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Page 52

by Theresa Dahlheim

  Stunned, Graegor could only stare at her, beyond speech, almost beyond thought. Tabitha reached up to his sleeve, but stopped just short of touching him. “I don’t want it to be like this,” she whispered. “But it’s so hard to trust anyone ...”

  The part of Graegor’s brain that was still working told him that the right moment was now. He leaned down, so far down he nearly slipped off the saddle, and cupped her cheek in his hand before touching his mouth to her upturned lips.

  The silver cords laced through the two of them shone like a star becoming the sun. She was there, joined with him mind to mind, and he could feel her fear, and, mixed with it, her longing for someone who understood, who knew. She saw that he understood, he knew. She stretched on her tiptoes to keep her lips pressed against his.

  When their kiss ended, he stared into her sparkling eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, and he could feel her embarrassed pleasure pushing back the ever-present fear. He still did not know what frightened her so much. He sensed that she did not really know herself, that she had lived with it for such a long time that it had become a part of her. He wanted to help her through it. She hoped he could.

  He was about to loop the reins around the saddlehorn and dismount, but suddenly Tabitha looked away from him, and he could sense her mind drawing away too, even as she reached up to hold his hand. Her eyes were unfocused, and he realized that she was talking mind-to-mind with someone else.

  Before he could worry about who it might be, she looked back at him, and her silvery mental touch came back too. “Lord Natayl says it’s time for me to resume my studies.”

  “On Godsday?” He somehow managed to keep his control, to stay merely annoyed and not furious at the old sorcerer.

  Tabitha looked over her shoulder at the manor house, and Graegor wondered if Natayl had been watching them. Then she turned back to him. “Forgive me,” she said gently. “I must go.”

  “When can I see you again?—Will you be at the basilica services tonight?”

  She hesitated, then shook her head. “Lord Natayl says we will not be returning to the city until later in the week.” Then she squeezed his hand again. “But ... I do love the theater.”

  Her meaning was plain, but the theaters—the good ones—only had performances Windsday, Earthsday, and Firesday nights. Windsday was four days away and he didn’t want to wait that long.

  “Call to me,” she said then. “Tomorrow at noon. I will listen for you.”

  “Tomorrow at noon.” He hoped he could hold out that long. “And I’ll find out what the theaters are showing on Windsday.”

  She smiled. “Yes, my lord.” This time my lord sounded playful instead of formal, and it sent warmth through him that she felt too, and she blushed again.

  He stretched down to give her another kiss, and again the silver cords of their bond flared and shone in their minds. He kissed her hand, too, before she withdrew it, and she dipped a curtsey, her motion as graceful as a dance.

  He watched her walk back up to the manor house. She disappeared inside, and he could still sense her. He’d always sensed her; but now, instead of standing between him and everything else in his life, he felt her presence all around him, with him, to face everything else in his life. The problems with his parents, the troubles with the heretics, the threat of the rogue magi, the Eternal Flame turning purple, all he had yet to learn about being a sorcerer—Tabitha would help him, he would help her, and there was nothing they couldn’t do.

  He gave the horse—Sable—a mental nudge, and then, once they were out of sight of the manor house, gave him his head. The horse loved to run, and as they flew down the road, exhilaration crowded out everything else in Graegor’s mind, and he gave full voice to a war whoop that startled the birds out of the trees.

  It was a beautiful day.

  Appendix: People

  Adlai Carhlaan – Prince of Telgardia, Raimund and Leota’s son, Darcius’s younger brother

  Adlai Carhlaan (historical) – Duke of Tillhafen, King of Telgardia, first of his restored royal bloodline, appointed successor to the last Rohrdal king

  Ahren – Telgard heretic from Orest, follower of Brandeis

  Aidan Rohrdal (historical) – King of Telgardia, first of his royal bloodline, leader of the coup that ended the Torchanes’ third reign

  Aind Scherren (historical) – Third Lord Sorcerer of Telgardia, creator of the Eternal Flame, saint of the second millennium

  Andru – Telgard magus in Chrenste, Contare’s steward

  Aric Wright – Master woodwright, Graegor’s father

  Arundel Apara Marawan – Ninth Lord Sorcerer of Aedseli

  Audrey Wright (Torchanes) – Graegor’s younger sister

  Augustin Torchanes (historical) – Prince of Telgardia, last prince of his royal bloodline, Zacharei’s son

  Bor Carhlaan (historical) – Founder of the Carhlaan bloodline, Carlodon’s friend

  Borjhul (Borhal) sur Darshan – Ninth Lord Sorcerer of Kroldon

  Brandeis – Telgard leader of the “white heralds”/“ringless ones” heretics, imprisoned in Orest

