Planck, Max, 59
Plato, 25, 36, 408
Platt, John R., 401
Poland, 6, 7, 44, 377
German invasion of, 214
Polanyi, John, 491
Polanyi, Karl, 171
Polanyi, Magda, 80
Polanyi, Michael, 77, 80, 82, 85, 89, 90, 91, 93, 113, 115, 121, 124, 127, 138, 142, 143, 152, 176
Pomerance, Jo, 462
Pomerance, Ralph, 462
Population genetics, 264
Post-Graduate Medical College, 166
Potsdam Conference, 119, 282, 443
Pratt, Charles, Jr., 464
Pravda, 431
President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), 379, 459, 469
Priestley, J. B., 189
Princeton University, 89, 90, 106–108, 113, 143, 204, 218, 232, 279
Institute for Advanced Study, 89, 156, 356
Probability theory, 60
Progressive party, 302
Prohibition, 370
Prussian Academy of Science, 59
Puck, Theodore T., 337, 344, 347, 353, 398, 404
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 323, 376, 433
Quantum theory, 59, 92
Quarles, Donald A., 375
Rabi, Isidor I., 155, 171, 181, 231, 258
Rabinowitch, Eugene, 275, 318, 374, 419
Racker, Efraim, 336, 343, 345, 388
Racker, Franziska (Frances), 336
Radical party, Hungarian, 46
Radium Institute, 160
RAND Corporation, 449
Raskin, Erika, 468
Raskin, Marcus G., 446
Rathjens, George, 470
Rauh, Joseph L., Jr., 333, 454
RCA, 155
Reagan, Ronald, 495
Redfield, Robert, 293
Reed College, 463
Reichsbank, 101
Reichstag fire, 118
Relativity, general theory of, 60
Republic (Plato), 36
Republican party, 297, 299, 302, 306, 307, 329
Research Corporation, 155, 158, 162, 164
Revelle, Roger, 383, 409
Reviews of Modern Physics, 225
Richards, I. A., 170
Richards, W. T., 193
Ridenour, Louis, 294, 304, 365
Robb, Roger, 360
Robbins, Jennifer, 464
Roberts, R. B., 214
Roberts, Richard, 186
Roberts, Walter Orr, 355
Rochester, University of, 176
Rockefeller, Nelson, 372, 433
Rockefeller Foundation, 67, 123, 126, 144, 356, 383, 398
Rockefeller Institute, 214, 337, 345, 402, 410, 412, 415
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 270, 371
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 118, 267, 304
Roosevelt, Theodore, 302
Rosenberg, Ethel, 374
Rosenberg, Julius, 374
Rosenfeld, Albert, 415, 491
Rosensteil, Louis, 294, 295
Rostow, Walt W., 382, 435, 442
Rotblat, Joseph, 374, 474
Rothschild, Lord, 193 “Round Table” (radio program), 291, 292
Royal Society, 124
Royal Victoria Hospital (Montreal), 173
Rumania, 265
invasion of Hungary by, 48, 272
Ruml, Beardsley, 290
Rupp, Emil, 104
Rusk, Dean, 451
Ruska, Ernst, 98
Russell, Bertrand, 351, 376
Russell, John, 124
Russian Civil War, 48
Russian Revolution, 44
Rutherford, Ernest, 135, 146
Sachs, Alexander, 207, 208, 214, 215–219, 222, 303, 319, 366
Sachs, Hanns, 76
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital (London), 149, 151, 152
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 445
Sakharov, Andrei, 362, 494
Salgo, Arnold, 14
Salk, Jonas, 407, 473, 490, 492
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 323, 338, 407, 409, 477
SANE, 463
Sarah Lawrence College, 463
Saturday Evening Post, 456
Saturday Review of Literature, 291
Schacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeley, 100, 101
Scheiber, Gabor, 18
Scheiber, Imre, 18, 25
Scheiber, Karoly, 18
Scheiber, Otto, 18, 25, 35
Schenley distillers, 294
Schiller, Johann Christopher Friedrich von, 29
Schlesinger, Karl, 122
Schrecker, John, 453
Schrecker, Paul, 77
Schrödinger, Erwin, 82, 92, 96, 104, 106, 128, 130, 147, 156, 385, 387, 390
Science of Life, The (Wells), 109, 386
Science (magazine), 286, 494
Science Service, 189, 190, 195, 221, 297
Scientific American, 339
Scoville, Herbert (Pete), 479
