Winter’s Christmas Bride: A Seven Brides Of Christmas Novella

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Winter’s Christmas Bride: A Seven Brides Of Christmas Novella Page 1

by Fast, K. L.

  Winter’s Christmas Bride

  A Seven Brides Of Christmas Novella

  KL Fast


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11




  About the Author

  Also by KL Fast

  Dedicated to the spirt of Christmas

  Atlanta architect Nathan Winter wants a wife.

  After hearing about his best friends success with an elite matchmaker,

  he takes the chance and sets up the appointment.

  Things don't get that far.

  The goddess who works in that office stops him in his tracks.

  Levidia Baxter, receptionist extraordinaire, wasn't prepared for the whirlwind that Nathan brings into her life.

  Can the sins of her past finally free her in order to truly be loved by the man of her dreams?

  This KL instalove is all the holiday goodness you can handle. Safe, sexy, and so many babies...

  Chapter 1

  Levidia Baxter

  One week before Christmas

  This has been one of the longest weeks of my life. I love Christmas, and even more importantly, I love everything that comes with it. I do most of my charity work during this time. I’ve been going to the children's hospital for years now. I read them stories and bring them stuffed animals as well as handmade quilts. I love seeing their faces light up. Half of them are convinced that I am one of Santa's elves. Who am I to tell them they are wrong?

  This year just seems to be extra hard on me. Last year, I lost one of my dear friends in the nursing home. It just doesn't feel the same without him there. I refuse to let his passing get me down though. I know he wouldn't want me to do that.

  This year, I decided to do something different. Not only am I going to the children's hospital and the retirement home, but I also started volunteering at a battered women’s shelter. Most of my friends and some of my family think I am trying to run away from the heartache. I feel bad during the holiday season and maybe they are right, but I don't see the harm in helping people be happy even if my heart hurts during the season.

  I pulled a double shift last night at the food bank and I am exhausted, but it's the beginning of a new week and I am determined to make the best of it.

  I walk into the office after my much-needed coffee break humming Jingle Bells as I make my way towards my desk, hot chocolate in hand. I don’t bother locking up since Delilah is in her office. I am pretty sure Kyle is here too, seeing as wherever Dee is, he isn't far behind. Though, after last year, we can’t be too careful. Unfortunately, that incident isn’t even the worst thing I’ve lived through. I put all of my stuff on my desk then I start singing out loud as I am taking my jacket off. Instead of singing Jingle Bells, I'm belting out Jingle Balls.

  I am so caught up in myself that I don't see the man sitting in the waiting area until he chuckles softly.

  “Holy fucking shit, you scared the crap out of me,” I squeak out, holding my coat to my chest. I feel my face turning bright red. Could I be anymore unprofessional? I think, channeling my inner Chandler Bing. Where the fuck did he come from? I made sure that I was back five minutes before Delilah's next appointment. I clear my throat, “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, that was completely unprofessional of me.”

  He looks huge, just sitting down, so when he stands from his chair and stalks towards me, my breath hitches at the sheer size of him.

  Holy hell, I am used to people being taller than me, seeing as I am only five foot, but he is like no one I have ever seen. His presence is dominating. He is built like a fucking tank and is well over six feet tall. I should be freaked out having a huge guy stalking towards me, but for some reason, I know deep down in my heart that he would never hurt me.

  When he reaches my desk I clear my throat again, “ Are you here to see Mrs. Rothschild?” I ask trying to get back some of my professionalism.

  I don't know what is wrong with me. Why am I acting like this with him? Over the last two years of working here, I have seen plenty of handsome men but I have never felt the way I do now. For some reason, the thought of him being here for a wife makes me insanely jealous. Fucking hell he hasn't even said one word to me and I am already staking a claim on him.

  He smiles down at me. “I am. My name is Nathan Winter. I have a twelve o'clock appointment.” My heart sinks. I knew he had to be here for that, but still, a girl can dream. I give him my best smile and sit down clicking on my mouse, bringing my computer back to life. It’s only eleven-fifty.

  “It looks like you are a little early, Mr. Winter. Is there anything I can get you while you wait?”

  He smiles down at me with thick black lashes and milk chocolate eyes. His perfect kissable lips are framed with a thick beard. I find myself picturing him throwing me on my desk and spreading me open wide. I am also imagining how that beard would feel between my thighs. I feel my pussy dampen and I squeeze my thighs together, hoping that it wasn't noticeable. I bite my lip to keep me from moaning out loud at my daydream.

  I shake my head again. “I’m sorry I spaced out for a second.” I can feel my face turn bright red, and he chuckles again.

  “I think I am all set.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure, have a seat and I will let Mrs. Rothschild know you are here.” He gives me one more of those megawatt smiles and goes to sit down.

  I get up from my chair and walk towards the back offices. Dee’s door is open but she isn't in there, so I walk over to Kyle’s office and knock on the door. I hear a muffled “fuck” and something crash.

