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Chasing Love: A Billionaire Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 1)

Page 40

by Kat T. Masen

  The gymnasium was immaculately decorated. Adriana was part of the decorating committee. Actually, head of the committee as she referred to herself. The theme was ‘A Night in Paris.’ The room was strung with fairy lights that sat amongst the artificial trees creating a warm glow. Street signs scattered the room replicating famous Parisian streets. Parisian paintings covered the walls—the attention to detail was astonishing. The most impressive part was the Eiffel Tower. It looked amazing, drawn to perfection. Spotlights were positioned in front of it highlighting its beauty. They did such an amazing job, and for a moment, you could easily forget you were in the gym, not roaming the streets of Paris, the most romantic city on earth.

  I sighed as I watched couples entering the hall, carefree, enjoying themselves and probably here with someone they actually liked, while here I stood wishing I had my prom date, my Prince Charming to dance and be silly with, to create memories that would last a lifetime. That’s what prom was, right? But instead, I was here alone, not even on good terms with Alex after our huge fight. I was determined to have a good night. One day I’d look back on this night when I’m old and senile in a nursing home and want to smile about it because it was a night to remember. How I’d make it a night to remember was beyond me.

  I was minding my own business and enjoying the fashion parade surrounding me until Kaley, the school whore, decided to grace me with her presence. She stood before me dressed in a pale pink ruffle strapless gown. Her boobs barely covered as they popped out and greeted me hello. Her makeup was overkill, but at least her hair looked decent. Yeah, decent for a five-year-old practicing on her Barbie doll.

  “So, Charlie, where’s the love of your life tonight?”

  “I really hope you aren’t referring to Carter because I heard you claimed him in the restroom at the truck stop on the interstate,” I sneered.

  “Funny, Charlie. No, I’m referring to Alex Edwards.”

  Oh God, why would she think that?

  “Um, loser… Alex is Adriana’s brother and a good friend. Don’t go spreading shit around town. I’m sure your mouth has better use like giving that Ukrainian exchange student a blow job in the janitor’s closet.”

  “You’re a bitch, Charlie.” Storming off, she walked back to her friends only to trip on her dress. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad night after all.

  I looked at the clock on the wall. It was a little after seven. Where the hell was Adriana? She should have been here an hour ago. I started to worry, but being a typical girl, my damn phone wouldn’t fit in my purse, so there was no way I could even call her. Impatiently, I decided to have some punch while chatting with Finn, Jen, and a few of the girls in my class, including Heather, a new student.

  Logan and Jen decided to hit the dance floor as Bobby Brown blared through the speakers.

  “Oh my God, he’s so fucking hot. I can’t believe she brought him. Oh my, Charlie, seriously, look at him,” Heather gasped.

  The other girls in the group were also fluffing their feathers. Who the fuck were they going on about? I turned around and was met by those hypnotic emerald eyes, the ones belonging to my Alex. His eyes were already on me, and I had no doubt that I looked just like these girls—jaw-dropping with drool dribbling out of my mouth. He looked like a fucking male model sent from a GQ magazine in this flashy-looking black suit and white, collared shirt slightly buttoned. His hair looked different, a little shorter and actually styled with a freshly shaven face.

  I couldn’t ignore the smile which radiated from his face as soon as his eyes locked with mine. I tried not to smile back only because I didn’t want anyone to notice, which only confused him, as the smile faded followed by him whispering into Adriana’s ear. Adriana, of course, looked stunning in her short ballerina-style dress matched with an extremely high pair of heels. Her face looked somber, and unfortunately, I had to ask her what happened to Elijah, which meant I needed to be physically near Alex. Restraint had to hold my hand right now because I couldn’t go it alone.

  “Hey, Char. Sorry I’m so late.”

  “Um… never mind that. Where’s Elijah, and why are you here?”

  “Thanks, Charlotte, nice welcome,” Alex answered, sarcastically.

  “I didn’t mean it like that… I uh… was just surprised to see you here since you aren’t a senior.” I stumbled on my words trying to compose myself as all the girls kept gawking.

