Book Read Free

The Last Blade

Page 8

by Sarah Hawke

  Chapter Four

  Maz Sepa

  Varsellian Sector, Far Rim


  Our newly formed Phoenix Squadron was up in the air less than an hour later, and thankfully Shandris remembered all the basics even without me sitting behind her. Fighting was a lot different than just flying, however, and I could only hope she would pick up combat as quickly.

  “I gotta admit, I’m not sure I like the idea of you flying with us, Doc,” Morningstar said when we cleared low orbit and blasted into open space.

  “Worried your ego can’t take the hit if I’m better than you?” Shandris chided.

  “A little,” he admitted. “But really I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Aw, how sweet…and patronizing,” Cobalt sneered.

  “Look, I’m a gentleman. I can’t help it if I’d rather not see the ladies get hurt.”

  “You’ve never once said that about me.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t really consider you a ‘lady.’ We named you after a piece of metal for a reason.”

  Cobalt sighed. “Can I ram him? Please?”

  “Keep it in your pants, you two,” Squeaker muttered. “Seraph’s mercy, can I please swap into Blackstar’s squad?”

  “Maybe later,” I said, grinning despite myself. “But right now we have a lot of work to do. The battle plan calls for us to get and hold the attention of the shipyard’s fighter drones for as long as possible. That means dogfighting—and dogfighting means teamwork.”

  “Wait, aren’t you the guy who routinely fucked over our sim scores because you were such a terrible wingman?” Cobalt asked.

  “Yes, but now he’s an emperor,” Morningstar said. “Honestly, Squadron Leader seems like a demotion by comparison.”

  “That’s a good point, actually,” Squeaker admitted. “Master Mosaad really tricked you there, Outcast.”

  Spectre sighed audibly over the com. “Perhaps we should concentrate on the matter at hand. The Convectorate fighter drones will find your banter even less amusing than I do.”

  “That hurts,” Morningstar said. “Besides, we do actually need to come up with a new name for the Doc here. How about ‘Firestar?’”

  “Definitely not,” Squeaker said. “We already have two ‘stars,’ and it’s confusing enough.”

  “Good point. So how about ‘Red Dwarf,’ then?”

  “How about I shrivel your cock with my mind?” Shandris grumbled.

  “Too late—it already wilted into dust when he wasn’t named squad leader,” Cobalt snarked.

  I grinned at the sound of their laughter. I knew where Raxyl was coming from—this really was serious, and we didn’t have any time to waste. But I also knew that morale was every bit as important as skill, and we weren’t going to get very far if we couldn’t trust one another. As long as we could focus when it counted, there was nothing wrong with blowing off a little steam.

  “I have a good one,” Cobalt said after a moment. “How about ‘Martyr?’”

  “Mm, not bad,” Morningstar said. “What do you think, Doc?”

  Shandris sighed. “I think I’d rather not be named after someone who sacrifices herself for a dubious cause.”

  “It makes sense, though,” Squeaker said. “You heal people by absorbing their wounds and—”

  “Yes, I got the reference, thanks,” Shandris said. “You never told me I’d have to get a silly name. I changed my mind—can I go back to the big ship now?”

  “Nope,” I told her. “We’re going to break off into teams and practice some basic maneuvers. Morningstar, you’ll be with Squeaker; Cobalt, you’ll be with Spectrum.” I grinned. “Martyr, you’ll be with me.”

  “I am so going to punish you for this later,” Shandris grumbled.

  “Don’t encourage me,” I said. “Come on, let’s get started.”

  The next several hours were a constant reminder that I was in way over my head as an instructor, yet somehow they were also a repeated validation of Master Mosaad’s advice. I didn’t need to hold their hands through every maneuver; they were smart, capable people who had already learned more by doing than I could ever teach them with words.

  Still, the words were occasionally useful, especially when they came from Spectre. He walked us through a bunch of tricks even I had never learned, and I honestly started to wonder just how much he had been holding out on me while flying the Gazack over the years. Shandris had the toughest time of the bunch; the ebb and flow of a dogfight just didn’t seem to click with her the same way as the others. Thankfully, she was more than willing to push herself until she learned. She had a serious competitive streak, which was probably why she fell into the “alpha female” role so easily whenever Kaveri was around.

