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Falling For Rome 2

Page 11

by Edwina Fort

  At this moment, I really could give a damn how he felt. Everybody was not like him, some of us were built with emotions, it wasn’t my fault he was broken.

  Anyway, I did feel a little better because Rome had assured me that he’d left enough money for Carlos’s family to not only pay for his funeral but to keep them afloat for a while. He promised to send them more every few months. I knew he did that because he too felt guilty for the kid’s death.

  Both Carlos and Freedom… Just a waste.

  Because it was dark, I couldn’t see my surroundings very well, but when we pulled up to Rome’s house, all three of us were surprised to see the lights on and people walking around in the living room.

  “My little brother doesn’t follow orders very well," Judah grumbled as his gaze narrowed on Jo's silhouette in the window.

  Rome chuckled. “I could have told you that.”

  Right then Rob’s head appeared in the window before it disappeared, the next second the front door opened and Rome’s mom, sister, Rob, Jo, and Albert spilled out on the porch.

  “Kick them out, the two of you, Jo and Albert need rest for tomorrow…I don’t know what we are walking into.” Judah grunted.

  Rome turned to look at him with a disapproving look on his face. “What the hell is wrong with you? You just told me to kick my mother, who I haven’t seen in months out my house. Damn, man, where is your heart?”

  Judah was not offended in the least, his gaze, if it was possible turned colder.

  “Sorry, kid, I don’t suffer from weak things like feelings. I don’t have a heart. I deal in facts and logic…not emotion. Don’t ever confuse me with someone who does.” He got out of the truck and went to the back removing our bags and sitting them on the gravel.

  I clutched Giant to me, eyeballing him. You guys, this man was cold as ice. He was the type that would slit his mother’s throat if the mission called for it.

  He came to a stop in front of Rome, who stood with his hands balled into fists, the little muscle ticking in his cheek. He wanted to give Judah a piece of his mind. Judah stood in front of him as if he dared him.

  “If I could have gotten my men without the nuisance of their families, I would have. They hinder you, make you weak. If you can look past your emotions, you know I speak the truth. Now kick them the f*** out, so that you two can get some rest…I won’t have you tired on our first mission together.”

  Without saying another word, he turned and got back into the Hummer, pulling off without so much as a glance to the family on the porch.


  “That sociopathic bastard better be lucky I’m tired," Rome muttered watching his vehicle disappear down the path that led back to the main road.

  “Oh, yeah?” I asked coming to stand next to him. “What were you going to do about it?”

  He turned to look at me with a grin on his face. “What was I going to do about it? Sh*t girl…what was we going to do about it.” He used his finger to point between me and him.

  Giggling I shook my head. I was getting ready to tell him that I didn’t think so, but Rob made it to me right then lifting me and Giant in a huge bear hug.

  “Sis, what’s up girl?! I didn’t think Rome was going to find you!”

  I hugged him back as I thought about the beautiful painting he’d done of Rome and me… Anger anew welled up inside of me.

  “Hey, little bro! I missed you.”

  “Man…unhand my wife!” Rome growled with a grin on his face before he opened his arms for his brother, who nearly took him off his feet when he hugged him.

  “I missed you too, bruh! You had Ma worried to death.”

  “Yes, you did…” Mrs. Abby said when she and Al finally made it to us.

  “Nakhti,” she said opening her arms for me. “It’s so good to see you again, sweetheart.”

  I handed Rob Giant and went into her arms, needing a mother’s hug at the moment as much as I needed air. And it felt so good. She was warm and soft…she was a comfort. Those tears that I’d been fighting welled up in my eyes.

  Folks out there listening to my tale, if you have a mom who loves you, never take her hugs for granted…Some of us were not allowed this.

  However, I thank God for it now.

  As if she knew I needed it, she squeezed me tighter and held me just a little longer.

  “Come on, Ma, you hogging all the hugging, can’t I hug my new sister too?”

