Remember Me: Music For The Heart: Book 4

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Remember Me: Music For The Heart: Book 4 Page 37

by Starr, Faith


  We played our hearts out. It was one of our best shows to date. It could have been because in a sense I was performing for Gramps. I couldn’t bring him back, but maybe I could help others get care for their loved ones. Besides, I knew Gramps was watching over me, especially when night lightning brightened the sky during our portion of the show, not before, not after. But during.

  It was great to play the benefit in our hometown. It made it all the more meaningful for me personally. Lizzie and I had met on our home turf. We had experienced everything that went down with both of our grandparents in this town. We had broken down each other’s walls in this town. We had fallen in love and started our lives together in this town.

  When the show was over, the guys and I hung out with Trevor, Ryan, Logan, and their girls. We all went to Mason’s house to shoot pool, relax, and celebrate the shitload of money we had brought in for the foundation. Lizzie had turned an idea into a reality. It was incredible. She could now say she had meaning in her life, her mark to leave. I couldn’t have been prouder.

  A quick shower brought me down to the point I couldn’t wait to kick back and chill with my bandmates and the guys of Steam.

  When I opened the bathroom door, Lizzie surprised me, standing there. “Hey, babe. What’s up?”

  “I want to show you something. Follow me.”

  I followed her into Mason’s guest room. “What’s going on?”

  “I have a surprise for you.” She beamed.

  “What is it?” Something told me I’d be happy with the news she was about to deliver.

  She raised the pant leg of her jeans to show me her earth tattoo. There was fresh ink around it.

  “What does it say?” I inched closer to get a better view. The tattoo still had tape covering it so was somewhat blurred. But it was clear enough to read the words ‘Forever Young’ written in script around the earth. “When did you get this? How did you find the time? Things have been so crazy planning the benefit.”

  “Yesterday while you were doing soundcheck, Carly and I snuck off so I could get it done. It was hard to hide from you. I wanted to wait until after the show to let you see it. Not easy, I might add. Good thing we were so exhausted last night that we crashed as soon as our heads hit the pillows.”

  “I love it. You’re the one who says tattoos are a personal thing. Tell me what this addition means to you.”

  “Okay.” She was giddy. “You know when I originally said the earth is so big compared to all the people who live in it, and how it is easy to get self-absorbed with our own troubles to the point we don’t think about others’?”

  “Yeah. I remember you telling me that.”

  “I also said it helps remind me that I’m not alone and that the world doesn’t revolve around me. I have since learned I’m not alone in a different context. I have you now. It still means everything isn’t only about me, but again, for a different reason. Now everything is about the two of us. Together. A circle never to be broken, forever. You and me.”

  Fuck. She really did have a knack for penning, rather, speaking words that could be put to lyrics. And yes, I did utilize the words she’d fed me, the ones she’d gifted me with. Of course, she reaped the same benefits of the song topping the charts as me and the guys did. In reality, everything of mine, I now considered hers as well, including my childhood house which I purchased from my parents. Lizzie and I were in the process of renovating it, but not Kelsey’s room and the garage. Those two rooms would remain exactly as they were.

  “Forever young together. I love it. And I love you, Lizzie.”

  “I love you too, Ryan.”

  She wrapped her arms around me, and I kissed her.

  It had been a long ass few weeks of touring hard and prepping for the benefit. All that tension left my body as I held her in my arms.

  I guided her back toward the couch, and she fell onto it. I climbed over her. She couldn’t rip my shirt off fast enough. I couldn’t get hers off quick enough either.

  She unsnapped her jeans. I unsnapped mine. We both kicked off our denims. I took care of her G-string. She took care of my boxer briefs.

  We moved at a hurried pace. The meaning behind her tattoo made my dick harder, if at all possible. The thing was a rod of steel. The fact she had put a permanent mark on her body for me, about us? I had no words.

  After Kelsey died, I kept myself closed off. Why let people in when in the blink of an eye, they could disappear from your life? Similar to how Gramps did. One day he was listening to music at the center, a few days later he was gone. That’s some fucked-up shit. But it was life. And I was tired of living in fear.

  She skimmed her delicate hands over my back, only to dig her fingers into my ass as I drove myself into her, sans a condom. The best thing ever. Something else I said my blessings for at night. No more latex suffocating my dick. Halle-fucking-lujah!

  Our bodies met in the middle, a metaphor that was our relationship. We tried to meet in the middle about every decision we made. Something I was still learning how to do. I could be selfish when I wanted to be, but less so with Lizzie. She made me want to be a better man and give her the world.

  “Aah… I love you, Ryan.”

  “I love you too, babe.” I gripped her head and kissed her.

  We moved harder.

  I went deeper.

  She held me in place, gyrating her hips against mine.

  Her pussy pulsated against my cock, doing me in, milking me dry, the two of us exploding together.

  “Whew. I needed that.” I sighed, my body resting over hers.

