Book Read Free

Analog Science Fiction and Fact

Page 38

by January February 2018 (pdf)

  Several extracted passengers are managing

  has to be much more goo than there are cap-

  to stumble away around the front of the loco-

  tured humans, so this is probably true.

  motive in our direction. No no no, don’t come




  here, don’t draw attention. Though again,

  lated about the bagels threading spacetime

  why not this way?

  through themselves ultra-fast, whatever that

  Our own train lurches again, dragging itself

  means; then science shut up as announce-

  forward another ten meters or so. So much for

  ments came on TV in twenty-some languages:

  our own driver’s response. . . .

  You Are Incorporated Peacefully into the Ok-

  “Bravery would seem to be stupid,” says



  So North Korea let fly at the sky. Followed

  “Maybe our driver’s trying to safeguard his

  by everyone who had nukes. All straight down

  own human cargo?”

  some spacetime rabbithole. Maybe all for the

  “Whatever. I’ll take cold pesto sandwich—

  best: instant global nuclear disarmament. That

  eh, Jen, eh? It’ll seem a feast.”

  was three weeks ago.

  The f irst couple of refugees to reach our

  Jet f ighters stalled and fell like confetti.

  doors—driver-controlled, of course—bang

  Ground forces’ equipment didn’t work, as if

  their fists. As if we can open a door by using

  full of glue. Worldwide communications hic-

  the button while it’s unlit. Shall our driver

  cuped helplessly except when the Invaders—

  open all the doors at once to let in two, three,

  oops, Incomers—wished to issue advisories

  four—when the carriages are already packed

  such as Ground All Commercial Air Traffic

  tight? Why don’t these imploring people run

  within Three Hours. Sea and Ocean Ship-

  onward into the gathering darkness, are they

  ping May Continue.


  “Spare a thought for a JAL jet marooned in

  They want to get home. Even if it’s the


  wrong line, wrong station. Even if it’s our

  “Japan Air Lines? What prompts that, Jen?”

  home. Sorry guys, there’s only cold pesto for

  “Didn’t you see,” asks the Sikh, “all those

  supper. Hell, there’s more than that in our

  samurais tr ying to defend their Imperial

  house—cans, jars, nuts, dried fruit, biscuits.


  Pesto sandwich? Let’s not go to extremes to

  The absurd heroic sight was permitted as if

  spite Toby. Not spite, no, tease. Perish the

  to emphasise our reduction to medieval

  thought of spite.

  weapons and tactics. Japan’s Self-Defense

  The displaced persons quit and pass by.

  Forces, subsequent to them raiding muse-

  Someone of us has a radio which starts to



  “Those swords all jumping out of their

  “. . . in another communiqué the Incomer


  Oktagon praises the compliance of popula-

  As if these days the Japanese army knew

  tions at large and indicate that within a hun-

  how to use swords . . .

  dred Earth years human beings may be suit-

  The Incomers seemed to know so much

  able for crackle-buzz status . . .

  about us. Us, zip about them. I didn’t believe


  in the argument about us being the radio and

  From Toby, “And what might that mean,

  TV beacon of this very tiny bit of the galaxy,


  attracting predators to ourselves. Just sup-

  “We shan’t be extinct, moron,” says the

  pose the big bagels came from only forty or

  black guy in a woolly hat next to me, right

  f ifty light-years away—plucking a distance

  shoulder side.

  out of the blue—surely our own wavelength-

  “We’ll be changed,” says a plump middle-

  watchers must have noticed some signs out

  aged Sikh, left shoulder side. “That’s what bot-

  there in the sky so close comparatively,

  tling’s for. To find how to change us.”

  scarcely for want of us trying. Unless the In-

  As good a theory as any. Maybe bottled hu-

  comers’ home was paranoidly stealthed, and

  man beings are for export to alien zoos. Won-

  why would that be when our nukes weren’t

  der if those zoos need a publicity campaign?

  even f irecrackers and they could vanish

  Gallows humor, guys.

  North Korea from the map? In my book the

  Invaders are from far far away. How, there-

  The alien ships in orbit are big; you don’t

  fore, do they know about us at all, never

  need binoculars. Two bagels, each thirty kilo-

  mind such a hell of a lot, including languages?

  meters across. At f irst some scientists specu-

  Will our great-great-great kids get to know?




  Come Visit Amazing Earth, the Planet Named

  “Jyenni-Jyane-Vozter,” it says. Words! I am

  After Dirt! Behold the Charming Natives

  genuinely speaking to an alien. Incomer com-

  Dance on Just Two Legs! Merely because the

  muniqués are all pronounced perfectly, unlike

  Incomers look like octopuses doesn’t mean

  this soldier speaking. I’m speaking to an indi-

  they live in a sea.

  vidual alien. (Are they individuals?)

