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Undercover Witch Academy Box Set

Page 34

by Rachel Medhurst

  Releasing the spell of the illusion students, I thrust my hand in my pocket and pressed the button. Electricity shot through me, my whole body shuddering in response as my gaze stayed glued on the teachers who were trying to fight off the attackers.

  There were six figures, all dressed in black, coming for me. I stood my ground as one of them knocked the professor away with a swipe of his hand, the spell sending our head teacher across the room. His gun clattered to the floor, circling until it was near James’ feet. He caught sight of it, his concentration dropping.

  Clenching my damp hands, I stopped myself from diving for the gun. Without it, Professor Seaton might not be able to hold them off. In fact, as he stumbled to his feet, the teacher held out a hand and sent a shockwave towards the intruders. Several of them fell to their knees.

  Warlocks had appeared from nowhere, their bright magic balls extending out of their hands and hitting the bad guys.

  “Should I get it?” James shouted to his father, who searched the ground for the gun.

  The tip of it was pointing to James’ toes, almost touching them. If he broke the protection spell, I could be exposed, but I didn’t want them all in danger.

  As the professor went to answer, the click of the gun sounded before bullets started shooting out of it.

  James managed to dodge out of the way as the gun jumped on the ground, the firepower strong enough to thump bullets into the wooden panel behind me.

  The circle was broken as we all ran for cover.

  One of the attackers stood in a corner, his hand outstretched towards the gun, his stare intent on the weapon. He was making it shoot without a handler.

  My heart was in my mouth as I grabbed Izzy’s arm. She had her hands over her ears, tears running down her cheeks. Rushing behind the altar, I winced when my bum hit the hard wood ground, yanking her down beside me.

  Helissa and James were next, almost diving down next to us.

  “Where’s Dracian?” I said over the noise of fighting.

  James looked at me, his eyes wide. “He went for the man who’s controlling the gun.”

  Shit, why would he do that? The professor had instructed us to either stay in the circle or hide somewhere out of sight.

  “I need an invisibility spell,” I muttered to myself as I glanced around the stone altar.

  Dracian raced across the ballroom, his feet hardly touching the ground. The man in the corner glanced up, dropping the gun spell when he saw Dracian heading towards him.

  Magic literally littered the whole room, physical and invisible. Fire walls were erected but quickly put out. Sizzling balls of electric power flew above my head, bursting into the attackers. They were finding it hard to get past the warlocks who fought with all their power to stop them. However, they did persevere.

  My hands trembled as Dracian reached the man in the corner, his arm thrusting out to hit him. It didn’t even get close as the man ducked and spun away, his body launching in the air. As he came down, his eyes glowed red and his teeth poked out of his mouth. He must have been a vampire witch hybrid. I had never heard of such a thing, why would they even exist?

  My whole body shuddered as Dracian only just managed to get out of the way of his attacker.

  “Stay here!” I ordered the others.

  Jumping to my feet, I checked to make sure no one was nearby. The gun had gone quiet, but I was too far away to grab it. When I heard a grunt from Dracian, I gave up my search for a weapon. My own magic would have to do.

  The others tried to grab my legs as I made a run towards my boyfriend. He now wrestled with the evil attacker, trying to prevent him from biting his neck. The chomp of the man’s teeth made his intent quite clear.

  Something caught around my feet, just before I reached them. My body flew forward as my ankles were yanked back. My choke of surprise distracted Dracian and the man, halting them in their combat.

  “She comes to us!” the man growled, knocking Dracian away.

  As the ground came up to meet me, I caught myself on my wrists. I was powerless to stop the inevitable drag that would come with my capture. However, instead of my body being pulled away, it stayed still, flat on the floor.

  Looking behind me, I spotted the attacker who had managed to wrap vines around my legs. Mrs Hinley was kicking his arse. Her high heel soared into the air and sliced his cheek wide open, the sharp edge of the heel cutting through the dark material that covered his face.

  “You’re mine!” a voice shouted loudly.

