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Dark Power

Page 33

by Kristie Cook

  Warlocks – Part of the mage classification, supernatural beings who are born with the ability to wield magic and physically endowed with strength and speed, making them excellent warriors. They are not gender specific and are on both the Amadis and Daemoni sides.

  Witches/Wizards – Part of the mage classification, supernatural beings who are born with the ability to wield magic, usually using a wand as well as spells, incantations, potions, elemental energy, etc. While they can be quite powerful, their powers and physical strengths aren’t as strong as Warlocks or Sorcerers. Using the term Witch or Wizard was traditionally by gender, but really is up to each individual’s preference. There are Witches and Wizards on both the Amadis and Daemoni sides.

  Were-creatures/animals (a/k/a Shifters) – Supernatural beings with two combined spirits—human and animal—and they can physically shift between their two forms. There is a were-creature/shifter for nearly every predatory species on Earth, and they’re on both the Amadis and the Daemoni sides.

  Dark Power Playlist

  (The songs I listened to on repeat while writing this book.)

  Never Be the Same by Red

  Shadows by Red

  Your Love Is a Song by Switchfoot

  Cry for Help by Shinedown

  Give Me a Sign by Breaking Benjamin

  The Mission by 30 Seconds to Mars

  About the Author

  Kristie Cook is a lifelong, award-winning writer in various genres, primarily New Adult paranormal romance and contemporary fantasy. Her internationally bestselling, award-winning Soul Savers Series includes seven books, as well as several companion novellas and short stories. Over 1.2 million Soul Savers books have been downloaded. She has also written The Book of Phoenix trilogy, a New Adult paranormal romance series. Her books have been featured in USA Today’s HEA section, on Good Morning America, and in the Emmy’s Gifting Suite.

  Kristie also created, writes in, and publishes the award-winning Havenwood Falls shared world, a collaborative project with multiple series, dozens of authors, and countless stories.

  Besides writing, Kristie enjoys reading, cooking, traveling, getting her hippie on, and feeding her addictions to coffee, chocolate, cheese, and her latest TV obsession. She has lived in eleven states, but currently calls Florida home.

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  First and foremost, my thanks go to the Creator for the many blessings the Spirit has showered on me.

  Shawn, Zakary, Austin, and Nathan, thank you for sharing your lives with me, for your continued support and love, for understanding when Mom can’t make dinner every night, and for being you. I love you.

  Brenda, thank you for being a true friend who not only takes a beating from me but dishes it right back (yes, “it”!). Without your nit-picky, old school marm self, this book would be a mess. And without your encouragement, your understanding like only another writer can provide, and your shoulder to cry on, I would be a complete disaster.

  Thank you to Lily Rowserein for my gorgeous new covers. I can’t get over how perfect they are.

  Jessica, I’m so grateful you emailed me over a little book no one had ever heard of to review on a little blog that was only a baby at the time. Look what we’ve grown, girl. Thank you for all of your help. Mindy and Jennifer, thank you for coming through at the last minute and helping out a crazed author. Chrissi and Lisa, thank you (again) for all you did.

  Thank you also to Heather and the Indie Elite, and to the many bloggers who have helped spread the word about the Soul Savers, especially to Jessica, Lisa, Mindy, Michele, Stacey, Inga, Jennifer, Brittany, Damaris, Stella, Tanya, Angela, Savannah, Katelyn, Jessica, Colleen, Lisa, Cynthia and Christina. Thank you to the Warriors for your love and enthusiasm. And as always, my deepest love and gratitude to the readers for taking a little time out of your life to spend with me. You have no idea what your posts, comments, reviews and recommendations to friends mean to an author. You’re the best fans in the world. I dare anyone to deny it.

  An Excerpt

  The world is on the brink of war, the enemy have increased their attacks on humans, and my team and I have been assigned the mission of building the Angels’ army on Earth. However, the unthinkable happens, and my biggest fear comes true. Nothing will stop me from recovering what is mine.

  Except everything and everyone tries.

  Suspicious humans have set traps to ensnare the supernatural. The world powers have closed their borders as they prepare for war. The Demons’ army grows exponentially by taking innocent souls—souls that we’re supposed to protect. And a power-hungry sorceress schemes to rule us all, with revenge on my grandmother topping her priority list. I’m forced to choose between those I love dearly and the souls of all of humanity, but when there’s no right answer, I’m destined to lose. The question is—who will it be?

  Sacred Wrath

  An Excerpt

  He was gone. Really gone.

  My little boy, my baby, the light of my life. Gone.

  No matter how hard I tried, how far I pushed the boundaries of my mind to feel across the sea of mind signatures, I couldn’t find his. Of course I couldn’t. But I knew where I could.

  My fingers curled into Sasha’s white and gray striped fur, trying to soothe her, though I had no soothing vibes within me. I sat on my knees in the bedroom part of the safe house suite where I had left Dorian, where I thought he’d be safe when I couldn’t be there to protect him myself. Barely bigger than my hand, the lykora lay on her side in her natural form, her silver blood staining the blue-and-cream Oriental rug under her. More coagulated on her back where one of her wings had been severed. Who could be so cruel? Stupid question. I knew that answer, too. He’d left my dagger under her to ensure I knew.