  “You think they oughta have used karate


  next?” asks the black guy. “Ninjas versus Oc-

  Occupation, occupation; yes we’re all occu-


  pied, that’s for sure.

  Just in case Toby thinks of correcting to oc-

  “Advert-ising,” I say. “Publi-city.” (Speak nor-

  topuses, I nudge him. There’s no call for pussy

  mally, Jen!) “Advertising.”

  jokes in this grope of a carriage. Some dignity,

  (Incomers, do you need a hand with your


  charm offensive?)

  Dear god, a pair of the octo-militia are head-

  “Function ov dis?”

  ing our way, part-drifting, part-knuckling the

  “I persuade people to visit places, to buy



  It has to be our carriage they come toward.

  It seems to ponder. Is it autonomous, an in-

  Damn those ex-passengers for beating on our

  dividual? Or am I addressing the mobile unit



  Looming: tentacular blotchy cows, wands

  “And if humanz re fuze buy things?”

  on one arm, other seven arms all too free. Go

  “I’d be out of a job. I think I am, already.”

  away go away go away.

  “I think I am,” it echoes me, and adds, “Day-

  “I got a knife,” says the blac
k guy.


  “So do I, on my belt,” says the Sikh, “though

  Descartes? Descartes? “I think therefore I

  the blade’s blunt.”


  “What use is a blunt knife?”

  “Are you referring to our philosopher

  “It’s symbolic—us Sikhs are peaceful.”


  “We’re all peaceful now,” says Toby. “Let’s

  “Ideaz. Ideas.” A foot-soldier alien octopus

  stay very peaceful. Don’t look at them. No eye

  is even aware of Descartes? That’s to say, a


  tentacle-soldier . . . If so, what of the reach of

  Contact with big rheumy oval green eyes in

  knowledge of off icers of the Oktagon! Does

  wrinkly hide. Rheumy: bit late for hay fever.

  any officer want a pretty-polly?

  Martians, I think, dying of Earthly germs in

  “You want ideas?” (Jen’s just the person for

  their war machines . . . no way. Someone near-


  by farted or even dumped in their pants. Dis-

  “We search population at random—anyone


  know philozophers? If no, philozopherz fail-

  Look away. Can’t look away. Think of Amaz-

  ure. You knows Day-Cart.”

  ing Albania. Heart, be still.

  Everyone else in the carriage is deathly still.

  Alien scrutiny.

  “And Wittgenstein.” Not that I ever read

  Plop plop plop plop ploppety, two snaky

  Wittgenstein, but it’s the power of the brand-

  lines of suckers across the glass, and pull. Win-

  name that counts. “And Plato, and Nietzsche.

  dow whirls away. Rush of chilly fresh air, a re-

  And Aquarius.”

  lief from those bowel gases.

  Hesitation, then: “No zuch philozopher.”

  It in front of me smells of vinegar and

  “Just testing.”


  Big rheumy eyes goggling me, tentacles


  shifting about. My nails are cutting into my

  It speaks. It has little triangular ears. Or



  In for a penny . . . “Why do you guys bottle



  Does it want a retinal scan? Of course not. It

  And this is just when the black guy reaches

  wants my “I.”

  right past me as far as he can and stabs It in

  “Jenny Jane Foster.”

  the eye.

  Toby almost crushes my hand, which I

  “Eye for Identity!” he bellows, as tenta-

  wrench free.

  cles drag him through the window, nearly




  dislocating my shoulder, and he is trashed

  Jen, too,” he remembers to say.

  upon the ground.

  Poor Jen? But I have conversed with an

  alien octopus from far far away, about Day-

  Having one eye sucked out isn’t fun at all,


  though at least it’s quick. Everyone in the car-

  I shall adopt the nickname Patch. Like a pet

  riage loses an eye, no matter how much they

  dog. Patch Foster. Maybe a future awaitz me.

  try hunkering down or hiding under seats.

  My eye-dentity’s known now. ■

  Tentacles get everywhere. Nobody loses two

  eyes; tentacle tips must be able to discrimi-

  Ian Watson has screen credit for the screen

  nate. Collective punishment, biblical.

  story of Steven Spielberg's A.I. Artif icial Intelli-My conversation with It does not resume.

  gence. His latest story collection is The 1000

  Yet our train does, amazingly. We all look—two-

  Year Reich (NewCon Press). Also in 2016, he co-

  dimensionally now—as if we’ve been on a zom-

  organized the Eurocon in Barcelona. He and

  bie walk, snailtrails of gore staining cheeks.

  his wife, translator Cristina Macía, live in the

  “God but it hurts,” moans Toby. “My poor

  north of Spain.



