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Shadow of Nevermore

Page 8

by Lilly Black

  I just wish I could get my hands on Olivia's journal. That would tell me what I'm up against.

  I wonder if that master key Liana stole works on the safes around here?

  Rena's Log

  Day 50

  4:45 PM General Navarro came to request the usage of four drones for a recon job tomorrow. I will prepare them tonight.

  Also found a use for those MP3 players and micro speakers scavenged last week. Created a prototype where I paired them and affixed them to arm bands for the away missions. Wasn't sure how the leaders would react because it's kinda ghoulish, but if someone gets bit out there, they could possibly use these to save their companions. The user loads a song, then the device can be activated by pressing a button. Music comes blasting out of the micro speakers to draw the zombies to the person who was as good as dead anyway. I call them death rattlers, but I doubt that will catch on with the people who have to use them. Of course, they can also be thrown to lure the dead away, so there's that.

  6:30 Queen came by to check on my progress with the drones, which are all ready to roll. Showed her the death rattlers. She was a little put off at first, but she understands the world we live in. After a demo, she wanted to know if they could be modified to deliver a dose of pain medication. It was a great idea. Not necessarily a practical one though. IM shots of pain meds take a while to get in the system. IV meds would work...if we sent everyone out into the field with an IV port. That doesn't seem doable either. Will contemplate design. Do not expect success.

  Liana's Journal

  Day 50

  "What's that for?" I asked Aiden when I noticed a new blindfold laying out on our bed when we got back to the cabin after the meeting. It was leather, and the inside was lined with fur.

  "A little something I picked up last time I went scavenging," he said. "I thought we might break it in this afternoon."

  "Yeah...that's not gonna happen."

  "Why not? Is everything okay, mon cœur?"

  "Sure. Everything's fine. I'm just not going to submit to you in the bedroom if you expect me to do it in real life as well," I spat, still furious about being taken off the recon mission.

  "Liana," he said impatiently. He was clearly frustrated, but rather than let it take him over, he calmed himself, reaching for my hands. "I'm sorry that you took it that way, but there's no way I would let any woman go on this mission, especially you. If the stories Austin is telling are true, I would rather die a thousand deaths than risk you ever being caught by the men in that prison."

  "It's just a recon mission. You won't even be close enough to get caught," I argued, trying not to be swayed by his choice of words.

  "You don't know that. There are too many variables. Please, Liana. Let's not fight about this. It has nothing to do with your abilities as a soldier. We could get captured, but most likely the worst thing they'll do to me or any of the men is kill us. There are things worse than death. Oblivia the Crucifier should have taught you that."

  I laughed. His snarky titles for Olivia were clever, and I didn't entirely disagree with him. But Olivia had good points, too.

  "What would you do if you were in her shoes? If we invade the prison and find that those men did everything the kid said, what should happen to them?"

  "I don't know. Maybe we should hang onto the prison and put them in it," he said, and while I could have argued about what a tremendous burden that would be for us to have to use our limited resources to keep them alive, there was a different point I wanted to make.

  "Okay, what if all of the circumstances were the same, but I was one of the women they had been raping? What would you want to do? What should happen to them then?" I asked.

  "Those are two different questions," he said. "What I would want to do is slowly torture them to death, but what should happen to them from an objective standpoint is that they should be imprisoned. We shouldn't have victims or victims' families meting out punishment because then it becomes vengeance."

  When I looked at it that way, I realized why he couldn't stop himself from wanting me off the mission. Olivia didn't draw a distinction between punishment and revenge, but in a perfect world, she would have to. Aiden was trying to live in that perfect world, which meant he would not have the luxury of vengeance if something happened to me, and the culprit would not have the threat. I didn't know who was right, but I knew his love for me was the motivation behind his stance, so I couldn't fault him for it.

  I picked up the blindfold and slipped it over my eyes, then I reached out, feeling my way up his body. I had planned to stand up and kiss him, but when my hands grasped his hips, I realized it meant his crotch was right in front of me. I pulled him to me, nuzzle my face into him through his pants, and when I felt him grow hard against my cheek, I could think of nothing more satisfying than wrapping my lips around his cock. I went for his zipper, and when he didn't stop me, I peeled his pants downward over his hips. Knowing that the bed was behind him, I pushed him back, and when he fell, I found his ankles and pulled his jeans the rest of the way off, then I began to feel my way back toward my prize. That's when he stopped me.

  "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "I think you know," I said with a sultry purr.

  "It's against the rules, Liana."

  "No. You only made that rule because I wouldn't let you go down on me, but that's over now, so..."

  "Hmmm," he muttered, and I was certain that he was going to come up with some other excuse. "Wait here."

  I heard him milling around, then the next thing I knew, he was knelt behind me, binding my wrists together. When they were secured and he sat down on the bed in front of me again, I smiled excitedly because I realized he was going to let me do it.

  "I have a few stipulations first," he said.