  I looked ahead as Dracian’s hybrid hurled towards me, an ugly grin on his face. His own black mask had come off, probably in his fight with my man.

  “No I’m not!” I muttered, reaching down to the slack vines around my ankles.

  A knife appeared in my hand – yes, it was an illusion, but one I could control – so I cut the green tendrils, tugging them off me. Keeping my back to the attacker, I breathed evenly and waited. His slight laugh alerted me to his imminent onslaught. Hopping up onto one foot, I spun in a circle, my other leg extended.

  My arm shot out as I faced the man, the knife leaving my fingers just as my gaze locked on his chest, right in front of me.

  His eyes widened as the blade embedded itself straight into his heart. A thrill of victory ran over my skin as the red faded from his eyes. And yet, it was short lived. His momentum didn’t stop. In fact, he was on me, the knife still embedded, before I could move.

  “Got you!”

  His chattering teeth just missed my ear as he snarled, his breath fanning my neck. The weight of him pushed me into the ground. I tried to thrash and buck him off me, but he was too strong. He didn’t want to kill me. I would already be dead if he did. He wanted to scare me, which wasn’t going to happen.

  “Get off me!” I grunted, thrusting my head back as hard as I could.

  My skull crashed into his nose, the crack loud in my ears as warm liquid squirted into my hair. He cursed loudly, the word drowning out the fighting around us. For a second time, the movement of those nearby slowed as they threw punches and created spells. All this turmoil, for me.

  “You’re not worth it,” the man on my back hissed in my ear.

  His teeth clenched on my neck, the pain of the sharp fangs piercing my skin causing me to cry out. What was going on? He was going to kill me. The bastard half breed was going to rip my throat out.

  My frantic heartbeat sped up, my fight or flight mode kicking into gear. Summoning all my magic, I brought my legs up under me and tucked my arms under my chest before closing my eyes. The slurping sounds were far off, even though he was draining my blood right near my ear.

  “Get off me, you bastard!” As the words left my mouth, I pushed my magic outwards.

  The force of it created a blast that shunted from my body, leaving me breathless. The man’s teeth ripped from my neck as his weight lifted away from me.

  “Alishia!” Dracian’s voice echoed through the ringing in my ears.

  Opening my eyes, I looked up and cringed. Everyone was on the ground, their legs and arms askew as they tried to right themselves. Had I just done that? Woah, it would be amazing if I had managed to bring all the amazingly powerful people in the hall to their butts.

  “Are you okay?” Dracian crawled across the floor to reach me.

  Clasping a hand to my bleeding neck, I gasped when I pulled my palm away. It was covered in fresh red blood. It was no wonder my head was swimming.

  “I think he killed me,” I muttered, laughing when Dracian’s eyes widened. “Only joking, obviously. I’m still talking to you, stupid.”

  “We don’t know if a vampire bite can turn you.”

  Ah, crap, I hadn’t even thought about that possibility. Well, if I became a witch vampire hybrid – no, it wasn’t happening. I couldn’t cope with that. I could only just wake up each morning with the knowledge that I was an Illusionist witch, let alone anything else.

  A ball of magic flew past us, making us jump into each other’s arms. The fighting
had started up again. My attacker was slowly getting to his feet, blood running down his chin.

  “Go back to the others!” Dracian demanded.

  Gripping his hand, I tried to stop him from going to the man. He shook me off, his strength overpowering me as he almost thrust me towards the altar. “Go!”

  His snap made me turn and run. My legs were wobbly as I fiddled in my pocket, trying to find my inducer. It wasn’t there. Shit, where was it?

  Looking over my shoulder, I gasped when I spotted my inducer, laying on the floor near a pool of blood. My blood.

  Dracian was wrestling the vamp witch nearby, his concentration fully on the man trying to reach me. I was about to run back when a hand clamped on my wrist.

  “Come back!” James dragged me behind the altar at the same time as a high pitched sound shot through the ballroom.

