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Blood & Secrets: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 2

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by Helen Bright

  “Yes, I’ll come to bed with you, but I may have to get in bed with Daisy if she wakes up in the night.” Her voice sounded slightly nervous.

  “Of course, Keeley,” I said, stroking her cheek. “Whatever you need to do.”

  “Well then, take me to bed, Josh. Love me and make me feel wanted.”

  I kissed her softly and told her the truth, “I do love you Keeley, more than you know. And I do want you, I have for a long time now.” She gasped loudly, looking a little shocked at my statement, but before long I could see a smile emerging.

  “I love you too, Josh. I’ve dreamed of us, and of a night like this, and how it could be between us.”

  I turned off the TV, and she went to check on Daisy before coming to join me a few minutes later in my bedroom.

  Chapter Four


  I waited for her at the side of my bed, and she came to me with a look of apprehension.

  “What’s wrong Keeley? If you don’t want to do this, just say so. I’m not going to put pressure on you just because we fooled around out there.”

  “It’s not that Josh, it’s just the thought of not being good enough for someone again. I haven’t had a lot of experience, and I’ve not slept with anyone since I found out I was pregnant. Look how that relationship turned out.”

  “He is the biggest fool that has ever walked this earth, Keeley. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You are as equally beautiful inside as you are outside,” I said as I placed my hand over her heart. She pulled away from me and at that moment I could have torn Daisy’s father apart for hurting Keeley. I had to turn my face away so she wouldn’t see my fangs before I had time to retract them.

  I heard the rustle of fabric, and I turned around to find her climbing naked into bed. She was gazing at me, and I held that gaze for a few moments before I began to unbuckle my belt. Then I removed my jeans and boxers in one so that I stood naked before her.

  “Jos, you are huge. I mean, I know I’ve had a baby, so I’m obviously no virgin, but that’s just not going to fit inside me.”

  I laughed quietly as I got into bed.

  “Do you trust me, Keeley? Do you trust that I would do everything in my power not to hurt you?”

  “Yes, I trust you but…”

  “Then let me take care of you tonight. Let me show you how it should be when someone loves you with everything they have.”

  Keeley nodded slowly, and I kissed her with lazy little presses of my mouth around her lips, her cheeks, and her eyes. I made my way down to her neck, where I licked her collarbone from one side to the other, and planted little bites where her neck met her shoulder. When I heard her moan, I transferred my kisses back to her lips and took advantage of her open mouth to thrust my tongue inside. Within seconds, the kiss turned wild. I turned us over so I could lay my body on top of hers, and she wrapped her legs around my thighs.

  She was rocking her pelvis up to meet mine, so I placed my cock at her entrance and began to push inside her.

  Keeley felt so tight. Even though she was wet, I knew I would hurt her if I pushed further inside her at this moment. I rolled us back over so that she was straddling me. Then I lifted her up by her hips and brought her up the bed towards my face.

  “Josh, I’ve never…Oh my god…” Keeley groaned as I thrust my tongue inside her repeatedly.

  I pulled back her folds and found her clit which was firm from her arousal. I began to run my tongue around it; then I flicked it in a side to side motion, which Keeley seemed to love because she started to grind herself into my face. She tasted so delicious, and I drank down the cream she released as her orgasm built. I carried on with the same side to side rhythm, and when I managed to slip two fingers inside her, Keeley came with a near silent scream, before her body dropped forward onto my headboard.

  I lifted her and brought her back down to where my cock stood thick and wanting. I lined my cock to her entrance and Keeley sank down on it slowly. I could see the outline of her features and her body from the light we had left on for Daisy in the hallway.

  Keeley looked so perfect to me, in every way I could think of.

  “You are so sexy Keeley, so perfect. You were made for me, made only for me. You are mine now, mine for always.”

  “Yes Josh, I want to be yours, so don’t ever let me go,” Keeley said, panting as she began to move her body up and down my length.