  “Me too. I’m ready for a nap now.” She yawned and stretched her arms.

  “We don’t have to stay long if you’re tired.” See, I actively thought about her feelings.

  “No. This is your night. I want you to celebrate with your friends. We’ll have plenty of time to sleep. We’re off tomorrow. We can sleep in.” And she actively thought of mine.

  That thought alone brought me joy.

  We gathered our clothes, made a pit stop in the bathroom to clean up, then joined the others in the main area. They hadn’t even noticed our disappearance. And if they had, nobody said a word about it.

  Logan, Mason, and Joey were shooting pool. The rest of the guys were hanging out in the family room.

  Lizzie sat at the kitchen counter with Hailey, Carly, Teva, Dani, and Drew, the women of Steam. We were one big happy family. It didn’t get better than this.

  A knock came at the front door. Nobody bothered to answer it.

  The knock came again.

  Since nobody else wanted to get off their lazy ass to get it, I did. And what I saw on the other side of it blew my mind. Marlow, Mason’s ex.

  And here I had thought the main event for the evening had already taken place. How wrong I was. Things were about to get interesting in On The Fence World.

  The End

  The story continues with Mason and Marlow in

  The Right Time

  Click on the link below to see the video (external YouTube link on the bottom of page if reading on an iPad or iPhone) and lyrics for Alphaville’s “Forever Young” - Ryan and Lizzie’s song!

  Also by Faith Starr

  Faith Starr’s books are all standalones but are

  best read in sequence

  The HILLTOPS Series






  Hold Me

  Promise to Fulfill

  Risk Worth Taking

  On The Fence

  Remember Me

  The Right Time - Coming Soon

  Jonas’s and Nick’s stories in the works!


  Sinful Agreement

  Sign up here for Faith’s newsletter and receive bonus chapters of Hold Me, Promise To Fulfill, and Risk Worth Taking. Plus, get insi
de info, pre-sales of new releases, and follow the women from the Hilltops Series in their Heroines of Hilltops corner.

  For more information about upcoming releases, please visit her website:

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  Help and Support Are Available

  Alcoholics Anonymous website:

  Find information about the program, how to get help if you or a loved one has a drinking problem, and where to find meetings and contact information in your city.

  Alzheimer’s Association:

  Find information about the stages of Alzheimer’s, research, and local resources.

  24/7 Helpline: 800-272-3900

  Please Review My Book

  Dear Reader,

  Book reviews mean a lot to an author. If you have a minute or two, I’d appreciate it if you could please provide an honest, sincere review.

  Thanks so much!


  About Faith Starr

  When I’m not managing my husband’s medical practice or handling things for one of my three kids—both of which take up an enormous amount of my time—I escape to the confines of my home office to write romance fiction, my passion.

  For me, there is absolutely nothing like creating fictional characters, getting into their minds, and giving them a life of their own with all the emotions that go along with it. I am swept away, head over heels in love, with each and every alpha male I create and the confident women who steal their hearts. These characters have become a part of me that will live on forever.

  Being a romantic at heart, with a bit of a dirty mind, I relish in creating believable stories that touch upon readers’ heartstrings, provoke thought, and hopefully provide a bit of insight into some heavy topics.

  Being married for over twenty-two years—wow, how time flies—I am a firm believer in the concept of “Once Upon a Time” and “Happily Ever After” because I have found mine. Aww, I know, so mushy. But that’s me in a nutshell, a softie with a big heart, just like my characters! A bit of a nut too.


  A huge thank you to C. L. Roman for providing editing services and amazing feedback.

  Kelly Ann Martin for creating yet another beautiful cover. You are such an artist who is truly talented in your craft. I LOVE working with you!

  The wonderful beta readers and bloggers who give me their time and read my stories. I am truly grateful.

  My mom for always believing in me and encouraging me to trudge along even when I complain how exhausted and burned-out I am. And for promoting my books to everyone you meet even though I won’t let you read them. You have been, are, and always will be my biggest fan. I love you.

  My dad, who may no longer be with me physically but who I know is watching over me and encouraging me to continue following my dream.

  My three beautiful children for being patient, encouraging me to never give up and chase the dream, supportive, understanding of my endless hours sitting in front of my computer, and accepting (hopefully) my particular genre of writing. I love you all. You inspire me in ways you’ll never know.

  My loving husband for sticking by me through all of life’s ups and downs. Writing this book wasn’t easy. There were many crying fits. I am grateful for your unconditional love and support. I know it’s difficult to celebrate our anniversary while I’m also mourning the loss of my father on our special day. My gratitude for your love will never be overshadowed by his loss. I love you with all my heart.

  Another thank you to my wonderful husband for assisting with the medical jargon and hospital scenes.

  My higher power for giving me the inner strength to persevere even when I want to throw in the towel and give up; you are my eternal guiding light. I am forever grateful for your wisdom and guidance.




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