  Six hours later, we were back on Maz Sepa struggling not to puke our guts out from the psychic withdrawal, and a few hours after that we were back in space again. We repeated the process over and over until we were officially out of time. After one last night of rest, we were finally going to attack.

  And one way or another, the Wings of the Seraph would meet their destiny.

  While most of the others grabbed food from the galley before stumbling off to bed, I took a long, leisurely stroll across our base camp and watched our overworked maintenance drones struggle to get the Valkyries cleaned and ready on time. Barring a series of unprecedented miracles, there was no way in hell all of these pilots—my friends—would return from this mission. There was a good chance that none of us would return from this mission, if I was being honest with myself, but for once that grim thought didn’t make me want to flee.

  “I’ve thought a lot about what you said after we escaped the Heap,” I said into the shadows surrounding the landing strip. “You told me that the time for indecision and selfishness was over. You said that I finally needed to buckle down and pick a side.”

  For a long moment, the only answer was the high-pitched beeping of the maintenance drones and the incessant hum of the encampment’s shield grid. But then a slender, vaguely serpentine figure emerged from the darkness just like I had known he would.

  “It is conceivable—though unlikely—that I was overly harsh in my analysis,” Raxyl said.

  I flashed him a wry smirk. “Is that the Kali version of an apology?”


  “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

  He silently sauntered over to his Valkyrie. “Regardless, I am pleased with the outcome.”

  “You really think we have a chance?” I asked.

  “I have reviewed Selorah’s tactical analysis, and I am comfortable with her conclusions.”

  I grunted softly. “But?”

  An anxious orange shimmer rippled down his neck. “But I am experienced enough to know that expectations rarely conform to reality. Even if your clairvoyant abilities expand considerably, there is no means by which we can truly predict the future.”

  “We could all shift into normal space and instantly get ‘vaped,” I said. “Or we could show up and torch the whole shipyard in ten minutes. Anything is possible.”

  “Yes,” Raxyl replied, placing his hand against the fuselage. His scales rippled from an anxious orange to a mournful shade of red.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  He remained silent for almost a minute, his spindly fingers tracing down the length of the Valkyrie’s landing gear. “I was just thinking about your mother…and how much I wish she were here.”

  I offered him a weary smile. “It sounds like she was a pretty amazing pilot. We could definitely use her help right about now.”

  “That is not precisely what I meant,” Raxyl murmured. “Over the years, I have often wondered whether she would approve of certain decisions I made in regards to her son.”

  “From what I can tell, you’ve always done what you had to. And at the end day, I am still here.”

  His scales slowly shifted black. “She would be proud to see you flying a Valkyrie.”

  “I’d certainly l
ike to think so.”

  “But I suspect she would be even prouder of the company you have chosen to keep.”

  I cocked an eyebrow and glanced around the encampment. “A bunch of rogues and exiles driven into hiding by the Spiders?”

  “Humans and non-humans united in a common cause against the Tarreen,” he said. “And you are part of a newer, better version of the Wings she so desperately wanted to change.”

  I stepped close enough that I could place my hand on his shoulder. Kali weren’t big on physical contact, but I couldn’t shake the habit. Besides, he knew what I was trying to convey.

  “Whatever happens tomorrow, you kept your promise,” I murmured. “Without you, I never…well, I definitely wouldn’t be here.”

  “That is something of a tautology, considering that I am the one who brought you to the Rim in the first place.”

  I groaned. “You know what I mean.”

  “Perhaps.” Raxyl slowly swiveled around to face me. Kali didn’t have tear ducts, but his yellow eyes seemed a larger than normal. “Does that mean you have forgiven me?”


  A thoughtful black smear rippled across his scales, and I held a stony expression for almost ten seconds before I cracked into a chuckle.