  Covering my ears, I ducked my head when pain sliced through it. The crash of the doors made me look up. They had come off their hinges, flying into the room. Devon Jinx and her team stood in the entryway, their stances solid and their faces full of menace. Agent envy lanced me as I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Dracian and his enemy had been thrown to the ground again. He spied my inducer, his eyes widening when the vamp witch jumped to his feet. Wait, if Dracian went for it, the man would know that it had meaning.

  I clenched my fists, waiting for my boyfriend to make the right move. I had no magic, I was useless. If I was a normal witch, I could hide it with an invisibility spell, but no, I was empty.

  “Shall we help?” James asked.

  Helissa cradled Isabel against her, soothing our friend. She kept glancing at my throat, which throbbed dully. She could work her healing magic later. When everyone was safe.

  “James,” I said, grabbing his arm. “Please, cast an invisib-” My sentence was cut off as I watched our enemies drop to the ground.

  Frowning, I searched the hall, smiling to myself when Devon Jinx raised her eyebrows at a handsome male witch who grinned with a cock of his head. Apparently, the agent had used her magic to knock them all out. Except one.

  The vamp witch shoved Dracian away before turning. All eyes fell on him, but he looked over to me, a smirk crossing his face before he puffed out of existence. Shit, the bastard had not only tasted my blood, which was gross enough as it was, but he might have seen the contraption that helped me gain my magic.

  “Is everyone okay?” the professor shouted as he clasped his arm to his chest.

  The teachers were puffing, their bodies covered in bruises and blood. Frankie rushed into the room, his face pulled into a growl of aggravation. Did he try and stop the Hunted Witch Agency from getting in?

  Ignoring the others as they started to get to their feet, I rushed over to Dracian. He was on the ground, panting hard as he clutched his shoulder.

  “Are you hurt?” I stroked his face before attempting to lift his hand off his shoulder.

  Wincing, he gripped my fingers, preventing me from touching his wound. A shock of blood showed through a tear in his football shirt. Instead of letting me see it, he was inspecting my own gash.

  “Helissa?” he called, getting to his feet. “We need you!”

  Well, he must have been fine. He was able to boss me around okay, which meant I could just reach out and pluck my inducer from the floor.

  “What is that?” came a voice nearby.

  The tall dark handsome witch agent who had accompanied Devon stared down at me. He had his arms limp at his side, a gun in one of his hands.

  “Don’t be so nosy, Mr Mac-annoying.” Devon joined us, her smug expression still firmly planted on her face.

  Professor Seaton limped over, his expression pinched as he called to the agents. When they glanced over to him, I tucked my inducer away and stood straight in a feigned attempt at appearing as cool as they did.

  “Who let you know about the attack?” The teacher guided Devon and her man friend away, glancing over his shoulder with a quick warning glare.

  “Your wife,” Devon replied.

  Oh dear, the head teacher and Mrs Hinley would probably have a domestic when everyone had left.

  The humans had wanted the agency to stay out of the academy business for now. If they found out that someone had tipped them off, they might not work with the professor anymore.

  “Let me see your neck.” Helissa’s hand landed on my wrist, making me jump.

  A laugh escaped me when she smiled kindly. Okay, maybe I wasn’t as amazingly kickass as I tried to make out. My whole body shook as I sat on the hard wooden ground and allowed Helissa to spread a healing balm over my bite.

  Dracian stood nearby, giving the blonde agent an account of what had happened. His stance was strong, but the slight tick of his hand against his thigh told me that he probably wasn’t telling the whole truth. Including the bit about the human government not wanting them to know about the attack.

  “Is Izzy okay?” I asked Helissa after she chanted a healing spell.

  The throb in my neck lessened as she avoided eye contact, instead concentrating on sorting her salves in a pretty worn leather satchel.

  Looking around, I spotted my best friend being led away by Mrs Hinley. She was still crying, her face red and puffy. I went to get up to go to her, but Helissa stopped me.

  “She’s not cut out for this.” Her whispered words made me stare after Izzy’s retreating back.

  My heart squeezed in protest. How could I carry on a career at the academy without her? She was my best friend, the one person who had understood what it was like for me growing up. And yet, the shudder of her back as she almost fell apart told me that Helissa was right.

