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Unplanned Love

Page 13

by Sharon C. Cooper

  She swung the door open. “Hey there. Did you get my message?” She had called Bradley the night before, after returning from dinner, to let him know that she wasn’t flying out with him.

  “No, what message?” His appreciative gaze traveled slowly down her body and back up again, taking in her red halter dress and matching sandals. “You look great, but aren’t you going to be a little cold on the plane?”

  “That’s the message I left on your voicemail. I’m staying in New York a few days. I already alerted the staff and wanted to let you know, too.”

  “Oh, okay,” Bradley said slowly, disappointment in his tone. “I guess you’ll be spending that time with the guy from last night, huh?”

  “Yes,” she said without elaborating.

  Bradley glanced down at the rolling suitcase at his side before returning his attention to her. “I owe you an apology. I was out of order last night. We were having a good time and I guess I took that as a sign that you were into me as much as I’m into you.”

  “No apology needed. Nothing happened. We were both excited about the presentation and after a couple of drinks…” She shrugged. “No harm done.”

  Charlee meant it when she told him no apology necessary. After spending the evening with Liam, it dawned on her that she might not have known he was in New York had she not been in the bar with Bradley. She also had time to think about their professional relationship. They had to be able to work together without any awkwardness. She didn’t want either of them to ever misunderstand the other’s intentions again. What might’ve started as an innocent interaction could have easily turn into a situation that they both would’ve regretted if it had gone too far.

  “So we’re cool?” he asked carefully, his dark, bushy brows lifted skyward.

  “We’re cool.” Charlee still planned to have a long talk with her father. “You have a safe trip, and I’ll see you in a few days.”

  After they said their goodbyes, she returned to the bathroom to try and do something with her hair. The forecast called for sunshine and eighty-degrees, so leaving her curls down was out of the question.

  She gathered the long strands into a ponytail on top of her head, keeping a few curly tendrils loose around her face. After a few more minutes of primping, adding silver, hoop earrings, a necklace and a few bangles, she was satisfied with the way she looked. She left the bathroom and rushed around the room, tidying up some just in case Liam came in. If by chance the day went the way she was planning, he’d be returning to the room with her.

  A quick knock sounded at the door, and she blew out a nervous breath as she went to open it.

  Here goes.

  She had to make this second chance count.


  Liam stood dumbfounded. All types of impure thoughts raced through his mind as he gave Charlee a once over, and then another, but slower this time.

  How is it that she got more beautiful each time he saw her? It just didn’t make sense. He had always loved her full, mane of red curls, especially when piled on top of her head like they were now. The loose ponytail gave him an unobstructed view of her graceful neck. Not only that. The long, curly tendrils that framed her face brought attention to her big, pretty eyes. She never wore much makeup, but today she had on eyeshadow that brought out the gold specks in her brown orbs.

  And that body.

  Lord, that body.

  The sundress had a deep V in the front. Low enough to show that she was well endowed with nice, full breasts, but not low enough to be inappropriate. It had two straps that tied behind her neck. The outfit was snug over her slim, but curvy body and stopped just above her knees.

  The whole package had him tempted to push her back into the room to start their day with love-making instead of sightseeing. It had taken a herculean effort to leave her at the door last night and not take her up on the invitation to spend the night. He wanted her too bad.

  “Hellooo?” Charlee waved her hand in front of his face, giving him a whiff of her subtle lavender and vanilla fragrance. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Seriously? She really just asked him that?

  “You.” His voice hitched, and he cleared his throat. “Maybe we should stay in, and I refamiliarize myself with your magnificent body.” There he went again, speaking before his brain was engaged. The words tumbled out of Liam’s mouth before he could snatch them back.

  Charlee’s brows inched up. “Umm…okay,” she said slowly and stepped back, opening the door wider, but Liam didn’t move. He wanted her like he wanted no other woman, and not just her body. He wanted all of her. Mind, body, and soul. Jumping in bed before they were officially back together wouldn’t be a good idea.

  “Grab your stuff and let’s go,” Liam said gruffly, coming back to his senses. He had to keep his head over the next four days with this exquisite temptress.

  She pursed her lips and frowned. “Liam…so help me I’m going to hurt you. You can’t be getting a girl’s hopes all up and then change your mind.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh at her mock disappointment and the exaggerated way she grabbed a small purse from a table and walked out.

  “Should I be worried? You’re acting like…like not yourself. What happened to you?”

  She gasped when he backed her into a nearby wall.

  “You’re what’s happened to me. I told you. You make me crazy, woman. I don’t even recognize myself half the time whenever you’re anywhere near me.”

  A seductive smile graced her glossy lips, and she cupped his face between her hands. “I missed you…and your beard.” Her fingers grazed over the hair on his cheeks. “Oh, and I feel the same way about you, except I’m not as crazy.” She gave a small laugh that got smothered when Liam covered her mouth with his.

  It was dangerous to kiss her when he felt so out of control, but he had to taste her again. With one hand on her hip and the other cradling the back of her head, he moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness. As usual, she felt perfect in his arms. He had been a fool thinking that he could live without her. This woman was a part of him. She owned his heart.