Scripps-Howard news service, 287
Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 477
Seaborg, Glenn T., 232, 444
Segoe, Laszlo, 287
Segrè, Emilio, 164, 174
Seitz, Frederick, 262, 294, 296, 323, 365, 373
Senate, US, 270, 289, 291, 305, 307, 366, 367, 373, 459, 472, 474, 489
Disarmament Subcommittee, 376
Foreign Relations Committee, 293
Military Affairs Committee, 292, 293, 295, 300, 302, 367
Special Committee on Atomic Energy, 301
Shakespeare, William, 254
Shanghai, Battle of, 108
Shannon, Claude E., 67, 338
Shapley, Harlow, 446
Shaw, George Bernard, 36
Shedlovsky, Theodore, 403
Shils, Edward, 293, 464
Siemens, 87, 117, 144
Silard, Andy, 457
Silard, Bela, 3, 4, 8, 14, 17–20, 23, 26–29, 31–35, 38–40, 43–45, 47–52, 55–58, 60, 65–66, 70–71, 74–75, 79, 91, 93–95, 116, 121–122, 125, 170, 172–173, 179, 191. 195, 203, 231, 237, 351, 388, 416, 490–491, 494
Silard, Elizabeth Fejer, 74, 231
Silard, John, 489
Simmons College, 336
Simon, Francis, 149, 153, 154, 165, 174
Simpson, Esther, 121, 125, 141, 142, 147, 149, 158, 164
Simpson, John A., 295
Singer, Charles, 157, 158, 169
Singer, Daniel M., 464
Singer, Dorothea, 158
Skobeltzyn, Dmitri, 379, 383
Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, 413
Smith, Alice K., 421, 479
Smith, Cyril, 316
Smith, Capt. John, 352
Smith, Howard K., 414, 420
Smyth, Henry DeWolf, 279, 286, 287, 290, 299, 304, 315 “Snow Queen, The” (Andersen), 27
Soddy, Frederick, 135
Semenov, Nikolai N., 436
Sorbonne, 160
Soviet Academy of Sciences, 379, 430, 434, 437
Soviet Union, 80, 83, 156, 267, 286, 376, 381, 493
and arms control, 363–384, 419, 423–434
atomic bomb of, 328, 332, 333, 373
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 455, 458, 470
invasion of Hungary by, 445
uranium in, 213, 272
United States and, 265, 267, 273, 327, 329, 361, 363, 373, 375–377, 423, 424, 426–428, 430, 432, 433, 444, 470, 473, 474
Spaatz, Gen. Carl, 304
Spanel, Abram N., 335, 347, 486
Spanel, Margaret, 348–350
Spartacist revolt, 48
Sperber, Manes, 83
Spiegelman, Sol, 398
Spinoza, Baruch, 88
Spitz, Aranka, 14
Spitz, Arnold, 8
Spitz, Leontine Klopstock, 7, 8
Spitz, Louis, see Szilard, Louis
Spitz, Max, 8
Spitz, René A., 472
Spitz, Samuel, 6–9
Stalin, Joseph, 364, 371
Stanford University, 463
sp; Stanier, Roger, 398 “Star Wars” defense system, 495
Stassen, Harold, 302, 376
State Department, US, 251, 276, 290, 292, 308, 357, 358, 366, 371, 376, 383, 384, 423, 442–444, 449, 451
Disarmament Administration, 443
Stefánia Children’s Hospital (Budapest), 12, 18
Steiner, Leona (Lola), 34, 71, 74
Stern, Otto, 91
Stettinius, Edward R., 276
Stevenson, Adlai E., 333, 360
Stimson, Henry L., 247, 248, 268, 270, 271, 274, 282, 289, 318, 443
Stolper, Gustav, 206, 207
Stone, Robert S., 316
Stone & Webster, 245
Straight, Michael, 372, 451, 465
Strassmann, Fritz, 180, 183, 197
Strauss, Lewis L., 172, 173, 185, 189–191, 193, 201, 258, 296, 337, 356, 360–362, 420, 421, 444
Street of the Fishing Cat, The (Foldes), 167
Striker, Eva, see Zeisel, Eva Striker
Striker, Laura Polanyi, 352
Strong Memorial Hospital (Rochester), 173
Sufficiency, 65
Sugarman, Nathan, 406
Supreme Court, US, 258, 272, 315
Swarthmore College, 461
Swing, Raymond, 304
Szego, Adolf, 14
Szilard, Bela (brother), see Silard, Bela Szilard, Gertrud (Trude) Weiss, 76–77, 121, 158–159, 163, 165–177, 179–180, 184, 203, 209–210, 237–238, 241–242, 245–246, 248, 254–256, 259–261, 263–264, 284, 318, 322, 324, 327–330, 335–336, 342–350, 353–354, 360, 376, 393, 404, 414–418, 438–441, 445, 467–470, 477–479, 486–494
Szilard, Leo
and Academic Assistance Council, 123, 135, 144, 304 “active passivity” of, 34, 101
