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Planet Hero- Civilian

Page 24

by M. A. Carlson

  “Dr. Portal,” Terminus gasped out, suddenly fading into view.

  It was my turn to ask, “How?”

  “My negation ability doesn’t just cancel out abilities. I can wrap myself in its effects, negating all senses from detecting me. Not your eyes. Not your ears. Not even that Spatial Awareness you just told the others about,” Terminus answered, her footsteps now crunching as she moved closer. Using one of her feet, she rolled me over. “I just wanted to look you in the eyes before I kill you.”

  Terminus looked like she was on her last leg. Her outfit had multiple tears in it revealing deep gashes and dark purple bruises already forming. Blood trickled from her temple and nose. One side of her head and face appeared to have been burned, removing a few layers of skin and some of her hair. For an 88th Milestone, she sure didn’t look it.

  Standing over me, she pointed the gun at my forehead. This felt way too familiar at this point. It was just like when that thug pointed a gun at me before I came to this world. But unlike that time, I had the ability to fight back. Time slowed as she began to pull the trigger, my Time Compression barely taking effect before I opened a Portal in the path of the bullet. I opened the other end behind her. Time sped up again as my power ran dry. But it was enough. The bullet slammed into her shoulder, just as it had done to me. She was sent stumbling forward, tripping over my body but not falling.

  I aimed for the shoulder that was connected to the arm holding the gun. I hoped the damage would be enough to make her drop the weapon. From my position on the ground, I could see a new tear in the back of her outfit at the shoulder. Unfortunately, I only saw a bruise forming as the bullet fell to the ground, unable to break her skin.

  Terminus spun around. She looked frazzled and angrier than before. “Now I’m going to make you hurt,” she said, pulling the trigger rapidly. I felt those familiar kicks in my legs, arms, and shoulders until she ran out of bullets, each shot dropping my health bar until it was flashing in warning with barely anything left. She wasn’t lying about making me hurt. The injuries weren’t maximal, but they were definitely critical. It wouldn’t take long for me to bleed out at this point. And unfortunately, I would be in pain for all of it.

  “Before you die,” Terminus said, leaning down close. She put her hands on my face and turned my head to look at the terrified Sam and Nick. “You can watch your friends die.”

  I didn’t have the strength to look away as she stepped over me and walked toward the pair. I weakly mumbled, “Stop. Don’t hurt them.” But it was useless. I just didn’t have the strength left.

  Terminus didn’t say anything as she raised the gun and pointed it at the pair.

  Sam looked to me, begging for help. For me to do anything to save her . . . to save us all. But I had nothing left.

  “Goodbye, maybe the next engineers I hire will be more useful,” Terminus said, pulling the trigger.

  I expected to hear a cry of pain from Sam or Nick, but the cry came from Terminus. She had dropped the gun and was cradling her hand which was now smoking as if burned. Then Terminus fell back as a flash of light impacted her shoulder, cutting clean through her shoulder, in one side and out the other.

  “No,” Terminus cried in pain as she fell back. Pushing backwards away from the source of the shot.

  It was then I saw the faint blue field formed in front of Sam and Nick. Ward. Ward was here somewhere. He protected them.

  Then I heard the sweetest voice I’d ever heard in my life. Light’s all too familiar voice stated, cleanly, clearly, and with authority, “Terminus, you are under arrest, surrender now, or face the consequences!”

  “No,” Terminus hissed. “You can’t stop me. I can’t lose to some third-rate hero. I won’t let you stop me.”

  As much pain as I was in, I was aware enough to feel the waves of negation start emanating from her body again. I watched as Light came into view then faltered. He felt it.

  Terminus scrambled forward and picked up her gun with her free hand and took aim. But I couldn’t let her do that. I was tapped and out of energy. I knew that this could be dangerous. Dangerous enough to possibly kill me, but I just couldn’t let my friend die like that.

  One more time, I thought to myself. I slowed time as I felt a gap in the negation wave. My vision turned blurry immediately and I felt a severe pain spike through my head, warning me that this was a bad idea. I pushed through anyway. I activated a Void Burst next to Terminus’s hand.

  I vaguely saw the gun warp and twist around her hand then explode in a haze of red. Terminus’s scream followed immediately but it sounded far away as the dark embraced me once more.


  I honestly didn’t know if I would wake up again. After using the last dregs of my Nanos to stop Terminus, I was prepared to die. I knew the risks and I did it anyway. As consciousness slowly returned and I stared up at the white hospital room ceiling, for a brief moment, I considered that it was all a dream. That I was shot back in that alley and the last couple months had been one long hallucination.

  When I turned my head to the side and saw Light dozing in the chair next to my bed, that thought ended and another began. Though it was more questions. Mostly, I just wanted to know what had happened.

  “Light,” I croaked. My throat felt raw and dried out. I licked my lips and swallowed, trying to restore some moisture. I tried again, this time my voice came out a little bit clearer, “Light.”

  Light stirred slightly but didn’t rouse.

  I was saved from any further attempts to wake my friend when another familiar friend entered.