  It was too much. The feeling of her tight, wet, heat wrapped around my cock and the way she was moaning my name, was making me come sooner than I wanted, so I began to stroke her clit rhythmically as she rode me hard. I did my best to make it last, this moment that I had been thinking about for so long. Keeley cried out as her orgasm hit, and I erupted inside her when I felt the muscles of her sex contract around me. She fell forward onto my chest; her skin was damp and she was breathless as I sought her lips once more. As we kissed and whispered I love you’s to each other, I heard a quiet sob in the doorway.

  “Mummy…” Daisy said, her voice quivering.

  “I’m here Daisy, just a minute,” said Keeley in a panicked voice.

  I reached over to my bedside drawer, pulled a pair of boxer shorts out and put them on under the quilt. Keeley had jumped up out of bed and picked Daisy up. She was holding her close and stroking her hair as she whispered everything was okay.

  “It’s not okay, Mummy, I heard you cry.”

  “Mummy wasn’t crying, Daisy,” I said as I walked towards them. “I was tickling her and she was laughing.”

  “Were you laughing, Mummy?”

  “Yes love I was. Shall we go back to bed now?” Keeley asked as she walked into the hallway.

  “Can we stay with Josh in his big bed?”

  “Oh no Daisy, I don’t think there’s enough room in his bed.”

  “You can both stay with me if you want?” I said hopefully. I didn’t want Keeley to leave my bed tonight and I didn’t want to see Daisy upset.

  I walked into the bathroom to wipe my face. I had the taste and scent of Keeley’s orgasm all over it, so I wanted to get cleaned up before I kissed Daisy good night. When I walked back into the bedroom, Keeley jumped up to use the bathroom, and I got into bed. Daisy scrambled over to me, put her arms around my neck and laid her head on my chest. By the time Keeley came out of the bathroom and put her pyjama top and shorts back on, Daisy was asleep. Keeley snuggled up to Daisy and me and grabbed my hand.

  “Sorry about this, Josh, you probably didn’t expect this tonight.”

  “Keeley, you and Daisy come as a package deal, so don’t ever apologise for Daisy being with us. I love you both and would do anything for you. Besides, how many men can say that they have two beautiful blondes in bed with them tonight?” I said as I kissed Daisy on the head, then raised Keeley’s hand so I could kiss that, too.

  For the first time in my long life, I finally felt whole. Like the missing pieces from the jigsaw of my life had been found and put in place, and it came from the love I felt for them both.

  Chapter Five


  I woke up at six a.m. with something in my mouth.

  It was Daisy’s foot.

  She was laid across the pillows and had her head on Keeley’s shoulder. Daisy’s mouth was open and she was snoring softly. I got out of bed as quietly as I could, picked up the jeans I wore yesterday and carried them into the bathroom in the hallway.

  After a quick shower, I went to start breakfast, as I knew Keeley would want to leave early so she could try and get her father in to see the doctor. I put bacon under the grill and sorted some eggs out for scrambled eggs, which was Daisy’s favourite.

  Just as I was pouring Keeley a cup of tea to take into the bedroom, in she walked holding Daisy’s hand. She looked up at me with a shy grin, and I couldn’t help but smile right back. Keeley looked lovely this morning, they both did, and when she walked right up to me and planted a wet kiss on my lips, I felt like I had won the lottery twice over.

reakfast is ready my two sleepy heads,” I said as I pulled a chair out for each of my girls.

  “This is lovely Josh; you are spoiling us…and I love it,” said Keeley playfully.

  “I like spoiling you two,” I said as I served up the bacon and scrambled eggs.

  Keeley began to cut up Daisy’s bacon as I brought us each a drink.

  “Joshua, are you going to marry my Mummy?” asked Daisy, suddenly.

  Keeley and I just stared at her, both of us a little lost for words.

  “What makes you ask that Daisy?” said Keeley, trying to keep the nerves out of her voice.

  “Because you and Josh were in bed and were nudey rudey, and you gave him a sloppy kiss when you saw him. When people on TV get all nudey rudey and kiss, they get married and have babies.”