  “Your sense of humor remains a galactic enigma,” Raxyl replied mildly.

  “Yeah, well, we all have our burdens.” I held his gaze for a long moment before my smile slowly faded. “I don’t know if forgiveness is the right word, but I do at least understand why you did what you did.”

  A red shimmer rippled across his neck. “I suppose that will have to be enough.”

  I squeezed his shoulder one last time before I turned away. “Well, I should probably try and get some sleep before the apocalypse. I’d suggest you do the same, but I know we’re a bit early for your next hibernation cycle. What are you going to do, wander around alone all night?”

  “I will busy myself by making final repairs and calibrating the weapon systems on the Vantrax.”

  “The fun never ends with you, does it?”

  “Good night, Cole,” Raxyl said.

  I smiled. “Good night, buddy.”


  I half-walked, half-stumbled back to my cabin in the Gazack, and I honestly wondered if I’d even have the strength to pull my jacket off before I collapsed on the bed. I almost jumped out of my boots when I found Shandris waiting for me in the corridor. The last time I’d seen her she had been lumbering off towards her own quarters on the Vantrax.

  “There you are,” she said, sauntering over and planting a soft kiss on my lips. “I thought you told everyone to get some sleep an hour ago.”

  “I did, and you were supposed to listen,” I chided, sliding my hand around her waist. She looked ready for bed—she had already stripped down to her adorable fuzzy white pajamas. “Why aren’t you in your quarters?”

  “I got lonely,” Shandris said with a coy smirk. “Besides, this seemed like the perfect time for you to teach your ‘students’ one final lesson.”

  I frowned. “Lesson? There’s no way in hell I’m going back up on the Valkyrie before—”

  “Stars, you can be daft sometimes,” she interrupted with a soft smack on my arm. “Come on, I suppose I’ll have to show you.”

  She took my hand and dragged me through the ship’s narrow corridors. I was so tired that my head felt like it was full of fog, and I was actually a tiny bit annoyed that she was even here. For once, I really just wanted to lie down and sleep.

  But then she opened the door to my cabin, and all my fatigue was promptly washed away.

  “Since Selorah hasn’t been around that long, K and I thought we should probably teach her a few things while we had the chance,” Shandris said, sliding around behind me and breathing softly in my ear. “What do you think?

  I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Kaveri and Selorah were already on the bed. The former was stark naked, while the latter was still clad in her blue uniform. They were kissing each other as deeply and sensuously as a pair of long-lost lovers, and they didn’t even flinch at the hiss of the door opening.

  “I tried to tell you before,” Shandris whispered as her hand slid around my waist and settled on my belt. “Everyone likes girls…”

  I didn’t argue the point. I didn’t do much of anything besides stand there, stiff and slack-jawed, as the woman who was destined to be my wife made out with the woman who was destined to be my concubine. Meanwhile, the woman who wasn’t destined to be either slowly unbuckled my belt and nibbled hungrily at my neck.

  Maybe a little imperial privilege isn’t such a bad thing after all…

  I moaned and bit down on my lip when Shandris’s left hand slithered beneath my belt. Her scorching fingers gently massaged my swollen shaft, and by the time the other girls separated I was already on the verge of bursting all over them.

  “You see what I mean?” Kaveri asked.

  “Yes,” Selorah replied breathlessly. Her tongue experimentally flicked across her purple lips. “I shall integrate that technique into my routine.”

  Kaveri snickered as she turned to face me, her blue eyes glinting seductively. “You never want to have a ‘routine.’ It’s important to add new variables to the mix. Isn’t that right, Your Majesty?”

  “Uh…yeah,” I rasped. “Change is, uh…change is good.”

  Shandris actually laughed in my ear as she helped me pull off my jacket and undershirt with her free hand. I didn’t even see her remove her own top, but then I suddenly felt the sweltering heat of her bare breasts against my back.

  “Selorah here is a smart girl, but she’s not very experienced,” the Kreen said. “We figured we could help her integrate into the, um…squad.”

  “I am eager to learn,” Selorah said. “How shall I begin?”