  From the corner of my eye, I could see Kaley with her big fat you’re-in-love-with-him-and- I’m-going-to-spill-it-to-everyone face.

  “Elijah came down with that bug that’s been going around. He puked up twice before getting in the limo. He looked awful, and he didn’t want me to miss out, so he suggested I take Alex.”

  “Well, you could have gone dateless,” I blurted out.

  “Wow, Charlotte, anyone would think you didn’t want me here,” Alex deadpanned, his face annoyed by my hostility to his presence.

  Shit! This was all playing out wrong.

  “I didn’t mean it like that—”

  “What the hell’s wrong with you two? Oh, that’s right, Samantha told me about your big blow-up over covering for me. Well, big bro, since my man is incapacitated, you guys can kiss and make up now. No harm, no foul. Oh my God, someone knocked that street sign over!” Within a flash, she had disappeared, so I stood there, uncomfortable with her suggestion to kiss and make up. If only she fucking knew.

  “So now you want to tell me why you so desperately don’t want me here?”

  “Look, Alex, I just wasn’t expecting you.”

  “No shit. And it’s a problem because?”

  “Because after a week of you not speaking to me, I’m afraid that people will catch on to the fact that we have some beef with each other. And that beef can be misinterpreted as a lovers’ quarrel.”

  “Well, I didn’t see you pick up the phone to text or even email me.”

  “Maybe because the last conversation we had, you had your wife all over you reminding you of the fantastic sex you were going to have that night!”

  Okay, so that was over-the-top melodramatic Charlie at her finest. It didn’t erase the hurt I felt that lingered a week later. His silence felt like an admission of what I said. I felt a stab in the heart, a punch in the gut. What did I honestly expect?

  “Charlotte, please.” He extended his arm to touch me but retracted it almost immediately, aware of the watchful eyes that preyed on gossip. “Samantha was being ridiculous.”

  “Probably, but for all I know, you welcomed the ridiculousness with your pants down.”

  “Charlotte, I told you I haven’t touched her since we started, nor will I for as long as we’re together.”

  “What does that even mean, for as long as we are together? How long do you expect us to keep up this charade without getting caught?”

  I knew there were too many questions in that one sentence, but now they were the burning questions, the ones I had avoided with a passion. The ones I knew had no answer that would erase the ache in my heart. His silence was enough to aggravate me. Thankfully, we were interrupted by Finn and Jen because I was ready to have it out there and then.

  “Charlie, you gotta dance. It’s prom!”

  I laughed at my best friend. “Jen, have you spiked Finn’s drink?”

  “You know how crazy he is when it comes to music. Sorry, as his best friend, I think you’ll have to take over soon. My feet are killing me.”

  Jen was wearing killer heels, and I didn’t blame her. I’d only been standing around, and even my feet hurt. This was why Converse were made, and heels were for the Posh Spice wannabees of the world.

  “Edwards, what are you doing here?” Finn asked while placing his arm around Jen.

  “Long story. I’m sure Adriana will be more than happy to retell the story of Elijah’s sick ways,” Alex answered lightheartedly.

  I had to admit it was kind of nice to see them getting along, but that wouldn’t last. Finn would beat the living daylights out of him
if he knew something was going on between us.

  The silence became awkward even amid the loud music. If I thought that was uncomfortable, I hadn’t mentally prepared myself for the shitstorm that was Carter walking my way. His arrogant smirk was enough to make you want to hurl, and on top of that, he had to be the biggest jerk in the world by putting his arm around me in front of Alex like he was trying to stake his claim. I gave him my no-fucking-chance-in-hell glare but, of course, he just laughed it off as usual.

  “Wow, Charlie, could you surround yourself with any more losers?”

  “Seriously, Carter, grow up.”

  “What? Edwards and Rodriguez can’t speak up for themselves?”

  By this point, both Alex and Finn were glaring at Carter. The fuckwit was going to get beaten any second now, and although I’d be more than happy to watch him take one, my dad’s voice rang in my head. I couldn’t afford to be grounded again. Alex was barely keeping it together.