  I grinned at the beautiful, very pregnant Journey as she and Jo approached. She looked so cute waddling down the driveway.

  "You must be Journey," I told her being very careful of her belly as I hugged her.

  “And you must be the famous Wonder Woman who beat up my brother's friends and stole his heart."

  That made me laugh. “Ummm…”

  “Yep, that’s her,” Rob supplied.

  Jo stood to the side of Journey looking unsure. Feeling sympathy for the nut I opened my arms for him.

  “Come on, Sarge, I ain’t mad at you no more.”

  He visibly exhaled as he walked toward me with a grin. “I am glad to hear that. I was one step away from ordering you a whole year’s supply of red Kool-Aid.”

  I pointed at him. “Now that don’t sound like a bad idea.”

  Rome chuckled. “It sounds like a horrible idea. I would hate to have to pollute the garbage cans with a year’s supply of that poison. It can’t be good for the environment.”

  Rob’s, who still held Giant in his arms gaze came to mine before he tilted his head toward his brother. “See what I mean?”

  Shaking his head, he turned to walk ahead with his mother and Albert. Excitingly, Journey wrapped her arm around mine.

  “I’m so glad I finally have a big sister. We have so much to talk about. I can’t wait to tell you all Rome’s embarrassing stories, like the time he tricked Rob into drinking pee—”

  “Hey, Journey…” Rome interrupted. “Does Jo know you used to be addicted to eating dirt?”

  Jo’s gaze flew to Journey’s, whose mouth was now hanging open, her whole face had turned red with embarrassment.

  “Did you have anything else you wanted to say, little sister?” Rome asked sweetly.

  She shook her head. “Nope, that’s it.”

  He smiled very evilly in only a way a big brother could. “I thought so…” He grumbled before he reached down for a few of our bags.

  “So, Jo, speaking of brotherly love, I just had a heart-to-heart with your brother.”

  The Sarge shook his head as he leaned down and grabbed the rest of the bags. “Scary, isn’t it?”

  “Scary ain’t the word, he just told me to kick all of your a**es out and get some rest for our first mission tomorrow.”

  Jo grunted as we began to follow the others back to the house. “Believe it or not, he was being nice. The other day Albert and I were at headquarters with him going over a few of the training programs he’s planning to implement. I’d told Journey I was going to be home for dinner and that I would bring her one of the funnel cakes from town that she just has to have or she sits and pouts all night.”

  All of our gazes went to Journey. She shrugged. “I can’t help it if the baby likes funnel cakes.”

  I rubbed her hand. “Of course not, little sister, you did nothing wrong.”

  She grinned. “Thank you.”

  “Well, Judah didn’t see it that way,” Jo continued. “I tell him I’m going to have to holler at him later, ‘cause I’d promised my girl I’d bring her a funnel cake from town…Do you know that man looked at me and told me if I was going to continue to be a p***y, he might as well put a bullet in my head and put me out my misery now? I said bruh, my wife is seven months pregnant. Guess what he said.”

  “What?” Rome asked.

  Jo chuckled. “That bastard looked at me dead serious…and was like, I don’t give a f***.”

  Rome’s eyes widened in shock. “And what did you do?”
  Jo exhaled. “Not a damn thing…my kids need me around.”

  Rome chuckled. “Somebody needs to have a talk with that guy and let him know he’s living amongst humans now.”

  Jo sat the bags down just inside the door before he patted Rome on the back. “You’re the genius, I think the job should be yours.”

  “F*** that! You have the superhuman alternate personality, you should do it."

  Jo shook his head. “Negative.”

  "Maybe we both should do it then," Rome suggested.

  Jo shook his head again. "Negative."

  Rome’s amused gaze fell on me. “We can take Nak with us.”

  I damn near choked. “Oh, hell no you can’t! Don’t put me in it. I’m new on the job, I’d like to get in good with the boss.”

  “Well, we’re not going to figure it out tonight and we do have an early start tomorrow. Come on, guys, we’re going to let the newlyweds be for the evening.” Jo called gathering everyone up.

