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Out on the Cutting Edge

Page 31

by Lawrence Block

Page 31


  "But you didnt have any hard evidence against him for this one?"

  "No, but it fit close enough for us to close the file. We werent doing a whole lot with it anyway. No witnesses, no physical evidence. Why?"

  "Id like to see the autopsy report. "


  "Ill tell you later. "

  "She was stabbed and she died of it. What else do you want to know?"

  "Ill tell you later. And while youre at it-"


  I took out another slip of paper and laid it on his desk. "Some more autopsy reports," I said.

  He stared at me. "What the hell are you onto?"

  "Oh, you know. Just working away like a dog at a bone. If I had more things to occupy me I wouldnt hang on like this, but you know what they say about idle hands doing the devils work. "

  "Dont fuck around, Matt. Have you really got something here?"

  "See if you can pull the autopsy reports," I said. "And well see what Ive got. "

  When I got to Willas she was wearing the white Levis with another silk blouse, this one lime green. Her hair was down, flowing over her shoulders. Shed buzzed me in and she met me at the door of her apartment, giving me a quick kiss, then drawing back, concern showing on her face. "You look drained," she said. "Exhausted. "

  "I didnt get a lot of sleep last night. And Ive been going all day after an early start. "

  She drew me inside, closed the door. "Why dont you take a nap right away," she urged. "Do you think you could do that?"

  "Im wound too tight. And Ive still got things I have to do. "

  "Well, at least I can give you a decent cup of coffee. I went out today to one of those yuppie havens where they sell fifty different blends, one more expensive than the next. I think they price it by the bean, and they can tell you where it came from and what kind of animal crap they spread on the fields. I bought a pound each of three different coffees and this electric drip machine that does everything but drink it for you. "

  "Sounds great. "

  "Ill pour you a cup. I had them grind it for me. They wanted to sell me a grinder so that every cup I brewed would be at the peak of freshness, but I figured you have to draw the line somewhere. "

  "Im sure youre right. "

  "Taste it, see what you think. "

  I took a sip, set the cup down on the table. "Its good," I said.

  "Just good? Oh, God, Im sorry, Matt. You had a long day and it was a hard one, too, wasnt it? And Im running off at the mouth. Why dont you sit down? Ill try to shut up. "

  "Its all right," I said. "But Id like to make a phone call first, if you dont mind. I want to call Warren Hoeldtke. "

  "Paulas father?"

  "He should be home now. "

  "Would you like me to go out while you make the call?"

  "No," I said. "Stick around. In fact, you can listen while I talk to him. Itll save saying the same thing twice. "

  "If youre sure. "

  I nodded, and she sat down while I picked up the phone and dialed his home number, not bothering to make it collect this time. Mrs. Hoeldtke answered, and when I asked for him she said, "Mr. Scudder? Hes expecting your call. Just a moment, Ill get him. "

  When Hoeldtke came on the line he said hello as if bracing himself. "Im afraid the news is bad," I said.

  "Tell me. "

  "Paula is dead," I said. "She died the second weekend in July. I cant be sure of the precise date. "

  "How did it happen?"

  "She spent the weekend on a boat, she and a gentleman friend and another couple. The other man had a speedboat, some sort of cabin cruiser that he kept at a marina on City Island. The four of them went out on open water. "

  "And there was an accident?"

  "Not exactly," I said. I reached for my cup and had some of my coffee. It was very good coffee. "Boats, fast ones, are in demand these days. Im sure I dont have to tell you that drug smuggling is a big business. "

  "Were these other people drug smugglers?"

  "No. Paulas companion was a securities analyst. The other man was also on Wall Street, and the other woman ran a crafts gallery on Amsterdam Avenue. They were respectable people. Theres no evidence that they even used drugs, let alone dealt in them. "

  "I see. "

  "Their boat, however, was one that would lend itself to smuggling. That made it an attractive target for pirates. This sort of piracy has become very common in the Caribbean. Boat owners down there have learned to carry firearms on board and fire at any other vessel that comes too close. Piracy is less common in northern waters, but its getting to be a problem. A gang of pirates approached the boat Paula was on, pretending to be a ship in distress. They managed to get on board, and then they did what pirates have always done. They killed everyone and made off with the ship. "

  "My God," he said.

  "Im sorry," I said. "Theres no gentle way to say it. From what Ive been able to determine, it was over very quickly. They came onto the ship with their guns drawn and they didnt waste any time before firing them. She wouldnt have suffered long. None of them would have. "

  "Dear God. How can things like this happen in this day and age? Piracy, you think of men with gold earrings and peg legs and, and, parrots. Errol Flynn in the movies. It seems like something out of another time. "

  "I know. "

  "Was there anything in the newspapers about this? I dont recall seeing anything. "

  "No," I said. "Theres no official record of the incident. "

  "Who was the man? And the other couple?"