  I made a mental note—he doesn’t like anyone else touching me.

  Okay, yeah, so making him jealous was kind of fun because there was no way he could even let on right now.

  “Back off, Reed, or it’ll be my fist surrounding you,” Finn threatened.

  “Fuck you, Rodriguez. Welfare bums like you aren’t welcome here. Neither are medical dropouts requiring Daddy’s help.” Carter snickered as he walked off.

  “Charlie, why the fuck did you agree to go with him?” Finn hissed as Jen placed her hand on his chest to calm him down.

  “Because I was in shit with my dad for skipping school and missing geometry, and I needed his notes. He may be the biggest douche, but he aces geometry.”

  “Next time I’ll lend you mine,” Finn offered.

  “Did you not hear my story? He aces geometry. I don’t need help in flunking, I was managing that just fine by myself.” I rolled my eyes, and Finn waved me off before swaying his body to the beat of the Jay-Z song that came on.

  Again, I was left alone with Alex.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” I mumbled.

  “You’re stunningly beautiful tonight, and I have to stand here and pretend you mean nothing to me and allow that lowlife to put his hands on you.”

  “Alex, I’m sorry.”

  I ached to touch him, but there was no way.

  “No, I’m sorry for not trusting you with that jerk-off. Anyway, from what I’ve heard, his dick is so tiny he couldn’t even get Kaley off.”

  I laughed so loud. It was true, and there was nothing I loved more than seeing Alex smile, even if it was about Carter’s tiny dick. “That’s the rumor. Even my dad has heard it.”

  “Wow, even Mr. Mason is in the know.”

  “Sadly, yes. I didn’t mean to be so cold back there, but people are catching on. I don’t know why but Kaley made a snipe, and I told her she was an idiot, but she’s obviously got the impression somehow. I don’t know where this is going or what will happen in the future, but I know that right now, we can’t be caught.”

  “We won’t, Charlotte. But tonight, I need to get my hands on you somehow, just leave the brainstorming to me.” He winked.

  It wasn’t long before Adriana returned. We danced to a few songs and enjoyed the typical prom fest. An hour or so later, the ceremonies began. In true Carmel High fashion, Carter was named prom king, and Kaley was named prom queen. Of course, she gloated, waving like the fucking diva she was. We all clapped giving her the moment she wanted. I didn’t really care because I had no feelings for Carter. They danced the traditional prom king and queen dance. It was all one big hilarious show. It couldn’t have been any more stereotypical. They only lasted a few minutes before Kaley stormed off annoyed with something Carter had said.

  Walking over to me only moments later, I shuddered at the request I knew was coming.

  “Dance with my date?” He held out his hand.

  My eyes pleaded with Alex for him to understand why I agreed. Almost like he understood instantly, he stood there with a satisfied smile on his face.

  “One dance,” I warned him.

  We danced for a bit before I started hearing gurgling sounds. I wasn’t hungry. I had become BFFs with the waiter who served the mini corn dogs. Strange, I thought. Again, I heard the sound. It was quite loud. Carter had this uncomfortable look on his face. I turned to look at him but was distracted by Kaley’s interruption.

  “You’re such a slut trying to have Carter and Alex. Why don’t you go fuck them? Hey, have a threesome,” she shouted.

  The gurgling sound erupted, but this time it was louder. Both Carter and Kaley stood in front of me. Carter immediately excused himself as I watched him run across the gymnasium with his legs squeezed together. Oh! I couldn’t help but laugh. He must’ve caught Elijah’s bug or something. Totally gross.

  “Seriously, Kaley, get a life. I’m not the one flashing my flaps like a winning lottery ticket all over town.”

  “No, just to Alex?” she asked mockingly.

  “What exactly is your fucking problem with him?”

  “I have no problem with him, and clearly, you don’t either. Otherwise, the two of you wouldn’t have been seen fucking on the hood of his car,” she sneered.

  Oh, holy fuck, so someone had seen.