  After we all exchanged hugs, Rome and I stood by the door as everyone left.

  “Ma, where you going?” He asked putting his hand on her arm as she passed with Albert.

  Oh damn! For the first time, I just realized that there was tension between Rome and Albert. The Oldman tried to hug him back at the car and Rome had dodged it. He’d just tried to shake his hand again with still no response from Rome.

  "Romeo, I don't have to tell you where I'm going," his mother said as she shook off his hand. He went to reach for her again, but I grabbed his hand.

  “Good night, guys…” I called as I waved after them. When we closed the door, he turned and frowned down at me, but I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “Ohhh, stop frowning and show me around my new home.”

  That took his mind off of his mom. He took my hand and began the tour. The house was big. There was barely any furniture in it though. Rome had not stayed here long before he’d come to look for me, he thought his mother and brother would have decorated it in his absence, but apparently, Ms. Abby has not been here.

  Rob had taken over the basement that was a pretty nice size apartment that came with its own bathroom and kitchen, so he didn’t need to come upstairs for anything. And with his mom staying over at Albert’s place, the upstairs was pretty much untouched.

  There were four bedrooms upstairs, a huge living room, a huge den that I was sure will be a state-of-the-art computer lab in no time, and a huge kitchen. Rome took me out to the beautiful back porch.

  “It’s still dark, so it’s hard to see, but we have about fifty acres back there that’s all ours. Do you think that is enough space to build a nice barn and stable?”

  “Fifty acres?” I asked because I couldn’t believe this. It was too good to be true.

  He nodded, taking a seat on the porch swing. “Yeah, fifty acres.”

  I eased down on the swing next to him. “This house is brand new; nobody has ever lived in it.”

  He didn’t speak at first, he just gently swung us both on the swing. The rhythm was soothing.

  “I think Judah prepared this place for us…”

  I frowned. “But I thought you said this all just happened because you and Jo brought down Macon Tech.”

  He grunted. "I did until I talked with the man with no shoes."

  “Your angel?”

  He nodded.

  “Do you really believe he’s an angel?”

  “I do.”

  He sounded so sure; I didn’t dare question him. If what I was reading in the Bible was to be believed, then angels mingled with men all the time.

  “What did the man with no shoes say?”

  “He said—” his words died off. I knew he was trying to think of a way to tell me that wouldn’t freak me out.

  “He said that we were all going to come together… Us and Jo’s siblings. And that we will all go on a journey. He told me that the next time I saw him, the world will be on fire.”

  His words made me think of what the Preacher told me. He’d said something very similar. At the time, I thought that maybe he was just a strange rambling man…but now…now I know differently. Hadn’t he told me that the young prince would find me?

  He also said that unrest was coming, but he did say that Rome and I will have a short time of normal.

  I took his hand and brought it to my lips. “If the world is going to hell, there is nobody else I’d rather be with.”

  He smiled before gently kissing my lips. “Me either, Minha Anjo.”


  The next morning, Nak and I barely made it to the headquarters on time. Headquarters was a two-story building located in the center of Judah’s five hundred acres. No expense had been spared, which left me wondering who the hell was funding it.

  When I’d first gotten here, I’d tried to hack my way into Judah's mainframe. Everything was squeaky clean like it was brand new.

  Nak would freak out if I tell her this, but I’d discovered some years back that some computer code is not computer code, but rather spells made to look like computer code.

  And I know you are all at home like…What-thee-f***? Rome just went there…

  But listen to me for a minute and once I explain it to you, it won’t seem farfetched. The box we call television teaches most of us how to live life. If ever someone wanted to get the masses to think a certain way or do a certain thing…all they have to do is put it on the box.

  Unbeknownst to you…a spell has been cast.

  Now, I could go deeper on that, but we just don’t have the time. However, use your own observation skills. The next time you or your friends…maybe even your children are watching television and a commercial comes on, look around you to see how many of you are duplicating what you just saw on the box.