  Keeley’s face was bright red, and she was lost for words, so I seized the opportunity and told the inquisitive little girl the truth.

  “I would very much like to marry your mummy Daisy, but only if that’s okay with you.”

  I looked towards Keeley as I finished speaking. She just sat still with her mouth hung open in utter shock, and I wondered if I had done the right thing by admitting that.

  “I think it's okay Joshua, and I could be a bridesmaid again,” said Daisy enthusiastically.

  Daisy was a bridesmaid at Alex and Julia’s wedding just before Christmas, and she loved the attention she had gotten. Keeley still hadn’t spoken, and I was starting to get a little nervous in case I had just messed everything up between us.

  “Ohhh, would that mean you would get to be my daddy, too?” Daisy asked, her eyes as wide as her smile.

  “Would you like Josh to be your daddy?” asked Keeley, as she finally found her voice.

  “Yep,” said Daisy, as both she and Keeley turned to look at me.

  “Would you like to be Daisy’s father, Josh? It’s a forever thing, so think very carefully about the answer you give.”

  “I don’t need to think about it, Keeley. I would be honoured to be Daisy’s father. To become that would be the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  Keeley and I couldn’t seem to tear our gazes away from each other, and I understood at that moment what people mean when they say that time stood still for them.

  Daisy broke the silence.

  “So are you going to be my daddy Joshua?”

  Keeley turned to Daisy and said, “Yes love, you have a daddy now. I think you should give your daddy a big cuddle and say thank you for making you breakfast.”

  Daisy stood up on her chair, and I picked her up to sit on my knee. She put her arms around me as far as they would go and said, “Thank you for making me breakfast Daddy. Oh, and thank you for being my daddy, too.”

  “That’s okay Princess,” I said, my voice cracking as I tried my best to keep the tears that were appearing in my eyes at bay.

  “Not Princess, Daddy, you keep forgetting, I’m a queen now, like Ellie,” Daisy said as she scrambled off my lap and ran towards the hallway.

  “Come on Mummy; I need to get to school and tell my friend Kelly that I’ve got a Dad now, like her, and I’m going to be a bridesmaid.”

  I looked over at Keeley and smiled, “Thank you, Keeley, I hope you know that I’ll never let either of you down, and I will love you both and take care of you always.”

  “I know that Josh, I just hope you know that taking care of Madam in there is not always going to be this easy.”

  “Keeley, I woke up this morning with Daisy’s foot in my mouth, and she was laid straight across the pillow. If I can cope with that, I don’t think anything else will faze me.”

  Keeley shook her head and smiled, “Oh, you don’t know the half of it yet Josh.”

  “No, but you’ll be there to hold my hand throughout it all, and show me the way.”

  “You don’t have to marry me you know. It was just talk.”

  “No, it wasn’t, Keeley. Not for me anyway.”

  I came to kneel beside her.

  “Keeley Saunders, will you marry me?” I asked, as I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes.

  “Josh, if you’re sure this is what you want, then yes, I will marry you.”

  I kissed her softly, trying to put as much love into it as I possibly could. I wanted to take her back to bed and make love to her slowly, but I could hear Daisy bouncing on the bed and repeatedly singing, “I’ve got a daddy, I’ve got a daddy.” So I reigned those thoughts in until Daisy went to sleep tonight.

  I sat back on my heels and sighed as I decided how to broach something that had been in my thoughts since yesterday evening.

  “Keeley, I’ve been thinking about your Dad and the best way to help him. Will you allow me to get him into a good rehab centre? Cost isn’t an issue for me, and I don’t want him to get any worse while we wait for the NHS. If we go private, we might be able to get him regular checks and weekends there in the future so he can keep on the right path. “

  “Josh it would be way too expensive and...”

  “Keeley I want to do this for you, and for Daisy and your brother. Think of it as an early wedding present from me, so your dad can be well enough to walk you down the aisle, and so he can be a good grandfather to Daisy.”

  “Josh, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just let me do this for you, Keeley. I was taken from my family over two hundred and seventy years ago, and for so many years I wondered what had become of them, and if someone was around to help my father in my absence. So it would make me feel good to be able to help your father.”