  With my heart pumping loudly in my chest, denial would be my best friend for now. “Yeah, nice try, Kaley. I warned you, don’t go making shit up about my friends.”

  We were both standing there folding our arms in a face-off. Adriana, Alex, Finn, Jen, and a few other guys came over to stop what I thought was just about to happen.

  Kaley pushed me back.

  So, the little bitch wanted to fight.

  I was just about to return the favor when I heard that sound again.

  “What the fuck is that?” I asked, looking at Kaley.

  Her face contorted as the sound intensified. She hugged her stomach attempting to run off, but her heel was caught on my dress trailing on the floor. She tugged on my dress with force, attempting to untangle the fabric from her heel.

  “Ow, Kaley. Stop fucking moving, you’re stuck on my dress!”

  “Charlie, let go of me,” she screamed.

  “Oh my God, Kaley, let me fucking get your heel off.”

  It was too late.

  She covered her face, and the gurgling stopped.

  There was a massive eruption of laughter around me, and it was only moments later I realized what had happened. The corners of my lips curled. I fought hard as my cheeks swelled momentarily with the pressure, but it was no use. My laughter erupted, echoing through the crowd as I bent over, slapping my knee repeatedly. “Did you just shart yourself?”

  “Shut up! Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch!”

  Alex leaned down, unable to contain his laughter as he undid the heel from my dress. A mortified Kaley lifted her dress attempting to cover the brown spot that had formed against the pale pink fabric. The group of us fell to the floor in hysterics.

  “Is everything okay?” Principal Sinclair asked.

  “Yes, sir,” we all said in unison.

  We leaned on each other to stand up.

  This was a night to remember, all right.

  “Char, that was hilarious! I’ve no idea why she’s making up stuff about you and Alex, though?” Adriana asked, looking confused as she attempted to catch her breath.

  “Please, like I’d touch this jerk with a ten-foot pole.” I chuckled, punching Alex in the arm.

  I was worried he’d take offense, but he caught on quickly to the game we were playing.

  “Nice, Char,” he teased, mimicking Adriana’s nickname for me.

  “Oh my God, you guys!”

  Our heads turned to where Adriana was looking. Standing there at the entrance of the gymnasium was Elijah in his crisp baby blue suit with a black shirt buttoned down. He looked like he belonged in the 1960s, but he rocked that suit. It was a modern take, and no one could have pulled that off except Elijah Morrison.

�� Adriana screamed, pulling Elijah into an embrace. She chatted animatedly to Elijah explaining every detail of the night so far. Their long reunion gave Alex a moment to whisper something into my ear.

  “Now,” were the only words he spoke.

  I followed him to the punch table conveniently located next to a hidden exit. Slipping our way through unnoticed, he pulled my hand, and we ended up in a corridor not far from my biology class. “Is this your biology classroom?”

  “Yes,” I answered, unsure of where he was going with this.

  He pulled me to the door and turned the handle. It was unlocked. The room was dark, except for a slight hint of the moon. “Which one is your desk?”

  “The one at the back by the window,” I responded, still baffled.

  He led me to the desk and cupped my face, kissing me hard, our tongues in a frenzy after being apart for a week. I missed him. God, I fucking missed everything about him.

  “Charlotte, you look so beautiful tonight, but I need to do filthy things to you right now on your desk.”

  His lips brushed along my neckline, arousing every inch of me. Running my tongue along his jaw inhaling his scent as I went then closed my eyes losing myself in this moment. He lifted and placed me on my desk. Spreading my legs wide open, he stood between them, then tilting his head slightly he placed his mouth on my chest, lavishing it with kisses. Hungrily, he unzipped me, exposing my bra that formed no barrier as he pushed it up baring my breasts. Taking each nipple into his mouth, I groaned. This only added to the intensity as he sucked them harder. I arched my back, begging him to enter me.

  “You want me to slide my cock in right now?”

  I nodded, unable to speak.

  “No, Charlotte. You’ve made my life a living hell this past week. You sent my mind on the wildest goose chase possible, imagining the worst between you and Carter,” he continued, taking my nipple in his mouth harder.


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