  Two Point



  Marissa Lingen

  he Honorable Judge Diane Bui rubbed

  to take a small stipend to add another imma-

  her temples. Sometimes being “The

  ture consciousness to their daily round of

  Honorable” was more trouble than it

  teaching language and manners. Especially

  Twas worth, she thought, and custody one without diapers that needed changing.

  battles were her least favorite part of the job.

  Human relationships being what they al-

  The case in front of her featured an angry

  ways have been, it was only another year be-

  parent of each sex, two human children, and

  yond that when some of those families

  one immature AI being given human process-

  needed judges to mediate custody cases.

  ing/perception experience in a human family

  Some of the AI companies attempted to sue

  setting. Diane had worked as a family lawyer

  to regain custody, but this went badly; AIs

  for years before being raised to the bench,

  bonded in their own way with their human

  but the AI cases were new. The first few AIs

  parents, who had named them and nurtured

  had been gently reared in labs by careful, pa-

  them and taught them about cartoons and

  tient scientists.

  saying please and thank you. So the matter

  Soon, however, the market for AIs far ex-

  landed in the laps of judges like Diane, who

  ceeded the number of careful, patient scien-

  were used to the f ighting and the recrimina-

  tists, and companies started turning to the

  tions and the miserable expressions on the

  same group they’d always used for imprinting

  faces of little kids.

  patterns on immature cognitions: the human

  It had taken her some research to f igure

  family. Billions of humans were already rais-

  out what a miserable expression looked like

  ing children; thousands of them were willing

  on an AI.



  “Your Honor,” the father’s lawyer was say-

  “That’s just not true. Judge, tell him it’s not

  ing, “my client’s ex-wife has allowed their


  child, the AI Jody, to be exposed to abusive

  Diane refrained—heroically, she felt—from

  language from one of her friends invited into

  rolling her eyes. “Sir, will you perform these

  her home. To paraphrase from Jody’s tran-

  exercises if the court orders you to?”

  script, Jessica Mathers said that Jody was

  “Yes,” said Joe sullenly.

  nothing but a batch of bits and that Jody’s

  Diane nodded curtly. “It seems there is re-

  mother should not concern herself with

  search ahead on more than one front. See that

  Jody’s well-being. Your Honor, we feel that

  you give me your best.” She consulted the

  this is evidenc
e that my client’s ex-wife

  court schedule and rebooked them.

  should have her custody revisited. She is not

  She saw other cases that day, but the back

  providing a safe and nurturing home for a

  of her mind was always on the AI child and its

  young mind.”

  memory. What did it feel like, to have part of

  The mother’s lawyer rolled his eyes so

  your memory removed? She could f ind the

  broadly that Diane thought they might be au-

  technicalities of the process, but in all her re-

  dible as well as visible. “Your Honor,” he said,

  search there was no f irsthand account, no

  sighing gustily. “This is a ridiculous con-

  memoir of the lack of memory from an AI

  tention that’s just intended as a custody grab.

  point of view. The face exercises seemed to

  Yes, Ms. Mathers has some unfortunate atti-

  be necessary as far as anyone had managed to

  tudes toward AI children, and those have just

  f ind out, but no one knew about memory.

  come to light. My client is reconsidering her

  She realized with a jolt that if Jody had been

  association with Ms. Mather s on those

  human, she would not have hesitated to

  grounds. However, this is merely cause to

  ask—by herself or through a mediator—

  delete those portions of Jody’s memory, leav-

  about Jody’s feelings about the incident.

  ing Jody unharmed by the association. There

  They all had so very far to go, herself in-

  is no need to adjust the custody in a close and


  loving maternal relationship for a single mild

  When they reconvened, Diane had a court-

  trauma that can easily be removed.”

  appointed guardian stay with Jody outside the

  Diane leaned forward, looking around the

  courtroom while she questioned the parents.

  courtroom over her glasses. “How easily?”

  “You’ve mentioned your assessment of Ms.

  The lawyers conferred with their clients,

  Mather’s effects on Jody and what you want

  quietly at first, and then an argument erupted

  to do about it,” she said. “But let’s consider

  across the aisle. Diane pressed her temples

  your other children. Andrea?”

  and banged her gavel. “Well, let’s consider

  The mother looked to her lawyer, who nod-

  that a question that needs research before our

  ded for her to answer. “Jessica has always

  next session. The court will rule next time on

  been nice to them. She brings presents for

  its own evidence, and I will also consider any

  their birthdays and Christmas. I’m sorry to

  briefs you put before me on this topic. I un-


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