  “Ah, Davis, you’re awake,” Ward said.

  “Yeah, was I out long?” I asked.

  “About a day,” Ward replied. “We healed your wounds easily enough, but you really drained your Nanos. All things considered. A day really isn’t bad. I’ve seen it take weeks to recover from Nano-exhaustion.”

  I nodded weakly. It was good to hear that my injuries had been healed. It explained why I wasn’t in any pain, other than a hunger pang from my stomach reminding me that it had been more than a day since I last ate or drank anything. “Water?” I requested. My throat was still dry and scratchy.

  Ward smiled softly and crossed the room toward the sink. The sound of running water followed, though only briefly. Ward moved from the sink to my bedside, now with a glass of water in hand.

  I thirstily drank the entire glass.

  “Better?” Ward asked, taking back the empty glass.

  “Much,” I replied. “What happened? I mean, did you guys catch Terminus?”

  “We did,” Ward said, grinning broadly. “After you blew up her hand, she wasn’t in any mood to fight us . . . or anyone for that matter.”

  I cringed as I remembered that moment, hazy though it was.

  “So . . . it’s over?” I asked.

  “It is for her,” Ward said. “But I need to ask, are you the reason her flying fortress crashed?”

  I nodded. “Well, Sam, Nick and me. They told me which engines to destroy. And that was after we took out a number of the weapons stations to open a path for the heroes to attack. Speaking of, where the hell were you guys?”

  Ward flinched at my question. “Please, try to stay calm. I don’t want you to strain your Nanos and end up back asleep, or worse, dead.”

  I frowned but nodded, forcing my shoulders to relax and ease the tension they were suddenly feeling.

  Ward sighed before he spoke. “Things in New Haven are . . . not good right now. The Hero Association is in a bad way after the attack. Especially since Major Miracle . . . disappeared.”

  “Disappeared? What do you mean, ‘disappeared’?” I asked.

  “As in he’s gone. It looks like he ran away,” Ward answered.

  “But isn’t he some kind of super overpowered hero? Why would he run away?” I asked.

  “Mental Star thinks he ran because he was afraid of facing another Terminus. Major Miracle almost died the first time he faced Terminus, so his fear
is somewhat understandable. Still, that doesn’t alleviate him from any of the responsibility he bears,” Ward stated, not condoning Major Miracle but still understanding him.

  “I certainly don’t approve,” I said with a frown.

  “I understand,” Ward said.

  “So, what happens now? What will happen to Terminus?” I asked.

  “Terminus will likely be sent to the moon,” Ward answered.

  It looked like Ward was going to continue, but I interrupted. I needed to ask, “The moon?”

  “Yeah, we have a penal colony there,” Ward replied. “It’s a funny story. It was once a villain’s base, but I can tell you that story another time.”

  “So, what happens to me?” I asked.

  “We will set you up with an apartment and a small stipend until you find work. I know it isn’t much for all that you’ve done for us, but it’s the best we can do,” Ward said.

  I suppose that made sense. I wasn’t actually a hero. Though I must say, it felt damned good to be one for a while there.

  “For now, rest, recover. We’ll chat again soon,” Ward promised.

  Ward left not much later, and I laid back and closed my eyes. Eventually I settled into a comfortable sleep and not a forced unconsciousness.

  A few more days passed with me sitting around and doing nothing. Sam and Nick paid me a visit before they were whisked away. They were relocated by the Hero Association to different fortress cities with new identities and told to avoid working on such projects ever again. It was sad to see two of the only friends I’d made in this world get relocated but I sort of understood. If a villain was to ever find out about the device Terminus commissioned and then learned who made it, their lives would be in danger once again. Unfortunately, that meant they couldn’t rebuild and perfect the device for me to use to go home. I hoped my sister would understand the delay . . . I hoped she was okay.

  Light hardly left my side, claiming something along the lines of him owing me a life debt for saving him from Terminus and almost losing mine in the process. I asked Ward if there was such a thing and he just laughed. Still, it seemed that Light took it seriously enough because the man had become my shadow.

  As if Light shadowing me wasn’t enough, I was also forbidden from cultivating more Nanos. According to Ward, if I tried to cultivate and absorb more Nanos, I risked exhausting my Nanos again, which would probably kill me after already suffering exhaustion so recently. Which was a real shame, after the Nano-exhaustion and all the fighting, I lost two Milestones.

