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Winter’s Christmas Bride: A Seven Brides Of Christmas Novella

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by Fast, K. L.

  “We can talk to my parents. I don't know how they are going to handle all of this happening so fast.” Shit, I didn’t think about that.

  “Okay, why don’t you ask them if they would like to come to our place for dinner tomorrow? Today, we can go see my lawyer about Vinny and move your stuff into the house.”

  “Okay,” she says with a smile on her face

  * * *

  We have almost all of her stuff loaded and into our home in a couple hours and at five we make our way downtown to my lawyer's office. He's been my go-to man for the last twelve years for anything legal. We walk in and I shake his hand.

  “Hi, Mike, this is Levidia, my fiancée. Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.” He shakes my hand and then Levidia’s.

  “It’s a pleasure. Come sit, tell me what I can help you with?”

  “We would like to adopt a baby. His name is Vince and he is currently in the NICU at Emory.” His eyes shoot up at he looks at me

  “Well, I don't know much about adoption. I do know the basics. You'll need to be married and both of you will have had to be residents of Georgia for at least the last six months. I think you should see our adoption lawyer. I am sure she will be able to help you with everything.”

  “Okay thank you.”

  “I can take you down there to meet her if you would like?”

  “That would be wonderful,” Levidia says we stand from our chairs and make our way down to the adoption lawyers office. When we make it inside her office we are greeted by an older woman.

  After an hour in her office and twenty phone calls later we find out that the adoption will take a few months to finalize and the only way we can get Vince home with us is if we file for an emergency injunction. I call my buddy Judge Stone of the Northern District Court, he agrees to sign the injunction that gives us temporary custody of Vinny, pending the adoption hearing.

  Doris hangs up the phone and then she has us fill out the appropriate paperwork. It's almost eight by the time we get out of her office and make our way to my truck.

  “Did she really just tell us that we could have our baby in our house by the end of next week?” Levidia asks looking up at me.

  “Yeah, I think she did.” I say in shock. In thirty six hours, I fell in love and am starting a family.

  Holy fuck. I am finally getting everything I have always wanted.

  Chapter 11


  “I wish it was Wednesday,” I say looking out the car window as we make our way to the ball Delilah throws every year. Nathan reaches over and grabs my hand bringing it to his lips then puts our joined hands on his thigh.

  “Me too baby, me too.” Vince gets to come home with us the day after Christmas but four days feels like four years when it comes to this.

  “Do you think that Delilah will be mad if we don't go? I just don't feel up to it. I want our baby home with us.” I ask, looking at him

  “Sweetheart, we at least need to go in and say hello, then we can leave okay?”

  “Okay.” I agree knowing he is right this year The Elite Matchmaking Service Ball is being held at the Dream Sky Hotel, one of the fanciest hotel in Atlanta. When we arrive, Nathan gives the keys to a valet. He opens my door and helps me out of the car. We make our way into the ball.

  “We will just go say hi to Delilah, and then we can leave if you still want to okay?” I look up at him feeling a genuine smile come across my face for the first time in hours. He really is the most amazing man I have ever met. We have only been together for a short time, but I swear to God it feels like I have known him my entire life.

  “Do you know how much I love you?” I ask putting my hands on his chest.

  “Not nearly as much as I love you, babydoll.” He leans down and kisses me before I can protest. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close when his lips are on mine I forget about everything else. I feel his hard cock push against my belly and I rub against him. He pulls back with a growl. “Fuck you have my cock hard as a rock and I am about to go into a room full of people,” he says in a gravelly voice. I giggle and drop my head onto his chest

  “Can we hurry up here so you can take me home and fuck me properly.” He thrusts his hips forward a little.

  “I’m not going to make it home before I have your pussy wrapped around my aching cock, baby.” My pussy dampens and I whimper. He grabs my hand and starts walking. We bypass the ballroom entrance. He sees a door on the left and looks both ways before turning on the knob, when it opens, he pulls me through. My giggle turns into a moan as my back hits the closed door. “Fuck, I love the idea of you walking around the ball with my cum dripping between your thighs,” he growls, hiking up my dress, I work on his belt and pants getting them open. I wrap my hands around his hard cock, loving the way he shudders. I stroke his cock until precum drips out. He kisses my neck and groans. “No time for playing baby,” he says in a gruff voice. He leans down grabs me around my thighs and lifts me up.

  “Oh fuck,” I moan as he fills my aching cunt with his hard cock.

  “Fucking hell your pussy is so fucking tight baby,” he says teeth clenched, as he slams the rest of the way into me. I look at him panting.

  “Fuck me, Nathan.” He pushes my back into the door and starts to drill into me. He fucks me so hard that you can hear our skin slapping together.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, just like that. I'm going to come all over your hard cock,” I pant out. He lets go of one of my thighs and lightly wraps his hand around my throat.