  "Yes, Master Aiden," I said. Anything!

  "Your mouth and my cock only. If you deviate, you're finished, and I will punish you. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Master," I said impatiently. I had wanted this for so long that I could feel myself tingling all over in anticipation, and as he took my head in his hands and gently guided me toward him, my clit was throbbing, so eager, it seemed the slightest touch could have pushed me over the edge.

  My face grazed the head of his cock, and it was so smooth to the touch. I rubbed my cheek against it softly as a cat would a leg, aching to wrap my fingers around it and feel its raw power in my hands, but they were bound behind me, forcing me to carefully balance despite my enthusiasm. I spread my knees farther apart for stability, and with my head delightfully swimming from the scent of his pheromones and body wash, I leaned forward and slipped the tip between my lips, tracing circles around it with my tongue. Exhilaration surged through me as I was finally so close to Aiden LaCroix's cock, and my own arousal burgeoned with his. Every stroke of my tongue on his shaft felt ghosted on my clit, and when I sucked him into me, I could feel the sensation inside me. I built it up slowly, wanting desperately to feel him come but holding off because I had waited so long for this, I wanted to savor it.

  I teased and tortured him the best I could without my hands, the sounds coming from deep in his throat urging me to give more. Then I felt his hands on my head, guiding me. Though I wondered why my Master issued no verbal commands the entire time, I followed the command of his hands as they massaged my scalp while pushing me downward, his hips beginning to cautiously thrust forward into my mouth. I surrendered to his rhythm, encouraging him to fuck my mouth with my fervent response, only my tongue under my control as I swished it back and forth on the underside of his cock, and I could feel it become strained just like when he would fuck me, his climax silently announcing its arrival.

  I moaned as I began twisting my head with each thrust, and finally, I heard my Master's voice, crying my name as he exploded into my mouth, his hands gripping my hair by the fistfuls, his cock jolting as he filled me with his release. And finally, he exhaled loudly, withdrawing from me. He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

p; "That was perfect, my pet," he whispered.

  "No, it wasn't," I protested. "I want more. I want to touch you." He paused for a long moment.

  "Perhaps next time," he said finally. "Of course, there will be rules."

  "Of course there will," I said with a subtle laugh that I quickly sucked back in lest I provoke my Master.

  "I should punish you for that," he said sternly, but immediately the sound of his voice changed to a deep, sexy growl. "But I'd rather eat your pussy."

  Then in a swift, unexpected move, he lifted me from the floor and laid me back on the bed, spreading my legs wide apart and driving me to absolute madness with his tongue. After going so long without this, I wish we could just shut out everything and get lost in each other until we die. I also wish I knew why Aiden was so particular about letting me return this favor. I wonder if there's any reason beyond the fact that he had cleverly found a way to get me to beg to put his cock in my mouth. If we still lived in the old world, he could write a how-to best seller about that little trick.

  Olivia's Journal

  Day 50

  When we came out of the oversight meeting, Savannah was waiting for me. She wanted to know what we had decided to do about the group at the prison, and she also wanted to know the status of her parents' marriage. I told her about the recon mission and that we would mount a rescue if Austin's stories turned out to be true, and she was happy to hear it. Then I had to tell my teenage daughter that her father and I had decided to try to make our marriage work while keeping our lovers, and I expected drama. What I got was a big surprise.

  "Okay. Cool," she said, then she smiled and started to walk away.

  "That's all you have to say about it?" I asked. "Are you okay? Do you need to talk?"

  "You and Dad are staying together, plus you get to keep Alek. We should all be so lucky," she said, but it confused me because while the words themselves should have read as sarcasm, her tone suggested none at all.

  "What are you saying?" I asked.

  "I'm saying well done, Mom. The men here outnumber us by at least two to one. We need someone to show the people the way, and who better than their queen?" she asked.

  "You realize that your Dad also gets to keep Amina, so it's not really doing anything about the male to female ratio around here."

  "Maybe not, but it's a start. I'm worried about what's going to happen in the long run when there are a bunch of horny, straight men who can't do anything about it. Look at what they're doing at the prison."

  "Oh, honey, you don't have to worry about that happening here," I assured her. "The men at the prison were probably already rapists and murderers."

  "No, Mom, they weren't. Not all of them. I asked Austin a lot of questions, and some of them were in there because they got caught with a joint."

  "That was just the crime they were caught for. It doesn't mean that's the only crime they would ever have committed if the world didn't end, and they could also have been like Austin, trapped and scared."

  "Yeah, well, Austin never actually raped anyone," she said. "He was always on the lookout for guys like him who wanted out, but he never found one. No matter what they were in for, they're all rapists and murderers now, and that's what I'm afraid of. Sooner or later, some of these men are going to turn on us, Mom, and I'm just glad we have two men now to protect us from them. So, I'm happy that you and Dad worked it out and we didn't lose Alek. I really am."

