Winter’s Christmas Bride: A Seven Brides Of Christmas Novella

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Winter’s Christmas Bride: A Seven Brides Of Christmas Novella Page 2

by Fast, K. L.

  “Bella’s Fine Cuisine is about twenty minutes away. I know there are some restaurants closer, but Bella’s is amazing.”

  “Oh, my God, I love that place. They have the best breadsticks ever,” I say happily.

  We spend the next twenty minutes talking about nothing in particular. I’m careful to keep the subject light and not discuss anything too heavy. I have a million questions that I want to ask him, but I restrain myself from asking them. Maybe I can sneak a couple in there and pretend that they are a part of the interview process.

  “We’re here,” he says parking the car. I give him a smile.

  Here goes nothing.

  Chapter 4


  I can't believe I finally found the one woman I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with, only to almost lose her not even an hour later. My heart has been racing non-stop since the incident in the parking garage. All I wanted to do was a chase after that car and beat the stupid fuck that almost hit us to a pulp but the minute her soft body touched me, everything else seems to disappear.

  All I could think about was making sure she was okay. Hell, that's all I want to do for the rest of my life, make sure she is taken care of and loved. When she hugged me, my heart started racing for an entirely different reason. The feeling of her body against mine had me rock hard. I am surprised she didn’t feel how hard I was, or if she did she didn't say anything.

  On the way to the restaurant, I couldn’t stop thinking about getting her back in my arms where I know that she will be safe. Hell, I'm not going to lie, I want her back in my arms for more than just that. Her sweet little body felt perfect against mine. My cock starts to harden at the thought of her wrapped around me, naked. Her soft tits pushed up against my chest. Those sensual lips begging for me to make her come. I quickly make my way around the car, discreetly adjusting my cock. She waits for me to open her door and when she gets out I automatically reach for her hand. She entwines her fingers with mine without thinking, like it is the most natural thing in the world. I feel a little bit of triumph, maybe this won't be as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe she already feels the pull that I do. We are seated immediately at my regular table in the back of the restaurant.

  “Lorenzo will be your server and he will be with you shortly.” I thank the hostess and help Levidia out of her coat. After she sits down, I push her chair in. When I take the seat across from her, I notice that she has a blush on her face. Her smile lights up the room.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You are such a gentleman. I didn't know guys still pulled out chairs for women or held doors open for them. It is really sweet.”

  A few minutes later a middle-aged man comes to our table. “Ciao, I am Lorenzo. I will be your waiter. Is there something I can start you off with? Maybe a glass of wine for the beautiful lady?”

  Levidia giggles. “No, thank you, can I please get a vanilla Italian cream soda?” She nods her head.

  “Sì, of course, madame.” He looks over to me. “And for the gentlemen?”

  “Can I get a Pellegrino with a lime?”

  “Sì, I will be right back with those.”

  When he walks away she goes to put her napkin on her lap but it falls to the floor. “Shit,” she says barely above a whisper. When she leans down to get it, I have to bite my lip to keep myself from groaning out loud. Her large tits pop out of her dress a little. All I can think about is kissing my way down those creamy white mounds to her hard nipples. She sits up and I quickly avert my eyes looking at my menu. I already know what I want to get but I need to do something to keep me from taking her right here, right now.

  “Here are your drinks,” Lorenzo says placing them on the table in front of us. “Are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?”

  Shit, get it together Winters. I shake my head and put down the menu I've been holding for God-knows-how-long. “I’m ready if you are, babydoll.”

  Her eyes darken. She licks her lips and I can instantly tell she knows that I am not talking about food. Lorenzo clears his throat and she blushes. “Can I have chicken fettuccine alfredo with broccoli and extra parmesan?”

  “Of course.” He grabs her menu and looks at me expectantly. I hand over my menu and tell him that I would like the house special, Braciole.

  “Perfect, I will have that out to you soon.” He bows his head and walks away.

  “What do you do for a living?” she asks, taking a sip of her drink.

  “I’m the CEO of Winter’s Inc.” I expect her to freak out. Every woman in the state knows that Winter’s Inc is a multi-billion dollar construction company that builds houses for the elite. I have been on more than one cover of Architectural Digest. So, when she just tilts her head and looks at me quietly, I have to smile.

  “It’s a construction company,” I say.

  “So, you build houses.”

  “Kind of, I am an architect. I design the buildings. I’m not able to go the job sites as much as I would like though.”

  “Oh... that explains why you're built like a linebacker and have a sexy beard,” she says with a little noise in the back of her throat. Her eyes get big and she puts her hand over her mouth.

  “Sexy huh?” I ask with a grin, she blushes harder but is saved from having to answer when our waiter brings us our food.

  “How does everything look?” he asks putting our plates on the table.

  She looks over to him and smiles. “Thank you, Lorenzo, it looks wonderful.” He bows and leaves us. “This looks so good,” she says, sighing. I have never been turned on watching someone eat, but the minute her soft, pouty lips close around her fork, my mind drifts off to the image of her mouth wrapped around my aching cock. I shift uncomfortably and take a bite of my food, trying to get some control over myself. Her eyes roll and she moans as she chews her food.