  Their tongues dueled, and Charlee kissed him with a hunger that matched his, only making his need for her that much more intense. They should stop, but…not yet. And when she slid her arms over his shoulders and around his neck, Liam knew if they didn’t stop soon, they’d never get out to experience the city together.

  “Get a room,” somebody murmured in passing before girls burst out into giggles.

  With one last kiss, Liam slowly lifted his head but didn’t release Charlee right away. He wanted to hold her just a little longer.

  “I guess that means that you’re happy to see me, huh?”

  He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “I’m more than happy to see you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” Her eyes softened and he gave her another quick peck. “Ready to get going?”

  “Yes, and after breakfast, I was thinking we could go shopping.”

  Liam dropped his arms from around her and groaned. “I can’t believe you’re going to torture me with shopping on our first day together.”

  She slipped her arm through his and pulled him toward the elevators. “Don’t look at it as torture. Look at it as a chance to see me in some super-cute outfits. I’ll even let you pick one. Maybe even some lingerie.”

  Liam perked up. A lingerie store could be dangerous to his psyche, but hell, he was on vacation. “All right, and since we’re in New York, I’ll go with the flow. I’m going to live a little, take a walk on the wild side.”

  Charlee stopped abruptly. “Really? You?”

  “For real. Whatever you want to do over the next few days, I’m game.”

  She considered him for a minute, not looking too convinced and probably trying to determine if he was serious. Eventually, a smile spread across her tempting mouth.

  “So, anything I want to do, you’ll go along with it?”

  He narrowed his eyes. This woman had a
wild streak, and God only knew what she’d have him doing, but hey, what was the worst that could happen?

  “Anything,” he said with more bravado than he felt. Yet, there was a part of him that couldn’t wait to see what they got into.

  They entered the elevator and Liam nodded at a guy that was already on there. Once they started moving, the car seemed to stop on every floor with people getting on with luggage. Before long, Charlee was squished against him. He didn’t mind, deciding to take full advantage of her nearness.

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind, his hand resting on her flat stomach as he nuzzled her scented neck. She felt fantastic against him. He couldn’t keep his hands or mouth off of her, especially when she snuggled closer.

  “I’m glad you were able to stay,” he whispered in her ear. “And I want you back.”

  She jerked her head to look at him over her shoulder and banged into his chin.

  “Ow,” he said under his breath, rubbing the offended area as she stared at him wide-eyed. He probably could’ve waited until they were alone, but he just needed to get it out. He also probably could’ve come up with a better way to let her know that he wanted her back in his life.

  Seriously? she mouthed.

  The elevator stopped again but was too crowded for anyone else to get on.

  Liam nodded, and she cupped his cheek, her thumb skimming over his beard, something she used to do often. He placed a kiss on her forehead just as they reached the ground floor.

  “I want that too,” Charlee said the moment they were off the elevator. “I know we still have things to work through, but there’s nothing I want more than for us to be back together.”

  “Me too. We’ll take our time. Get to know each other again and see what happens.”

  Grinning, she kissed him. “We’re going to have so much fun!”

  Her excitement was palpable. It had been a long time since Liam looked forward to anything, and with Charlee he was all in. He planned to do whatever it took to have her in his life for good.

  Hand in hand, they headed to the main exit until she pulled up short.

  “Oh crap. We can’t leave yet. I forgot to call and extend my stay. Give me a minute. I need to stop at the front desk to add a few days onto my reservation.”

  They both walked over and only stood in line a short while until the next front desk associate was available.

  “Good morning, are you checking out?”

  “No, actually, I’d like to extend my stay.” Charlee gave the woman the dates and they waited while she checked her computer.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Fenlon. We’re completely full for tonight, but we have rooms available for the other two nights.”

  Charlee’s shoulders sagged. “Are you sure? Can you check again?”

  “Actually,” Liam leaned against the counter. “That won’t be necessary. She can stay with me.”

  “Liam, you don’t have—”

  “Anything goes, remember?”

  After a short hesitation, a playful gleam radiated in her eyes. “Oh, I remember. You just make sure you don’t forget.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I don’t know about this, Charlee.”

  Liam had said those words several times in different ways from the moment she first mentioned the crazy idea on their way downtown. Now that they were walking toward the East River Pier, he was having second thoughts. It wasn’t that he was afraid of heights, but the possibility of falling out of the sky did give him pause. Besides, taking a helicopter ride had never been on his list of things to do.

  “Come on, Liam. Where’s your sense of adventure? Anyway, the tour is only twenty minutes. It’ll be over before we know it, and it’ll be fun.”

  “All right,” he said slowly. “If you say so.” Next time he’d be slow to agree to go along with whatever she wanted.

  Forty-five minutes later, they were on the large bird with one other couple and their daughter, preparing to lift off. The rumbling rhythm of the engine and the blades, a cross between an old washing machine and a jet plane, was drowned out considerably once they put on their headsets. Adrenaline pumped through Liam’s veins and his heartbeat doubled. Suddenly he couldn’t wait to get a bird’s-eye view of the city.