  Breon Torchanes (historical) – King of Telgardia, Khisrathi’s cousin

  Carlodon Torchanes (historical) – First Lord Sorcerer of Telgardia, King of Telgardia, founder of the Torchanes bloodline, saint of the first millennium

  Chervis – Constable in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Contare Volnette – Eighth Lord Sorcerer of Telgardia

  Craig Baldwin – Apprentice furrier in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Darcius Carhlaan – Crown Prince of Telgardia, Raimund and Leota’s son, Adlai’s older brother

  Darion sur Javas (historical) – Third Lord Sorcerer of Kroldon

  Davidon Torchanes (historical) – Second Lord Sorcerer of Telgardia, King of Telgardia, saint of the first millennium

  Daxod batak-Bayan – Ninth Lord Sorcerer of Toland

  Elbin – Johanns’ butler in Farre

  Fainhe fa Taighir – Khenroxan maga on Maze Island, Josselin’s First Minister

  Felise ven Volnette (historical) – Sixth Lady Sorceress of Telgardia

  Ferogin Holleb – Ninth Lord Sorcerer of Adelard

  Ferogin (historical) – Saint of the second millennium

  Filek – Adelard-Kroldon maga on Maze Island, receiver at the Hall of Councils

  Fiona – Telgard maga on Maze Island, Contare’s housekeeper

  Frank – Master smith in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Graegor Torchanes – Ninth Lord Sorcerer of Telgardia

  Hagan – Apprentice woodwright in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Haliena (historical) – Queen of Telgardia, Carlodon’s wife

  Hamid Apara Folayan – Eighth Lord Sorcerer of Aedseli

  Hask – Telgard horseman sworn to the Duke of Farre

  Henrey Werner – Telgard magus on Maze Island, Contare’s First Minister

  Hugh – Telgard magus on Maze Island, Contare’s courier

  Ilene las Riema – Ninth Lady Sorceress of Medea

  Iris – Graegor’s aunt in Daviton

  Iseult de Jasinthe (historical) – Seventh Lady Sorceress of Thendalia

  Jarl – Master saddlemaker in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Jeffrei Adamsson – Telgard magus, student at Maze Island Academy, Graegor’s friend, Contare’s clerk

  Johanns – Graegor’s father’s broker in Farre

  Jolie – Graegor’s sweetheart in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Joshua – Apprentice woodwright in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Joshua Torchanes (historical) – King of Telgardia, first of his restored royal bloodline, leader of the coup that ended the Carhlaans’ first reign

  Josselin fa Lairconaig – Eighth Lady Sorceress of Khenroxa

  Karl Mason – Telgard magus on Maze Island, Contare’s valet

  Khisrathi ven Torchanes (historical) – Fifth Lady Sorceress of Telgardia

  Koren fa Lairconaig – Ninth Lady Sorceress of Khenroxa

  L’Abbanist Theocracies – Leaders of the religion of Adel
ard, Khenroxa, Telgardia, and Thendalia

  Lasfe ben Sefans – Eighth Lord Sorcerer of Essena

  Leota ven Carhlaan – Queen of Telgardia, Darcius’s and Adlai’s mother

  Lesya – Audrey’s friend in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Lien – Pritchard’s son in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Lukas – Apprentice furrier in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Malaya Bayan – Eighth Lady Sorceress of Toland

  Marcus Scherren – Telgard magus, student at Maze Island Academy, Graegor’s friend

  Marschelle – Telgard maga in Chrenste, Contare’s housekeeper

  Michaelis (historical) – Saint of the second millennium

  Michail sur Javas (historical) – Fourth Lord Sorcerer of Kroldon

  Miriam – Apprentice chandler in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Motthias Pravelle – King of Thendalia

  Mugarth Torchanes (historical) – Magus, King of Telgardia

  Natayl Pravelle – Eighth Lord Sorcerer of Thendalia

  Nitara sura Javas – Imperial Princess of Kroldon

  Nuru Marawan Omari (historical) – Third Lady Sorceress of Aedseli

  Oran sur Darshan – Eighth Lord Sorcerer of Kroldon

  Padric – Master woodwright in Farre

  Pascin Eugen – Eighth Lord Sorcerer of Adelard

  Patricio los Lourtes (historical) – Sixth Lord Sorcerer of Medea

  Patrick – Khenroxan-Medean magus, student at Maze Island Academy, Graegor’s friend

  Paul – Telgard magus in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Pieter – Apprentice woodwright in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Pritchard – Tavern keeper in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Rafe Baldwin – Master craftsman in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Raimund Carhlaan – King of Telgardia, Darcius’s and Adlai’s father