  Fuck me, this is going to be the longest lunch of my life.

  Chapter 5


  Oh my God, this food is amazing. For someone so small, I can out eat most grown men. I love food, but I have a high metabolism so when I eat it normally just goes to my ass and boobs. I’m on my third bite when Nathan makes a nose in the back of his throat. I look up at him. He is holding onto his fork so tight that his hand is turning white. His eyes are locked on me, with something that I don't know how to explain. I have never had a man look at me the way he is.

  “We are going to need to get our food to go, babydoll,” he says in a tight voice.

  “Okay,” I say quietly. I don't know what I did or why he was looking at me like that, but he does not look happy. He signals for the waiter and asks for the check as well as some to-go boxes. I quickly put our food in them while he pays. He gets up from his seat, pulls out my chair, helps me put on my coat, then practically drags me out of the building. “Nathan, why are we in such a hurry? We didn't even finish your interview. Don't you want a wife?” I ask as we make it back to the car.

  He stops and takes a deep breath, but doesn't turn around. “Nathan?” He has me in his arms in an instant. I gasp as he lifts me off of the ground and pushes me up against the car. My hands go to his shoulders, and my legs automatically go around his waist.

  I still have to lean my head back to look at him. he leans closer to me, his lips but a whisper from mine. “I don't need you to find me a wife, Levidia because I already found her. I don't ever want to hear you talk about me having a wife unless you are talking about yourself, you're mine babydoll and I am never letting you go.”

  “Oh.” Is all I can think to say. His lips land on mine and I melt against him. His kiss is firm but soft. I pull back and look at him.

  “I don't know what I am doing. I have never kissed anyone before,” I say slightly in barely a whisper. His eyes darken.

  “You were perfect, babydoll.” He puts his forehead on mine and takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry about lunch sweetheart, but those sweet sounds that you were making are for my ears only.”

  “Then ta
ke me home,” I say, a little shocked at myself for being so bold, but I am tired of letting life pass me by. I'm also tired of never going after what I want.

  He groans and kisses me softly. “Are you sure?”

  I nod my head and kiss him back. He deepens the kiss and my pussy floods. He pushes me harder into the car and his hard cock rubs against my wet pussy. I moan, trying to get closer to him. He grabs my ass and pulls my hips closer to his. He pulls back, suddenly breathing heavily.

  “Fuck, I forget myself when I am with you. I live forty minutes away and our first time, I plan on taking you in our bed.”

  “Okay, I can wait. Can you?” He chuckles.

  “I’m going to have to. You’ll just need to keep me from thinking about the naughty things I want to do to your body.”

  “Mmm. I can try.”

  He kisses me again, then lets me slide down his body. We get into the car and in no time we are on our way to his house. My mind starts to race and I wonder what the hell is happening. Why am I feeling this way about a man I have only known for such a short time? I didn't realize I am wringing my hands until he puts his hand over mine.

  “What are you thinking over there?”

  “Uh… nothing.”

  “Try again, babydoll. Don’t lie to me.”

  Fuck, I love when he calls me that. It gives me butterflies every single time.

  “I don't know. It’s just weird that I have known you for all of two hours and I already feel the way I do about you. Hell, I don't even know when your birthday is or how old you are or if you've ever been married or if you have kids or why you wanted Delilah to find you a wife. I mean look at you. You are gorgeous and sweet and you pull out chairs for me.” I know I sound insane right now.


  “And you smell good…” He chuckles.


  I feel my face turn bright red. “I’m sorry. I talk when I am nervous.”

  “You’re allowed to be nervous as long as you’re not scared. We are okay. I would never want to do something that you are not ready for.”

  “I’m not scared. I promise. Tell me about you, that will help.”

  “I can do that, to answer the questions you already asked, I have never been married. I don't have any children. It's been years since I've even thought about being with someone. I have been so busy trying to get my business going, that part of my life just seemed to disappear. The reason I went to Delilah is that my best friend, Jeb, found his wife there. You probably know them. Anyway, I saw how happy they are and it made me think about what I really wanted in this world and what I really want is a wife I can grow old with and someone to raise children with. I want a life of happiness and love.”

  My heart warms at the thought of him with our babies and my eyes fill with tears. I have always wanted a big family and the thought of that life with him is wonderful “You want babies, with me?”

  He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it. “Yeah, babydoll. I want to have lots of babies with you.”

  I was going to tell him that it was a bit fast for us to be talking about babies so I have no idea why “I want at least four” comes out of my mouth.

  “I can do that,” he says with a chuckle.

  The rest of the trip kind of goes by in a blur. I find out that he is thirty-one and he started his business when he was eighteen. That he is an only child and that he has wonderful parents. But all my mind keeps going back to is that he wants to have babies with me.

  The crazy thing is, I want to have them with him too.

  Chapter 6


  When we get to my house she gasps and leans forward. “Did you build this?”

  Pride swells in my chest at the awe in her voice. “I just finished it a couple weeks ago. Want to see it?”

  She looks away from the house and over to me. “Yes, very much so.”