  I smiled and hugged her, but I was deeply saddened to know that she was worried about the men in our community turning on her. Though I would never let that happen, I was amazed to see my young daughter thinking ahead and contemplating solutions, and she was right about the ratio. It was something we were going to have to deal with sooner or later, and I realized we would need to be very selective about who we sent on the mission to take down the prison because there were a few men in this place I didn't want getting any ideas based on what they'll find there. But there were far more good men at the Deadfall, men like Reid and Alek.


  I don't even know how to face him tonight. For me, the arrangement seems like a relief because I don't have to lose my husband or my lover, but what must he be feeling right now? I can't imagine. I just know that I'm going to do everything within my power to make sure he understands how much I love and want him. I used to believe in soulmates because Reid and I were so perfect for each other, but now that I've met Alek, I doubt the whole concept. Though Reid has always been like the other half of me, now I feel the same about Alek. But they can't both have been made for me. Even if soulmates truly existed, that's not possible.

  Olivia's Journal

  Day 51

  When I came out of the shower last night, Alek was already in bed, his hair still damp, his towel laying on the floor, which was unlike him. I went to my dresser and pulled out the black corset he wanted me to wear tonight.

  "Hey, Liv," he said softly. "Can we save that for another time?"

  "Okay," I said suspiciously as I put it back in the drawer. I walked over to the bed, sitting down beside him, and even though I knew it was a ridiculous question with an obvious answer, I asked him what was wrong.

  "I don't know," he said. "I just don't feel..."

  "You don't feel what?" I asked, leaning in close and kissing his neck. "You don't feel sexy?" I began to trace my lips downward, heading for his nipple when he put his fingers beneath my chin, lifting it.

  "Olivia," he sighed, but I shushed him because I knew what was going on inside his head. He was feeling like I wasn't his anymore, and he needed to know that I was, that I wanted him just as much now as I did last night, and that nothing could ever change that. I knew it was going to get worse before it got better, and I was willing to do anything I could to help him through it. But at the moment, I felt like nothing would clear his head more effectively than his cock in my mouth.

  I let my towel come undone and fall as I began to work my way down his already naked body. He was smooth all over, just like I like it, and as I trailed kisses toward my ultimate destination, I wondered if that was the case before he read my journal. I'd never seen him naked below the waist before last night, and when I found myself faced with his only half-interested cock, I realized I didn't exactly see him completely naked then either. He had taken charge. He did me, he fucked me, and several times during the night, he fucked me again. But this was the first time I had actually seen it, and I wasn't sure what to do.

  If he was fully hard, it would have been different, but his mind was a million miles away. This was supposed to bring him back to me, so I couldn't just fumble around down there. It was just strange, that's all. The head wasn't exposed, but rather than clumsily experimenting with it like I really wanted to, I decided to treat it like I would Reid when I was trying to chase some stress-demon out of his head because I wanted laid.

  I ignored it altogether, kissing around it while I gently swirled my fingernails in the wake of my tongue, and though inside I knew he was still trying to cling to his sadness, his body betrayed him, his cock slowly growing firm. Without even thinking, I slipped it in my mouth, sucking softly as I looked up into his eyes, my own seductive and determined, and when I felt him abruptly reach his full rigidity against my snaking tongue, I knew all resistance had been vanquished. I slipped him out of my mouth, gripping him tight with my fist.

  "That's better," I said with a lascivious grin then turned my attention back to his cock, realizing it didn't look all that different from a circumcised one now that it was hard, and it was so perfect - soft, pink flesh stretched over hot, unyielding steel. Just touching him set off a flood between my thighs, and despite my noble intentions, I couldn't help but be selfishly thrilled when he took charge and turned that blowjob into everything we could possibly do together. I didn't want to miss a single opportunity with him. We only had three days before I'd lose him to Amina, and I was just beginning to discover him.

  Day 51

  A reminder notification pinged on Oli
via's phone, and she had to put her journal away to attend a meeting with Liana about the prison group. Wishing she still lived in a world where she could just write about her sex life all day, which Reid was happy to finance for her before the apocalypse, she locked it up in the safe, planning to finish it later.

  After a brief talk in her office, she and Liana sent for Widow, who was still living with the men from the solar farm outside the inner wall. Because the group at the prison had done business with the solar farm, they wanted as much information as they could get from her before Reid, Aiden, Jax, and John went on their recon mission tomorrow evening, but when Widow sat down, she immediately hijacked the meeting.

  "We need to talk about Billy," she said insistently.

  "Who's Billy?" Liana asked.

  "One of the guys who survived the drug farm with us. He wants to take this place over."

  "What?" Olivia asked with an incredulous look. Rena had the entire cabin bugged so well they could even hear a conversation in the bathroom while the shower was running. Someone was listening in full time as they tried to determine if it was safe to bring the people from the solar farm into the fold, and no one had reported anything even close to this level of treason. Of course, they didn't want Widow to know that.


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