  A second later the door opens a crack and his head pops out. I can’t control my laughter as I see red lips stick all over his face. “Tell her that her twelve o’clock is here and waiting.”

  I hear a giggle from the other side of the door. “Okay, I’ll be there in two minutes,” she says.

  “Okay.” I shake my head and laugh. I should be weirded out that she and her husband are doing it at the office, but after a year of them being together, I have gotten used to it. It doesn't even phase me anymore. I walk back to my desk and sit down. “Mr. Winter.” He looks up from his phone and gives me another one of those panty melting smiles.


  I feel myself blush again, and I clear my suddenly dry throat. I must be coming down with a cold or something. “She will be ready for you shortly.”

  “Thank you,” he says, going back to his phone. When his eyes are off mine again, I feel like I can finally take a deep breath.

  I most definitely am coming down with a cold.

  Chapter 2

  Nathan Winter

  My God, she is breathtaking. She looks like a fairy with her long brown hair, cute button nose, and eyes as blue as the Caribbean Sea. It takes everything in me to pretend to look at my phone instead of looking at her the way I want to. I don't want to seem like a creep, but God, I could get lost in her beauty.

  “Mr. Winter?” I look up to see a woman standing in front of me. I stand and reach my hand out for her to shake, after all, my mama taught me right.

  ”Yes, ma'am?” She chuckles, shaking my hand.

  “I’m Delilah. Why don't we head on back?”

  “Yes, that sounds great,” I say sneaking a look at Levidia as we walk by, only to find her looking back at me. She blushes and t
urns her head away from me. Fuck, those rosy cheeks are going to be the death of me. Delilah walks me down a long hallway and into a huge office. She points me to a chair in front of her desk.

  “Have a seat, Mr. Winters.”

  “Please call me Nathan,” I say sitting in the dark velvet plush chair.

  She smiles at me. “All right, Nathan. We have some things to discuss before I can start looking for your perfect bride.”

  I hold up my hand and she stops talking. “Actually, I’ve already found my bride. I’m just going to need your help convincing her.” She raises her eyebrows.

  “And who would this woman be? It normally doesn't work that way. I haven't even begun to look up potential women for you,” she says tilting her head.

  “Your receptionist, Levidia,” I state bluntly, looking at her, making sure she knows that I am not kidding.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Delilah's eyes get bigger.

  “Mrs. Rothschild, I have not gotten where I am in life by beating around the bush, so, I am going to be frank with you. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew that she was going to be my wife. Now, I just need your help making it happen.” She shakes her head.

  “You don't even know anything about her. Hell, you don't even know if she is married already.” I feel my jealousy rise and I am instantly furious at the thought of her being with another man.

  “Is she?” I ask trying to calm myself down.

  “No, but I don't know how I’m supposed to help you with this. I won't make her do something she doesn't want to do. In the years she has worked here she has not been interested in any man. Though not for the lack of trying on their part. I know for a fact that she is not looking for one either. I don't know what happened to her, but I won't let her get hurt again. She is like a little sister to me. ” I see red just thinking about someone hurting my little doll. I take a deep breath.

  “I understand you're protective of her and I wouldn't want it any other way. My girl deserves good people in her corner.”

  “Your girl? And what makes you think she wants to be yours?” she asks with a serious face.

  “I plan on making her mine and I don't plan on giving up until I have won her over, no matter how long it takes. Although, I think that things would go over more smoothly if you were on board with us being together, because if you think of her as family, then I am sure that she thinks of you that way also. However, that won't stop me from pursuing her. It just means I will have to win you both over.”

  Her face softens and she gives me a small smile.

  “You sound pretty certain that you can win her over.” I can't help the confident smirk that comes across my face. It's quickly wiped away when she snickers. “This should be fun. She's going to eat you alive. As much as I worry about her, I know that she can take care of herself. Now, I'm a sucker for true love and fairy tales. That's why I own this business and I believe she deserves to find that. So, I will help you, but she most definitely is not a believer in happily ever after, so, you have your work cut out for you.” I am about to reply when she holds up her hand and hits the intercom button on her phone. A second later, I hear my babydoll's voice coming from the other end.

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “Hey, Levi can you come in here for a moment please?”

  “Of course, I’ll be right there.” Delilah hangs up and gives me a huge smile.

  “This is going to be so much fun.” I raise my eyebrow at her, wondering what she has up her sleeve, but I don't dare ask. She is on board with helping me and I don't want to fuck it up. A few seconds later there is a soft knock on the door and then my girl walks in. Hell, that's not the right word. She glides in like a fucking goddess. She gets a pretty pink blush on her cheeks when she sees me looking at her.

  Quickly averting her eyes, she looks over at the other side of the desk. “What can I help you with Dee?” she asks, going to stand in front of the desk, which gives me a perfect view of the juicy curve of her tight little ass. I have to bite my lip to keep myself from groaning out loud.