  “You love it when I take what's mine don't you?” He growls, fucking into me harder. My orgasm comes out of nowhere and I scream. His mouth slams down on mine, swallowing my screams as I come. He groans and I feel his cock swell, filling my womb full of his cum. His hand falls away and he rests his forehead against mine. “Fucking hell baby,” he says on a ragged breath. I laugh, breathing heavily.

  “Yeah, we should go out more often.” He laughs and pulls out of me, when my feet hit the floor he puts my panties back in place and runs his hand over my covered pussy. I shiver and bite my lip.

  “We should go say our hello so I can take you home and love you properly.”

  “I don't know. I feel pretty well loved right now. I don't know if I am going to be able to walk.” He chuckles and does up his pants.

  “That's okay, baby. I will just hold you close.”

  “Mmkay.” I know for a fact that I look well fucked when we walk out of the janitors closet, but I could care less. We make our way back to the ball. We say our hellos and one of my favorite songs comes on.

  “One dance?” he asks like he can read my mind. I nod my head and we head towards the dance floor but before we can start dancing, his phone rings. He grabs it and looks down at the caller id. His brow furrows and he grabs my hand. “Come on.” I quickly follow behind him and when he find a quiet area. He answers it. “Hello?” I don't hear what is said on the other end of the line, but Nathan’s face breaks into a huge smile. “We are on our way.”

  “Who was that?” I ask.

  “How about we go get our baby?” he asks putting the phone back into his pocket.

  “What?” I ask, my voice coming out just above a whisper.

  “Let's go get our baby.” My eyes fill with tears as I look up at him.

  “We’re getting our baby?” He leans in and kisses me softly.

  “Yeah, sweetheart we are.”



  “Babydoll you need to take a deep breath,” Nathan says for the third time in the last hour.

  “How can I take a deep breath? Why the fuck haven't they called yet, Nathan? What if they take our baby away?” I yell, tears rolling down my face. The last two months have been a whirlwind.

  Nathan and I got married in a small ceremony at the courthouse and we have spent every waking moment getting ready for Vince to finally be ours. We finished all of our adoption classes after what seemed like forever. The adoption hearing was a week
ago. Our lawyer told us she would call once she had any news and it's been a week. An entire fucking week!

  I am freaking out. “Oh my God they are going to take our baby from us. That's why they haven't called.” Nathan stands up and grabs my face in is hands.

  “Levidia, you need to calm down. This stress is not good for you or the baby. I would not let anyone take our son away from us and you know that,” he says in a hard tone. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. He's right. We found out I was pregnant the day of the adoption hearing. “Go lay down with Vince, babydoll. I will call Doris and see what is going on okay?”

  I nod my head and walk over to where Vince is sleeping. He's been with us since the night of the ball and I don't think I have left him for longer than an hour the entire time. He just turned five months yesterday and since he has been home with us, he has definitely turned into his own little human. He has Nathan and I wrapped around his little finger and I know he knows it. He loves snuggle time and I must admit it is one of my very favorite things to.

  I pick him up and take him to our bedroom and lay down he puts his little thumb into his mouth and buries his face into my chest. I am finally able to take a deep breath and relax. I know no one can take him from me if he is in my arms. I don't know how long I am asleep when Nathan comes in when he wakes me up. His face is pained.

  “Babydoll.” Tears spring to my eyes and I pull Vince closer to me.

  “They are taking him away aren't they?” I ask a sob catching in my throat he shakes his head and runs his thumb along my cheek.

  “Doris Hasn’t called back yet. It’s your parents.” I sit up.

  “Are they okay?”

  “Come on baby you need to come down stairs.” Nathan grabs Vince and I run downstairs. My mom and dad are holding each other, tears running down their faces. The last time I saw them look like this was when Lora died.

  “What happened?” I ask them in a small voice.

  “They found him, baby girl. They found the monster who killed Lora.”

  “What?” The air leaves my lungs and my legs give out. I would have fallen to the floor if Nathan had not gotten there when he did. “When? How? Who?”

  The day I have been waiting on for the last five years has finally come. I thought I would finally feel a little closure or relief knowing that they found the guy who killed my sister, but my heart feels like it is being sliced in two. Old emotions that I thought were long gone come flying back. I sob. My heart aches for being happy when I know she isn't here. It aches knowing she will never get to live the life she deserved to live.

  Before I know it, I am telling them the secret I have kept for the last five years. “I knew she was sneaking out that night,” I say in between sobs. “I caught her and she made me promise not to tell. It’s my fault that she's dead. If I would have told you as soon as she snuck out... If-If,” I start to stutter. My sobs make talking damn near impossible. My mom comes to me tears running down her face.

  “Baby girl, this is not your fault you were a child keeping a secret for your sister.”

  “It is my fault.” I sob, clinging to her. My dad comes up to us and hugs us both.