  Charlee was sitting next to him, gripping his hand as if it was a lifeline as they lifted off. Her gaze was non-blinking while she stared out the window. Liam gave her a little shake, wanting to make sure she was all right. Considering how excited his little adventurer had been before climbing aboard, she hadn’t said much.

  The helicopter veered right and she stiffened, squeezing his hand harder.

  “You okay?” he asked into the mouthpiece connected to the headset. She didn’t respond, only offered a slight smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  Liam shook his head and chuckled. So much for this being fun. She looked scared to death.

  He glanced out the window over the water, amazement filling him as he took in Manhattan while the pilot narrated the tour. They flew over the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges, and the slight bit of turbulence didn’t detract from the unobstructed view they had of the city.

  “This is absolutely breathtaking,” Charlee mumbled.

  Liam had to agree. In all of his years, taking a helicopter ride never crossed his mind. Now he could totally see himself doing it again.

  His jaw dropped open as they approached the Statue of Liberty, never imagining that he’d ever see Lady Liberty eye to eye. “Okay. Now this is cool.” Astonished by the sheer size of the monument, he took it in as if he hadn’t already seen the statue on more than one occasion. There was just something about seeing it face to face that made it that much more spectacular.

  By the end of the tour, they had also seen Ellis and Governor’s Island, as well as the Wall Street Financial Center that he and Charlee had already visited that morning.

  “I have to admit, that was one of your better suggestions,” Liam said after the tour as they were leaving Pier 6. “I never would have come up with that.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, but I’m glad we’re back on the ground. That’s it for me and helicopter rides.” Charlee laughed shakily, not seeming too steady on her feet.

  Holding her hand, Liam stepped off to the side and leaned against a brick building. He pulled her into the circle of his arms and held her snugly against him.

  She had only spoken a few words on the tour and now was looking a little worn out. That could’ve been from the ride or from all that they’d done earlier. After moving her belongings to his hotel room, they had breakfast, then went for a stroll through Rockefeller Center. What was supposed to be a quick stop there had turned into a two-hour adventure. After about ten stores, Liam had been ready to put his feet up and call it a day, but he didn’t complain. He was just happy to be with her.

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  Charlee stared up at him, her chin resting on his chest and a soft smile on her lips. “I’m fine. Maybe a little hungry, though.”

  “I guess I should feed you then, but first…” He let his words trail off as he lowered his head to claim her irresistible mouth.

  Throughout the morning and much of the afternoon, he took every opportunity to kiss her. Now that they were back together, he couldn’t get enough. He held the back of her head gently, but firm as he deepened the kiss. Each time their lips touched, he wanted her to feel what he felt deep in his soul for her.

  “Mmm, that was nice,” Charlee crooned when the kiss ended.

  “It was, and I can’t wait to do it again. How about we get you a little snack to hold you over for an hour.”

  “Okay, but why just a snack?”

  “Because I took the liberty of making plans for an early dinner for us. We need to pick up a few items in about an hour.”

  “I’ve been with you since early this morning. When’d you have time to do that?”

  “Somewhere between the tenth or twentieth outfit you tried on.”

bsp; Charlee laughed and pulled away, swatting his arm in the process. “I wasn’t that bad. Anyway, what’s for dinner?” She slid her hand back into his, and they started walking again.

  Liam glanced down at her. “How about a picnic in Central Park?”

  The sweet smile that spread across her luscious lips had his heart beating faster. All the feelings from the past, the times when all he wanted to do was make her happy came rushing back. He planned to do whatever necessary to make sure this second chance got them both what they wanted.

  “A picnic in the park,” she said wistfully. “That sounds wonderful.”


  Charlee leaned back against Liam’s hard body, amazed at how he had managed to find the perfect spot in Central Park for a picnic. Their location overlooked the Cherry Hill fountain as well as the lake. Even the mild evening temperature had cooperated. As she looked around the park near them, it was clear that her man hadn’t been the only one to think of a picnic. Though it wasn’t overly crowded, there were other couples and groups of people lounging nearby.

  “These are great,” Liam said, holding a chocolate strawberry near her mouth. “Try it.”

  Turning slightly, Charlee’s hair brushed against his chest. She opened for him, loving the way he’d been feeding her for much of the evening.

  “Mmm. You’re right. That’s amazing. More please.”

  She could feel the rumble of his chuckle against her back. She couldn’t have asked for a better surprised dinner. The bite-size sandwiches, a small cheese platter, a vegetable tray, chocolate covered strawberries, and an assortment of cookies. All had been more than enough for the two of them. Even the music selection from Liam’s cell phone was on point. Normally, he preferred jazz but had opted for R & B, her favorite genre.

  All in all, it was the perfect evening and brought back memories of why she’d fallen in love with Liam in the first place. His thoughtfulness and resourcefulness were only a few of the qualities he possessed. Besides those, he knew her so well, what she liked and didn’t like, and she loved how he predicted her needs.


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