adolescence of, 3–4, 34–36, 70–71
on Advisory Committee on Uranium, 216–218, 220, 226–227
Angels Project of, 466, 467, 470, 471, 473–475, 479
and anticommunism, 355
as arms control advocate, 267, 292, 294, 306, 308, 321, 323, 327, 332, 337, 363–384, 418, 420, 432, 437, 442, 443, 458, 472, 475, 478, 480, 488
in Berlin, 54–122 “Big Bomb Suitcase” of, 468
as biologist, 138, 311, 320–322, 385–412
birth of, 11–12
at Brandeis, 334–335, 337, 347, 458
cancer of, 412, 413–425, 440, 465, 490, 492
childhood of, 5, 13–24, 28–30
conversion to Calvinism of, 50
and Council for a Livable World, 375, 463, 465, 478, 495
during Cuban Missile Crisis, 455, 458, 470
death of, 489–490
diets of, 335–336
doctoral thesis of, 65, 66, 80, 96, 128, 351
on economics, 46–47, 326
education of, 25–28, 31–33, 39–40, 46–47, 57–63
Einstein and, 84–90, 351
in England, 99, 102, 103, 106, 118, 123, 126, 128, 130, 143, 163, 164, 170
family background of, 5–11
and father’s death, 351–352
FBI surveillance of, 230, 355
fictional writings of, 328–329, 357, 381
first American visit of, 89
friendships of, 78–82, 158
Groves and, 236, 311, 343, 385
and Hitler’s rise to power, 116–121
immigration to US of, 106–108, 155, 172
and information theory, 66–68, 338, 339
in Italy, 74, 439
and Kennedy administration, 441–452, 458–460
Khrushchev and, 423–424, 426–439
leaves Budapest, 51–52
and letter to Roosevelt, 207–208, 211–213, 268–269
and Manhattan Project, 181, 187, 229, 236–290
marriage of, 341–354
and mother’s death, 195–196
nuclear chain reaction research of, 105, 138–142, 144, 146, 149, 156, 161, 165, 170, 194, 216, 220, 253, 386
opposes use of atomic bomb, 276–284
politics of, 45–50, 263–264
in Rocky Mountains, 324, 327
and Salk Institute, 154, 323, 338, 407–409, 469, 473, 475–478, 481, 485, 488, 494
scientific secrecy of, 194–196, 221 “sense of proportion” of, 23, 127, 145, 182, 183, 210, 273, 333
in Vienna, 120–123
women and, 34–35, 70–78
during World War I, 36–37, 43
Szilard, Louis (father), 8–10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 23, 28–30, 37, 45, 55, 92, 351, 352
Szilard, Rose (sister), see Detre, Rose Szilard Szilard, Tekla Vidor (mother), 6, 9–17, 21–23, 25, 28, 29, 45, 51
Szilard-Chalmers effect, 151, 192
Tabin, Julius, 487
Tamm, Igor, 198
Tea Board, 339
Teller, Edward, 147, 186, 207, 227, 248, 277, 342, 356, 359, 380, 393, 420, 466, 491
Teller, Elona, 360
Teller, Mici, 186, 362
Tennessee Valley Authority, 290, 366
Thermodynamics, 59, 60, 62–67, 339
Theoretical Physics Conferences, 156
Theory of Heat (Maxwell), 64
Theory and Practical Applications of Electricity (Zemplén), 31
Thomas, Lewis, 172, 185, 258, 296, 337, 356, 360, 420, 421, 444
Thomas, Llewellyn H., 447
Thomason, R. Ewing, 299
Thomson, George Paget, 142, 149, 197, 198
Those Three from the Gas Station (movie), 81
Three-Nation Declaration on Atomic Energy, 302
Threshold Test Ban (1976), 383
Thucydides, 332
Tibbetts, Col. Paul W., Sr., 304
Time-Life, 305, 433
Time Machine, The (Wells), 36
Time (magazine), 313, 315, 373, 465
Times, The (London), 154
Timofeeff-Ressovsky, N. W., 387
Tisza, Istvan, 44
Tobey, Charles W., 297
Tolstoy, Leo, 72, 159
Tom Jones (Fielding), 256
Topchiev, Alexander V., 361, 362, 379, 381, 383, 417, 430, 432, 433, 437, 438, 453
Tragedy of Man, The (Madách), 24, 25, 63, 242, 303, 418
Treaty for a Partial Nuclear Test Ban (1963), 383
Truman, Harry S., 270–273, 281, 282, 285, 286, 292, 296, 297, 301, 302, 304, 313, 332, 358, 364, 366, 367, 371, 373
Truman Doctrine, 369
Tuck, James, 153, 154, 174