  Kaveri gently ran her fingers through the other woman’s blonde hair. “Lesson number one: being on your knees is never a bad place to start.”

  Selorah nodded and slid off the bed. She knelt directly in front of me, her green eyes never leaving mine. “This sight is appealing to you?”

  “Of course it is, honey,” Shandris said with a snort. “Men love anything that makes them feel powerful.”

  I clenched my teeth and continued trying to hold back. Shandris wasn’t wrong; if she had actually been stroking me full-tilt, I never would have been able to resist the urge to unload all over Selorah’s sweet, upturned face. She always looked so innocent…

  “Now, go ahead and let him out,” Kaveri instructed, kneeling directly behind Selorah. “Take it slowly, and always keep your eyes on his if you can.”

  “I understand,” Selorah said, reaching up and opening my zipper. Shandris withdrew her fingers an instant before my cock burst free, but I still almost exploded when Selorah brought her lips within a centimeter of the swollen tip.

  “I hope your Spider training taught you to be careful when there’s a loaded gun pointed right at your face,” Shandris teased as she dragged her fingernail up and down the shaft. “Especially if you just did your makeup.”

  Selorah shrugged. “I am not frightened. In many cultures, such an act is considered quite arousing. I am intrigued by the prospect.”

  “Hah!” Shandris snorted. “Can you believe that? I think she just invited you to paint her pretty little face!”

  I bit down on my lip. I couldn’t believe how much I wanted to give in—I couldn’t believe how much I wanted to ruin her pristine, perfectly made-up face. But apparently Kaveri had other ideas first.

  “Let’s start with the tip,” Kaveri coached from behind. “Use your tongue just like we talked about earlier.”

  “Very well,” Selorah said, parting her lips and gently dragging her tongue across the swollen tip. I groaned in delight, and I honestly wasn’t sure how long I could hold out. We had been training so hard these past few days we hadn’t had time for any genuine relief…

  “Not yet,” Shandris chided softly in my ear. Her left hand
combed across my chest until her fingernails dug in above my heart. I could feel her reaching out with her powers and taking subtle control of my body; she wasn’t going to let me finish even if I wanted to.

  “Good girl,” Kaveri said, her tendrils twitching excitedly. “Watch his face and feel his pulse; let them act as your guide. And remember, if you’re in a hurry you can always just swallow him whole.”

  Selorah ran her tongue over my slit one last time before she nodded. “Like you did before we boarded the Heap.”

  “Yes, exactly. Sometimes surprise is your best weapon. Men love to be worshipped, but sometimes all they really want is to fuck your mouth like a cunt.”

  “This one definitely loves that,” Shandris said, snickering. Her tits were so hot on my back it was making me sweat again.

  “Shall I swallow him now, then?” Selorah asked.

  Kaveri nodded. “Definitely. Look at his eyes—he’s dying to feel the back of your throat.”

  Selorah locked her eyes upon me again as she sensuously wrapped her lips around the tip. Kaveri helpfully placed her hand on the back of the other woman’s head and began to push me in deeper—

  “Wait,” Shandris said. “You’re forgetting one of the most important rules. Remember what I said about men and power?”

  Selorah leaned back on her haunches. “Yes.”

  “Well, never suck a man’s dick unless he can see your tits. It’s another great way to demonstrate your total submission.”

  “Good point,” Kaveri said approvingly. “Here, I’ll help…”

  The Velothi hurriedly unbuttoned Selorah’s uniform, and I actually gasped when her plump, pale breasts suddenly burst free. I could already imagine my cock effortlessly sliding between them…

  “See how much he likes it?” Shandris teased as she pressed her own breasts harder against my back. “Now, get back to work and show him what you can do.”

  Selorah nodded. “Yes, mistress.”

  Mistress. The word made Shandris even hotter than it made me; I could actually feel the delighted tingle shudder through her body. Maybe that was the answer. Selorah was destined to be my wife, Kaveri was destined to be my concubine, and Shandris was destined to be the mistress who kept them both in line…


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