  I undo my seatbelt and open my door. “Stay right there sweetheart. I’ll come over and open your door.” She blushes and nods her head. I get out and shut the door making my way to her side of the car. She has her seatbelt unbuckled and is waiting patiently for me to open her door. We make our way inside. After I show her the downstairs we make our way to the top floor where the master bedroom is.

  She stops at the foot of the bed and turns to look at me. “You don’t have a lot of stuff for a house so big.”

  “I hope that you like it, if not I will build you a new one. Hell, if you wanted me to build you a house on the moon I would find a way to do that for you,” I say looking over at her. She laughs and it is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and I lean down wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “You are so sweet, but I don't need a house on the moon. A home full of love and a big family is all I need. Although I have no idea how you expect me to get on this bed, it’s huge.”

  I run my hands down her back and over her thick, juicy ass. I pick her up. She gasps and her legs go around my waist. I place her on the bed. “Just like this.”

  “Oh,” she says breathlessly. I lean over her causing her to fall back on to the bed. Putting my hands on either side of her head, I look down at her. Fuck she is beautiful. I don’t know what I did in my life to deserve her, but I am sure as shit going to do everything in my power to keep her. She runs her small hands through my beard and looks at me with her big blue eyes looking so innocent and uncertain.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “Don’t ever hurt me okay? If this isn't real, please don't make me fall in love with you,” she says in a small voice.

  I run my thumb over the side of her jaw and kiss her softly, then pull back. “Babydoll, my heart was yours the moment I saw you walk into that office. This is real for me, baby. I have never in my life felt the connection I feel when I am with you.”

  She searches my eyes for a second before leaning up and kissing me. I groan and drop to my forearms to deepen our kiss. Her arms wrap around my shoulders trying to pull me closer and her legs wrap around my hips. When she starts rubbing her wet, panty-covered pussy over my aching dick, I almost lose it. Fucking hell, she is going to have me coming in my jeans.

  She gasps and shudders softly when I reluctantly pull away from her tantalizing mouth. “I need to see your sexy little body, baby. I am going to memorize it with my mouth and tongue before I slide my fat cock into your tight little pussy,” I say growling.

  She bites her lip and a blush tints for cheeks. “Okay.”

  I quickly stand from the bed and she sits up. I quickly shed my shirt and drop my pants kicking them to the side. Her little mouth opens in an O as she looks her fill of me. I grab her hand and help her stand before dropping to my knees before her, which makes me almost as tall as she is. I grab the bottom of her dress, pulling it up and over her head, letting it fall to the floor. I groan when I see the little wet spot on her pale pink panties. Fuck, babydoll, your sweet little cunt is just begging for my touch.”

  She crosses her legs and her hands go to cover herself up, but I shake my head and look up at her. “Don't you ever try to hide your perfect body from me, Levidia.” She drops her hands and relaxes a little. I lean forward and unclasp her bra and pull it down her arms letting it fall to the ground. Her light pink nipples pebble and goosebumps pop up along her skin. She bites her bottom lip and watches as I lean forward and kiss underneath her tits and down to her belly button. I run my hands down her rib cage and she shivers. I pull her little panties down her thick thighs and have her step out of them. When I sit back up I take my time looking at her. “Jesus, you are absolutely exquisite,” I say in awe at how absolutely breathtaking she is standing in front of me. Leaning forward I kiss her hip and then the other side.

  “Wh… what are you doing?” She asks breathlessly.

  “Worshipping you like the goddess you are babydoll,” I say placing a kiss on her neatly trimmed pussy. She moans and I grab her hips holding her still as I lick her pussy lips. I
groan as the sweet taste of her honey hits my tongue. I pull her even closer. Her fingers dig into my hair trying to pull me closer. I growl and lift up her leg, letting it drape over my shoulder and opening her wider. I lick her from her tight little asshole to her clit.

  “Oh… my… God…Nathan,” she moans rubbing her pussy against my face. I make figure eights around her clit, never actually touching it. She mewls and her hold on my hair tightens. Sucking her clit into my mouth, she shudders and her other hand grips my hair. “Oh Nathan that feels so good.”

  I lightly nip her clit and she screams, her orgasm washing through her. I quickly plunge my tongue deep inside of her virgin pussy mimicking how I plan on fucking her. “Oh Nathan, oh my god Nathan!” Fucking hell, I feel precum leaking out of my aching cock and all I keep thinking about is how I can't let any of it go to waste.

  Every ounce of my cum is going to fill her womb, until she is bred with my baby in her belly.

  Chapter 7


  My leg gives out and I would have fallen if Nathan had not been holding me up. My entire body is tingling as I come down from my first orgasm. He lets my leg slide off of his shoulder then stands In one fluid motion, and places me on the middle of the bed. He follows me down and kneels in between my thighs. His hard cock resting heavy on my leg. I love the way his hard body pushes me into the mattress.

  “You are so beautiful, Levidia,” he says running the pad of his thumb over my cheek. I blush leaning into his touch.

  “Thank you.” He kisses me softly. “Make love to me Nathan. I want you to be my first.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them all I can see is pure lust and something else I can’t describe.

  “Sweet love, I don't plan on just being your first I plan on being your only.” Oh God, how I want that too. I want him to be mine always. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and lean up, kissing him.


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