  Davis Malory

  Aliases: Dr. Portal, The Physician

  Occupation: N/A

  Alignment: Neutral

  Milestone: 29th

  Nano: 6,155,271/7,875,000


  Athleticism: 25

  - Strength: Average (3/10)

  - Agility: Above Average

  - Accuracy: Above Average

  - Speed: Below Good

  - Stamina: Average (1/10)

  Resistance: 3

  - Physical Resistance: Average (2/10)

  - Energy Resistance: Above Average

  - Mental Resistance: Above Average

  Recovery: 6

  - Physical Injury: Average

  - Nano Energy: Average (5/10)


  Power: 67

  - Time: Average (2/10)

  Time Compression: 67%

  Accelerate Healing: 3.2-Injury Scale Reductions

  - Space: Below Good (14/25)

  Void Burst: 5.9-Uses at Maximum Size

  Spatial Awareness: Passive senses may be enhanced for up to 5-Seconds

  Portal: up to 5.9-Foot Diameter

  Teleport: 5.9-Uses

  Control: 67

  - Time: Average (2/10)

  Time Compression: 22-Seconds Uncompressed Time

  Accelerate Healing: up to 2.2-Inch Diameter

  - Space: Below Good (14/25)

  Void Burst: up to a 69-Foot Range and up to a 5.8-Inch Diameter

  Spatial Awareness: up to 69-Foot Range

  Portal: Travel 0.49-Mile Range

  Teleport: 69-Foot Range

  But it was odd. My Milestone dropped to the 29th. But it still required the Nanos for the 32nd Milestone just to get back to the 30th Milestone. Even stranger, my Space Power and Control both increased by one enhancement point and my Time Power and Control increased by two enhancement points. How did I lose Milestones but still get stronger? I tried asking both Ward and Light and they were both as puzzled as I was. Still, more than a million Nanos were just gone.

  When it was time to leave the Hero Association and try to make my way in this world, Light and Ward were there to see me off, though I was pretty sure Light was going to follow me.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Hammer asked, blocking the exit.

  “It seems my hero days are done,” I said. “Thank you for all your help. I don’t think I would have survived if it wasn’t for the training you gave me.”

  Hammer didn’t budge or even twitch. Then he repeated the question, “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To my new apartment,” I answered.

  “Wrong,” Hammer said.

  “Wrong?” I questioned, looking to both Ward and Light who looked equally confused. “If not there, then where?”

  Hammer grinned and produced a letter from one of the pouches connected to his belt.

  I quirked an eyebrow and studied the envelope for a minute, trying to decide if it was a trap of some kind before I took it. It was nice cardstock. On the front it was addressed to David Malory, a.k.a. The Physician. On the back was an official looking wax seal with an ‘H.A.’ stamped.

  I pealed the wax away and opened the letter. I barely got past the ‘Dear Mr. Malory’ when Hammer Jack spoke, sounding excited, “You’re going to Hero Certification as my Sidekick candidate. If you can take out a villain of the 88th Milestone, I’d like to see what you can do with some real hero training. It starts tomorrow, transport has all been arranged. Don’t let me down, sidekick.”

  I tried to protest but Hammer was already walking away, whistling a tune I didn’t recognize.

  I turned to Light and Ward, “Did you two know about this?”

  “First I’ve heard of it,” Ward answered.

  “Same here,” Light said, though he sounded much more excited than Ward. He then quickly asked, “So, are you going to do it? Are you going to try to become a hero? With your Milestone, you should easily be able to make sidekick.”

  “Light, calm down,” Ward said with a chuckle, putting a hand on the excited hero’s shoulder. “It’s a big decision. It’s also dangerous as he’s already learned. This kind of work, it isn’t for everyone.”

  “But he’s so good at it,” Light protested.

  Ward chuckled again as I felt my face redden in embarrassment. “That he is. But he also nearly died several times in the last week. If he chooses to become a real hero, he’ll be exposed to that kind of danger on a regular basis. I’ll say it again, this life isn’t for everyone.”

  He wasn’t wrong. I did nearly die several times in the last week. But I also saved countless lives when I stopped Terminus. I probably accomplished more good in my weeks as a hero than I ever did as an M.D. It was also kind of exciting and terrifying. And my life as a doctor was meaningless now. In a world with superpowered healers, what good was a doctor. I didn’t really know how to do anything else but be a doctor. And this world was so different from my own. How long would it take to learn enough to find a new career? On the other hand, being a hero was something I could do now . . . sort of. I would need to go to the Hero Certification and then be Hammer Jack’s sidekick for who knows how long. It was kind of like doing my residency all over again. I was surprised by how much I was starting to like the idea. I would still be able to help people. Wasn’t that why I became a doctor in the first place?

  With my mind made up, I looked to Ward and asked, “Ward, what are the benefits l
ike? Salary, health insurance, that kind of thing? And what about the retirement plan?”

  Ward smiled broadly but it was nothing compared to Light’s, his teeth were literally shining.

  “Light, do you have an ability to make your teeth shine?” I asked.

  Light suddenly covered his mouth with his hand.

  Ward and I both laughed heartily.

  “It’s a reflex,” Light said dejectedly.

  “So, when you’re happy, your teeth glow?” I asked through my laughter.

  “Pretty much,” Light said with an embarrassed shrug of his shoulders, getting more laughter from both Ward and me.

  When the laughing finally ended, Ward clapped me on the shoulder and began telling me about the benefits of being a hero. “Let me tell you all about the life of a hero . . .”


  Thank you all very much and I hope you have enjoyed this adventure. If you enjoyed the story, please leave a review as it helps us authors tremendously.

  Bye-bye will return soon so keep an eye out for updates.

  For news and other World Tree adventures, please visit my website at M.A. Carlson or Patreon - M.A. Carlson


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