  Heavy arms hung over my shoulders, arms that usually gave me comfort but now trembled with sobs.

  “Can you heal her?” I asked, my voice sounding rough and distant. When I received no answer, I asked again, each word discrete and deliberate. “Tristan. Can you heal her?”

  He lifted his head from my shoulder, but Blossom answered first.

  “She’s an Angelic being,” she said from behind me. “She’ll heal on her own.”

  “Good,” I said. I picked up my dagger, wiped her blood off of it and onto my leather pants, put it back where it belonged on my hip, and flashed.

  Tampa. Gainesville. Tallahassee. Rural Alabama and Mississippi. From here, I followed the path Vanessa and I had taken only two days before, barely seeing the landscape of each place before flashing to the next one. Tristan finally caught up to me outside of Kansas City, where the March air was significantly cooler than at home.

  He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight against his chest, preventing me from flashing again.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, his lovely voice distorted with the two primary emotions roiling within me—anger and grief. Mostly anger. The kind that didn’t dissipate but built with each passing moment.

  “To Hades,” I answered flatly.


  “Unless you’re coming with me, yes.”

  “Alexis, we can’t just waltz into Hades—”

  “Not waltz. Storm.” Like the raging storm building inside me.

  “Still. We can’t—”

  “I guess that’s your answer then.” I pushed a spark of electricity into him and used the moment of surprise to flip my way out of his hold. Then I flashed.

  Again and again.

  But my power was waning. After flashing halfway across the world once already in the last two days, fighting my way out of Hades, and escaping Lucas, the sperm donor, I hadn’t been able to truly regenerate. I had to pause longer between each flash, but each time I did, I envisioned what I would do when I arrived in Hades. The throats I would slash. The Demons I would fry to a crisp. Lucas’s life I would take, but only after slicing the smirk off his face, and carving his eyeballs out with my silver dagger and stuffing them into his lipless mouth.

  The thoughts should have terrified me, but they only pushed me on.

  Until Tristan stopped me once again in Wyoming.

  “Alexis, you can’t—”

  I ignored him and flashed.

  “Take them on by yourself,” he finished in Idaho.

  “Watch me.” I flashed again.

  “But we can’t—” he started again in Washington.

  “Damn it, Tristan. I don’t want to hear ‘can’t’!” I yelled, and I flashed again.

  And slammed into a wall.

  At least, that’s what it felt like. An invisible wall that blocked my flash, causing me to materialize in an empty field somewhere near the Canadian border. I tried again and appeared by a stream, the lights of Seattle not far off. I screamed with frustration.

  “The border’s been shielded,” Tristan said from behind me. “And not a normal shield, either, but more like an invisible fence we can’t flash through. No one can pass through at all, not even norms, except at guarded border crossings.”

  I didn’t reply before I flashed again, farther inland. No mage could have possibly shielded the entire border between the United States and Canada. I would find a way through. Focusing on the nearest state highway, I flashed to about two hundred yards outside a border crossing.

  Several armed soldiers guarded a barbed-wire-topped steel gate that stretched across the two-lane highway, blocking anyone from simply crossing. Lines of cars waited from both directions. More guards surrounded the first car, pulling the driver and passengers out and training their flashlights on their eyes and hands. Others were searching the car and its contents. I absorbed all of this in a few seconds and knew that gate provided my way into Canada, and then I could resume flashing to Siberia. A steel gate and a few soldiers weren’t about to stop me.

  I sprinted for the crossing, planning to blur past them all, hurdle it, and be on my way without anyone noticing. But someone did. Perhaps those soldiers weren’t all Norman. Gunfire tore through the night. Bullets flew at me. You’ve got to be kidding me. I flicked my fingers, and the bullets fell to the ground. As I ran, I lifted my left hand, a purplish-silver current already sparking. More gunfire erupted. I shot electricity, not aiming for any particular guard, but simply shooting bolts wildly as a warning. People screamed. More soldiers shot at me, but I was almost there. Almost to the gate.

  And nobody—not even a dozen men with automatic assault rifles—could stop me from getting to my son.

  Just as I was about to make the leap, though, something hard slammed into my side. The breath whooshed out of my lungs. My vision went dark.

  Read Sacred Wrath now.

  Books by Kristie Cook

  Soul Savers

  A Demon’s Promise

  An Angel’s Purpose

  Dangerous Devotion

  Dark Power

  Sacred Wrath

  Unholy Torment

  Fractured Faith

  Genesis: A Soul Savers Novella

  Awakened Angel: A Soul Savers Novella

  Prophecy of the Wolves: (A Soul Savers Tie-In Novella)

  Wonder: A Soul Savers Collection of Holiday Short Stories & Recipes

  Havenwood Falls

  Forget You Not

  Lose You Not

  Break Me Not

  The Collector: Awakening

  The Winged & the Wicked (with T.V. Hahn)

  Savage Salvation (Sin & Silk)

  Sun & Moon Academy Book One: Fall Semester

  Havenwood Falls Short Story Anthology 2018

  Havenwood Falls Short Story Anthology 2019

  Book Of Phoenix

  The Space Between

  The Space Beyond

  The Space Within




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