  “Shhh. Baby girl, it's not.” I sob until there are no more tears left. My voice is so raw Nathan brings us all a drink, then sits down next to me. Vince reaches up for me to take him and the minute he is in my arms, a weight is lifted off of me. Nathan wraps his arm around me as my parents tell us how the man who did such awful things to Lora tried to do it again. Only this time someone was there to stop him. The man that stopped him ended up putting a bullet in his head for touching his daughter. They only found out that it was him because he had Lora’s locket around his neck. It turns out he was some creep that was in her class. They stay for dinner and by the time they leave it is almost six. A few minutes after they leave my phone rings and I answer it without looking at the caller id thinking my mom just left something here.


  “Hi Levidia. It's Doris. We have some great news. It looks like everything was approved. You guys have a couple more things to fill out then Vince is officially yours.”

  “Oh my God! Thank you so much, Doris. Thank you.” I walk into Vince’s room, where Nathan is putting him in his crib. “He's ours,” I say. When he turns around, he grins and picks me up, spinning me around. I can’t believe Vince is finally and legally ours.

  I can’t help but think Lora had a little something to do with it.


  Fifteen Years Later


  “Babydoll, it’s time to go.” I say walking around the corner only to stop in my tracks.

  “Fucking hell,” I say, my breathing suddenly harsh, when I see Levidia laid out on the bed with nothing on but a little purple bow over her pretty pink pussy.

  “Happy birthday, baby,” she purrs. Fucking hell she takes my breath away. We have had five children and after each one she seems to become even more beautiful.

  “Sweet baby Jesus you are the sexiest woman alive,” I say undoing my tie and making my way into the bedroom.

  “Where are the kids?” I ask stripping out of my clothes. She spreads her legs and runs her delicate hand over her soft stomach to just above her pussy.

  “They are with Jeb and Tilly. Now shut up and open your present.”

  “Yes mama.” I say climbing onto the bed. I kiss up her legs and grab the bow with my teeth. She moans and starts to squirm underneath me. I run my hands up her sides and cup her heavy tits, pinching her hardened nipples.

  I bury my face in her cunt licking her wet pussy from her clit to her asshole, swirling my tongue around her tight little forbidden hole. She gasps and her hands go to my wrists.

  “Oh God. I love when you do that.” I growl and move up fucking my tongue into her pussy until she is coming all over my face.

  After I wring out the last drop of her orgasm, I sit up and quickly flip her over. Her giggle turns into a mewl as I cover her body in one fluid motion and slam my hard cock into her tight pussy. Even after five children, her pussy is like a vice begging for my cum. I plow into her hard and fast, fucking her just how she likes. Her pussy starts to flutter around my cock and I groan.

  “Fucking milk my cock, babydoll.” Her pussy clamps down on my cock as she comes. I call out her name as I follow right behind her. I pull out of her and roll onto my side taking her with me.

  “Fucking hell, I always love your birthday presents,” I say trying to catch my breath. She laughs and rolls over.

  “Come on old man. We have a party to go to. Your children have been working on surprising you all week with it so, you better act surprised.

  “Yes ma'am,” I say laughing. I smack her ass and climb out of bed. She growls and comes after me, smacking mine in return.

  We get dressed and make our way to the party.

  * * *

  Later that night, when we make it home and the kids are asleep, I walk outside, finding my beautiful wife leaning against the balcony. I wrap Levidia in my arms and sigh.

  “Thank you for a wonderful birthday, babydoll.” She melts into me, resting her head on my chest.

  “You're welcome, my love. I think the kids had more fun planning it then I did. Our little Lora is a master party planner.” I chuckle. Out of our six children Lora is definitely the sassiest of the bunch.

  “You want to have another one?” I remember how she looked at the new babies our friends are having. I want her to have everything her heart desires and if that means another baby, I will give it to her. She laughs and turns around in my arms.

  “How do you know everything?”

  “Because you are my heart, babydoll. It's my job to make sure I know everything about you.” She stands on her tippy toes and I lean down meeting her halfway.

  “Let's go make a baby,” she says channeling her inner-porn star. I growl and pick her up walking us back into the house.

  Who knew fifteen years ago, when I walked into a matchmaking
service, I would have found the love of my life without even trying?


  MK, Thank you for everything that you do and for being so awesome.

  Elisa, you are awesome as always. #Unicorns

  Seth, thank you for always supporting me no matter what I do. I love you.

  Thank you to my readers. I couldn’t do this without you. You have no idea what your positive encouragement and feedback means to me.

  To new readers, welcome to the party! The drinks are free and there is smut everywhere!

  About the Author

  KL is a twenty-five-year-old doing what she loves. She’s making her dreams come true one book at a time. She is the wife of a chef and the mother of an amazing son. She is a full-time author who does a little housework on the side. She can be found perusing social media when she should be writing. If you like Hot AF Alphas and Sassy Heroines with seamy yumminess and sweet Happily Ever After’s than her books are right up your alley.

  Stalk me!







  Also by KL Fast

  Kissing Junction, TX series written with MK Moore

  -Candy Corn Kisses

  -Thankful Kisses

  -Candy Cane Kisses

  -Champagne Kisses

  -Chocolate Kisses

  -Midnight Kisses

  -Shamrock Kisses

  -Summer Kisses


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