  “Mr. Winter and I had a business lunch scheduled for this afternoon but I forgot that I have a doctor’s appointment for Keith, so I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking him instead. You know all of the questions to ask since I have been training you to take over for me when I go on maternity leave. I figure he would be the perfect first client for you.” Levidia stiffens.

  “Uh… Are you sure you don't want to just reschedule?” she says almost in a pleading voice. It's my turn to pop in.

  “I would be honored to be your first,” I say in a gruff voice. She spins around so fast that her red dress twirls with her and I get a glimpse of her white cotton panties.

  Fuck, she is going to kill me.

  Chapter 3


  “What?” I squeak out as I look at him with shocked eyes. I can't believe he just said that. When he grins I realize he is talking about me doing his interview and not about his hard masculine body taking me places I never thought of.

  “Your first client, babydoll.”

  “Babydoll?” I squeak out. My eyes go big and I feel flushed. Jesus, fuck I am a grown ass woman and I am standing here like a dumbass that can’t form more than one word. I mentally slap myself. I am not a bumbling fool. I am a goddamn professional.

  Although, I want nothing more than to be unprofessional with him. I turn my head and look over to Dee. “Thank you so much for this opportunity, Delilah. I promise I won't let you down.” I watch my boss wiggle her eyebrows at me.

  “Oh, I know you won't. Have a great first time,” she says, grinning. I give her a tight smile, reminding myself that I can’t kill my best friend. I am determined to pull myself together when I turn back around. He stands from his chair and I have to tilt my head back just to look at him.

  “Perfect, thank you, Delilah, for all of your help,” he says, never taking his eyes off of me. I blush harder, quickly tucking my chin. I start to make my way towards the door. “How about Italian?” he asks as he leads me out of Dee's office with a strong, warm hand on my lower back.

  “Sure, I love Italian,” I say happily.

  “I know the perfect place.” He stops at my desk and I quickly get my coat and purse then walk back around my desk where he is waiting for me. We start making our way towards the underground parking lot.

  “How long have you worked for Elite Matchmaking?” he asks as we make our way through the parking lot.

  “Two years, I have known Dee for about three, but I couldn't start working here until I turned seventeen.” He stops mid-step and looks down at me.

  “So you're nineteen?”

  “Yes,” I say looking up at him. One minute he is smiling at me and the next I am plastered against his hard chest as he moves faster than any man his size should be able to. I hear a horn blare and the sound of tires squealing as a car pulls out of the parking lot.

  “Are you okay,” he asks still holding me.

  I pat his chest. “Too tight,” I say but it comes out muffled his hold loosens. “What was that?” I ask a little too loudly. I can’t help it though.

  The feeling of being in his strong arms was way too welcoming and it is starting to get hard for me to remember that he is a client. It is also getting hard for me to remember that he is looking for a wife, even though a small part of me is wishing I could be her. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. Oh, my fuck he smells amazing. I let my hands drop to my sides and I duck my head, really taking him in and memorizing his scent.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he asks running his hands down my sides like he is trying to make sure that he didn't break anything.

  “Nathan.” His hands stop moving and he looks at me. “I’m okay, you didn't hurt me. What the hell was that?” I ask again and his shoulders relax. He lets out a long breath.

  “The fuck if I know. Some dumb ass was driving like a dip shit and almost hit you with their car.” I can’t help the giggle that comes
out as I look up at him. “What? Why are you laughing? It's not funny. You could have been hurt, Levidia!”

  “I’m sorry, you’re right. I’ve just never heard someone put so many swear words into one sentence.”

  He clears his throat. “I’m sorry. I was just scared shitless. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you.”

  I quickly avert my eyes as tears well up out of nowhere. No one has ever said something like that to me. Ever. “Thank you for saving me.”

  He pulls me closer to him and I lay my head on his chest wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Always, babydoll.”

  We stay like that for a few minutes and once I have myself under control I take a deep breath, put a fake smile on my face and pull back.

  “Ready for lunch?” I ask. He lets me go and I instantly wish I was back in his arms. He grabs my hand and walks us towards his car. I can't believe he is holding my hand. Hell, I can’t believe I am letting him, it feels so natural though. It’s as if he did it without even thinking and I can’t say I mind it. We stop next to a huge black Escalade with black rims and tinted windows it starts by itself. “Nice,” I say out loud. I bet it has heated seats too. I look at him and see he has a key in his hand, which looks like a toy in his huge hand. Apparently, everything around him is tiny because even though the SUV is huge, he looks like he is barely going to fit in it. He opens my door and I see the leather seat with a gold trim. “Oh, pretty.” He chuckles and helps me into the car. He shuts my door and heads towards the driver's side, he gets in and we are off, heading North towards Marietta.


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