  “Will she leave soon?”

  Nodding, Helissa grabbed me in a hug before letting go. A sob escaped me, but I pushed the grief away. There was no time to think about Isabel’s choice, not yet. That would come later, when we had finished what we’d started.

  Returning to us, Dracian held me against his chest. His wince made me pull back to look at him. “Let Helissa heal you.”

  As he reluctantly released me, Helissa stepped forward and pulled the sleeve of his T-shirt away from his wound.

  “I can’t believe he got away,” I said, looking around the room at the damage.

  Tables were toppled over, burn marks lit the floor and the holes in the wooden panels were unsightly. So much destruction in a place that was meant to be a sacred home for students. At least no one had been seriously hurt, except maybe Izzy’s peace of mind. Part of me feared that she had been shattered completely.

  “He didn’t get away.”

  My gaze shot to Dracian. His teeth were gritted as Helissa smoothed the same salve on his bite, her concentration marked by her tongue sticking out.

  “What do you mean?” My insides quivered when he grinned at me, his eyes lighting up.

  I knew that whatever he was about to say would probably make me want to kiss him instantly. His cocksure nature was starting to become attractive. Which was bloody annoying considering his head was already big enough.

  “I didn’t tell the agency,” he said, looking over his shoulder before lowering his voice. “But, I’ve put a tracking spell on him. We need to get free of the agents so we can hunt the bastard and kill him.”

  Chapter Ten

  “We need to hurry!” Dracian was urgent as he thrust my bag into my arms. “The others have left already.”

  My eyesight blurred as I blinked, trying to wake up. He had forced me out of bed, shoved toast down my throat and now demanded that I take his hand, shaking it at me as if the movement would make me speed up. Did he not understand that a girl needed her - exhausted cos she didn’t sleep until five AM - sleep?

  “Who are the others? And, where have they gone?”

  “Seaton, Hinley, Devon and our friends. They forced me to tell them about the locator spell on the man who tried to kill you.”

  My attention snapped into focus. Shit, we had planned to check it out ourselves in an
attempt to shield it from the agency. How did they know that Dracian had managed to place a tracker on the vampire hybrid?

  “They knew you put a spell on him?”

  Growling, he took my hand and closed his eyes. A flash of light blasted around us before we landed in the middle of a bustling London street. Pedestrians gasped as we appeared, their eyes widening as they passed us.

  “Good one,” I muttered, marching into the crowd so we didn’t look as conspicuous.

  “They knew. Devon is connected to the ley lines, she’s super powerful blah blah. She could feel the residue of something when they swept through the hall after we’d gone.”

  Dracian strode beside me, following my lead, even though I had no idea where we were supposed to go. He suddenly frowned when Tower Bridge appeared in front of us.

  “Where are you going?”

  Shrugging, I stopped in the middle of the walkway, ignoring the tuts of annoyance from the passers-by. “Is Devon in on it now? What do the police think about that?”

  Dracian took a moment to check around us before he turned, retracing our steps. “Detective Rollings and Frankie have accepted that the case is too big for them to handle. Justine, the head of the Hunted Witch Agency, has confirmed that they were suspicious of the institute and were in no way involved. The agents from the agency took a truth serum, which confirmed her story.”

  “Truth serum?” an old lady blurted, grabbing Dracian’s arm. “I knew people like you existed in the world. You should be hung!”

  Shrugging her off, Dracian snarled at her gnarled face. “Don’t be so stereotypical.”

  His reply made the woman blink slowly before turning and walking away. Okay, that was a random, if a little disturbing.

  “Are we near the bastard or are you just taking me for a walk to burn off the energy I don’t have?”

  The corner of his lip lifted into his cheek as he shook his head. Why did he have to be so bloody handsome? I had prided myself on being a grown up eighteen year old, not salivating over boys and men, and yet, here I was, staring up at him all puppy dog eyed. Ugh.

  “I can feel him nearby,” he said, coming to a halt near a huge gothic building.


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