  Keeley placed her hands on my shoulders and pulled me close for a hug.

  “Thanks, Josh. I love you, and I hope this works for him. He wasn’t always like this. When Mum was alive, he was the best Dad you could ever wish for. When Mum was dying, he just couldn’t cope, and when she passed away, he lost it altogether. After the funeral, he had a complete breakdown and ended up in the psychiatric ward. That was when we went to live with Aunt Mags and Uncle Dave for a while.

  “When he was well again we all moved back here permanently, and he was coping really well; then when I went away to university, he lost it again. I felt sorry for Daniel having to cope with him at home on his own. When I found out I was pregnant and came back home, he got himself well again. He was great with Daisy and used to look after her while I worked. Can you remember how well he looked then Josh? He looked so different. Now he’s just a shell of a man.”

  “We will get him healthy again Keeley. Maybe we can beef him up, like Daniel.”

  “That would take some doing. Our Dan’s proper muscular, like you. My Dad’s never really been like that. We don’t take after my him at all when I think about it. We are both blond with blue eyes like mum, and we are both taller than mum and dad. My grandfather was tall, though, so dad says we take after him.”

  “I want to remember how my family looked, but I think my memory has been distorted a little over the years,” I told her. “I wish I could draw well so I could have an image of my parents, and my cousins. I think I resemble my father, but my eyes were definitely like my mother’s.”

  “Mummy, I can’t fasten my buttons,” Daisy yelled.

  “Duty calls,” said Keeley as she stood and set off walking to Daisy.

  I snagged her hand and pulled her back to me.

  “I love you, babe, and I can’t wait until you are in my bed again tonight.”

  “If it’s anything like last night, I will be one satisfied woman,” she said blushing.

  I spanked her bottom as she walked away, and she turned around and blew me a kiss.

  Chapter Six


  We managed to get my father in to see the doctor for an emergency appointment, which was a great feat in itself. He had to have some blood tests and a full examination. The doctor explained about the effects that alcohol can have on the liver. To be honest, we knew all that anyway, and so did my dad. It hadn’t stopped him drinking before, but this t
ime, it made me think about my drinking on my rare nights out. I decided then that I would limit my alcohol intake, and not be encouraged by handsome Russians into drinking their vodka and absinthe.

  Daniel had picked us up in his car, and Uncle Dave had come to the doctors with us, too. I had explained to them about Josh wanting to pay for private rehab treatment for dad, and Daniel reluctantly agreed.

  With Doctor Chandler’s help, we were able to place dad in a privately funded rehab centre in Sheffield. It was only forty minutes’ drive from where we lived, but they didn’t have a place for him until that evening, so Dan and I went back home with dad to get his things together.

  Daniel was still a little off with my dad, but he was making the effort to get along with him, and I was grateful for that. Uncle Dave took dad out for a walk, and Daniel finally got to ask the question that had been on his mind most of the morning.

  “What’s going on with you and Josh?”

  “Well, Josh minded Daisy yesterday, so when my car wouldn’t start, I phoned him to let him know I would be late picking her up. He came to get me, brought me here, then came in the house with Daisy and me.” I sighed heavily, remembering dad’s behaviour yesterday.

  “Dad was awful with him Dan. He was quite racist towards him. Then he said I had been whoring with him, and he was shouting and swearing, which made Daisy cry. Josh told us to get our things together so we could stay with him. I left Josh with him while Daisy and I got our clothes and stuff, and when we came downstairs dad was pouring whisky down the sink, and he said he was sorry. He also agreed to go to the doctors today. Josh offered to pay for the rehab so we could get dad well he could walk me down the aisle like a dad should.”

  “Why? Are you planning on getting married Keeley?”

  “Well, Josh asked me to marry him this morning, and I said yes, so I suppose I will be getting married, but I’m not sure when. It’s all kind of new and to be honest, it all happened so fast. Then we had dad at the doctor’s, so I haven’t had much time to think about it.”


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