  Abra ca damn dabra…you are under a spell. The sad part about it, I’ve been trying to fight this spell in my community for a long time. And I know Nak won't agree, but I haven't even made a dent. Most of my people are still falling prey to what they see on the box…and the box is leading them over the cliff…

  Anyway, back to Judah’s codes. His computer codes are a lot like the good doctors I’ve been chasing. They are protected with something that goes far beyond the 1’s and 0’s of the data world. But that’s okay…Just because I haven’t cracked it yet, doesn’t mean I won’t.

  With me working this close to him, it is only a matter of time before one of my little burrowers find their way through. And when they do, I’m going to find out everything that he is hiding from us. Because I know he’s hiding something…Something big.

  Nak and I took a seat next to Jo and Albert. We were joined by thirteen of Judah’s men. He came into the room dressed similar to us all, cargo pants, combat boots, and a black t-shirt.

  “I don’t have to tell you how the game is played. You all understand that as long as it appears to be unity on the surface level, many battles wage underneath.” He picked up a pile of folders and handed each of us one.

  “Included in the folders are several players that I suspect are involved with wanting us dead. Where we go today will catapult us into the game. They will know we’re awakened and that we are united. There will be no turning back at this point. What we will see today will forever change us. Are we sure we’re ready to take this step?”

  He didn’t look at his men when he asked that question, instead, his gaze rested on us. My gaze went to Jo…he lifted an eyebrow as if to ask me if I was sure. I looked at Nak, she gave me a little nod. I didn’t bother to look at the Oldman, who gave a damn what his mama stealing a** thought? I gave Judah a little nod.

  “Good, you can get briefed on the rest as we ride. We need to be in Virginia in zero eight-hundred hours.” His gaze fell on his men. “Prepare the chopper.”

  All thirteen of them got up and hurried from the room. Judah pointed at me. “Just so you know…During the missions, you’re in charge of the wild one. You need to make
sure she behaves.”

  What the hell?! My gaze fell on Nak, who was looking at me with a little devious grin. Jo shook his head chuckling.

  I loved my baby…I did, but she wasn’t going to put me through the sh*t she put Jo through. Plus, I wasn’t the leader here. This was Judah’s show, she worked for him now.

  I shot up from my seat. “Why I got to be in charge of her?”

  Both he and Jo looked at me as if I was crazy. “Who else should be in charge of her, she’s your wife.”

  “Yeah, I’m yo’ wife.” Nak agreed.

  Damn it! I guess they had a point…but sh*t!

  “Alright, team, let’s roll out.”

  “Wait!” Nak called interrupting him.

  Judah turned back not at all happy with the interruption.


  See what the f*** I have to deal with?

  She looked at the Oldman. “Lonesome Valley…”

  “Oh yeah,” Albert said as he made his way to the computer. “Is this hooked up to the speaker?” He asked Judah.

  With a frown on his face, Judah nodded.

  “Good…good.” Albert told him before he went to work.

  A few seconds later, what sounded like a negro spiritual from slavery times filled the speaker. The frown left Judah’s face, he gently nodded as understanding fell over him.

  I’m glad he understood because I was lost. I looked around amazed as the four soldiers in front of me…all dressed in fatigue pants, combat boots, black shirts, and dog tags, seemed to-- I don’t know…center themselves.

  It was as if each of them related to the song. I would later learn that this was something that soldiers that had seen combat did. Nak said she and her team did it before each mission because they never knew if it was their last. And they needed to each take a moment to connect with their power and pray that He be with them.

  Although, I didn’t find all of that out till later…I did come to realize something else as I watched these soldiers automatically still themselves to reflect in such a way.

  The man with no shoes was right. Nak, Jo, Albert, and Judah, are warriors of the Ancient of Days…even if they didn’t know it yet.

  I pulled out my computer and downloaded Lonesome Valley. From this day forward, I will make sure it plays before each mission.


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