” He lifted the metal flap and it settled into place.

  “That little piece of metal will keep the door from opening?” It didn’t look strong enough.

  Chris nodded. “Yes. It’s called a flip lock and there is no way he’s getting out or heaven forbid, letting anyone in, if this thing is engaged.” He slid the lock further up the doorframe. “Even if he dragged a chair or something over, he wouldn’t have the balance and coordination to figure out how to unlock it.”

  Oakley found herself nodding as relief washed over her. She’d brought Kaden into the bathroom with her when she showered earlier, terrified he would get out again. He was still young and it didn’t bother her too much to have him with her, but it would be nice to have some privacy without having to worry about her son running off and getting himself lost forever.

  “Okay. Thank you.” She looked at the drill in his hand. “Will you put them up for me?”

  “I’d be happy to.” His smile was potent.

  It bothered her, but she knew if she never saw Chris again, it would devastate her. How would she survive if they got close and he left? This pull she felt was undeniable. And as much as she wanted to fight it, another part of her wanted to give in.

  “Wanna stay for dinner?”

  He glanced up in surprise and she felt heat rise in her cheeks. The invitation had been an impulse, but she didn’t regret it.

  “I made plenty. It’s garlic chicken and I’m gonna mash potatoes.”

  Chris regarded her with his blue eyes. The way he looked at her made her feel as though he saw everything, her struggles and her insecurities, but also her strengths, her will to survive and the love she had for her son that kept her going every single day.

  “I’d love to stay.”

  Oakley nodded. “Okay. Well, I’ll peel potatoes while you,” she gestured to the flip locks. “Do your thing.”

  He smiled again and she wanted to melt into his arms. Before she could give into the temptation, he turned away to address Kaden.

  “Hey, bud. Wanna be my helper?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kaden wasn’t much help, but it was adorable that Chris let him try. It was good to see a different side to the handsome man who seemed larger than life and not at all the type to patiently search every nook and cranny in her kitchen for the screw Kaden dropped. He never lost his temper or seemed to be irritated, just kept after it, looking until they found the tiny piece of metal. Once he did, Chris set the screw back in the palm of Kaden’s hand giving the boy an opportunity to redeem himself.

  Oakley almost lost it right there in her own kitchen at the proud expression on her son’s face when it was time to give the screw to Chris. Chris accepted it solemnly and drilled it into her doorframe. Once he was finished he crouched in front of Kaden, like he’d done since he met the little boy, and praised him for being such a good helper.

  Oakley had to excuse herself to the bathroom at that point to make sure Chris didn’t see the moisture welling in her eyes. It took several minutes to get her emotions under control, especially when she heard the conversation between man and child continue in the living room where Chris asked to see Kaden’s Nerf gun collection. By the time she emerged from the bathroom, a full on war was taking place in her small living room that only seemed smaller for having the big man in it.

  “Mom! Mom! Save me!” Kaden giggled almost uncontrollably a short while later as he ran to hide behind her legs where she stood at the kitchen counter mashing potatoes.

  “Careful, bud,” she admonished, grinning despite herself. Her son was having a blast.

  “He’s gonna get me!” Kaden cried, dancing on his toes.

  Oakley glanced over the top of the counter to find Chris Army crawling from the living room into the kitchen. He caught her eye and winked before lifting a finger to his lips letting her know not to divulge his position to Kaden.

  She bit her lip to keep from laughing, reminding herself that men were just overgrown boys and apparently, Chris was no exception.

  “Is he coming?” Kaden whispered. Oakley could feel his little body trembling with excitement against her legs.

  Chris, having heard, grinned at her.

  Oakley frowned at him. “Don’t get so close,” she mouthed. Those little darts stung when they hit.

  Chris just shook his head and continued forward. He was almost to the corner of the counter where he’d soon come face to face with Kaden. Once he got there, tho
ugh, instead of shooting her three year old point blank with a plastic tipped bullet, he reached out and grabbed Kaden around his waist and tickled.

  “Ahhh. Mom save me!” Kaden screamed between giggles. Chris had pulled Kaden away from her and the two of them were rolling on the floor tickling and wrestling.

  “No, way. I don’t want to get tickled.”

  Chris’s amused eyes met hers over the top of Kaden’s head. She widened hers threateningly. If he thought he could tickle her and still get dinner, he was mistaken. He just laughed. But he didn’t tickle her.

  Finally, Kaden pounced on Chris’s chest and proclaimed himself the winner of whatever game they were playing. Chris let his body fall limp on the floor in surrender.

  “You win, buddy. You’ve worn me out.” He sighed with exaggerated breathlessness.

  “Yay!” Kaden turned to Oakley. “Did you see that, Mom? I got him.”

  “I saw. Now, let him up so we can eat.”

  “That was delicious. Thank you for having me.”

  Dinner was long over and they were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Kaden had begged to watch a movie, so she’d put on one of his favorites. Of course, he’d fallen asleep on the cushion between them almost immediately.

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for the locks. Now maybe I can shower without an audience.” Oakley’s cheeks burned when she realized what she just said and in front of who, but he only smiled.

  “My pleasure.”

  It was crazy how comfortable she felt with him in her home. Even just this morning, she wouldn’t have thought it possible. But here they were, several hours after he’d knocked on her door. She had to admit it was nice having a man in her house, at her table, and not just any man…Chris.

  She was a bit surprised that he’d stayed so long, but she was glad, too. And that scared her. She hadn’t forgotten who or what she was and a man like him was way out of reach for a woman like her. Still, she didn’t seem capable of sending him away and he seemed content to stay.

  However, the night had to end at some point. She had work the next day and Chris had a house to finish.


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