  "I promised someone Id keep their names out of it. Ill violate that promise if you insist, but Id rather not. "

  "Why? Oh, I can probably guess. "

  "The man was married. "

  "That was my guess. "

  "And the other couple was married as well, but not to each other. So there doesnt seem to be any purpose served by revealing their names, and their surviving families would prefer being spared the embarrassment. "

  "I can appreciate that," he said.

  "I wouldnt keep it under wraps if there were an investigation to pursue, something for the police or the Coast Guard to go after. But the case is closed before it could ever be opened. "

  "How do you mean? Because Paula and the others are dead?"

  "No. Because the pirates themselves are dead. They were all shot down in a dope deal that went sour. It happened a couple of weeks after the piracy, and otherwise I very likely would never have found out anything substantial. But someone I met who knew people on the other end of that dope deal felt free to talk about what he knew, and I got as much of the story as I did. "

  He had a few more questions and I answered them. Id had all day to get my story right, so I was prepared for the questions he raised. The last question took a long time coming; Id expected it early on, but I guess he was reluctant to ask it.

  "And the bodies?"

  "Overboard. "

  "Burial at sea," he said. He was silent for a moment, and then he said, "She always loved the water. When she-" and his voice broke. "When she was a little girl," he said, back in control again, "we spent our summers at the lake, and you couldnt get her out of the water. I called her a water rat, she would swim all day if we let her. She loved it. "

  He asked if I would hold on while he passed on what Id reported to his wife. He must have covered the mouthpiece with his hand because I didnt hear anything at all for several minutes. Then she came on and said, "Mr. Scudder? I want to thank you for all youve done. "

  "Im sorry to bring you this kind of news, Mrs. Hoeldtke. "

  "I must have known," she said. "I must have known ever since it happened. Dont you think so? On some level, I think I must have known all along. "

  "Perhaps. "

  "At least I dont have to worry anymore," she said. "At least now I know where she is. "

  Hoeldtke came on again to thank me, and to ask if he owed me money. I told him he didnt. He asked if I was
sure of that and I said I was.

  I hung up, and Willa said, "That was quite a story. You found out all that today?"

  "Last night and this morning. I called him this morning to let him know it looked bad. I wanted to let him prepare himself and his wife before I gave him the details. "

  " Your mother is on the roof. "

  I looked at her.

  "You dont know that story? A mans on a business trip and his wife calls him and tells him the cat is dead. And he has a fit. How can you say something flat out like that, you could give a person a heart attack. What you have to do is break it to a person gently. You dont call up and say in one breath that the cat climbed up on the roof and fell off and died. First you call up and tell me the cat is on the roof. Then you call a second time and say people are trying to get the cat down, the Fire Department and all, but it doesnt look good. Then, by the time you call me a third time, Ive prepared myself. Then you can tell me the cat is dead. "

  "I think I can see where this is going. "

  "Of course, because I led off with the punch line. He goes on a business trip and he gets another phone call from his wife, and he says hello, how are you, whats new, and she says, Your mother is on the roof. "

  "I guess thats what I was doing. Telling him his daughter was on the roof. Were you able to follow the whole thing by hearing one side of the conversation?"

  "I think so. How did you find all this out? I thought you went looking for a crook who used to know Eddie. "

  "I did. "

  "How did that lead to Paula?"

  "Luck. He didnt know anything about Eddie, but he knew people who took off the pirates in a dope deal. He put me on to somebody, and I asked the right questions, and I learned what I had to learn. "

  "Pirates on the open sea," she said. "It sounds like something out of an old movie. "

  "Thats what Hoeldtke said. "

  "Serendipity. "

  "Hows that?"

  "Serendipity. Isnt that what you call it when you look for one thing and find something else?"

  "It happens all the time in the kind of work I do. But I didnt know there was a word for it. "

  "Well, there is. What about all that business with her phone and answering machine? And all her clothes and things moved out, but the bed linens left. "

  "None of it amounted to anything. My guess is she took a lot of her clothes along on the weekend, and probably had other things stowed at an apartment her boyfriend was maintaining. When Flo Edderling went into her room, it looked empty to her, with nothing much visible except for the bedclothing. Then, while the room was open, one of the other tenants probably appropriated whatever was left, thinking that Paula had left it behind on purpose. The answering machine was left on because she thought she was coming back. None of it turned out to be a clue to anything, but it kept me playing with the case, and then I lucked out and found the solution almost by accident. Or whatever you called it. "


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