  Richard – Telgard magus on Maze Island, Contare’s steward

  Richard Farrehon – Duke of Farre

  Roberd Torchanes (historical) – Seventh Lord Sorcerer of Telgardia

  Rond – Telgard heretic from Orest, follower of Brandeis

  Rooster – Tavern keeper in Farre

  Rose Baker – Khenroxan maga, student at Maze Island Academy, Graegor’s friend

  Rossin ben Sefans – Ninth Lord Sorcerer of Essena

  Rumstad – Schoolmaster in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Selbey – Telgard horseman sworn to the Duke of Farre

  Selena ven Torchanes (historical) – Queen of Telgardia, “The Lady of the Lilies”

  Serafina las Lourtes – Eighth Lady Sorceress of Medea

  Tabitha de Betaul – Ninth Lady Sorceress of Thendalia

  Ted – Graegor’s friend in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Traugott Brotherhood – Order of L’Abbanist holy brothers in Adelard, keepers of the secrets of fireworks

  Ulla – Apprentice chandler in Rock-in-the-Lake

  Urland Volnette (historical) – Fourth Lord Sorcerer of Telgardia

  Valerie Wright – Master chandler, Graegor’s mother

  Zacharei Torchanes (historical) – King of Telgardia, last king of his royal bloodline, Augustin’s father

  Appendix: Places

  Adelard – Country on the northern continent, west of Essena and east of Thendalia

  Aedseli – Country on the southern continent, west of Kroldon and Toland

  Baki Nildag – Mountain on the southern continent, highest in the world

  Basilica Ecumenica of Saint Davidon’s Word – Basilica of the L’Abbanist faith on Maze Island

  Basilica of Saint Michaelis – Basilica of the L’Abbanist faith in Farre

  Basilica Solthea of Saint Carlodon Exalted – Basilica of the L’Abbanist faith in Chrenste

  Beacon Hill – Famous hill in Lakeland in central Telgardia

  Betaul – City in Thendalia, ancestral home of the House of Betaul

  Big Mill – Town in Lakeland in central Telgardia

  Broadmoor – Neighborhood in Farre

  Castle Chrenste – Royal palace in the capital city of Telgardia

  Central Isles – Archipelago in the Central Sea

  Central Sea – Sea between the western, northern, and southern continents

  Chrenste – Capital city of Telgardia, ancestral home of the House of Torchanes

  Cozy Inn – Tavern on Maze Island

  Daviton – Town in Lakeland in central Telgardia

  Deepwood Canal – Canal joining rivers and lakes in Lakeland

  Duchess Bridge – Bridge over the River Telgard at Farre

  Ek Votos – Capital city of Toland

  Essena – Country on the northern continent, east of Adelard and Thendalia

  Falcon’s Rock – Famous hill in Lakeland in central Telgardia

  Farre – Lakeland city in central Telgardia, ancestral home of the House of Farrehon

  Hall of Councils – Seat of government on Maze Island

  Jen Idre – City in Adelard

  Khenroxa – Country on the western continent, north of Telgardia and Medea

  Kirlahn Island – Island in the Central Isles archipelago, ancestral lands of the House of Carhlaan

  Kroldon – Country on the southern continent, west of Toland and east of Aedseli

  Lakeland – Region in central Telgardia

  Long Lake – Lake beside Rock-in-the-Lake in Lakeland

  Maze Island – Island in the Central Isles archipelago, domain of the sorcerers

  Maze Island Academy – School for magi on Maze Island

  Medea – Country on the western continent, west of Telgardia and south of Khenroxa

  Mor Siuleth – Capital city of Kroldon

  Naben – Coastal city in northern Telgardia, on the North Sea

  Orest – City in central Telgardia

  Queen’s Landing – Town on an island in the Central Isles archipelago

  River Telgard – River on the western continent flowing west to east from the mountains to the coast

  Rochden – Coastal city in southern Telgardia, on the Sunhild Gulf

  Rock-in-the-Lake – Village in Lakeland in central Telgardia, Graegor’s childhood home

  Rohrdarre – Fort at a mountain pass, border between Telgardia and Medea

  Suhnhafen – City on Torahn Island in the Central Isles archipelago

  Telgardia – Country on the western continent, east of Khenroxa and Medea

  Thendalia – Country on the northern continent, west of Adelard and Essena

  Tillhafen – City on Kirlahn Island in the Central Isles archipelago

  Tirrell Locks – Locks joining the River Telgard to the northern and southern estuaries

  Toland – Country on the southern continent, east of Kroldon and Aedseli

  Torahn Island – Island in the Central Isles archipelago, ancestral lands of the House of Torchanes

  Ullrichen – Coastal city in eastern Telgardia, on the Central Sea, ancestral home of the House of Ullrek

  Volney – Coastal city in eastern Telgardia, on the Central Sea, ancestral home of the House of Volnette

  White Sea – Inland sea on the northern continent between Thendalia and Adelard





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