Tugwell, Rexford, 393
Tupolev, Andrei N., 434, 435
Turner, Louis A., 225, 226, 229, 232, 325
Tuve, Merle, 194, 227
Tydings, Sen. Millard E., 307
United Nations, 304, 364, 369, 426, 427, 431
Atomic Energy Commission, 324, 366
Charter of, 276, 304, 446
General Assembly, 308, 427
International Atomic Energy Agency, 444
Security Council, 289
United States
and arms control, see Arms control and atomic bomb, 194, 197, 206, 210; see also Manhattan Project China and, 351
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 455, 458, 470
enters World War II, 234
Great Depression in, 83
in Korean War, 374
Soviet Union and, 265, 267, 273, 327, 329, 361, 363, 373, 375–377, 423, 424, 426–428, 430, 432, 433, 444, 470, 473, 474
in World War I, 40
US Information Agency, 447
U.S. News & World Report, 421
US Patent Office, 351
Urey, Frieda, 341
Urey, Harold, 155, 157, 227, 233, 234, 271–273, 288, 294, 297, 300, 301, 303, 316, 341, 365, 415
U-2 incident, 426, 467
Valéry, Paul, 254
Vandenberg, Arthur, 307, 364
Vanderbilt University, 387
Van Niel, Cornelius B., 393, 446
Vatican II, 469
Vidor, Emil, 11, 16, 17, 34
Vidor, Jeanette Davidsohn, 20
Vidor, Juli, 14
Vidor, R
ezsin (Regine), 35
Vidor, Sigmund, 6, 10, 17, 20
Vienna, University of, 76, 77, 121, 163
Vinogradov, A. P., 384
Virginia, University of, 218, 233
Vishinsky, Andrei, 371
Voice of the Dolphins, The (Szilard), 36, 381, 410, 423–426, 431, 433, 436, 437, 440, 443–445, 453, 473
Volbach, Walter, 328
Volmer, Max, 128
Von Neumann, John, 61, 67, 72, 79, 80, 92, 100, 104, 113, 265, 338, 339, 350
Voorhis, Jerry, 301, 302
Wagner Act, 313
Wallace, Henry A., 290, 296, 297, 464
Wallace, Mike, 441
Walton, Ernest T. S., 136, 146
Waly, A., 152
War Department, US, 161, 217, 230, 247, 288, 290, 291, 293, 296, 297, 300
Bureau of Public Relations, 289
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 72
Warsaw Pact, 332, 380
Washington Biophysical Institute, 214
Washington Evening Star, 186
Washington Post, 199, 293, 371, 426, 445, 462
Waskow, Arthur, 468
Watson, Gen. Edwin M. (“Pa”), 215, 216, 222
Watson, James D., 323, 398, 409, 412, 482, 493
Wave mechanics, 92, 96
Way, Katharine, 259, 294, 323, 355
WBAI, 463
Weizsäcker, Carl von, 213, 283, 379, 480
Weaver, Warren, 67, 356
Webb, Conant (Cody), 406, 416
Weil, George, 225, 228, 251
Weimar Republic, 78, 83, 99, 102, 114, 249
Weinberg, Alvin, 255, 383, 412, 422
Weiner, Milton, 336
Weiss, Egon, 335, 336
Weiss, Gertrud, see Szilard, Gertrud (Trude) Weiss Weiss, Paul A., 282
Weiss, Renée, 335, 336
Weissberg, Alex, 83
Weisskopf, Ellen, 177
Weisskopf, Victor, 77, 81, 82, 110, 177, 195, 304, 344, 351, 353, 446, 469, 470
Weizmann, Chaim, 123, 124, 152
Welch, Dr. William, 350
Welch, Louise, 350
Welch, Robert, 489
Wells, H. G., 36, 99, 105, 109, 110, 138, 141, 144, 184, 189, 221, 325, 386
Werner, Louis B., 242
Western Reserve University, 461
Westinghouse, 173
What Is Life? (Schrödinger), 385
Whisenand, James, 490
White, Byron R., 448
White, Gilbert, 372
Whitmore, James, 490
Wideröe, Rolf, 105
Wiener, Norbert, 403
Wiesner, Jerome, 380, 381, 420, 422, 435, 436, 442, 443, 446, 449, 451, 466, 473
Wigner, Eugene, 61, 72, 76, 78, 79, 85, 89, 95, 107, 111, 127, 143, 156, 184, 204, 227, 244, 252, 258, 270, 303, 350, 362, 365, 422, 481, 491
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 40, 44
Wilkins, Maurice H. F., 482
Willard Parker Hospital (New York), 238
Wilson, Robert R., 278
Wilson cloud chambers, 142, 145
Wimshurst’s machine, 32
Wisconsin, University of, 186
Wofford, Harris, 448, 449, 465
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